Exemplo n.º 1
def rebuildSubscriptions(context, request):
        Rebuild context subscriptions

        Performs sanity checks on existing subscriptions
    existing_contexts = {}
    contexts = request.db.contexts.dump()
    for context in contexts:
        existing_contexts[context['hash']] = context

    users = request.db.users.search({'subscribedTo.0': {'$exists': True}})
    for user in users:
        for subscription in user.get('subscribedTo', []):
            if subscription['hash'] not in existing_contexts:
                fake_deleted_context = Context.from_object(request, subscription)
                subscription.pop('vetos', None)
                subscription.pop('grants', None)
    handler = JSONResourceRoot(request, [])
    return handler.buildResponse()
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: user.py Projeto: UPCnet/max
    def _after_delete(self):
            Deletes user exchanges just after user is deleted.
        # Comento que al borrar el usuario no borre sus exchanges del rabbit
        # para que no haya problemas con este usuario ens otras instancias
        #notifier = RabbitNotifications(self.request)

        # Mientras no solucionamos lo anterior, como los routing key de activity no se borraban
        # y nos podia dar error al intentar notificar a ese usuario
        # borro los contextos a los que esta subscrito este usuario en este MAX
        from max.models import Context

        for subscription in self['subscribedTo']:
            fake_deleted_context = Context.from_object(self.request, subscription)
Exemplo n.º 3
def addContext(contexts, request):
        Adds a context
    # Initialize a Context object from the request
    newcontext = Context.from_request(request)

    # If we have the _id setted, then the object already existed in the DB,
    # otherwise, proceed to insert it into the DB
    # In both cases, respond with the JSON of the object and the appropiate
    # HTTP Status Code

    if newcontext.get('_id'):
        # Already Exists
        code = 200
        # New context
        code = 201
        contextid = newcontext.insert()
        newcontext['_id'] = contextid

    handler = JSONResourceEntity(request, newcontext.flatten(), status_code=code)
    return handler.buildResponse()
Exemplo n.º 4
def addContext(context, request):
    # Initialize a Context object from the request
    newcontext = Context()

    # If we have the _id setted, then the object already existed in the DB,
    # otherwise, proceed to insert it into the DB
    # In both cases, respond with the JSON of the object and the appropiate
    # HTTP Status Code

    if newcontext.get('_id'):
        # Already Exists
        code = 200
        # New User
        code = 201
        contextid = newcontext.insert()
        newcontext['_id'] = contextid

    handler = JSONResourceEntity(newcontext.flatten(), status_code=code)
    return handler.buildResponse()