Exemplo n.º 1
def test_function(f, inputcount):
	Analyse a given function with a single output, and print the 
	resulting simplification
	M = Matrix(2**inputcount, inputcount+1)
	for row in range(2**inputcount):
		args = []
		n = row
		for _ in range(inputcount):
			args.append(True if (n % 2) else False)
			n >>= 1
		args = args[::-1]
		v = (ONE if f(*args) else ZERO)
		n = (row << 1) + v
		M.bin_set_row(row, n, inputcount+1)

	o = solve_system(M, [x for x in range(inputcount)], [inputcount], [], [],
		                ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'], ['X'], [])
class CircuitProbe:
	# Number of available GPIO pins
	NUM_GPIO = 15

	# All of the availble GPIO pins
	reserved_pins = { "power": 3, "clock": 5 }
	available_pins = [7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27]

	# Controls default debug state
	default_debug_state = True

	def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, states = 0, enable_powercycle = True, propogation_time = .01, debug = None):
		If debug is None, it will default to the default debug state of the CircuitProbe class. To enable or disable debug mode
		Initialize CircuitProbe with debug = True of debug = False.
		if debug is None:
			debug = CircuitProbe.default_debug_state

		# Enable or disable debug mode

		# Set the pin numbering mode

		# Setup the power and clock pins	
		for i in CircuitProbe.reserved_pins:
			pin = CircuitProbe.reserved_pins[i]
			if self.__debug:
				print("Setting pin {} as {}".format(pin, i))
			GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

		# Setup the base state
		self.reset(inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs, states = states, 
			enable_powercycle = enable_powercycle, propogation_time = propogation_time)

	def get_type_for_column(self, col):
		Returns the type string for the column.
		row_type = "Input"
		if col >= self.__inputs:
			row_type = "State"
		if col >= self.__inputs + self.__states:
			row_type = "Output"
		if col >= self.__inputs + self.__states + self.__outputs:
			row_type = "Next State"

		return row_type

	def get_title_for_column(self, col):
		Returns the type string for the column.
		row_var = chr(ord('A') + col)
		if col >= self.__inputs:
			row_var = col - self.__inputs
		if col >= self.__inputs + self.__states:
			row_var = col - self.__inputs - self.__states
		if col >= self.__inputs + self.__states + self.__outputs:
			row_var = col - self.__inputs - self.__states - self.__outputs

		return row_var

	def get_channel_for_column(self, col):
		Returns the GPIO channel number for the column.
		return CircuitProbe.available_pins[col]

	def get_num_inputs(self):
		return self.__inputs

	def get_num_outputs(self):
		return self.__outputs

	def get_num_states(self):
		return self.__states

	def set_debug(self, debug):
		Enables or disables circuit probe debug mode which prints additional output.
		self.__debug = debug

	def __valid_num_io(self, inputs, outputs, states):
		Checks that the number of inputs/outputs/states is valid for the number of GPIO pins available.

		>>> CP = CircuitProbe(1, 1)
		>>> CP.reset(4, 3, 1)

		>>> CP.reset(4, 3, 2)

		>>> CP.reset(5, 3, 1)

		>>> CP.reset(4, 4, 1)

		>>> CP.reset(4, 3, 0)
		return (CircuitProbe.NUM_GPIO > (inputs + states) and inputs > 0 and outputs > 0 and states >= 0)

	def reset(self, inputs = None, outputs = None, states = None, enable_powercycle = True,
			  propogation_time = 0.01, clock_time = 0.01):
		Resets the CircuitProbe to its base unanalysed state. You can use this to change
		the number of inputs/outputs/states, if not specified the number of inputs/outputs/states
		is not changed.
		if inputs is not None and outputs is not None and states is not None:
			if not self.__valid_num_io(inputs, outputs, states):
				raise Exception("Invalid number of inputs/outputs/states specified for CircuitProbe: {}, {}, {}".format(inputs, outputs, states))

			# Set the inputs/outputs/states
			self.__inputs = inputs
			self.__outputs = outputs
			self.__states = states

			# Keep track of the largest input given the number of available inputs
			self.__max_input = (2**inputs) - 1

		## Setup GPIO pins
		# Configure inputs
		for i in CircuitProbe.available_pins[:self.__inputs]:
			if self.__debug:
				print("Setting channel {} as circuit input.".format(i))
			GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)

		# Configure states
		for i in CircuitProbe.available_pins[self.__inputs:(self.__inputs + self.__states)]:
			if self.__debug:
				print("Setting channel {} as circuit state.".format(i))
			GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.IN)

		# Configure outputs
		for i in CircuitProbe.available_pins[(self.__inputs + self.__states):(self.__inputs + self.__states + self.__outputs)]:
			if self.__debug:
				print("Setting channel {} as circuit output".format(i))
			GPIO.setup(i, GPIO.IN)

		# Initialize the matrix for holding values
		self.matrix = Matrix(0, self.__inputs + self.__outputs + 2*self.__states)
		self.analyzed_outputs = []

		# Some internal state stuff
		self.__powercycle_enabled = enable_powercycle
		self.__circuit_propogation_time = propogation_time
		self.__circuit_clock_time = clock_time

	def powercycle(self):
		Turns the circuit off, sleeps then turns back on. Then sleeps for the circuit timeout time before returning.
		if not self.__powercycle_enabled:
			if self.__debug:
				print("Powercycling not enabled.")


		if self.__debug:
			print("Powercycling circuit.")

		# Power cycle pin is the first pin
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["power"], GPIO.LOW)
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["power"], GPIO.HIGH)

	def power_on(self):
		Turns the circuit power on and waits the propogation time.
		if self.__debug:
			print("Circuit power on.")
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["power"], GPIO.HIGH)

	def power_off(self):
		Turns the circuit power off and waits the propogation time.
		if self.__debug:
			print("Circuit power off.")
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["power"], GPIO.LOW)

	def get_matrix(self):
		return self.matrix

	def get_current_state(self):
		Checks the state probes to determine what state the circuit is currently in and returns a state list
		state_list = []
		for i in range(self.__states):
			state_list.append(bool(GPIO.input(CircuitProbe.available_pins[self.__inputs + i])))
			print("Output on: {} is {}".format(CircuitProbe.available_pins[self.__inputs + i], state_list[-1]))

		return state_list

	def get_current_output(self):
		Checks the current state of all circuit outputs
		output_list = []

		for i in range(self.__outputs):
			output_list.append(GPIO.input(CircuitProbe.available_pins[self.__inputs + self.__states + i]))
			if self.__debug:
				print("Pin {} output: {}".format(CircuitProbe.available_pins[self.__inputs + self.__states + i], output_list[-1]))

		return output_list

	def set_inputs(self, val):
		Sets the ouputs to the binary representation of val

		for i in range(0, self.__inputs):
			GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.available_pins[i], val>>(self.__inputs-i-1) & 1)

	def pulse_clock(self):
		Generates one clock cycle on the output and waits for one propogation_time.
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["clock"], GPIO.HIGH)
		GPIO.output(CircuitProbe.reserved_pins["clock"], GPIO.LOW)

	def test_and_record(self, current_state, test_val):
		Applies a test input to the circuit and record what the output of the circuit becomes 
		and which state it goes to. Returns the new state.

		Order of operations:
		Set inputs -> Measure output -> Pulse Clock -> Record Next State
		# Probe the next circuit inputs for this state

		# Wait a propogation time

		# Record the state we're in
		current_state_bin = self.get_binary_state_representation(current_state)

		# Record the input/output of the circuit
		self.matrix.bin_set_row(-1,test_val, self.__inputs)
		self.matrix.bin_set_row(-1,current_state_bin, self.__states, start_offset = self.__inputs)
		self.matrix.bin_set_row(-1,self.get_current_output(), self.__outputs, 
			start_offset = self.__inputs + self.__states)

		# Clock the circuit

		# Record the state we went to

		# Check which state the circuit went to
		current_state = self.get_numerical_state_representation(self.get_current_state())

		# Record the state in the matrix
		self.matrix.bin_set_row(-1,current_state, self.__states, start_offset = self.__inputs + self.__states + self.__outputs)

		return current_state

	def get_ordered_output_matrix(self):
		Returns a "sorted" copy of the output matrix. Sort is done by circuit inputs and states only. Outputs are not sorted
		# Build "indices for each row"
		row_index = lambda r: (self.get_numerical_state_representation(r[:self.__inputs]) +
			(self.get_numerical_state_representation(r[self.__inputs:self.__inputs + self.__states]) * (2**self.__states)))

		return self.matrix

	def get_binary_state_representation(self, num):
		Takes an input number and returns an array of bits to represent that number.

		The length of the representation is always the number of states for the circuit probe.

		>>> cp = CircuitProbe(3, 3, 0)
		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(0)
		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(1)
		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(2)

		>>> cp = CircuitProbe(3, 3, 2)
		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(0)
		[0, 0]

		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(1)
		[0, 1]

		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(2)
		[1, 0]

		>>> cp.get_binary_state_representation(3)
		[1, 1]
		rep = []
		index = 0
		shifted = num
		while index < self.__states:
			rep.append(shifted & 1)

			# Advance the shift
			index += 1
			shifted >>= 1

		return rep[::-1]

	def get_numerical_state_representation(self, num):
		Takes an input list of bytes and returns it as a number

		>>> cp = CircuitProbe(3, 3, 0)
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([0, 0])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([0, 1])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([1, 0])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([1, 1])

		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([0])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([1])
		>>> cp.get_numerical_state_representation([0, 0, 0])
		index = 0
		shifted = 0

		for i in num[::-1]:
			shifted |= (i<<index)
			index += 1

		return shifted
	def get_closest_untested_state(self, untested, current_state, base_state, edges):
		Finds the closest untested or partially untested state from the current one. If one is found
		and is reachable, returns the path to the state as a list of inputs needed to get there.

		If there are no reachable partially untested states returns None.

		Performs a BFS for the closest state.
		# Current cost

		# Check that there are known connected states to this one
		queue = { current_state: 0, base_state: 1 }

	    # List of previous nodes
		previous = { 0: None }

		while queue:
			# Get the item with min cost in the queue
			(currentElement, currentCost) = min(queue.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])

			# Remove that element from the queue

			# Check if the current element is within the untested set
			if currentElement in untested:
				# Walk backwards in history until we get to the source node
				path = [ currentElement ]
				while path[-1] != current_state:
					# None is the shortcut for powercycling the circuit
					if path[-1] is None:

					# Use path.append for speed and reverse later
					path.append( previous[ 
						path[-1] ] )

				# The path is now backwards, reverse and return
				return path

			# and append to the queue with history
			if currentElement in edges:
				for child in edges[currentElement]:
					if child in previous.keys(): continue
					previous[child] = currentElement

					# The cost of each step is onex
					queue[child] = currentCost + 1

		return None

	def probe(self):
		Probes the circuit. Returns a list of unreachable states.

		# Can't do anything if all outputs have been analyzed
		if len(self.analyzed_outputs) >= self.__outputs:
			if self.__debug:
				print("All outputs have been analyzed")

		tested = {}

		# Power cycle the circuit and check its base state
		last_state = base_state = self.get_numerical_state_representation(self.get_current_state())
		if self.__debug:
			print("Circuit base state: {}".format(base_state))

		# Edges contains the path from each state to each state that can be reached from that state
		# Destinations are contained in a tuple: (destination, input) Where input is the required input
		# from the source state to get to the destination
		edges = {}

		# Start by applying inputs sequentially to whatever state the circuit is currently in.
		# This should reduce path lengths generated by the pathfinding
		while True:
			# Check the next test value
			if last_state in tested:
				# Check if this state has received all possible inputs
				if tested[last_state] < self.__max_input:
					tested[last_state] += 1
					# It has received all inputs. Exit the while loop

				tested[last_state] = 0

			if self.__debug:
				print("Testing state {} with input {}".format(last_state, tested[last_state]))

			# Apply the input value
			t_last_state = last_state
			last_state = self.test_and_record(last_state, tested[last_state])

			# Add this to the edges if we've moved between states
			if t_last_state != last_state:
				if t_last_state not in edges:
					edges[t_last_state] = [ (base_state, None) ] # Each state can go to the base state by resetting
				edges[t_last_state].append((last_state, tested[t_last_state]))
				if self.__debug:
					print("Edges are now: ")

		if self.__debug:
			print("Test stage 1 finished.")

		# Start by building a list of states/inputs that require testing
		untested = {}
		for i in range(self.__states):
			# Get a binary representation of the state
			i_state = self.get_binary_state_representation(i)

			# Check if this state has untested inputs
			if i not in tested or tested[i] != self.__max_input:
				if i not in untested:
					untested[i] = []

				# State has untested inputs
				if i not in tested:
					untested[i] = 0
					untested[i] = tested[i]

				# for j in range(tested[i] + 1, self.__max_input + 1):
				# 	untested[i].append(j)

		if self.__debug:
			print("Untested states for part 2: {}".format(untested))

		# If there are no untested states, we can stop here!
		if len(untested) == 0:
			return [] # Return empty list for no unreachable states

		# Now attempt to get to each of these test cases
		while untested:
			# Check if state has untested inputs
			if last_state in untested:
				# The current state has untested inputs, try the next one
				t_last_state = last_state
				last_state = self.test_and_record(last_state, untested[last_state])

				# Add this to the edges if we've moved between states
				if t_last_state != last_state:
					if t_last_state not in edges:
						edges[t_last_state] = [ (base_state, None) ] # Each state can go to the base state by resetting

					edges[t_last_state].append((last_state, tested[last_state]))

				# Check if this was the last untested input for the state and remove if yes
				if untested[t_last_state] == self.__max_input:
					untested[t_last_state] += 1
				# This state has no untested inputs, pathfind to the closest state with untested inputs
				path_to_closest = self.get_closest_untested_state(untested, last_state, base_state, edges)
				print("Closest state: {}".format(path_to_closest))

				# None indicates there is no path to any state we need to check
				if path_to_closest is None:

				# The force is strong here... This path we should follow...
				# follow_path(path_to_closest)
				for i in path_to_closest:
					# For each direction, apply the needed input and check where we are
					if i is None:
						# None indicates a powercycle is needed
						# Get the input thats going to go from this state to the next
						required_input = [e[1] for e in edges if e[0] == i][0]

						print("Required Input: {}".format(required_input))

						# Set the inputs and pulse the clock to go!

					last_state = self.get_numerical_state_representation(self.get_current_state())
					if last_state in untested:
						# If the current state has untested stuff, break free!
						print("State found!")

		# If we made it this far, then we most likely introduced duplicate rows in the matrix.

		return untested