Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
  Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC cubed)

  This code calls MCMC to work under an MPI multiprocessor protocol or
  single-thread mode.  When using MPI it will launch one CPU per MCMC chain
  to work in parallel.

  cfile: String
     Filename of a configuration file.

  # Parse the config file from the command line:
  cparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, add_help=False,
  # Add config file option:
  cparser.add_argument("-c", "--config_file",
                       help="Configuration file", metavar="FILE")
  # Remaining_argv contains all other command-line-arguments:
  args, remaining_argv = cparser.parse_known_args()

  # Take configuration file from command-line:
  cfile = args.config_file

  # Incorrect configuration file name:
  if cfile is not None and not os.path.isfile(cfile):
    mu.error("Configuration file: '{:s}' not found.".format(cfile))
  if cfile:
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    defaults = dict(config.items("MCMC"))
    defaults = {}

  # Parser for the MCMC arguments:
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[cparser])

  # MCMC Options:
  group = parser.add_argument_group("MCMC General Options")
  group.add_argument("-n", "--numit",
                     help="Number of MCMC samples [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,   action="store", default=100)
  group.add_argument("-x", "--nchains",
                     help="Number of chains [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=int,   action="store", default=10)
  group.add_argument("-w", "--walk",
                     help="Random walk algorithm [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=str,   action="store", default="demc",
                     choices=('demc', 'mrw'))
  group.add_argument(      "--wlikelihood",
                     help="Calculate the likelihood in a wavelet base "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument(      "--leastsq",
                     help="Perform a least-square minimization before the "
                     "MCMC run [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument(     "--chisq_scale",
                     help="Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced "
                     "chi-squared = 1. [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument("-g", "--gelman_rubin",
                     help="Run Gelman-Rubin test [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument(      "--grexit",
                     help="Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies the GR "
                          "test two consecutive times [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument("-b", "--burnin",
                     help="Number of burn-in iterations (per chain) "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,   action="store", default=0)
  group.add_argument("-t", "--thinning",
                     help="Chains thinning factor (use every thinning-th "
                     "iteration) for GR test and plots [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=int,     action="store",  default=1)
  group.add_argument(      "--plots",
                     help="If True plot parameter traces, pairwise posteriors, "
                     "and marginal posterior histograms [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,    action="store",  default=False)
  group.add_argument("-o", "--save_file",
                     help="Output filename to store the parameter posterior "
                     "distributions  [default: %(default)s]",
                     type=str,     action="store",  default="output.npy")
  group.add_argument(      "--savemodel",
                     help="Output filename to store the evaluated models  "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=str,     action="store",  default=None)
  group.add_argument(       "--mpi",
                     help="Run under MPI multiprocessing [default: "
                     type=eval,  action="store", default=False)
  group.add_argument(      "--resume",
                     help="If True, resume a previous run (load output) "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,    action="store",  default=False)
  group.add_argument(      "--rms",
                     help="If True, calculate the RMS of (data-bestmodel) "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=eval,    action="store",  default=False)
  group.add_argument(      "--logfile",
                     help="Log file.",
                     action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-T", "--tracktime", dest="tractime", action="store_true")
  # Fitting-parameter Options:
  group = parser.add_argument_group("Fitting-function Options")
  group.add_argument("-f", "--func",
                     help="List of strings with the function name, module "
                     "name, and path-to-module [required]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-p", "--params",
                     help="Filename or list of initial-guess model-fitting "
                     "parameter [required]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-m", "--pmin",
                     help="Filename or list of parameter lower boundaries "
                     "[default: -inf]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-M", "--pmax",
                     help="Filename or list of parameter upper boundaries "
                     "[default: +inf]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-s", "--stepsize",
                     help="Filename or list with proposal jump scale "
                     "[default: 0.1*params]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-i", "--indparams",
                     help="Filename or list with independent parameters for "
                     "func [default: None]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=[])
  # Data Options:
  group = parser.add_argument_group("Data Options")
  group.add_argument("-d", "--data",
                     help="Filename or list of the data being fitted "
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument("-u", "--uncertainties",
                     help="Filemane or list with the data uncertainties "
                     "[default: ones]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument(     "--prior",
                     help="Filename or list with parameter prior estimates "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument(     "--priorlow",
                     help="Filename or list with prior lower uncertainties "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)
  group.add_argument(     "--priorup",
                     help="Filename or list with prior upper uncertainties "
                     "[default: %(default)s]",
                     type=mu.parray,  action="store", default=None)

  # Set the defaults from the configuration file:
  # Set values from command line:
  args2, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(remaining_argv)

  # Unpack configuration-file/command-line arguments:
  numit      = args2.numit
  nchains    = args2.nchains
  walk       = args2.walk
  wlike      = args2.wlike
  leastsq    = args2.leastsq
  chisqscale = args2.chisqscale
  grtest     = args2.grtest
  grexit     = args2.grexit
  burnin     = args2.burnin
  thinning   = args2.thinning
  plots      = args2.plots
  savefile   = args2.savefile
  savemodel  = args2.savemodel
  mpi        = args2.mpi
  resume     = args2.resume
  tracktime  = args2.tractime
  logfile    = args2.logfile
  rms        = args2.rms

  func      = args2.func
  params    = args2.params
  pmin      = args2.pmin
  pmax      = args2.pmax
  stepsize  = args2.stepsize
  indparams = args2.indparams

  data     = args2.data
  uncert   = args2.uncert
  prior    = args2.prior
  priorup  = args2.priorup
  priorlow = args2.priorlow

  nprocs   = nchains

  # Open a log FILE if requested:
  if logfile is not None:
    log = open(logfile, "w")
    log = None

  # Handle arguments:
  if params is None:
    mu.error("'params' is a required argument.", log)
  elif isinstance(params[0], str):
    # If params is a filename, unpack:
    if not os.path.isfile(params[0]):
      mu.error("params file '{:s}' not found.".format(params[0]), log)
    array = mu.loadascii(params[0])
    # Array size:
    ninfo, ndata = np.shape(array)
    if ninfo == 7:                 # The priors
      prior    = array[4]
      priorlow = array[5]
      priorup  = array[6]
    if ninfo >= 4:                 # The stepsize
      stepsize = array[3]
    if ninfo >= 2:                 # The boundaries
      pmin     = array[1]
      pmax     = array[2]
    params = array[0]              # The initial guess

  # Check for pmin and pmax files if not read before:
  if pmin is not None and isinstance(pmin[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(pmin[0]):
      mu.error("pmin file '{:s}' not found.".format(pmin[0]), log)
    pmin = mu.loadascii(pmin[0])[0]

  if pmax is not None and isinstance(pmax[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(pmax[0]):
      mu.error("pmax file '{:s}' not found.".format(pmax[0]), log)
    pmax = mu.loadascii(pmax[0])[0]

  # Stepsize:
  if stepsize is not None and isinstance(stepsize[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(stepsize[0]):
      mu.error("stepsize file '{:s}' not found.".format(stepsize[0]), log)
    stepsize = mu.loadascii(stepsize[0])[0]

  # Priors:
  if prior    is not None and isinstance(prior[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(prior[0]):
      mu.error("prior file '{:s}' not found.".format(prior[0]), log)
    prior    = mu.loadascii(prior   [0])[0]

  if priorlow is not None and isinstance(priorlow[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(priorlow[0]):
      mu.error("priorlow file '{:s}' not found.".format(priorlow[0]), log)
    priorlow = mu.loadascii(priorlow[0])[0]

  if priorup  is not None and isinstance(priorup[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(priorup[0]):
      mu.error("priorup file '{:s}' not found.".format(priorup[0]), log)
    priorup  = mu.loadascii(priorup [0])[0]

  # Process the data and uncertainties:
  if data is None:
     mu.error("'data' is a required argument.", log)
  # If params is a filename, unpack:
  elif isinstance(data[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(data[0]):
      mu.error("data file '{:s}' not found.".format(data[0]), log)
    array = mu.loadbin(data[0])
    data = array[0]
    if len(array) == 2:
      uncert = array[1]

  if uncert is None:
    mu.error("'uncert' is a required argument.", log)
  elif isinstance(uncert[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(uncert[0]):
      mu.error("uncert file '{:s}' not found.".format(uncert[0]), log)
    uncert = mu.loadbin(uncert[0])[0]

  # Process the independent parameters:
  if indparams != [] and isinstance(indparams[0], str):
    if not os.path.isfile(indparams[0]):
      mu.error("indparams file '{:s}' not found.".format(indparams[0]), log)
    indparams = mu.loadbin(indparams[0])

  if tracktime:
    start_mpi = timeit.default_timer()

  if mpi:
    # Checks for mpi4py:
      from mpi4py import MPI
      mu.error("Attempted to use MPI, but mpi4py is not installed.", log)

    # Get source dir:
    mcfile = mc.__file__
    iright = mcfile.rfind('/')
    if iright == -1:
      sdir = "."
      sdir = mcfile[:iright]

    # Hack func here:
    funccall = sdir + "/func.py"
    if func[0] == 'hack':
      funccall = func[2] + "/" + func[1] + ".py"

    # Call wrapper of model function:
    args = [funccall, "-c" + cfile] + remaining_argv
    comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=args, maxprocs=nprocs)
    comm = None

  # Use a copy of uncert to avoid overwrite on it.
  if uncert is not None:
    unc = np.copy(uncert)
    unc = None

  if tracktime:
    start_loop = timeit.default_timer()
  # Run the MCMC:
  allp, bp = mc.mcmc(data, unc, func, indparams,
                     params, pmin, pmax, stepsize,
                     prior, priorlow, priorup,
                     numit, nchains, walk, wlike,
                     leastsq, chisqscale, grtest, grexit, burnin,
                     thinning, plots, savefile, savemodel,
                     comm, resume, log, rms)

  if tracktime:
    stop = timeit.default_timer()

  # Close communications and disconnect:
  if mpi:

  #if bench == True:
  if tracktime:
    mu.msg(1, "Total execution time:   %10.6f s"%(stop - start), log)
  if log is not None:
Exemplo n.º 2
def prayer(configfile, nprays=0, savefile=None):
  Implement a Prayer-bead method to estimate parameter uncertainties.

  configfile: String
    Configuration file name
  nprays: Integer
    Number of prayer-bead shifts.  If nprays==0, set to the number
    of data points.
  savefile: String
    Name of file where to store the prayer-bead results.

  Believing in a prayer bead is a mere act of faith, we are scientists
  for god's sake!

  config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
  cfgsec = "MCMC" 

  data = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'data'))
  if isinstance(data[0], str):
    array = mu.loadbin(data[0])
    data = array[0]
    if len(array) == 2:
      uncert = array[1]
      uncert = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'uncert'))

  params    = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'params'))
  if isinstance(params[0], str):
    array = mu.loadascii(params[0])
    ninfo, nparams = np.shape(array)
    if ninfo == 7:                 # The priors
      prior    = array[4]
      priorlow = array[5]
      priorup  = array[6]
        prior     = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'prior'))
        priorlow  = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'priorlow'))
        priorup   = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'priorup'))
        prior   = np.zeros(nparams)  # Empty arrays
        priorup = priorlow = np.array([])
        iprior  = np.array([], int)

    if ninfo >= 4:                 # The stepsize
      stepsize = array[3]
      stepsize  = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'stepsize'))

    if ninfo >= 2:                 # The boundaries
      pmin     = array[1]
      pmax     = array[2]
      pmin      = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'pmin'))
      pmax      = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'pmax'))
    params = array[0]              # The initial guess

  indparams = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'indparams'))
  if indparams != [] and isinstance(indparams[0], str):
    indparams = mu.loadbin(indparams[0])

  # Number of fitting parameters:
  nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0)
  ifree  = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] 
  iprior = np.where(priorlow > 0)[0] 

  # Get modeling function:
  func   = mu.parray(config.get(cfgsec, 'func'))
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if len(func) == 3:
    exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0]))
  elif not callable(func):

  # Number of iterations:
  if nprays == 0:
    nprays = ndata
    shifts = np.arange(1, ndata)
    shifts = np.random.randint(0, ndata, nprays-1)

  # Allocate space for results:
  allfits = np.zeros((nprays, nfree))

  # Fit model:
  fitargs = (params, func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
             (prior-params)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorup[iprior])
  chisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[ifree], args=fitargs)
  # Evaluate best model:
  fargs = [params] + indparams
  bestmodel = func(*fargs)
  chifactor = np.sqrt(chisq/(ndata-nfree))
  # Get residuals:
  residuals = data - bestmodel
  sigma     = np.copy(uncert*chifactor)

  allfits[0] = params[ifree]

  for i in np.arange(nprays-1):
    # Permuted data:
    pbdata = np.copy(bestmodel + np.roll(residuals, shifts[i]))
    # Permuted weights:
    pbunc  = np.roll(sigma, shifts[i])
    # Fitting parameters:
    pbfit = np.copy(params)[ifree]
    # Fit model:
    fitargs = (params, func, pbdata, pbunc, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
             (prior-params)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorup[iprior])
    chisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(pbfit, args=fitargs)
    allfits[i+1] = pbfit

  if savefile is not None:
    pbfile = open(savefile, "w")
    pbfile.write("Prayer-bead uncertainties:\n")
    pbunc = np.std(allfits, 0)
    for j in np.arange(nfree):
      pbfile.write("%s  "%str(pbunc[j]))

  return allfits, residuals
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(comm):
  Wrapper of modeling function for MCMC under MPI protocol.
  # Parse arguments:
  cparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, add_help=False,
  # Add config file option:
  cparser.add_argument("-c", "--config_file", 
                       help="Configuration file", metavar="FILE")
  # Remaining_argv contains all other command-line-arguments:
  args, remaining_argv = cparser.parse_known_args()

  # Get parameters from configuration file:
  cfile = args.config_file
  if cfile:
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    defaults = dict(config.items("MCMC"))
    defaults = {}
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[cparser])
  parser.add_argument("-f", "--func",      dest="func",     type=mu.parray, 
                                           action="store",  default=None)
  parser.add_argument("-i", "--indparams", dest="indparams", type=mu.parray, 
                                           action="store",   default=[])
  args2, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(remaining_argv)

  # Add path to func:
  if len(args2.func) == 3:

  exec('from {:s} import {:s} as func'.format(args2.func[1], args2.func[0]))
  # Get indparams from configuration file:
  if args2.indparams != [] and os.path.isfile(args2.indparams[0]):
    indparams = mu.loadbin(args2.indparams[0])

  # Get the number of parameters and iterations from MPI:
  array1 = np.zeros(2, np.int)
  mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1)
  npars, niter = array1

  # Allocate array to receive parameters from MPI:
  params = np.zeros(npars, np.double)

  # Main MCMC Loop:
  while niter >= 0:
    # Receive parameters from MCMC:
    mu.comm_scatter(comm, params)

    # Check for the MCMC-end flag:
    if params[0] == np.inf:

    # Evaluate model:
    fargs = [params] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
    model = func(*fargs)

    # Send resutls:
    mu.comm_gather(comm, model, MPI.DOUBLE)
    niter -= 1

  # Close communications and disconnect: