Exemplo n.º 1
def listener(): 
    # =============================================================================
    #     # Launch a node called "mobile_robot_animator"
    # =============================================================================
    rospy.init_node('mobile_robot_animator', anonymous=False)
    # =============================================================================
    #     #Create a mobile robot object from the Imported module "me439_mobile_robot_class"
    # =============================================================================
    robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)
    sub_robot_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_pose_simulated', Pose2D, set_robot_pose, robot)
    # Call the animation function. This has a loop in it, so it won't exit.
# # NEW: Determine paths by lines, arcs, pivots and pauses, and create a
# #  "robot" object to plan it for you.
# =============================================================================

# Get parameters from rosparam
wheel_width = rospy.get_param(
)  # All you have when planning is a model - you never quite know the truth!
body_length = rospy.get_param('/body_length')
wheel_diameter = rospy.get_param('/wheel_diameter_model')
wheel_radius = wheel_diameter / 2.0

# Create a mobile robot object from the Imported module "me439_mobile_robot_class"
# REMEMBER to call the right file (i.e., use the _HWK if needed)
import me439_mobile_robot_class_v01 as m439rbt
robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)

# PATH_SPECS for a Closed-Loop path-following controller.
# Each segment is defined as an Arc with parameters:
# (Xorigin, Yorigin, Theta_init, Rsigned, Length)
#-   Xorigin and Yorigin are in the World frame
#-   Theta_init is in the World frame, measuring the angle of the intended ROBOT FORWARD
#     direction as a +z rotation from the +Yworld axis
#-   Rsigned should be + for Left turn, - for Right turn, or +/- infinity (np.inf (numpy.inf)) for a Line
#-   Length is a path Arclength for this segment. (for a Line, the line's length)
# SEVERAL EXAMPLES of Direct path programming:
# the last one active will be executed.