def draw_minor_transition(ax, sc, d, a, b): # transition from i to b from numpy import logical_and for i in range(4): if i == b: continue d_ = d[d['Mn_seq_x'] == i] if len(d_) == 0: continue y_ = [ linspace(p_.maf_x, p_.maf_y, seq_size) for p_ in d_[['maf_x', 'maf_y']].itertuples() ] x_ = array(y_) for j in range(len(d_)): x_[j].fill(d_[duma_position].values[j]) c = [xlin for _ in range(len(x_))] sc[a]['minor'].append( ax.scatter(x_, y_, c=c, cmap=mcols.cmap(dcolor[i][b]), s=markersize)) # draw major scatter y_ = get_uppery(y_) x_ = [i[0] for i in x_] sc[a]['major'].append( ax.scatter(x_, y_, color=colors[a], label=basepair[a], s=markersize - 1))
def lambda_style(x): from mcolors import mcols if len(x['ct']) == 1: return self.colors[self.basepair.index(x['ct'].upper())] else: return mcols.cmap(self.dcolor[self.basepair.index(x['ct'][0].upper())][self.basepair.index(x['ct'][1].upper())])
def visualize(self): import matplotlib.patches as mpatches self.fig, = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)[0].set_title('Click on legend rectangle to toggle data on/off', fontdict={'fontsize' : 8 }) self.fig.set_size_inches(12, 7, forward=True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.15, right=0.98, hspace=0.15) # bpdiff_trans = [] # major transition =[::-1] # major가 같은 것 들만 print('Run matplotlib...') for i in range(len(self.bpdiff)): sc = [ {'major' : [], 'minor': [] }, {'major' : [], 'minor': [] }, {'major' : [], 'minor': [] }, {'major' : [], 'minor': [] } ] self.draw_vspans([i], self.B.range_dumas) for a in range(4): cond1 = self.bpdiff[i]['Mj_seq_x'] == a # major a -> minor b for b in range(4): if a == b: # sc[a]['major'].append(None) # sc[a]['minor'].append(None) continue # 1. minor가 같은 것들 처리 : 같은 색상 cond2 = self.bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_y'] == b # x는 cond3 = logical_or(self.bpdiff[i]['minor_x'] == 0, self.bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_x'] == b) cond3 = logical_and(cond2, cond3) d = self.B.get_bpdiff_cond(index=i, cond=logical_and(cond1, cond3)) #bpdiff[i][ logical_and(cond1, cond3).values ] if len(d) > 0: y_ = [ linspace(d_.maf_x, d_.maf_y, self.seq_size) for d_ in d[['maf_x', 'maf_y']].itertuples() ] x_ = array(y_) for j in range(len(d)): x_[j].fill( d[self.duma_position].values[j] ) c = [ self.xlin for _ in range(len(x_))] sc[a]['minor'].append([i].scatter(x_, y_, c=c, cmap=mcols.cmap(self.mcolor[b]), s=self.markersize, linewidth=0.0)) # draw major scatter y_ = self.get_uppery(y_) x_ = [ ii[0] for ii in x_] sc[a]['major'].append([i].scatter(x_, y_, color=self.basecolors[a], label=self.basepair[a], s=self.markersize-1)) # # 2. minor가 바뀌는 것들 처리 : colors diverging # 각 basetype -> b type, target이 b, 즉, b로 변한것 cond2 = logical_and(self.bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_x'] != b, self.bpdiff[i]['minor_x'] > 0) cond3 = logical_and(cond2, self.bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_y'] == b) d = self.bpdiff[i][ logical_and(cond1, cond3).values ] if len(d) > 0: self.draw_minor_transition([i], sc, d, a, b) # end for b #end for a self.sct.append(sc)[i].set_ylim([0, 50])[i].set_ylabel('Variation of MAF(%)')[i].set_title(self.ylabel[i], loc='left', fontdict={'fontsize':13, 'verticalalignment':'top', 'color':'black', 'backgroundcolor':'#FEFEFE'}) # ZoomSlider of Dumas position zaxes = plt.axes([0.08, 0.07, 0.90, 0.03], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow') self.zslider = ZoomSlider(zaxes, 'Dumas Position', valmin=self.B.minpos, valmax=self.B.maxpos, valleft=self.B.minpos, valright=self.B.maxpos, color='lightblue', valstep=1.0) self.zslider.on_changed(self.update_xlim) from legend import Legend spatches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=self.basecolors[idx], label=self.basepair[idx]) for idx in range(4) ] leg_basepair = Legend(self.fig, { 'spatches' : spatches, 'label' : self.basepair, 'bbox':(0.66, .91, 0.33, .102), 'loc' : 3, 'ncol' : 4, 'mode' : 'expand', 'borderaxespad' : 0.}) dumalabels = [ key for key in self.dumas.keys()] spatches = [ mpatches.Patch(color='grey', label=dumalabels[idx]) for idx in range(3) ] leg_dumas = Legend(self.fig, { 'spatches' : spatches, 'label' : dumalabels, 'bbox':(0.05, .91, 0.33, .102), 'loc' : 3, 'ncol' : 3, 'mode' : 'expand', 'borderaxespad' : 0.}) spatches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=['black', 'magenta'][idx], label=['base', 'variation'][idx]) for idx in range(2) ] self.leg_filter = Legend(self.fig, { 'spatches' : spatches, 'label' : ['base_0.0', 'variation_5.0'], 'bbox':(0.40, .91, 0.24, .102), 'loc' : 3, 'ncol' : 3, 'mode' : 'expand', 'borderaxespad' : 0.}) for x in self.annot.append(x.annotate("", xy=(0,0), xytext=(20,-30),textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))) # annotate over other axes x.figure.texts.append(x.texts.pop()) # # x.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', xlim_changed_event) for c in self.B.range_dumas.keys(): self.annot_gere[c] = [] ay_ = 0.85 if c == self.duma_Repeat else 0.7 if c == self.duma_ORF: ay_ = 1. for d in self.dumas[c]: self.annot_gere[c].append([-1].annotate(d, xy=(self.B.range_dumas[c][d]['min'], 50*ay_), xytext=(-20,10), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="fancy"))) for an_ in self.annot: an_.set_visible(False) an_.set_zorder(10) for c in self.B.range_dumas.keys(): for an_ in self.annot_gere[c]: an_.set_visible(False) # legend pick event self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onpick) leg_dumas.pick() self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.click_) # ax[-1].text(105500, 49, 'IRS', fontdict={'fontsize':5}) # buttonaxes = plt.axes([0.89, .95, 0.1, 0.025]) # bnext = Button(buttonaxes, 'Export') # bnext.on_clicked(ExportToParallelCoordGraph)
continue # 1. minor가 같은 것들 처리 : 같은 색상 cond2 = bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_y'] == b # x는 cond3 = logical_or(bpdiff[i]['minor_x'] == 0, bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_x'] == b) cond3 = logical_and(cond2, cond3) d = B.get_bpdiff_cond(index=i, cond=logical_and(cond1, cond3)) #bpdiff[i][ logical_and(cond1, cond3).values ] if len(d) > 0: y_ = [ linspace(d_.maf_x, d_.maf_y, seq_size) for d_ in d[['maf_x', 'maf_y']].itertuples() ] x_ = array(y_) for j in range(len(d)): x_[j].fill( d[duma_position].values[j] ) c = [ xlin for _ in range(len(x_))] sc[a]['minor'].append(ax[i].scatter(x_, y_, c=c, cmap=mcols.cmap(mcolor[b]), s=markersize, linewidth=0.0)) # draw major scatter y_ = get_uppery(y_) x_ = [ ii[0] for ii in x_] sc[a]['major'].append(ax[i].scatter(x_, y_, color=colors[a], label=basepair[a], s=markersize-1)) # # 2. minor가 바뀌는 것들 처리 : colors diverging # 각 basetype -> b type, target이 b, 즉, b로 변한것 cond2 = logical_and(bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_x'] != b, bpdiff[i]['minor_x'] > 0) cond3 = logical_and(cond2, bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_y'] == b) d = bpdiff[i][ logical_and(cond1, cond3).values ] if len(d) > 0: draw_minor_transition(ax[i], sc, d, a, b) # end for b #end for a
cond3 = logical_and(cond2, cond3) d = bpdiff[i][logical_and(cond1, cond3).values] if len(d) > 0: y_ = [ linspace(d_.maf_x, d_.maf_y, seq_size) for d_ in d[['maf_x', 'maf_y']].itertuples() ] x_ = array(y_) for j in range(len(d)): x_[j].fill(d[duma_position].values[j]) c = [xlin for _ in range(len(x_))] sc[a]['minor'].append(ax[i].scatter(x_, y_, c=c, cmap=mcols.cmap( mcolor[b]), s=markersize, linewidth=0.0)) # draw major scatter y_ = get_uppery(y_) x_ = [ii[0] for ii in x_] sc[a]['major'].append(ax[i].scatter(x_, y_, color=colors[a], label=basepair[a], s=markersize - 1)) # # 2. minor가 바뀌는 것들 처리 : colors diverging # 각 basetype -> b type, target이 b, 즉, b로 변한것 cond2 = logical_and(bpdiff[i]['Mn_seq_x'] != b,