Exemplo n.º 1
def test_whiteningnode():
    line_x = numx.zeros((1000, 2), "d")
    line_y = numx.zeros((1000, 2), "d")
    line_x[:, 0] = numx.linspace(-1, 1, num=1000, endpoint=1)
    line_y[:, 1] = numx.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, num=1000, endpoint=1)
    mat = numx.concatenate((line_x, line_y))
    utils.rotate(mat, uniform() * 2 * numx.pi)
    mat += uniform(2)
    mat -= mat.mean(axis=0)
    pca = CCIPCAWhiteningNode()
    for i in xrange(5):

    bpca = WhiteningNode()

    v = pca.get_projmatrix()
    bv = bpca.get_projmatrix()

    dcosines = numx.zeros(v.shape[1])
    for dim in xrange(v.shape[1]):
        dcosines[dim] = numx.fabs(numx.dot(v[:, dim], bv[:, dim].T)) / (
            numx.linalg.norm(v[:, dim]) * numx.linalg.norm(bv[:, dim]))
    assert_almost_equal(numx.ones(v.shape[1]), dcosines)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_mcanode_v2():
    iterval = 30
    t = numx.linspace(0, 4 * numx.pi, 500)
    x = numx.zeros([t.shape[0], 2])
    x[:, 0] = numx.real(numx.sin(t) + numx.power(numx.cos(11 * t), 2))
    x[:, 1] = numx.cos(11 * t)
    expnode = PolynomialExpansionNode(2)
    input_data = expnode(x)
    input_data = input_data - input_data.mean(axis=0)
    wtnnode = WhiteningNode()
    input_data = wtnnode(input_data)
    input_data = mdp.utils.timediff(input_data)

    ##Setup node/trainer
    output_dim = 4
    node = MCANode(output_dim=output_dim, eps=0.05)

    bpcanode = PCANode()
    # bv = bpcanode.v / numx.linalg.norm(bpcanode.v, axis=0)
    bv = bpcanode.v / mdp.numx.sum(bpcanode.v**2, axis=0)**0.5
    bv = bv[:, ::-1][:, :output_dim]

    _tcnt = time.time()

    v = []

    for i in xrange(iterval * input_data.shape[0]):
        node.train(input_data[i % input_data.shape[0]:i % input_data.shape[0] +
        if (node.get_current_train_iteration() % 100 == 0):

    dcosines = numx.zeros([len(v), output_dim])
    for i in xrange(len(v)):
        for dim in xrange(output_dim):
                     dim] = numx.fabs(numx.dot(v[i][:, dim], bv[:, dim].T)) / (
                         numx.linalg.norm(v[i][:, dim]) *
                         numx.linalg.norm(bv[:, dim]))

    print('\nTotal Time for {} iterations: {}'.format(iterval,
                                                      time.time() - _tcnt))
    assert_almost_equal(numx.ones(output_dim), dcosines[-1], decimal=2)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, lags=1, sfa_ica_coeff=(1., 1.), icaweights=None,
                 sfaweights=None, whitened=False, white_comp = None,
                 white_parm = None, eps_contrast=1e-6, max_iter=10000,
                 RP=None, verbose=False, input_dim=None, output_dim=None,
        Perform Independent Slow Feature Analysis.

        The notation is the same used in the paper by Blaschke et al. Please
        refer to the paper for more information.

            list of time-lags to generate the time-delayed covariance
            matrices (in the paper this is the set of \tau). If
            lags is an integer, time-lags 1,2,...,'lags' are used.
            Note that time-lag == 0 (instantaneous correlation) is
            always implicitly used.

            a list of float with two entries, which defines the
            weights of the SFA and ICA part of the objective
            function. They are called b_{SFA} and b_{ICA} in the

            weighting factors for the covariance matrices relative
            to the SFA part of the objective function (called
            \kappa_{SFA}^{\tau} in the paper). Default is
            [1., 0., ..., 0.]
            For possible values see the description of icaweights.

            weighting factors for the cov matrices relative
            to the ICA part of the objective function (called
            \kappa_{ICA}^{\tau} in the paper). Default is 1.
            Possible values are:

            - an integer ``n``: all matrices are weighted the same
              (note that it does not make sense to have ``n != 1``)

            - a list or array of floats of ``len == len(lags)``:
              each element of the list is used for weighting the
              corresponding matrix

            - ``None``: use the default values.

            ``True`` if input data is already white, ``False``
            otherwise (the data will be whitened internally).

            If whitened is false, you can set ``white_comp`` to the
            number of whitened components to keep during the
            calculation (i.e., the input dimensions are reduced to
            ``white_comp`` by keeping the components of largest variance).
            a dictionary with additional parameters for whitening.
            It is passed directly to the WhiteningNode constructor.
            Ex: white_parm = { 'svd' : True }

            Convergence is achieved when the relative
            improvement in the contrast is below this threshold.
            Values in the range [1E-4, 1E-10] are usually

            If the algorithms does not achieve convergence within
            max_iter iterations raise an Exception. Should be
            larger than 100.

            Starting rotation-permutation matrix. It is an
            input_dim x input_dim matrix used to initially rotate the
            input components. If not set, the identity matrix is used.
            In the paper this is used to start the algorithm at the
            SFA solution (which is often quite near to the optimum).

            print progress information during convergence. This can
            slow down the algorithm, but it's the only way to see
            the rate of improvement and immediately spot if something
            is going wrong.

            sets the number of independent components that have to
            be extracted. Note that if this is not smaller than
            input_dim, the problem is solved linearly and SFA
            would give the same solution only much faster.
        # check that the "lags" argument has some meaningful value
        if isinstance(lags, (int, int)):
            lags = list(range(1, lags+1))
        elif isinstance(lags, (list, tuple)):
            lags = numx.array(lags, "i")
        elif isinstance(lags, numx.ndarray):
            if not (lags.dtype.char in ['i', 'l']):
                err_str = "lags must be integer!"
                raise NodeException(err_str)
            err_str = ("Lags must be int, list or array. Found "
                       "%s!" % (type(lags).__name__))
            raise NodeException(err_str)
        self.lags = lags

        # sanity checks for weights
        if icaweights is None:
            self.icaweights = 1.
            if (len(icaweights) != len(lags)):
                err = ("icaweights vector length is %d, "
                       "should be %d" % (str(len(icaweights)), str(len(lags))))
                raise NodeException(err)
            self.icaweights = icaweights

        if sfaweights is None:
            self.sfaweights = [0]*len(lags)
            self.sfaweights[0] = 1.
            if (len(sfaweights) != len(lags)):
                err = ("sfaweights vector length is %d, "
                       "should be %d" % (str(len(sfaweights)), str(len(lags))))
                raise NodeException(err)
            self.sfaweights = sfaweights

        # store attributes
        self.sfa_ica_coeff = sfa_ica_coeff
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.eps_contrast = eps_contrast

        # if input is not white, insert a WhiteningNode
        self.whitened = whitened
        if not whitened:
            if white_parm is None:
                white_parm = {}
            if output_dim is not None:
                white_comp = output_dim
            elif white_comp is not None:
                output_dim = white_comp
            self.white = WhiteningNode(input_dim=input_dim,
                                       dtype=dtype, **white_parm)

        # initialize covariance matrices
        self.covs = [ DelayCovarianceMatrix(dt, dtype=dtype) for dt in lags ]

        # initialize the global rotation-permutation matrix
        # if not set that we'll eventually be an identity matrix
        self.RP = RP

        # initialize verbose structure to print nice and useful progress info
        if verbose:
            info = { 'sweep' : max(len(str(self.max_iter)), 5),
                     'perturbe': max(len(str(self.max_iter)), 5),
                     'float' : 5+8,
                     'fmt' : "%.5e",
                     'sep' : " | "}
            f1 = "Sweep".center(info['sweep'])
            f1_2 = "Pertb". center(info['perturbe'])
            f2 = "SFA part".center(info['float'])
            f3 = "ICA part".center(info['float'])
            f4 = "Contrast".center(info['float'])
            header = info['sep'].join([f1, f1_2, f2, f3, f4])
            info['header'] = header+'\n'
            info['line'] = len(header)*"-"
            self._info = info

        # finally call base class constructor
        super(ISFANode, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype)