Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_mc_init(self):
     proj_list = mcapi.get_all_projects()
     proj_dict = {p.name:p for p in proj_list}
     self.assertFalse('CLITest' in proj_dict)
     testargs = ['mc', 'init']
     with captured_output(wd=self.proj_path) as (sout, serr):
     out = sout.getvalue().splitlines()
     remote = mcapi.use_remote()
     url = remote.config.mcurl
     self.assertEqual(out[0], "Created new project at: " + url)
     testargs = ['mc', 'init']
     with captured_output(wd=self.proj_path) as (sout, serr):
     out = sout.getvalue().splitlines()
     self.assertTrue(re.match("Already in project.  name: CLITest", out[0]))
     proj_list = mcapi.get_all_projects()
     proj_dict = {p.name:p for p in proj_list}
     self.assertTrue('CLITest' in proj_dict)
     with working_dir(self.proj_path):
         proj = make_local_project()
         self.assertEqual(proj.name, 'CLITest')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_all_objects(self, args):

        if self.requires_project and _proj_path() is None:
            raise Exception("Not in any Materials Commons project directory")

        if not self.proj_member:
            data = self.get_all()
            proj = make_local_project()

            if self.expt_member and args.expt:
                expt = make_local_expt(proj)
                data = self.get_all_from_experiment(expt)
                data = self.get_all_from_project(proj)

        def _any_match(value):
            for n in args.expr:
                if re.match(n, value):
                    return True
            return False

        if args.expr:
            if args.id:
                objects = [d for d in data if _any_match(d.id)]
            elif self.has_owner and args.owner:
                objects = [d for d in data if _any_match(d.owner)]
                objects = [d for d in data if _any_match(d.name)]
            objects = data

        return objects
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: up.py Projeto: bpuchala/mcapi
def up_subcommand(argv=sys.argv):
    upload files to Materials Commons
    mc up [-r] [<pathspec> ...]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='upload files',
        prog='mc up')
    parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', default=None, help='Files or directories')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action="store_true", default=False, help='Upload directory contents recursively')
    parser.add_argument('--limit', nargs=1, type=float, default=[50], help='File size upload limit (MB). Default=50MB.')
    # ignore 'mc up'
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
    limit = args.limit[0]
    proj = make_local_project()
    local_abspaths = set([os.path.abspath(p) for p in args.paths])
    if not args.recursive:
        dirs = [p for p in local_abspaths if os.path.isdir(p)]
        for d in dirs:
            files = [os.path.join(p, f) for f in os.listdir(d) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p,f))]
    if args.recursive and proj.local_path in local_abspaths:
        # treat upload of everything specially
        local_abspaths = set([os.path.join(proj.local_path, f) for f in os.listdir(proj.local_path) if f != ".mc"])
    for p in local_abspaths:
        if os.path.isfile(p):
            #print "uploading:", p
                result = proj.add_file_by_local_path(p, verbose=True, limit=limit)
            except Exception as e:
                print "Could not upload:", p
                print "Error:"
                print e
        elif os.path.isdir(p) and args.recursive:
            #print "uploading:", p
            result, error = proj.add_directory_tree_by_local_path(p, verbose=True, limit=limit)
            if len(error):
                for file in error:
                    print "Could not upload:", file
                    print "Error:"
                    print error[file]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_proj(cls):
     return make_local_project(cls.proj_path)
Exemplo n.º 5
def expt_subcommand(argv=sys.argv):
    List, create, delete, and modify experiments
    mc expt
    mc expt [-c] <exptname>
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='List, create, delete, and modify experiments',
        prog='mc expt')
    parser.add_argument('expts', nargs='*', default=None, help='Experiment names (or id if --id given)')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action="store_true", default=True, help='List experiments (default)')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--create', action="store_true", default=False, help='Create experiments')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', action="store_true", default=False, help='Delete experiments')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--set', action="store_true", default=False, help='Set current experiment')
    parser.add_argument('--id', action="store_true", default=False, help='Input experiment id instead of name')
    parser.add_argument('--desc', type=str, default="", help='Experiment description')
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action="store_true", default=False, help='Dry run deletion')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action="store_true", default=False, help='Delete all samples and processes')
    #parser.add_argument('-m', '--rename', type=str, default='origin', help='Rename experiment')
    # ignore 'mc expt'
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
    proj = make_local_project()
    expt_list = proj.get_all_experiments()
    expts = {e.name:e for e in expt_list}
    expt_ids = {e.id:e for e in expt_list}
    if args.create:
        if len(args.expts) != 1:
            print 'create one experiment at a time'
            print 'example: mc expt -c ExptName --desc "short description"'
        for name in args.expts:
            if name not in expts:
                expt = proj.create_experiment(name, args.desc)
                print 'Created experiment:', expt.name
                set_current_experiment(proj, expt)
                print "Set current experiment: '" + expt.name + "'"
                print 'experiment: \'' + name + '\' already exists'
    elif args.delete:
        for name in args.expts:
            if args.id:
                _expts = expt_ids
                _expts = expts
            _expts[name].delete(dry_run=args.dry_run, delete_processes_and_samples=args.all)
            print 'Deleted experiment:', name
            for key, val in _expts[name].delete_tally.__dict__.iteritems():
                print key, val
            print ""
    elif args.set:
        if len(args.expts) != 1:
            print 'set one current experiment at a time'
            print 'example: mc expt -s ExptName'
        if args.id:
            set_current_experiment(proj, expt_ids[args.expts[0]])
            print "Set current experiment: '" + expt_ids[args.expts[0]].name + "'"
            set_current_experiment(proj, expts[args.expts[0]])
            print "Set current experiment: '" + expts[args.expts[0]].name + "'"
    elif args.list:
        _print_experiments(proj.get_all_experiments(), make_local_expt(proj))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_proj(self):
     return make_local_project(self.proj_path)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ls.py Projeto: bpuchala/mcapi
def ls_subcommand(argv=sys.argv):
    'ls' a project directory to see local and remote files and directories.
    mc ls [<pathspec> ...]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='List local & remote directory contents',
        prog='mc ls')
    parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', default=[os.getcwd()], help='Files or directories')
    parser.add_argument('--checksum', action="store_true", default=False, help='Calculate MD5 checksum for local files')
    parser.add_argument('--json', action="store_true", default=False, help='Print JSON exactly')
    # ignore 'mc ls'
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[2:])
    local_abspaths = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in args.paths]
    proj = make_local_project()
    # act on local paths
    (df, files, dirs, remotes) = _ls_group(proj, local_abspaths,
        files_only=True, checksum=args.checksum, json=args.json)
    # print warnings for type mismatches
    for file in files:
        if file in dirs and os.path.isfile(file):
            print "warning!", file, "is a local file and remote directory!"
        if file in dirs and os.path.isdir(file):
            print "warning!", file, "is a local directory and remote file!"
    if args.json:
        for r in remotes:
            print r.input_data
        if df.shape[0]:
            print df.to_string(index=False)
            print ""
    for d in dirs:
        _locals = []
        if os.path.exists(d):
            _locals = [os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d)]
        if os.path.abspath(d) == proj.local_path:
            remote_dir = proj.get_top_directory()
            remote_dir = proj.get_by_local_path(d)
        _remotes = []
        if remote_dir is not None:
            _remotes = [os.path.join(d, child.name) for child in remote_dir.get_children()]
        _local_abspaths = SortedSet(_locals + _remotes)
        (df, files, dirs, remotes) = _ls_group(proj, _local_abspaths,
            files_only=False, checksum=args.checksum, json=args.json)
        if args.json:
            for r in remotes:
                print r.input_data
            if df.shape[0]:
                print os.path.relpath(d, os.getcwd()) + ":"
                #print df.to_string(index=False)
                print tabulate(df, showindex=False, headers=df.columns, tablefmt="plain")
                print ""