def setup(): print ("bamboo user setup") mainFileMenu = mel.eval("string $f=$gMainFileMenu") mel.eval("buildFileMenu") cmds.menuItem(dividerLabel="Bamboo Tools", divider=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Export...", parent=mainFileMenu, command="openExporterUI()")
def setup(self): self.addSwatch() self.beginScrollLayout() self.beginLayout("Expression", collapse=False) self.addCustom('expression', self.createExpression, self.replaceExpression) self.endLayout() self.beginLayout("Float variables", collapse=False) self.addCustom('fparam_name', self.createFloatVariables, self.replaceFloatVariables) self.suppress('fparam_value') self.endLayout() self.beginLayout("Vector variables", collapse=False) self.addCustom('vparam_name', self.createVectorVariables, self.replaceVectorVariables) self.suppress('vparam_value') self.endLayout() self.addControl('stop_on_error', label="Stop On Error") self.addControl('error_value', label="Error Value") mel.eval('AEdependNodeTemplate("%s")' % self.nodeName) self.addExtraControls() self.endScrollLayout()
def _ls(nodeType = '', topTransform = True, stringFilter = '', unlockNode = False): if nodeType: nodes = = nodeType) if nodes: final_nodes = [] for each in nodes: each =, long = True)[0] top_transform = cmds.listRelatives(each, parent = True, fullPath = True) if topTransform else None final_node = top_transform[0] if top_transform else each if unlockNode: try: cmds.lockNode(final_node, lock = False) except: mel.eval('warning "Failed to unlock %s, skipping...";' % final_node) if stringFilter: if stringFilter in final_node: if final_node not in final_nodes: final_nodes.append(final_node) else: if final_node not in final_nodes: final_nodes.append(final_node) return final_nodes return []
def pupMaya2mental(mentalVersion): destPath = os.getenv('DEST_PATH_WIN') rootPath, shadersPath = { 3.8:('c:/Program Files/Autodesk/mrstand3.8.1-adsk2011/bin', destPath + '/mental3.8.1'), 3.11:('c:/Program Files/Autodesk/mrstand3.11.1-adsk2014/bin', destPath + '/mental3.11.1') }[mentalVersion] os.putenv('RAY_COMMAND', '"' + rootPath + '/ray.exe"') os.putenv('MR_VERSION', str( mentalVersion ) ) miModulesPaths, binModulesPaths = modulesPath.getMiBinString() #os.putenv('MI_RAY_INCPATH', shadersPath + '/mi;' + miModulesPaths) #os.putenv('MI_LIBRARY_PATH', shadersPath + '/bin;' + binModulesPaths) #os.putenv('MI_ROOT', rootPath) mel.eval('pup_maya_2_mental(3);') mc.checkBoxGrp('pup_m2mrOverrideEnv', e=True, v1=1) mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrMiRoot', e=True, tx= rootPath ) mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrMiInclude', e=True, tx= shadersPath + '/mi;' + miModulesPaths ) mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrMiLib', e=True, tx= shadersPath + '/bin;' + binModulesPaths ) mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrMiDir', e=True, tx= "C:/Temp/" ) mc.optionMenuGrp('pup_m2mrVerboseM', e=True, sl=5) #mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrCommandLine', e=True, tx= '-finalgather_passes 0 -memory 1000000' ) mc.textFieldGrp('pup_m2mrCommandLine', e=True, tx= '-memory 1000000' ) mc.checkBoxGrp('pup_m2mrUniqueMI', e=True, v1=1) mc.optionMenuGrp('pup_m2mrPriority', e=True, sl=3)
def makeShaderWithCreateNode(self, shaderType ): # pm.createNode( shaderType ) ## For some reason, the python version of this command does not work with mip shaders... i dunno why... ## Use mel to make MIP shaders try: mel.eval( 'createNode "' + str(shaderType) + '";' ) except: print( 'cannot create shader type:' + str(shaderType) )
def main(): mm.eval('selectCurveCV("all");') sel =, fl=1) grpname = (sel[0].split('.')) grpname = grpname[0]+"_grp" grp =, n=grpname) for i in sel: iname = i.replace('[', '') iname = iname.replace(']','') iname = iname.replace('.','_') locname = iname+"_loc" clusname = iname+"_clus", r=1) print "here" cluster = mc.cluster(n=clusname) location = mc.xform(cluster, q=1, ws=1, sp=1) print location locator = mc.spaceLocator(n=locname, p=(location[0], location[1], location[2])) mc.xform(locator, cp=1) set_vis = clusname+"Handle.visibility" mc.setAttr(set_vis, 0) mc.parent(cluster, locator) mc.parent(locator, grp) shape = mc.listRelatives(locator) mc.setAttr((shape[0]+".overrideEnabled"),1) mc.setAttr((shape[0]+".overrideColor"),17)
def _publish_gpu_for_item(self, item, output, work_template, primary_publish_path, sg_task, comment, thumbnail_path, progress_cb): """ Export a gpu cache for the specified item and publish it to Shotgun. """ group_name = item["name"].strip("|") debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'group_name: %s' % group_name, verbose = False) tank_type = output["tank_type"] publish_template = output["publish_template"] # get the current scene path and extract fields from it using the work template: scene_path = os.path.abspath(cmds.file(query=True, sn= True)) fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path) publish_version = fields["version"] # update fields with the group name: fields["grp_name"] = group_name ## create the publish path by applying the fields with the publish template: publish_path = publish_template.apply_fields(fields) #'@asset_root/publish/gpu/{name}[_{grp_name}].v{version}.abc' gpuFileName = os.path.splitext(publish_path)[0].split('\\')[-1] fileDir = '/'.join(publish_path.split('\\')[0:-1]) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'gpuFileName: %s' % gpuFileName, verbose = False) ## Now fix the shaders shd.fixDGForGPU() if cmds.objExists('CORE_ARCHIVES_hrc'): cmds.setAttr('CORE_ARCHIVES_hrc.visiblity', 0) if cmds.objExists('ROOT_ARCHIVES_DNT_hrc'): cmds.setAttr('ROOT_ARCHIVES_DNT_hrc.visiblity', 0) ## build and execute the gpu cache export command for this item: try: print '=====================' print 'Exporting gpu now to %s\%s' % (fileDir, gpuFileName) #PUT THE FILE EXPORT COMMAND HERE = True) for geo in cmds.listRelatives(group_name, children = True): if 'geo_hrc' in geo: geoGroup = str(group_name) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'geoGroup: %s' % geoGroup, verbose = False) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'geoGroup: %s' % geoGroup, verbose = False) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = "gpuCache -startTime 1 -endTime 1 -optimize -optimizationThreshold 40000 -directory \"%s\" -fileName %s %s;" % (fileDir, gpuFileName, geoGroup), verbose = False) mel.eval("gpuCache -startTime 1 -endTime 1 -optimize -optimizationThreshold 40000 -directory \"%s\" -fileName %s %s;" % (fileDir, gpuFileName, geoGroup)) print 'Finished gpu export...' print '=====================' if cmds.objExists('dgSHD'): ## Now reconnect the FileIn nodes for key, var in filesDict.items(): cmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor' % key, '%s.color' % var) except Exception, e: raise TankError("Failed to export gpu cache file")
def appendPluginPath(): putenvStr = mel.eval( 'getenv "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"' ) if == 'posix': sepChar = ':' else: sepChar = ';' pythonPathName = sepChar + os.path.dirname( __file__.replace( '\\', '/' ) ) + '/pluginRoot' version = cmds.about(version=True)[:4] cppPathName = sepChar + os.path.dirname( __file__.replace( '\\', '/' ) ) + '/pluginRoot/' + version putenvStr = putenvStr.replace( pythonPathName, '' ) putenvStr += pythonPathName putenvStr = putenvStr.replace( cppPathName, '' ) putenvStr += cppPathName mel.eval( 'putenv "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" "%s"' % putenvStr ) putenvStr = mel.eval( 'getenv "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"' ) print "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH : " for path in putenvStr.split( sepChar ): print " ", path
def setTool_hardSkinWeightBrush( evt=0 ): appendPluginPath() _cmdStr = """global string $tf_skinSmoothPatin_selection[]; global proc tf_smoothBrush( string $context ) { artUserPaintCtx -e -ic "tf_init_smoothBrush" -svc "tf_set_smoothBrushValue" -fc "" -gvc "" -gsc "" -gac "" -tcc "" $context; } global proc tf_init_smoothBrush( string $name ) { string $sel[] = `ls -sl -fl`; string $obj[] = `ls -sl -o`; sgSmoothWeightCommand $obj; } global proc tf_set_smoothBrushValue( int $slot, int $index, float $val ) { sgSmoothWeightCommand -h 1 -i $index -w $val; } ScriptPaintTool; artUserPaintCtx -e -tsc "tf_smoothBrush" `currentCtx`;""" if not cmds.pluginInfo( 'sgSmoothWeightCommand', q=1, l=1 ): cmds.loadPlugin( 'sgSmoothWeightCommand' ) mel.eval( _cmdStr )
def cutSkin(mesh, weightThreshold=0.25, reducePercent=None, parentShape=False): """ Extract a per influence proxy mesh from a skinned mesh based on influence weights. @param mesh: Mesh to extract faces from @type mesh: str @param weightThreshold: Influence to use to extract faces @type weightThreshold: float @param reducePercent: Influence to use to extract faces @type reducePercent: int or None """ # Initialize startTime = cmds.timerX() cmds.undoInfo(state=False) # Get Skin Info skin = glTools.utils.skinCluster.findRelatedSkinCluster(mesh) if not skin: print('Cut Skin: Mesh "" has no skinCluster! Skipping...') return None # Prune Weights glTools.utils.skinCluster.lockSkinClusterWeights(skin, lock=False, lockAttr=False) pruneWts = glTools.utils.mathUtils.distributeValue(10, rangeStart=0.001, rangeEnd=weightThreshold) for wt in pruneWts: try: mel.eval('doPruneSkinClusterWeightsArgList 1 {"' + str(wt) + '"}') except Exception, e: print('Prune weight FAILED (' + mesh + ')! ' + str(e)) break
def enableUI(*args): # Enable viewports MELCommand = 'paneLayout -edit -manage true $gMainPane;' # Enanble only what really matters... UIElementNames = [ #'Attribute Editor', #'Channel Box / Layer Editor', #'Tool Settings', #'Shelf', 'Tool Box', 'Time Slider', 'Range Slider', 'Command Line', 'Help Line', 'Status Line' ] for name in UIElementNames: print name # If not visible, toggle it's visibility MELCommand += """ if (!`isUIComponentVisible("{0}")`){{ toggleUIComponentVisibility("{0}");}} """.format(name) MM.eval(MELCommand)
def stateFromFileInfo(): from fnmatch import fnmatch selInfo = m.fileInfo('onSaveSelection', q=1) if len(selInfo) != 0: sel = [] for i in selInfo[0].split('?'): if m.objExists(i): sel.append(i) if len(sel): hilite = [] c1 = ['f[*','e[*','map[*','vtx[*','vtxFace[*'] c2 = ['facet','edge','puv','vertex','pvf'] for x in sel: if x.count('.'): parts = x.split('.') for i in range(5): if fnmatch(parts[1],c1[i]) and parts[0] not in hilite: hilite.append(parts[0]) mel.eval('doMenuComponentSelection("' + parts[0] + '", "' + c2[i] + '");') ctxInfo = m.fileInfo('onSaveCtx', q=1) if len(ctxInfo) != 0: print ('ctxInfo: ' + str(ctxInfo)) try: m.setToolTo(ctxInfo[0]) except: print 'could not set "' + ctxInfo[0] + '"!'
def export_static_ogre(*args): export_dir = get_export_dir() objects = get_objects() ogre_mesh_files = [] if (cmds.file(q=True, sceneName=True)==''): print 'Not a valid scene. Try saving it.' return False if not export_dir: print ("Empty Scene? unable to export.") else: print ('Export Directory:\n %s\nOgre files\n' % export_dir) for ob in objects: name = ob if cmds.nodeType(ob) == 'transform': name = cmds.listRelatives(ob)[0], r=True) _path = os.path.abspath( export_dir + ('/%s.mesh' % name) ) ogre_path = _path.replace(os.sep, '/') # print ('select %s' % ob) print (' %s' % ogre_path) ogre_mesh_files.append(ogre_path) # 'ogreExport -sel -obj -lu mm -scale 1 -mesh \"aaa.mesh\" -shared -v -n -c -t -tangents TANGENT -tangentsplitmirrored;'' command = 'ogreExport -sel -obj -lu mm -scale 0.1 -mesh \"%s\" -shared -n -c -t -tangents TANGENT -tangentsplitmirrored;' % ogre_path mm.eval(command) print 'fixing materials' fix_xml_material_names(ogre_mesh_files)
def getFileName(): base = studioBase.StudioSQL() loadType = {'Load saved reference load state':'', 'Load all references':'all', 'Load top-level references only':'topOnly', 'Load no references':'none'} fileData = mop.OpenDialog.openFile() if fileData[0] and fileData[1] and fileData[2]: fileName = fileData[1] + '/' + fileData[2] else: return False ref = loadType[fileData[3]] selective = fileData[4] print('filename', fileName, ref, 'selective', selective, fileData) base.setAction('open', fileName) if selective: cmds.file(fileName, open=True, buildLoadSettings=True ) num = cmds.selLoadSettings( q=True, numSettings=True) cmds.optionVar(sv=('preloadRefEdTopLevelFile', fileName)) mel.eval('PreloadReferenceEditor') else: if ref: cmds.file(fileName, o=True, f=True, lrd=ref) else: cmds.file(fileName, o=True, f=True) setRecentFile(fileName) return True
def importPose(filePath): poseTip = u'通用pose文件夹找不到制定pose文件\n' try: """Import the pose data stored in filePath""" # try to open the file newRootControl =, type='transform')[0] newNodeAttr = newRootControl.rpartition('_root_')[0] try: f = open(filePath, 'r') except: cmds.confirmDialog( t='Error', b=['OK'], m='Unable to open file: %s'%filePath ) raise # uncPickle the data pose = cPickle.load(f) # close the file f.close() # set the attributes to the stored pose errAttrs = [] for attrValue in pose: try: cmds.setAttr('%s%s'%(newNodeAttr, attrValue[0]), attrValue[1]) except: try: errAttrs.append(attrValue[0]) except: errAttrs.append(attrValue) # display error message if needed if len(errAttrs) > 0: importErrorWindow(errAttrs) sys.stderr.write('Not all attributes could be loaded.') except: mel.eval('print "%s";'%poseTip)
def __set_renderer_by_str(self, value): """ This function sets the active rendere from it s string name @param value: str, the name of the rendere """ currPanel = cmds.getPanel(withFocus = 1) panelType = cmds.getPanel(to = currPanel) if value in self.RENDERERS_SHORTCUT: #create the mel command to eval cmd = 'setRendererInModelPanel \"{r}\" {cp};'.format( r = self.RENDERERS_SHORTCUT[value] , cp = currPanel) #make sure we have a model panel active if (panelType == "modelPanel"): mel.eval(cmd) else : OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError("In order to set stuff" + " on the viewport we need an acive viewport") else : #print the error strSupp = [str(k) for k in self.RENDERERS_SHORTCUT.keys()] supp = "\n-" +"\n- ".join(strSupp) OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError("You did not provide a valid " + "renderer name, supported renderer names are :" + " \n {r}".format(r = supp) + " \n got {v}".format(v= type(value).__name__))
def setRecentFile(fileName): attr='mayaBinary' if fileName.split('.')[-1] == 'ma': attr='mayaAscii' melstr = 'addRecentFile("%s", "%s")' % (fileName, attr) mel.eval(melstr)
def MEL_b167(self):##convert mel2py prints to script editor output window only mel.eval('scriptEditorInfo -clearHistory') mel_script = str(self.ui.t005.text()) mel2py_script = ('mel2py.mel2pyStr('+'"""'+ mel_script +'"""'+')') python_script = eval(mel2py_script) python_script = python_script.lstrip('from pymel.all import *') outputscrollField(python_script, "mel2py", 1.0, 1.0)
def exportAnim(namespace, exportFile) : # ctrls set1 ='%s:*_ctrl' % namespace) set2 ='%s:*:*_ctrl' % namespace) set3 ='%s:*:*:*_ctrl' % namespace) set4 ='%s:*_Ctrl' % namespace) set5 ='%s:*:*_Ctrl' % namespace) set6 ='%s:*:*:*_Ctrl' % namespace) ctrls = set1+set2+set3+set4+set5+set6 animFile = '%s/%s.anim' % (exportFile, namespace) # manage dirs if not os.path.exists(exportFile) : os.makedirs(exportFile) # export command tempFile = '%s/temp.anim' % mc.internalVar(utd = True) mm.eval('file -force -options "precision=8;intValue=17;nodeNames=1;verboseUnits=0;whichRange=1;range=1:24;options=keys;hierarchy=none;controlPoints=0;shapes=0;helpPictures=0;useChannelBox=0;copyKeyCmd=-animation objects -option keys -hierarchy none -controlPoints 0 -shape 0 " -typ "animExport" -pr -es "%s";' % tempFile) fileUtils.copy(tempFile, animFile) os.remove(tempFile) # export selection controllers exportFilePath = '%s/%s.txt' % (exportFile, namespace) fileUtils.writeFile(exportFilePath, str(ctrls)) = True) return True
def import_hierarchy_geo(self): """Import all the obj objects""" file_info = self.geo_file_info for self.current_target in file_info.keys(): cmds.file(file_info[self.current_target], rpr="PKD_Temp", i=1, type="OBJ", loadReferenceDepth="all", ra=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=False, options="mo=1") # Delete Existing geo if it exists if not self.cleansing_mode: if pm.objExists(self.current_target): pm.delete(self.current_target)"Importing\n%s" % file_info[self.current_target]) if self.cleansing_mode: os.remove(file_info[self.current_target]) for top in, ud=True): if top.getShape(): if top.getShape().type() == "mesh" and == "PKD_Temp_Mesh": top.rename(self.current_target) mel.eval("polySetToFaceNormal") mel.eval("polySoftEdge -a 180 -ch 1 %s" % self.current_target) pm.delete(self.current_target, ch=1) pm.refresh() self.update_progress()
def get(self, var, type=None): var = self._format_var(var) if type is None: type = self._get_var_type(var) if type.endswith('[]'): proc_name = 'mampy_get_global_' + var[1:].replace('[]', 'array') else: proc_name = 'mampy_get_global_' + type try: global_declare = self._get_declare(type, var) cmd = textwrap.dedent(''' global proc {type} {proc_name}() {{ {global_declare}; return {var}; }} {proc_name}() '''.format(**locals())) result = mel.eval(cmd) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('{} is an undeclared variable.'.format(var)) try: if type.endswith('[]'): return tuple(mel.eval(cmd)) else: return self.MELTYPES[type](mel.eval(cmd)) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('{}'.format(cmd))
def main(centerCurrentTime=False): ''' Replacement command for "fitPanel -selected" If graph editor has focus, run frameGraphEditor, otherwise default to fitPanel -selected mel command. ''' if not frameGraphEditor(centerCurrentTime=centerCurrentTime): mm.eval("fitPanel -selected")
def enableaPlugin(filename): extDict = {'win64':'mll','mac':'bundle','linux':'so','linux64':'so'} os = cmds.about(os=True) ext = extDict[os] version = cmds.about(v=True)[:4] pluginName = 'deltaMushToSkinCluster_%s' % version fileFullName = '%s.%s' % (pluginName,ext) rootPath = getParentPath(currentFileDirectory()) pluginsPath = rootPath+'/plug-ins/' pluginFilePath = pluginsPath+fileFullName pluginStr = mel.eval('getenv "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH";')+';'+pluginsPath mel.eval('putenv "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" "%s";' % pluginStr) with open(filename,'a+') as f: state = True for line in f.readlines(): if re.findall(fileFullName,line): state = False if state: f.write(r'evalDeferred("autoLoadPlugin(\"\", \"%s\", \"%s\")");' % (fileFullName,pluginName)) if not cmds.pluginInfo( pluginFilePath, query=True, autoload=True): cmds.pluginInfo( pluginFilePath, edit=True, autoload=True) if not cmds.pluginInfo(pluginFilePath,query=True,loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin(pluginFilePath)
def sourceMelFolderContents(path): ''' source all mel files in a given folder ''' for script in [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.lower().endswith('.mel')]:'Sourcing mel script : %s' % script) mel.eval('source %s' % script)
def test_nameTooShort(self): class ShortFuncCls(object): def go(self): return 'Manitoba' self.wrapClass(ShortFuncCls, 'myShort') self.assertEqual(mel.eval('''myShort -goxx'''), 'Manitoba') self.assertEqual(mel.eval('''myShort -g'''), 'Manitoba')
def load(): '''loads animation environment''' print "loading animation environment presets..." #set autoKey cmds.autoKeyframe( state=True ) #set 24fps and playback on all viewports cmds.playbackOptions(ps=1.0, v='all') #set unlimited undo's cmds.undoInfo( state=True, infinity=True ) #set manipulator sizes if lib.checkAboveVersion(2014): cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4, sph=1 ) else: cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4 ) #set framerate visibility mel.eval("setFrameRateVisibility(1);") #gimbal rotation cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, mode=2) #world translation cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, mode=2) #time slider height aPlayBackSliderPython = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider') cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, h=45, e=True); #special tick color cmds.displayRGBColor("timeSliderTickDrawSpecial", 1,0.5,0) #check if hotkeys have been set if (cmds.hotkey( 't', ctl=True, query=True, name = True)== 'CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand'): print "Hotkeys have been previously loaded" else: setHotkeys('default') print "ENVIRONMENT SET\n", #the comma forces output on the status line
def setup_scene(name=sys.argv[1]): # imports shirt, scales to fit, converts to ncloth try: cmds.loadPlugin("objExport") except: pass mel.eval('file -f -options "mo=1" -ignoreVersion -typ "OBJ" -o "%s";' \ % name) try: mel.eval('rename "Mesh" "shirt";') except: pass # scale shirt to fit create_table() if (fold_num == 0): bbx = cmds.xform("shirt", q=True, bb=True, ws=True) s_x_len = abs(bbx[3] - bbx[0]) s_y_len = abs(bbx[4] - bbx[1]) global GLOBAL_SCALE if (s_x_len >= s_y_len): GLOBAL_SCALE = s_x_len/(SHIRT_SCALE * TABLE_SIZE) else: GLOBAL_SCALE = s_y_len/(SHIRT_SCALE * TABLE_SIZE)"shirt") cmds.move(0, 0.0001, 0, relative = True) cmds.scale(GLOBAL_SCALE, GLOBAL_SCALE, GLOBAL_SCALE, "table", centerPivot = True) shirt_to_nCloth() create_camera()
def mkIngestionDir(source,type): mkFile = source filename =source.split("/") filename = filename[-1] mkSource =source.split("/") mkSource = mkSource[-1] mkSource = mkSource.replace( type, "" ) mkFolder =source.split("/") mkFolder.pop(-1) mkFolder = "/".join(mkFolder) mkFolder=mkFolder+"/"+mkSource if os.path.exists( mkFolder ) == False: os.makedirs( mkFolder ) copycmd = 'sysFile -copy'+' '+'"'+mkFolder+'/'+ filename +'"'+' ' + '"'+ mkFile+'"'+';' mel.eval (copycmd) dst = "Q:/Tools/Nearline/ingestion/3dModels" delcmd = 'sysFile -delete'+' "'+mkFile+'";' mel.eval (delcmd) createdirCmd = 'sysFile -makeDir'+' '+'"'+dst+'/' +mkSource+'/"' mel.eval(createdirCmd) cpyDepotCmd = 'sysFile -mov'+' '+'"'+dst+'/' +mkSource+'/'+filename +'"'+' ' + '"'+mkFolder+'/'+ filename +'"'+';' mel.eval (cpyDepotCmd) print "copied "+filename+" to depot" removeEmptydir = 'sysFile -removeEmptyDir'+' '+'"'+mkFolder+'/";' mel.eval (removeEmptydir) cmds.confirmDialog(m=filename+" ready for upload", cb = "cancel") return mkFolder
def rigUpdate(self): #disable refresh until the rig update is complete cmds.refresh(su=True) rigNodeFound = False try: rigGuiNode = self.scene.sceneNodes["Rig"] rigNodeFound = True except KeyError: rigNodeFound = False if rigNodeFound: #kill all script jobs created by controllers to avoid #an update loop which the rig is updated for jobNum in self.scriptJobNumbers: if jobNum != globals.currentScriptJobNum: cmds.scriptJob(k=jobNum) self.scriptJobNumbers = [] rigGuiNode.updateVersion += 0.1 rootElem = self.recursiveGetXML(rigGuiNode) self.indent(rootElem) tree = xml.ElementTree(rootElem) file = open(self.updateXmlPath, 'w') tree.write(file) file.close() self.recursiveZeroOutControllers(rigGuiNode) if rigGuiNode.metaNodeName is not None and rigGuiNode.metaNodeName != "": self.rootNodeName = mel.eval("updateMetaDataManager -n \""+rigGuiNode.metaNodeName+"\";") else: self.rootNodeName = mel.eval("loadRig -p \""+self.updateXmlPath+"\";") self.recursiveUpdateMetaNodes(rigGuiNode,self.rootNodeName) self.recursiveSetupScriptJobs(rigGuiNode) cmds.refresh(su=False)
def open_scene(*args): ''' Function to open a new scene file and reload the tool ''' mel.eval('OpenScene;') import threeDF_script threeDF_script.gui()
def performAlignObjects(): cmds.perform mel.eval("performAlignObjects 0")
def buildPose_ButtonCmd(self): mm.eval('shuaiBuildPose;')
def poseDesigner_ButtonCmd(self): mm.eval('asPoserDesigner;')
def __publish_obj(self, item, output, work_template, primary_publish_path, sg_task, comment, thumbnail_path, progress_cb): """ Export an OBJ geo file for the scene and publish it to Shotgun. :param item: The item to publish :param output: The output definition to publish with :param work_template: The work template for the current scene :param primary_publish_path: The path to the primary published file :param sg_task: The Shotgun task we are publishing for :param comment: The publish comment/description :param thumbnail_path: The path to the publish thumbnail :param progress_cb: A callback that can be used to report progress """ # determine the publish info to use # progress_cb(10, "Determining publish details") # get the current scene path and extract fields from it # using the work template: scene_path = os.path.abspath(cmds.file(query=True, sn=True)) fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path) publish_version = fields["version"] tank_type = output["tank_type"] # create the publish path by applying the fields # with the publish template: publish_template = output["publish_template"] publish_path = publish_template.apply_fields(fields) # ensure the publish folder exists: publish_folder = os.path.dirname(publish_path) self.parent.ensure_folder_exists(publish_folder) # determine the publish name: publish_name = fields.get("name") if not publish_name: publish_name = os.path.basename(publish_path) # Find additional info from the scene: # progress_cb(20, "Analysing scene") # build the export command. obj_export_cmd = "file -force -es -pr -typ \"OBJexport\"" obj_export_cmd += " -options \"groups=1;ptgroups=1;materials=0;smoothing=1;normals=1\"" obj_export_cmd += " \"%s\"" % (publish_path.replace("\\", "/")) # ...and execute it: progress_cb(30, "Exporting OBJ file") try: self.parent.log_debug("Executing command: %s" % obj_export_cmd) # make sure plugin is loaded if not cmds.pluginInfo('objExport', query=True, loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin('objExport') # clear selection, select what's in the set sel = set_contents = cmds.sets('publish_SET', q=True) for obj in set_contents:, add=True) # do the actual export mel.eval(obj_export_cmd) # then restore the selection for obj in sel:, add=True) except Exception, e: raise TankError("Failed to export OBJ file: %s" % e)
# run the command: progress_cb(30, "Exporting GeoCache") try: # do it self.parent.log_debug("Executing command: aaPCGen.doExport(%s,%s,%s)"\ % ( publish_path, frame_start, frame_end ) ) aaPCGen.doExport(publish_path, frame_start, frame_end) except Exception, e: raise TankError("Failed to export GeoCache: %s" % e) geo_export_cmd = 'doCreateGeometryCache 6 {{ "0", "{}", "{}", "OneFile", "0", "{}/{}", "1", "", "0", "export", "0", "1", "1", "0", "1", "mcc", "1" }} ;'.format( frame_start, frame_end, geo_publish_path, namespace) try: # do it self.parent.log_debug("Executing command: " + geo_export_cmd) mel.eval(geo_export_cmd) except Exception, e: raise TankError("Failed to export GeoCache: %s" % e) # code will be the basename of path (017) # register the publish: progress_cb(75, "Registering the publish") args = { "tk": self.parent.tank, "context": self.parent.context, "comment": comment, "path": publish_path, "name": publish_name, "version_number": publish_version, "thumbnail_path": thumbnail_path, "task": sg_task,
def searchReplaceNames(): mel.eval("performSearchReplaceNames 1")
def alignTool(): mel.eval("setToolTo alignToolCtx")
def Obq_EnvironmentHelpURL(): # Add the Obq_Shader docs URL to the Attribute Editor help menu ObqNodeType = 'Obq_Environment' ObqNodeHelpURL = '' ObqHelpCommand = 'addAttributeEditorNodeHelp("' + ObqNodeType + '", "showHelp -absolute \\"' +ObqNodeHelpURL +'\\"");' mel.eval(ObqHelpCommand)
def reset_channels(nodes=None, selectedChannels=False, transformsOnly=False, excludeChannels=None, keyableOnly=False): ''' Modified from Morgan Loomis' great reset call to expand options... ''' gChannelBoxName = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') _reset = {} if not nodes: nodes = if not nodes: return if excludeChannels: if not isinstance(excludeChannels, (list, tuple)): excludeChannels = [excludeChannels] chans = None if selectedChannels: chans = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True) l_trans = [ 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ', 'tx', 'ty', 'yz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz' ] for obj in nodes: #mObj = r9Meta.MetaClass(obj) attrs = chans if not chans: attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True) if excludeChannels: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x not in excludeChannels] if transformsOnly: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x in l_trans] if keyableOnly: attrs = [x for x in attrs if ATTR.is_keyable(obj, x)] d_defaults = {} for plug in ['defaultValues', 'transResets']: if ATTR.has_attr(obj, plug): d_defaults = getattr(r9Meta.MetaClass(obj), plug) if not attrs: log.warning("{0} resetAttrs | no attributes offered!".format(obj)) continue for a in attrs: try: if transformsOnly is not None and transformsOnly: if ATTR.get_nameLong(obj, a) not in l_trans: continue dVal = d_defaults.get(a) if dVal is not None: default = dVal else: default = mc.attributeQuery(a, listDefault=True, node=obj)[0] ATTR.set(obj, a, default) _reset[a] = default except Exception, err: log.error("{0}.{1} resetAttrs | error: {2}".format( obj, a, err))
def textureToGeometryOptions(): mel.eval("""performTextureToGeom 1""")
def translatorOptions(parent, action, initialSettings, resultCallback): defaults = { "activeCamera": "<Current>", "exportAnim": False, "startFrame": 1, "endFrame": 100, "stepFrame": 1 } createGlobalNodes() if initialSettings: logger.debug("Parsing initial translator settings %s" % initialSettings) opts = initialSettings.split(";") for opt in opts: opt = opt.strip() if opt == "": continue name, value = opt.split("=") if name in defaults: if isinstance(defaults[name], basestring): defaults[name] = value elif isinstance(defaults[name], bool): defaults[name] = bool(value) elif isinstance(defaults[name], int): defaults[name] = int(value) else: logger.warning("Unhandled param %s in translator options" % name) if action == "post": mc.setParent(parent) mc.setUITemplate("DefaultTemplate", pushTemplate=True) mc.columnLayout(adj=True) mc.optionMenuGrp("as_exportOpts_activeCamera", label="Render camera") mc.menuItem(label='<Current>', divider=True) for camera in'camera'): if mc.getAttr(camera + '.orthographic'): continue if not mc.getAttr(camera + ".renderable"): continue mc.menuItem(label=camera) mc.separator(style="single") def exportAnimChanged(value): mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_startFrame", edit=True, enable=value) mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_endFrame", edit=True, enable=value) mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_stepFrame", edit=True, enable=value) exportAnim = defaults["exportAnim"] mc.checkBoxGrp("as_exportOpts_exportAnim", numberOfCheckBoxes=1, label=" ", label1="Animation", cc=exportAnimChanged, value1=exportAnim) mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_startFrame", label="Start:", field=True, min=1, max=1000, enable=exportAnim, value=defaults["startFrame"]) mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_endFrame", label="End:", field=True, min=1, max=1000, enable=exportAnim, value=defaults["endFrame"]) mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_stepFrame", label="Step:", field=True, min=1, max=100, enable=exportAnim, value=defaults["stepFrame"]) elif action == "query": options = "" value = mc.optionMenuGrp("as_exportOpts_activeCamera", query=True, value=True) # Replace current by the active camera. if value == "<Current>": if om.MGlobal.mayaState() == om.MGlobal.kInteractive: camera = om.MDagPath() omui.M3dView.active3dView().getCamera(camera) if mc.getAttr(camera.partialPathName() + ".renderable"): value = camera.partialPathName() else: logger.warning("Active camera not renderable. Ignoring.") value = "" else: logger.warning("Active camera specified for maya batch.") value = "" if value: options += "activeCamera=" + value + ";" exportAnim = mc.checkBoxGrp("as_exportOpts_exportAnim", query=True, value1=True) if exportAnim: options += "exportAnim=true;" value = mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_startFrame", query=True, value=True) options += "startFrame=" + str(value) + ";" value = mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_endFrame", query=True, value=True) options += "endFrame=" + str(value) + ";" value = mc.intSliderGrp("as_exportOpts_stepFrame", query=True, value=True) options += "stepFrame=" + str(value) + ";" logger.debug("calling translator callback, options = %s" % options) mel.eval('%s "%s"' % (resultCallback, options))
def accept(self, settings, item): """ Method called by the publisher to determine if an item is of any interest to this plugin. Only items matching the filters defined via the item_filters property will be presented to this method. A publish task will be generated for each item accepted here. Returns a dictionary with the following booleans: - accepted: Indicates if the plugin is interested in this value at all. Required. - enabled: If True, the plugin will be enabled in the UI, otherwise it will be disabled. Optional, True by default. - visible: If True, the plugin will be visible in the UI, otherwise it will be hidden. Optional, True by default. - checked: If True, the plugin will be checked in the UI, otherwise it will be unchecked. Optional, True by default. :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting` instances. :param item: Item to process :returns: dictionary with boolean keys accepted, required and enabled """ accepted = True publisher = self.parent template_name = settings["Publish Template"].value # ensure a work file template is available on the parent item work_template ="work_template") if not work_template: self.logger.debug( "A work template is required for the session item in order to " "publish session geometry. Not accepting session geom item.") accepted = False # ensure the publish template is defined and valid and that we also have publish_template = publisher.get_template_by_name(template_name) if not publish_template: self.logger.debug( "The valid publish template could not be determined for the " "session geometry item. Not accepting the item.") accepted = False # we've validated the publish template. add it to the item properties # for use in subsequent methods["publish_template"] = publish_template # check that the AbcExport command is available! if not mel.eval("exists \"AbcExport\""): self.logger.debug( "Item not accepted because alembic export command 'AbcExport' " "is not available. Perhaps the plugin is not enabled?") accepted = False # because a publish template is configured, disable context change. This # is a temporary measure until the publisher handles context switching # natively. item.context_change_allowed = False return {"accepted": accepted, "checked": True}
def mprint(cls, *args): """mel print command in case the python print command doesn't cut it""" # print r"""print (%s\\n);""" % pythonToMel( ' '.join( map( str, args))) _mm.eval(r"""print (%s);""" % pythonToMel(' '.join(map(str, args))) + '\n')
def greate_controler(self, CON_shape, CON_color, parent_list, name): if CON_shape == 'circle': circle_NUL_list = [] circle_CON_list = [] for x in range(len(parent_list)): circle_CON = (mel.eval( 'circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 1 0 0 -sw 360 -r 2 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 0 -n "tail%s_CON" ' % (x + 1))[0]) circle_CONShape = cmds.listRelatives(s=1)[0] cmds.setAttr(circle_CONShape + '.overrideEnabled', 1) cmds.setAttr(circle_CONShape + '.overrideColor', CON_color) circle_CON_list.append(circle_CON)'tail%s_extra_NUL' % (x + 1)) each_circle_NUL ='tail%s_NUL' % (x + 1)) circle_NUL_list.append(each_circle_NUL) cmds.delete( cmds.parentConstraint(parent_list[x], each_circle_NUL)) instance_circle_NUL_list = [] + circle_NUL_list instance_circle_CON_list = [] + circle_CON_list for x in range(len(parent_list) - 1): cmds.parent(instance_circle_NUL_list[-1], instance_circle_CON_list[-2]) del instance_circle_NUL_list[-1], instance_circle_CON_list[-1] return circle_NUL_list, circle_CON_list elif CON_shape == 'sphere': sphere_NUL_list = [] sphere_CON_list = [] for x in range(len(parent_list)): sphere_CON = mel.eval( '''curve -d 1 -p 0 0 1 -p 0 0.5 0.866025 -p 0 0.866025 0.5 -p 0 1 0 -p 0 0.866025 -0.5 -p 0 0.5 -0.866025 -p 0 0 -1 -p 0 -0.5 -0.866025 -p 0 -0.866025 -0.5 -p 0 -1 0 -p 0 -0.866025 0.5 -p 0 -0.5 0.866025 -p 0 0 1 -p 0.707107 0 0.707107 -p 1 0 0 -p 0.707107 0 -0.707107 -p 0 0 -1 -p -0.707107 0 -0.707107 -p -1 0 0 -p -0.866025 0.5 0 -p -0.5 0.866025 0 -p 0 1 0 -p 0.5 0.866025 0 -p 0.866025 0.5 0 -p 1 0 0 -p 0.866025 -0.5 0 -p 0.5 -0.866025 0 -p 0 -1 0 -p -0.5 -0.866025 0 -p -0.866025 -0.5 0 -p -1 0 0 -p -0.707107 0 0.707107 -p 0 0 1 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -n "tail%s_move_CON" ''' % (x + 1)) sphere_CONShape = cmds.listRelatives(sphere_CON, s=1)[0] sphere_CONShape = cmds.rename(sphere_CONShape, sphere_CON + 'Shape') cmds.setAttr(sphere_CONShape + '.overrideEnabled', 1) cmds.setAttr(sphere_CONShape + '.overrideColor', CON_color) sphere_CON_list.append(sphere_CON)'tail%s_move_extra_NUL' % (x + 1)) each_sphere_NUL ='tail%s_move_NUL' % (x + 1)) sphere_NUL_list.append(each_sphere_NUL) cmds.delete( cmds.parentConstraint(parent_list[x], each_sphere_NUL)) return sphere_NUL_list, sphere_CON_list
def trace(msg, showLineNumber=False): if showLineNumber: flags = ' -showLineNumber true ' else: flags = '' _mm.eval("""trace %s %s""" % (flags, pythonToMel(msg)))
def _eval(cls, cmd, commandName): # commandName is just used for nicer formatting of error messages, # and is used by MelCallable # should return a value, like _mm.eval # return _mm.eval( cmd ) # get this before installing the callback undoState = _mc.undoInfo(q=1, state=1) lineNumbers = _mc.commandEcho(q=1, lineNumbers=1) _mc.commandEcho(lineNumbers=1) global errors errors = [] # a list to store each error line def errorCallback(nativeMsg, messageType, data): global errors if messageType == _api.MCommandMessage.kError: if nativeMsg: errors += [nativeMsg] # setup the callback: # assigning ids to a list avoids the swig memory leak warning, which would scare a lot of people even though # it is harmless. hoping we get a real solution to this so that we don't have to needlessly accumulate this data id = _api.MCommandMessage.addCommandOutputCallback(errorCallback, None) try: res = _api.MCommandResult() _api.MGlobal.executeCommand(cmd, res, False, undoState) except Exception: msg = '\n'.join(errors) if 'Cannot find procedure' in msg: e = MelUnknownProcedureError elif 'Wrong number of arguments' in msg: e = MelArgumentError if commandName: # remove the calling proc, it will be added below msg = msg.split('\n', 1)[1].lstrip() elif 'Cannot convert data' in msg or 'Cannot cast data' in msg: e = MelConversionError elif 'Syntax error' in msg: e = MelSyntaxError else: e = MelError message = "Error during execution of MEL script: %s" % (msg) fmtCmd = '\n'.join([' ' + x for x in cmd.split('\n')]) if commandName: if e is not MelUnknownProcedureError: file = _mm.eval('whatIs "%s"' % commandName) if file.startswith('Mel procedure found in: '): file = 'file "%s"' % os.path.realpath( file.split(':')[1].lstrip()) message += '\nCalling Procedure: %s, in %s' % (commandName, file) message += '\n' + fmtCmd else: message += '\nScript:\n%s' % fmtCmd raise e, message else: resType = res.resultType() if resType == _api.MCommandResult.kInvalid: return elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kInt: result = _api.SafeApiPtr('int') res.getResult(result()) return result.get() elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kIntArray: result = _api.MIntArray() res.getResult(result) return [result[i] for i in range(result.length())] elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kDouble: result = _api.SafeApiPtr('double') res.getResult(result()) return result.get() elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kDoubleArray: result = _api.MDoubleArray() res.getResult(result) return [result[i] for i in range(result.length())] elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kString: return res.stringResult() elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kStringArray: result = [] res.getResult(result) return result elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kVector: result = _api.MVector() res.getResult(result) return datatypes.Vector(result) elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kVectorArray: result = _api.MVectorArray() res.getResult(result) return [ datatypes.Vector(result[i]) for i in range(result.length()) ] elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kMatrix: result = _api.MMatrix() res.getResult(result) return datatypes.Matrix(result) elif resType == _api.MCommandResult.kMatrixArray: result = _api.MMatrixArray() res.getResult(result) return [ datatypes.Matrix(result[i]) for i in range(result.length()) ] finally: _api.MMessage.removeCallback(id) _mc.commandEcho(lineNumbers=lineNumbers) # 8.5 fix if hasattr(id, 'disown'): id.disown()
""" LOCATOR DELAY SYSTEM SHELF INSTALLER """ from maya import cmds from maya import mel import os, json, sys import datetime as dt def formatPath(path): path = path.replace("/", os.sep) path = path.replace("\\", os.sep) return path mayaAppDir = formatPath(mel.eval('getenv MAYA_APP_DIR')) scriptsDir = formatPath(mayaAppDir + os.sep + 'scripts') projectDir = formatPath(scriptsDir + os.sep + 'BRSLocDelay') userFile = formatPath(projectDir + os.sep + 'user') # print ('mayaAppDir = ' + mayaAppDir) # print ('scriptsDir = ' + scriptsDir) # print ('projectDir = ' + projectDir) # print ('userSetupFile = ' + userFile) # mayaAppDir = C:\Users\TEST\Documents\maya # scriptsDir = C:\Users\TEST\Documents\maya\scripts # projectDir = C:\Users\TEST\Documents\maya\scripts\BRSLocDelay # userSetupFile = C:\Users\TEST\Documents\maya\scripts\BRSLocDelay\user # ------------- # CREATE USER
def __setitem__(self, index, value): _mm.eval(self._setItemCmd % (index, pythonToMel(value))) super(MelGlobalArray, self).__setitem__(index, value)
def setupControl(self,*args): #Load variables name = cmds.textFieldGrp(self.nameField,q=True,text=True) control = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(self.controlField,q=True,text=True) rivet = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(self.rivetField,q=True,text=True) constObj = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(self.jointField,q=True,text=True) #Load selection verts =,fl=True) #Create Cluster clusterName,clusterHandle = cmds.cluster(rel=True,n=name+'_clstr') #Delete Rivet's aim constraint because it causes flipping if the rivets lofted nurbs plane flips. #Add parent constraint to object.(constObj) """ try: temp = cmds.listConnections(rivet) cmds.delete(temp[1]) except: # No constraint to delete on rivet pass """ #Rivet WS location rivetLocation = cmds.xform(rivet,q=True,ws=True,t=True) #Snap Cluster pivots to rivetLocation self.move(clusterHandle, rivetLocation,t=False,sp=True,rp=True) #Snap Controls pivots to rivetLocation self.move(control, rivetLocation,t=False,sp=True,rp=True) #Group Cluster clusterGrp = clusterGrp = cmds.rename(clusterGrp, name + 'Cluster_' + clusterHandle) #Create over ride group or_grp =,name=name+"OR1") or2_grp =,name=name+"OR2") #Parent override group to rivet cmds.parent(or_grp,or2_grp) cmds.parent(or2_grp,rivet) #Freeze transforms on override group cmds.makeIdentity(or_grp,apply=True,t=True,r=True,s=True,n=True) #Zero Control zeroNode =,n=name + "nullGrp") pos = cmds.xform( control, q=1, ws=True, t=1) cmds.xform( zeroNode, ws=True, t=[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]]) rot = cmds.xform( control, q=1, ws=True, ro=1) cmds.xform( zeroNode, ws=True, ro=[rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]]) scale = cmds.xform( control, q=1, r=1, s=1) cmds.xform( zeroNode, ws=True, s=[scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]]) #Snap zeroNode pivot to control controlLocation = cmds.xform(control,q=True,ws=True,rp=True) self.move(zeroNode, controlLocation, t=False, sp=True, rp=True) #parent control to OverRide group cmds.parent(control, zeroNode, a=True) cmds.parent(zeroNode,or_grp) #Connect control t,r,s to cluster, then hide the cluster and rivet group cmds.connectAttr(control + ".translate", clusterHandle + ".translate") cmds.connectAttr(control + ".rotate", clusterHandle + ".rotate") cmds.connectAttr(control + ".scale", clusterHandle + ".scale") #Create utility node and negate double transform #by reversing the transformation of or_grp <---- Cause of double transforms mdNode = cmds.createNode("multiplyDivide") nodeName = name + "_MD" cmds.rename(mdNode,nodeName) mdNode = nodeName #Unparent control cmds.parent(zeroNode,w=True) #Set up the MD node cmds.setAttr( "%s.input2X"%mdNode, -1) cmds.setAttr( "%s.input2Y"%mdNode, -1) cmds.setAttr( "%s.input2Z"%mdNode, -1) #Connect the nodes # control ---> mdNode cmds.connectAttr("%s.translateX"%control,"%s.input1X"%mdNode,f=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.translateY"%control,"%s.input1Y"%mdNode,f=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.translateZ"%control,"%s.input1Z"%mdNode,f=True) #mdNode ---> or_grp cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputX"%mdNode,"%s.translateX"%or_grp,f=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputY"%mdNode,"%s.translateY"%or_grp,f=True) cmds.connectAttr("%s.outputZ"%mdNode,"%s.translateZ"%or_grp,f=True) #Reparent control cmds.parent(zeroNode,or_grp) #Get mesh name # ex. "meshName.vtx[35]" mesh = verts[0].split('.')[0] #Get meshDeformer meshDeformer = None try: meshDeformer = mel.eval('findRelatedSkinCluster("%s");'%mesh) except: pass """ history = cmds.listHistory(mesh) for each in history: #print " History: " + each if("skinCluster" in str(each)): #Possible match for meshDeformer if("Group" not in str(each)): meshDeformer = each if("cMuscleSystem" in str(each)): if("Group" not in str(each)): meshDeformer = each """ #Reorder deformer nodes if meshDeformer: #Move cluster + meshDeformer to top of deformer stack cmds.reorderDeformers(clusterHandle,meshDeformer,mesh) #Move meshDeformer to top of deformer stack cmds.reorderDeformers(meshDeformer,clusterHandle,mesh) #Create final group topGrp =,name=name+"_followCnt_grp") cmds.parent(clusterGrp,rivet,topGrp) #Orient constrain rivet to constrain object if constObj: cmds.orientConstraint(constObj,rivet,mo=True) #Hide cluster grp cmds.setAttr(clusterGrp + ".visibility",0) #Hide the rivet rivetShape = cmds.listRelatives(rivet,shapes=True) cmds.setAttr(rivetShape[0] + ".visibility",0) # Add cluster atttribute to control cmds.addAttr(control,ln='cluster',min=0.0,max=1.0,dv=1.0) cmds.setAttr('%s.cluster'%control,l=False,k=True) # Connect it to the deformer cmds.connectAttr('%s.cluster'%control,'%s.envelope'%clusterName,f=True) #Clear selection
def warning(msg, showLineNumber=False): if showLineNumber: flags = ' -showLineNumber true ' else: flags = '' _mm.eval("""warning %s %s""" % (flags, pythonToMel(msg)))
def export_animation_into_fbx( root_node_name, save_dir='./', save_filename='', start_time=0, end_time=240 ): """Export animation of a node into .fbx file. Args: root_node_name: str Name of root joint. save_dir: str Directory to save .fbx files. save_filename: str Video filename. The full file path is : {save_dir}/{save_filename} start_time: int Start frame of animation end_time: int End frame of animation Returns: None. """ pprint("===> root_node_name: {}".format(root_node_name)) pprint("===> save_dir: {}".format(save_dir)) if not osp.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) scene_name = get_current_scene_name() if not save_filename: save_filename = '{}.animation.{}.fbx'.format( scene_name, root_node_name.replace(':', '-')) elif not save_filename.endswith('.fbx'): save_filename += '.fbx' output_filename = osp.join(save_dir, save_filename) pprint("===> output file: {}".format(output_filename)) # num_frames = cmds.keyframe(root_node_name, q=True, keyframeCount=True) / 6 # num_frames = get_keyframe_count(root_node_name) # pprint('===> {} keyframes in total'.format(num_frames)) pprint('===> start_time: {}'.format(start_time)) pprint('===> end_time: {}'.format(end_time)) cmds.currentTime(0), replace=True) # mel.eval('FBXExportAnimationOnly -v true;') # mel.eval('FBXExportBakeComplexAnimation -v true;') # mel.eval('FBXExportBakeComplexStart -v 0;') # mel.eval('FBXExportBakeComplexEnd -v {};'.format(num_frames)) # mel.eval('FBXExportBakeComplexStep -v 1;') # mel.eval('FBXExport -f "{}" -s;'.format(output_filename)) # cmd_str = """ # FBXExportAnimationOnly -v true; # FBXExportBakeComplexAnimation -v true; # FBXExportBakeComplexStart -v 0; # FBXExportBakeComplexEnd -v {}; # FBXExportBakeComplexStep -v 1; # FBXExport -f "{}" -s; # """.format(num_frames, output_filename) # pprint('===> run command: ') # pprint(cmd_str) # mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExportAnimationOnly -v true;' pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExportBakeComplexAnimation - v true;' pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExportBakeComplexStart - v {};'.format(start_time) pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExportBakeComplexEnd -v {};'.format(end_time) pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExportBakeComplexStep - v 1;' pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) cmd_str = 'FBXExport -f "{}" -s;'.format(output_filename) pprint('===> run command: ') pprint(cmd_str) mel.eval(cmd_str) output_filename = osp.abspath(output_filename) pprint("===> full path of output file: {}".format(output_filename)) return output_filename
def createController(self,name): """ Creates controller curve at origin. """ cnt = mel.eval('createNode transform -n "%s";\n'%name+\ 'setAttr ".ove" yes;\n'+\ 'setAttr ".ovc" 15;\n'+\ 'createNode nurbsCurve -n "%sShape" -p "%s";\n'%(name,name)+\ 'setAttr -k off ".v";\n'+\ 'setAttr ".cc" -type "nurbsCurve" \n'+\ '1 52 0 no 3 \n'+\ '53 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 \n'+\ ' 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 \n'+\ '53 \n'+\ '0 0.074400512458903195 0 \n'+\ '0 0.068737145450531487 0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0 0.052609123163277663 0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0 0.028471811309310452 0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0 0.074400512458903195 \n'+\ '0 -0.028471811309310452 0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 -0.052609123163277663 0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0 -0.068737145450531487 0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0 -0.074400512458903195 0 \n'+\ '0 -0.068737145450531487 -0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0 -0.052609123163277663 -0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0 -0.028471811309310452 -0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0 -0.074400512458903195 \n'+\ '0 0.028471811309310452 -0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0.052609123163277663 -0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0 0.068737145450531487 -0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0 0.074400512458903195 0 \n'+\ '0.028471811309310452 0.068737145450531487 0 \n'+\ '0.052609123163277663 0.052609123163277663 0 \n'+\ '0.068737145450531487 0.028471811309310452 0 \n'+\ '0.074400512458903195 0 0 \n'+\ '0.068737145450531487 -0.028471811309310452 0 \n'+\ '0.052609123163277663 -0.052609123163277663 0 \n'+\ '0.028471811309310452 -0.068737145450531487 0 \n'+\ '0 -0.074400512458903195 0 \n'+\ '-0.028471811309310452 -0.068737145450531487 0 \n'+\ '-0.052609123163277663 -0.052609123163277663 0 \n'+\ '-0.068737145450531487 -0.028471811309310452 0 \n'+\ '-0.074400512458903195 0 0 \n'+\ '-0.068737145450531487 0.028471811309310452 0 \n'+\ '-0.052609123163277663 0.052609123163277663 0 \n'+\ '-0.028471811309310452 0.068737145450531487 0 \n'+\ '0 0.074400512458903195 0 \n'+\ '0 0.068737145450531487 -0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0 0.052609123163277663 -0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0 0.028471811309310452 -0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0 -0.074400512458903195 \n'+\ '-0.028471811309310452 0 -0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '-0.052609123163277663 0 -0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '-0.068737145450531487 0 -0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '-0.074400512458903195 0 0 \n'+\ '-0.068737145450531487 0 0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '-0.052609123163277663 0 0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '-0.028471811309310452 0 0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0 0.074400512458903195 \n'+\ '0.028471811309310452 0 0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0.052609123163277663 0 0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0.068737145450531487 0 0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0.074400512458903195 0 0 \n'+\ '0.068737145450531487 0 -0.028471811309310452 \n'+\ '0.052609123163277663 0 -0.052609123163277663 \n'+\ '0.028471811309310452 0 -0.068737145450531487 \n'+\ '0 0 -0.074400512458903195 \n'+\ ';')
DsAttractDeformer.MAYAVERSION) try: plugin.registerNode(DsAttractDeformer.NODENAME, DsAttractDeformer.NODEID, DsAttractDeformer.creator, DsAttractDeformer.initialize, ommpx.MPxNode.kDeformerNode) except RuntimeError: sys.stderr.write('Failed to register node: {0}'.format( DsAttractDeformer.NODENAME)) aeTemplate = open( os.path.join(DsAttractDeformer.MAYA_APP_DIR, 'scripts\dsNodes\dsAttractDeformer\plugins\AEtemplate.mel'), "r").read() mel.eval(aeTemplate) mel.eval("refreshEditorTemplates; refreshAE;") mel.eval( 'makePaintable -attrType "multiFloat" -sm "deformer" "dsAttract" "weights";' ) def uninitializePlugin(obj): plugin = ommpx.MFnPlugin(obj) try: plugin.deregisterNode(DsAttractDeformer.NODEID) except Exception as err: sys.stderr.write('Failed to deregister node: {0}{1}'.format( (DsAttractDeformer.NODENAME, err)))
def __init__(self, name, start, end, up, **kwds): rigGrp = '' if cmds.objExists('rig_GRP'): rigGrp = 'rig_GRP' parent = 'stretchyJoints_GRP' if not cmds.objExists(parent): parent = rig_transform(0, name='stretchyJoints', parent=rigGrp).object self.topGrp = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'Stretchy', parent=parent).object jntStart = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'JntStartTmp', type='joint', target=start).object jntEnd = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'JntEndTmp', type='joint', target=end, parent=jntStart).object cmds.joint(jntStart, e=True, oj='xzy', sao='zup', ch=True, zso=True) pm.setAttr(jntEnd + '.jointOrientX', 0) pm.setAttr(jntEnd + '.jointOrientY', 0) pm.setAttr(jntEnd + '.jointOrientZ', 0) self.startOffset = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'DrvStartOffset', parent=self.topGrp, target=jntStart).object self.start = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'DrvStart', type='locator', parent=self.startOffset, target=self.startOffset).object startLoc = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'StartStretchy', type='locator', parent=self.topGrp, target=jntStart).object self.endOffset = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'DrvEndOffset', parent=self.topGrp, target=jntEnd).object self.end = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'DrvEnd', type='locator', parent=self.endOffset, target=self.endOffset).object endLoc = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'EndStretchy', type='locator', parent=self.topGrp, target=jntEnd).object self.upOffset = rig_transform(0, name=name + 'DrvUpOffset', parent=self.topGrp, target=up).object pm.delete(jntStart, jntEnd) partsGrp = mm.eval('rig_makePiston("' + startLoc + '", "' + endLoc + '", "' + name + 'StretchyParts");') pm.hide(partsGrp) pm.delete(pm.parentConstraint(self.upOffset, endLoc + 'Up')) pm.parent(endLoc + 'Up', self.upOffset) self.up = name + 'DrvUp_LOC' pm.rename(endLoc + 'Up', name + 'DrvUp_LOC') self.startJnt = startLoc.replace('_LOC', '_JNT') endJnt = endLoc.replace('_LOC', '_JNT') pm.parent(endJnt, self.startJnt) pm.parent(self.startJnt, self.topGrp) pm.parentConstraint(startLoc + 'Aim', self.startJnt, mo=True) pm.delete(startLoc + 'Up', endLoc, startLoc) pm.parentConstraint(self.start, startLoc + 'AimOffset', mo=True) pm.parentConstraint(self.end, endLoc + 'AimOffset', mo=True) pm.parentConstraint(self.start, self.upOffset, mo=True) pm.parent(partsGrp, self.topGrp) measure = rig_measure(name=name + 'Dist', start=self.start, end=self.end, parent=partsGrp) # make pin feature #pm.connectAttr( measure.distance.globalOriginalPercent, self.startJnt+'.scaleX' ) self.startJnt = pm.PyNode(self.startJnt) pm.addAttr(self.startJnt, longName='stretch', at='float', k=True, dv=1, min=0, max=1) #self.startJnt.stretch.set(cb=True) bldColor = pm.shadingNode('blendColors', asUtility=True, name=name + '_blendStretch') pm.connectAttr(measure.distance.globalOriginalPercent, bldColor + '.color1R', f=True) # connect ik jnt to color pm.setAttr(bldColor + '.color2R', 1) pm.connectAttr(bldColor + '.outputR', self.startJnt + '.scaleX', f=True) # connect bldColor output to bind jnt pm.connectAttr(self.startJnt.stretch, bldColor.blender) # bulge pm.addAttr(self.startJnt, longName='bulge', at='float', k=True, dv=1) bulge_PM = plusMinusNode(name + 'Bulge_plusMinus', 'subtract', '', 2, self.startJnt, 'scaleX') bldColorBulge = pm.shadingNode('blendColors', asUtility=True, name=name + '_blendBulge') pm.connectAttr(bulge_PM + '.output1D', bldColorBulge + '.color1R', f=True) pm.setAttr(bldColorBulge + '.color2R', 1) pm.connectAttr(bldColorBulge + '.outputR', self.startJnt + '.scaleY', f=True) pm.connectAttr(bldColorBulge + '.outputR', self.startJnt + '.scaleZ', f=True) pm.connectAttr(self.startJnt.bulge, bldColorBulge.blender)
def SetFbxParameter(): if not pm.pluginInfo('fbxmaya', q=True, loaded=True): pm.loadPlugin('fbxmaya') mel.eval('FBXResetExport') mel.eval('FBXExportFileVersion -v FBX201600') mel.eval('FBXExportUpAxis y') mel.eval('FBXExportShapes -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportScaleFactor 1.0') mel.eval('FBXExportInAscii -v true') mel.eval('FBXExportConstraints -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportLights -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportSkins -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportSmoothingGroups -v true') mel.eval('FBXExportSmoothMesh -v true') mel.eval('FBXExportEmbeddedTextures -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportCameras -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportBakeResampleAnimation -v false') mel.eval('FBXExportSkeletonDefinitions -v false')
class DsAttractDeformer(ommpx.MPxDeformerNode): VENDOR = 'Dmitrii Shevchenko' VERSION = '1.0' MAYAVERSION = '2020' NODENAME = 'dsAttract' NODEID = om.MTypeId(0x09113) MAYA_APP_DIR = mel.eval('getenv ("MAYA_APP_DIR")') MAX_ANGLE = 0.5 * 3.14159265 #90 degrees def __init__(self): super(DsAttractDeformer, self).__init__() def deform(self, pDataBlock, geoIter, worldMatrix, multiIndex): thisNode = self.thisMObject() ## GET DATA envelope = pDataBlock.inputValue(self.envelope).asFloat() if envelope == 0: return suspendWarnings = pDataBlock.inputValue(self.aWarnings).asBool() maxDistanceUv = om.MRampAttribute(thisNode, self.aMaxDistanceUV) falloff = om.MRampAttribute(thisNode, self.aFalloff) projectOnNormal = pDataBlock.inputValue( self.aProjectOnNormal).asFloat() if (projectOnNormal): # aNormalDirectionLimit normalDirectionLimit = pDataBlock.inputValue( self.aNormalDirectionLimit).asShort() # inputGeom hInput = pDataBlock.outputArrayValue(self.input) hInput.jumpToElement(multiIndex) hInputGeom = hInput.outputValue().child(self.inputGeom) oInputGeom = hInputGeom.asMesh() mfInputGeom = om.MFnMesh(oInputGeom) maxDistance = pDataBlock.inputValue(self.maxDistance).asFloat() if maxDistance == 0: return inputMatrix = pDataBlock.inputValue(self.aInputMatrix).asMatrix() plugInputMatrix = om.MPlug(thisNode, self.aInputMatrix) if not plugInputMatrix.isConnected(): if not suspendWarnings: self.warning(thisNode, "Missing incoming connection to InputMatrix") return dhInputShape = pDataBlock.inputValue(self.inputShape) dagNodeFn = self.getConnectedDagNode(self.inputShape) if not dagNodeFn: if not suspendWarnings: self.warning(thisNode, "Missing incoming connection to InputShape") return ##GET INPUT SHAPE TYPE inputShapeType = None targetFn = None if dhInputShape.type() == om.MFnNurbsCurveData.kNurbsCurve: inputShapeType = "curve" targetFn = om.MFnNurbsCurve(dagNodeFn) elif dhInputShape.type() == om.MFnNurbsCurveData.kNurbsSurface: inputShapeType = "nurbs" targetFn = om.MFnNurbsSurface(dagNodeFn) ## LOOP VARIABLES d_util = om.MScriptUtil() d_util.createFromDouble(0.0) d_ptr = d_util.asDoublePtr() f_util = om.MScriptUtil() f_util.createFromDouble(0.0) f_ptr = f_util.asFloatPtr() f2_util = om.MScriptUtil() f2_util.createFromList([0.0, 0.0], 2) f2_util = f2_util.asFloat2Ptr() loopPoint = om.MPoint() loopVec = om.MVector() matrixInverse = worldMatrix.inverse() paAllpoints = om.MPointArray() geoIter.allPositions(paAllpoints) ## DEFORM count = 0 while not geoIter.isDone(): iterIndex = geoIter.index() #current point pt = geoIter.position() #get painted weight wPt = self.weightValue(pDataBlock, multiIndex, iterIndex) if (wPt == 0.0): count += 1 continue #set point to world space pt *= worldMatrix ## GET CLOSEST POINT closePt = None dUvalue = None if inputShapeType == "curve": closePt = targetFn.closestPoint(pt, d_ptr, 0.00001, om.MSpace.kWorld) dUvalue = om.MScriptUtil.getDouble(d_ptr) elif inputShapeType == "nurbs": closePt = targetFn.closestPoint(pt, d_ptr, None, False, 0.00001, om.MSpace.kWorld) dUvalue = om.MScriptUtil.getDouble(d_ptr) #Make it a local vector for the vertex vecMove = closePt - pt #Adjust max distance maxDistanceUv.getValueAtPosition(dUvalue, f_ptr) maxDistLocal = maxDistance * om.MScriptUtil.getFloat(f_ptr) #Check if vertex is in range if vecMove.length() < maxDistLocal: #Adjust with falloff dPercent = vecMove.length() / maxDistLocal falloff.getValueAtPosition(float(1.0 - dPercent), f_ptr) valueFalloff = om.MScriptUtil.getFloat(f_ptr) vecMove *= valueFalloff #Adjust with vertex normal if projectOnNormal: mfInputGeom.getVertexNormal(iterIndex, loopVec, om.MSpace.kWorld) #normalize loopVec.normalize() #project move vector on normal dVecDotProduct = vecMove * loopVec loopVec *= dVecDotProduct if normalDirectionLimit == 1 and dVecDotProduct <= 0: #only positive loopVec *= 0 elif normalDirectionLimit == 2 and dVecDotProduct > 0: #only negative loopVec *= 0 #blend vecMove = vecMove * ( 1 - projectOnNormal) + loopVec * projectOnNormal #Adjust with envelope and painted value vecMove *= envelope * wPt pt += vecMove #back to object space pt *= matrixInverse #save point positions paAllpoints.set(pt, count) count += 1 geoIter.setAllPositions(paAllpoints) def getConnectedDagNode(self, attrArg): plugArg = om.MPlug(self.thisMObject(), attrArg) dagPath = om.MDagPath() if (plugArg.isConnected()): plugArr = om.MPlugArray() plugArg.connectedTo(plugArr, True, False) plugDag = om.MPlug(plugArr[0]) oDagNode = plugDag.node() fnDagNode = om.MFnDagNode(oDagNode) fnDagNode.getPath(dagPath) return dagPath else: return None def warning(self, thisNode_arg, msg_arg): fnThis = om.MFnDependencyNode(thisNode_arg) nameThis = om.MGlobal.displayWarning("{0}: {1}".format(nameThis, msg_arg)) def accessoryNodeSetup(self, cmd): thisNode = self.thisMObject() # aFalloff hFalloff = om.MRampAttribute(thisNode, self.aFalloff) a1 = om.MFloatArray() # positions b1 = om.MFloatArray() # values c1 = om.MIntArray() # interpolations a1.append(float(0.0)) a1.append(float(1.0)) b1.append(float(0.0)) b1.append(float(1.0)) c1.append(om.MRampAttribute.kSmooth) c1.append(om.MRampAttribute.kSmooth) hFalloff.addEntries(a1, b1, c1) # aMaxDistanceUv hMaxDistUv = om.MRampAttribute(thisNode, self.aMaxDistanceUV) as1 = om.MFloatArray() # positions bs1 = om.MFloatArray() # values cs1 = om.MIntArray() # interpolations as1.append(float(0.5)) bs1.append(float(1.0)) cs1.append(om.MRampAttribute.kSmooth) hMaxDistUv.addEntries(as1, bs1, cs1) @classmethod def creator(cls): return DsAttractDeformer() @classmethod def initialize(cls): numericFn = om.MFnNumericAttribute() genericFn = om.MFnGenericAttribute() matrixFn = om.MFnMatrixAttribute() rampFn = om.MRampAttribute() enumFn = om.MFnEnumAttribute() cls.maxDistance = numericFn.create("maximumDistance", "maxDist", om.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 1.0) numericFn.setKeyable(True) numericFn.setMin(0.0) numericFn.setMax(50.0) cls.aProjectOnNormal = numericFn.create("projectOnNormal", "projectOnNormal", om.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0) numericFn.setKeyable(True) numericFn.setMin(0.0) numericFn.setMax(1.0) cls.aWarnings = numericFn.create("suspendWarnings", "suspendWarnings", om.MFnNumericData.kBoolean, 0) numericFn.setChannelBox(True) cls.inputShape = genericFn.create("inputShape", "inputShape") genericFn.setReadable(False) genericFn.addDataAccept(om.MFnNurbsCurveData.kNurbsCurve) genericFn.addDataAccept(om.MFnNurbsCurveData.kNurbsSurface) cls.aInputMatrix = matrixFn.create("inputMatrix", "inputMatrix") matrixFn.setReadable(False) cls.aMaxDistanceUV = rampFn.createCurveRamp("maxDistanceUv", "maxDistanceUv") cls.aFalloff = rampFn.createCurveRamp("falloff", "falloff") cls.aNormalDirectionLimit = enumFn.create("normalDirectionLimit", "normalDirectionLimit", 0) enumFn.setKeyable(True) enumFn.addField("off", 0) enumFn.addField("Only positive", 1) enumFn.addField("Only negative", 2) cls.addAttribute(cls.maxDistance) cls.addAttribute(cls.inputShape) cls.addAttribute(cls.aInputMatrix) cls.addAttribute(cls.aMaxDistanceUV) cls.addAttribute(cls.aFalloff) cls.addAttribute(cls.aProjectOnNormal) cls.addAttribute(cls.aWarnings) cls.addAttribute(cls.aNormalDirectionLimit) outputGeom = ommpx.cvar.MPxGeometryFilter_outputGeom cls.attributeAffects(cls.maxDistance, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.inputShape, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.aInputMatrix, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.aMaxDistanceUV, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.aFalloff, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.aProjectOnNormal, outputGeom) cls.attributeAffects(cls.aNormalDirectionLimit, outputGeom)
def process_keyframe_animation_btn(*args): # 377 reinit_vars() # with Undo(): for selected in if check_model(selected): self.static_base_meshes.append(selected) # >>>> added by Hiura bCanceled = False if len(self.static_base_meshes) > 0: for one_mesh in self.static_base_meshes: time = 0 tmp_node = cm.snapshot(one_mesh, st=time, et=time, ch=0) tmp_snap = cm.listRelatives(tmp_node, c=1)[0] tmp_snap = cm.parent(tmp_snap, w=1) cm.polySoftEdge(tmp_snap, a=180, ch=0) cm.polyTriangulate(tmp_snap, ch=0) org_num = get_vert_count(one_mesh) new_num = get_vert_count(tmp_snap) if org_num != new_num: buf = 'Warning! Vertex Number Change.\n original=' + str( org_num ) + ' new=' + str( new_num ) + '\n\nMaybe not working properly.\nContinue?' ret = cm.confirmDialog(title='Confirm', message=buf, button=['Yes', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if ret != 'Yes': bCanceled = True cm.delete(tmp_snap) cm.delete(tmp_node) # <<<< added by Hiura if not bCanceled: if len(self.static_base_meshes) > 0: # >>>> added by Hiura gMainProgressBar = mel.eval('$tmp = $gMainProgressBar') cm.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, beginProgress=True, isInterruptable=False, status='"VAT Converting ...', minValue=0, maxValue=100) # <<<< added by Hiura make_merge_snapshots(self.static_base_meshes) cm.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, step=5) # added by Hiura # smooth_copy(self.morph_array[0][0], gMainProgressBar, 15) smooth_copy(self.morph_array[0], gMainProgressBar, 15) # modified by Hiura pack_vert_uvs(self.original_mesh, gMainProgressBar, 30) populate_morph_arrays(gMainProgressBar, 50) remove_meshes() cm.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) # added by Hiura render_out_textures() #.. else: cm.warning("No applicable meshes selected")
def fbxImport(self): try: #Maya 2015 has one click dependency on FBX. super annoying cmds.loadPlugin("OneClick.mll") except: pass #get the file path from the UI filePath = self.fbxFilePath.text() if not os.path.exists(filePath): cmds.warning("No such file exists") return #stripping namespace if self.stripNamespace.isChecked(): #open maya standalone mayaPath = None for path in sys.path: if path.find("bin") != -1: if path.find("bin" + os.sep) == -1: mayaPath = utils.returnFriendlyPath( os.path.join(path, "mayapy.exe")) #error checking if mayaPath == None: try: msg = interfaceUtils.DialogMessage( "Error", "Unable to locate mayapy.exe", [], 0) except: cmds.warning("Unable to locate mayapy.exe.") return scriptPath = utils.returnNicePath( self.scriptPath, "System/") #run a subprocess, opening mayapy/mayastandlone, running our stripNameSpace script maya = subprocess.Popen(mayaPath + ' ' + scriptPath + ' ' + filePath, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = err = print out #get the current character character = self.fbxCharacterCombo.currentText() #duplicate the character's root if cmds.objExists("root"): cmds.warning( "There is already a skeleton in the scene with the name \"root\". Aborting" ) return newSkeleton = cmds.duplicate(character + ":root") cmds.delete(constraints=True) #go through each module in list, find import method, and setup constraints accordingly moduleItems = [] for i in range(self.fbxModuleList.count()): item = self.fbxModuleList.item(i) itemWidget = self.fbxModuleList.itemWidget(item) itemModule ="module") children = itemWidget.children() for child in children: if type(child) == QtWidgets.QComboBox: importMethod = child.currentText() moduleItems.append([itemModule, importMethod]) controls = [] postModules = [] #setup the constraints for each in moduleItems: #get inst modType = cmds.getAttr(each[0] + ".moduleType") modName = cmds.getAttr(each[0] + ".moduleName") mod = __import__("RigModules." + modType, {}, {}, [modType]) reload(mod) #list of modules that have post bake operations needed specialModules = ["ART_Leg_Standard"] #get the class name from that module file (returns Modules.ART_Root.ART_Root for example) moduleClass = getattr(mod, mod.className) #find the instance of that module moduleInst = moduleClass(self, modName) #set namespace for instance moduleInst.namespace = character + ":" #run the module's pre import function moduleInst.importFBX_pre(each[1], character) if modType in specialModules: postModules.append([each[1], character, moduleInst]) returnControls = moduleInst.importFBX(each[1], character) if returnControls != None: controls.extend(returnControls) #ensure that the scene is in 30fps cmds.currentUnit(time='ntsc') cmds.playbackOptions(min=0, max=100, animationStartTime=0, animationEndTime=100) cmds.currentTime(0) #import the FBX file string = "FBXImportMode -v \"exmerge\";" string += "FBXImport -file \"" + filePath + "\"" string += "FBXImportFillTimeline -v true" mel.eval(string) #ensure we're on the base layer animLayers ="animLayer") if animLayers != []: for layer in animLayers: cmds.animLayer(layer, edit=True, selected=False) cmds.animLayer("BaseAnimation", edit=True, selected=True, preferred=True) #snap timeline to length of imported animation"root", hi=True) firstFrame = cmds.findKeyframe(, which='first') lastFrame = cmds.findKeyframe(, which='last') if lastFrame == firstFrame: lastFrame = lastFrame + 1 cmds.playbackOptions(min=firstFrame, max=lastFrame, animationStartTime=firstFrame, animationEndTime=lastFrame) #BAKE! cmds.bakeResults(simulation=True, t=(firstFrame, lastFrame)) #Post Modules: Modules that have post-bake operations needing to be done for each in postModules: method = each[0] character = each[1] inst = each[2] inst.importFBX_post(method, character) #Clean up (delete duplicate skeleton) cmds.delete("root") #Look at frame offset, and offset animation based on that frameOffset = self.frameOffsetField.value() cmds.keyframe(timeChange=frameOffset, r=True) firstFrame = cmds.findKeyframe(which='first') lastFrame = cmds.findKeyframe(which='last') cmds.playbackOptions(min=firstFrame, max=lastFrame, animationStartTime=firstFrame, animationEndTime=lastFrame)
def get(obj=None, pivot='rp', space='ws', targets=None, mode='xform', asEuclid=False): """ General call for querying position data in maya. Note -- pivot and space are ingored in boundingBox mode which returns the center pivot in worldSpace :parameters: obj(str): Object to check Transform, components supported pivot(str): Which pivot to use. (rotate,scale,boundingBox) rotatePivot scalePivot boundingBox -- Returns the calculated center pivot position based on bounding box space(str): World,Object,Local mode(str): xform -- Utilizes tranditional checking with xForm or pointPosition for components asEuclid(bool) - whether to return as Vector or not :returns success(bool) """ try: _str_func = 'get_pos' _obj = VALID.mNodeString(obj) _pivot = VALID.kw_fromDict(pivot, SHARED._d_pivotArgs, noneValid=False, calledFrom=_str_func) _targets = VALID.stringListArg(targets, noneValid=True, calledFrom=_str_func) _space = VALID.kw_fromDict(space, SHARED._d_spaceArgs, noneValid=False, calledFrom=_str_func) _mode = VALID.kw_fromDict(mode, _d_pos_modes, noneValid=False, calledFrom=_str_func) _res = False if _pivot == 'boundingBox': log.debug("|{0}|...boundingBox pivot...".format(_str_func)) _res = get_bb_center(_obj) if MATH.is_vector_equivalent( _res, [0, 0, 0]) and not mc.listRelatives(_obj, s=True): _pivot = 'rp' log.warning( "|{0}|...boundingBox pivot is zero, using rp....".format( _str_func)) if '[' in _obj: log.debug("|{0}| >> component mode...".format(_str_func)) if ":" in _obj.split('[')[-1]: raise ValueError, "|{0}| >>Please specify one obj. Component list found: {1}".format( _str_func, _obj) #_cType = VALID.get_mayaType(_obj) _l_comp = VALID.get_component(_obj) _root = _l_comp[1] _cType = _l_comp[3] if not VALID.is_shape(_root): _shapes = mc.listRelatives(_root, s=True, fullPath=True) or [] if len(_shapes) > 1: log.warning( "|{0}| >>More than one shape found. To be more accurate, specify: {1} | shapes: {2}" .format(_str_func, _obj, _shapes)) _root = _shapes[0] _OBJ = '.'.join([_root, _l_comp[0]]) log.debug( "|{0}| >> obj: {1}({6}) | type: {2} | pivot: {3} | space: {4} | mode: {5}" .format(_str_func, _OBJ, _cType, _pivot, _space, _mode, _obj)) kws_pp = {'world': False, 'local': False} if _space == 'world': kws_pp['world'] = True else: kws_pp['local'] = True if _cType == 'polyVertex': _res = mc.pointPosition(_OBJ, **kws_pp) elif _cType == 'polyEdge': mel.eval("PolySelectConvert 3") edgeVerts =, fl=True) posList = [] for vert in edgeVerts: posList.append(mc.pointPosition(vert, **kws_pp)) _res = MATH.get_average_pos(posList) elif _cType == 'polyFace': mel.eval("PolySelectConvert 3") edgeVerts =, fl=True) posList = [] for vert in edgeVerts: posList.append(mc.pointPosition(vert, **kws_pp)) _res = MATH.get_average_pos(posList) elif _cType in [ 'surfaceCV', 'curveCV', 'editPoint', 'surfacePoint', 'curvePoint' ]: _res = mc.pointPosition(_OBJ, **kws_pp) #_res = mc.pointPosition(_OBJ) else: raise RuntimeError, "|{0}| >> Shouldn't have gotten here. Need another check for component type. '{1}'".format( _str_func, _cType) else: log.debug( "|{0}| >> obj: {1} | pivot: {2} | space: {3} | mode: {4} | asEuclid: {5}" .format(_str_func, _obj, _pivot, _space, _mode, asEuclid)) if _space == 'local' or _pivot == 'local': _res = ATTR.get(_obj, 'translate') #elif _pivot == 'local': #if _space == 'world': # _res = mc.xform(_obj, q=True, rp = True, ws=True ) #else: # _res = ATTR.get(_obj,'translate') else: kws = { 'q': True, 'rp': False, 'sp': False, 'os': False, 'ws': False } if _pivot == 'rp': kws['rp'] = True else: kws['sp'] = True if _space == 'object': kws['os'] = True else: kws['ws'] = True log.debug("|{0}| >> xform kws: {1}".format(_str_func, kws)) _res = mc.xform(_obj, **kws) if _res is not None: if asEuclid: log.debug("|{0}| >> asEuclid...".format(_str_func)) return EUCLID.Vector3(_res[0], _res[1], _res[2]) return _res raise RuntimeError, "|{0}| >> Shouldn't have gotten here: obj: {1}".format( _str_func, _obj) except Exception, err: cgmGen.cgmExceptCB(Exception, err)
def exportFBX(self, export_FBX): SetFbxParameter() mel.eval('FBXExport -f "' + export_FBX + '" -s')