Exemplo n.º 1
    def transform(x, parents):  # @UnusedVariable
        w0 = x.where
        s0 = w0.string

        def translate(line, col):
            # add initial white space on first line
            if line == 0:
                col += len(extra_before)
            # add the initial empty lines
            line += num_empty_lines_start
            return line, col

        # these are now in the original string transform_original_s
        line, col = translate(*line_and_col(w0.character, s0))
        character = location(line, col, transform_original_s)

        if w0.character_end is None:
            character_end = None
            line, col = translate(*line_and_col(w0.character_end, s0))
            character_end = location(line, col, transform_original_s)

        where = Where(string=transform_original_s,

        return get_copy_with_where(x, where)
Exemplo n.º 2
def translate_where(where0, string):
        Take the first where; compute line, col according to where0.string,
        and find out the corresponding chars in the second string.

        This assumes that string and where0.string have the same number of lines.

    nlines = len(string.split('\n'))
    nlines0 = len(where0.string.split('\n'))
    if nlines != nlines0:
        msg = 'I expected they have the same lines.'
        msg += '\n         string (%d lines): %r' % (nlines, string)
        msg += '\n  where0.string (%d lines): %r' % (nlines0, where0.string)
        raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg)

    string0 = where0.string
    line, col = line_and_col(where0.character, string0)
    character2 = location(line, col, string)

    if where0.character_end is None:
        character_end2 = None
        line, col = line_and_col(where0.character_end, string0)
        character_end2 = location(line, col, string)

    where = Where(string=string,
    return where
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_good_use_of_special_paragraphs(md, filename):
    lines = md.split('\n')
    for i in range(1, len(lines)):
        line = lines[i]
        prev = lines[i - 1]

        prefix = has_special_line_prefix(line)
        if prefix:
            if prev.strip():
                msg = ('Wrong use of special paragraph indicator. You have '
                       'to leave an empty line before the special paragraph.')
                c = location(i, 1, md)
                c_end = c + len(prefix)
                where = Where(md, c, c_end).with_filename(filename)
                raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)

        if False:

            def looks_like_list_item(s):
                if s.startswith('--'):
                    return False
                if s.startswith('**'):
                    return False
                return s.startswith('-') or s.startswith('*')

            if looks_like_list_item(line):
                if prev.strip() and not looks_like_list_item(prev):
                    msg = ('Wrong use of list indicator. You have '
                           'to leave an empty line before the list.')
                    c = location(i, 1, md)
                    c_end = c + 1
                    where = Where(md, c, c_end).with_filename(filename)
                    raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)
Exemplo n.º 4
        def _invalid(self, mo):
            i = mo.start('invalid')
            lines = self.template[:i].splitlines(True)
            if not lines:
                colno = 1
                lineno = 1
                colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
                lineno = len(lines)

            char = location(lineno - 1, colno - 1, s)
            w = Where(s, char)
            raise DPSyntaxError('Invalid placeholder', where=w)
Exemplo n.º 5
def parsing_error_recov09():
    """ Invalid HTML produced """
    s="""# a!   
    s="""mcdp { 
    for c in range(len(s)+1):
        line, col = line_and_col(c, s)
        c2 = location(line, col, s)
        print('c = %2d line = %2d col = %s c2 = %s' % (c, line, col ,c2))
        assert c == c2, (c, line, col, c2)
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_parsable(s):
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
    #     parser = ET.XMLParser()
    #     parser.entity["nbsp"] = unichr(160)
    s = '<add-wrap-for-xml-parser>' + s + '</add-wrap-for-xml-parser>'
    #     print indent(s, ' for xml')
    #     with open('rtmp.xml', 'w') as f:
    #         f.write(s)
        _ = ET.fromstring(s)
    except Exception as e:
        line1, col1 = e.position
        line = line1 - 1
        col = col1 - 1
        character = location(line, col, s)
        msg = 'Invalid XML: %s' % e
        where = Where(s, character)
        logger.error('line %s col %s' % (where.line, where.col))
        raise DPSyntaxError(msg, where=where)