Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, mc, pos):

        self.mc = mc
        self.pos = pos

        self.time = None
        self.cputemperature = None
        self.temperature = None
        self.humidity = None
        self.pressure = None
        self.orientation = {"yaw": 0, "pitch": 0, "roll": 0}
        self.joystick = {
            "up": 0,
            "down": 0,
            "left": 0,
            "right": 0,
            "button": 0

        #calculate the positions of the towers, iss, clock and stairs
        temppos = pos.clone()
        temppos.x += 2

        humiditypos = pos.clone()
        humiditypos.x -= 2

        pressurepos = pos.clone()
        pressurepos.z += 2

        cputemppos = pos.clone()
        cputemppos.z -= 2

        isspos = pos.clone()
        isspos.y += 40

        clockpos = pos.clone()
        clockpos.x -= 30
        clockpos.z -= 10
        clockpos.y += 11

        rocketpos = pos.clone()
        rocketpos.x += 15
        rocketpos.z -= 10

        stairspos = pos.clone()
        stairspos.z -= 5

        #create the clock
        self.clock = Clock(mc, clockpos, block.WOOL.id, 11)

        #clear an area for the tubes
        self.mc.setBlocks(self.pos.x - 3, self.pos.y, self.pos.z - 3,
                          self.pos.x + 3, self.pos.y + 20, self.pos.z + 3,

        #create the tubes
        self.tempTube = DisplayTube(mc, temppos, 20, 10, 40, block.LAVA.id)

        self.humidityTube = DisplayTube(mc, humiditypos, 20, 20, 50,

        self.pressureTube = DisplayTube(mc, pressurepos, 20, 950, 1050,

        self.cputempTube = DisplayTube(mc, cputemppos, 20, 30, 50,
                                       block.WOOL.id, 14)

        #create the ISS
        self.iss = ISS(mc, isspos)

        #create the stairs
        self.stairs = Stairs(mc, stairspos, 6, 38, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK.id)

        #create the launch pad and rocket
        self.launchpad = LaunchPad(mc, rocketpos)
        self.rocket = Rocket(mc, rocketpos, cleararea=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
    x = cx + math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * radius
    y = cy + math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * radius
    return((int(x + 0.5),int(y + 0.5)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    mc = Minecraft.create()

    mc.postToChat("SpaceCRAFT - Minecraft Rocket Launch")
    mc.postToChat("Hit the launch pad")
    #create the rocket next to the player at ground level
    rocketPos = mc.player.getTilePos()
    rocketPos.x += 5
    rocketPos.y = mc.getHeight(rocketPos.x, rocketPos.z) - 1
    launchpad = LaunchPad(mc, rocketPos)
    rocket = Rocket(mc, rocketPos)
        #wait till the launch tnt is hit
        launch = False
        while not launch:
            for hit in mc.events.pollBlockHits():
                shapeblockhit = launchpad.getShapeBlock(
                    hit.pos.x, hit.pos.y, hit.pos.z)
                if shapeblockhit != None:
                    if shapeblockhit.tag == "launch":
                        launch = True