Exemplo n.º 1
def addTaskRange(initialStopStep, globalStop, unique, namespace, batchSize=5, stepsBack=1600, callback = ''):
      Task Ranges will branch out into weekly clumps for all algs.
      Remove startAlg, stopAlg from task name and use stepRange value instead.

      Must calculate expected count to be found for completion entities.
    import meSchema
    from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
    from math import ceil
    startAlg = 1
    stopAlg = int(meSchema.meAlg.all(keys_only=True).order('-__key__').get().name())
    ''' Pre-calculating number of batches for callback to check against. '''
    numWeeks = ((globalStop - initialStopStep)/400) + 1
    numAlgs = stopAlg - startAlg + 1
    batchesWeek = ceil(numAlgs/float(batchSize))
    totalBatches = int(numWeeks*batchesWeek)
    JobID = meTools.buildJobID(namespace, unique, globalStop, initialStopStep, stepsBack)

    ''' Probably need to add a WorkQueue clear function just in case have overlapping JobIDs.  '''
    for i in range(initialStopStep, globalStop+1, 400):
        stopStep = i
        startStep = stopStep - stepsBack
        stepRange = [startStep]
        name = 'Main-backTestResult-' + JobID + '-' + str(stopStep).rjust(7,'0')
        meTools.taskAdd(name, '/backtest/doBackTests', 'default', 0.5,
                        startAlg = startAlg, stopAlg = stopAlg, stopStep = stopStep, batchSize = batchSize,
                        stepRange = stepRange, uniquifier = unique, namespace = namespace, JobID = JobID,
                        totalBatches = totalBatches, callback = callback)
Exemplo n.º 2
def processLiveAlgStepRange(start, stop, stepRange, algKeyFilter, namespace, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname):
    currentStep = start
    stopStepList = buildStopStepList(start, stop)
    liveAlgInfo = getLiveAlgInfo(stop, stepRange, algKeyFilter)
    for i in range(len(stopStepList)):
        lastBackTestStop = stopStepList[i]
        bestAlgs = getBestAlgs(lastBackTestStop, liveAlgInfo)
        if i < len(stopStepList) - 1:
            lastStep = stopStepList[i + 1]
            lastStep = stop
        # Must deal with case where stop step is final step in stopStepList.
        if currentStep < lastStep:
            liveAlgInfo = processStepRangeDesires(currentStep, lastStep, bestAlgs, liveAlgInfo)
            liveAlgInfo = getCurrentReturn(liveAlgInfo, lastStep)
            currentStep = lastStep + 1
    putList = []
    for liveAlgKey in liveAlgInfo:
    if callback:
            "callback-" + taskname,
Exemplo n.º 3
def runBackTests(startAlg, stopAlg, stop, batchSize, stepRange, uniquifier, namespace, JobID, totalBatches, callback):
    monthList = [str(step) for step in stepRange]
    for batchStart in range(startAlg, stopAlg + 1, batchSize):
        batchEnd = min(batchStart + batchSize - 1, stopAlg)
        batchName = 'Batch-backTestResult-' + JobID + '-' + str(batchStart) + '-' + str(batchEnd) + '-' + str(stop)
        meTools.taskAdd(batchName, '/backtest/doBackTestBatch', 'backTestQueue', 0.5,
                        startAlg = batchStart, stopAlg = batchEnd, monthBatch = monthList, stopStep = stop,
                        namespace = namespace, JobID = JobID, totalBatches = totalBatches, callback = callback)
 def get(self):
     from datetime import date
     today = date.today()
     if 'X-AppEngine-Cron' in self.request.headers and today.strftime('%w') == '3':
         namespace = ''
         unique = 'CRON' + today.strftime('%Y%m%d')
         taskname = 'weeklySim-' + unique
         meTools.taskAdd(taskname, '/simulate/weeklySimulationRun', 'default', 0.5,
                         namespace = namespace, unique = unique)
         raise(BaseException('Get handler only serves Cron!'))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def post(self):
     JobID = self.request.get('JobID')
     totalBatches = int(self.request.get('totalBatches'))
     callback = self.request.get('callback')
     taskname = self.request.headers['X-AppEngine-TaskName']
     startAlg = int(self.request.get('startAlg'))
     stopAlg  = int(self.request.get('stopAlg'))
     algBatch = [meTools.buildAlgKey(i) for i in range(startAlg, stopAlg + 1)]
     monthBatch = self.request.get_all('monthBatch')
     stopStep = self.request.get('stopStep')
     namespace = str(self.request.get('namespace'))
     backTestBatch(algBatch, monthBatch, stopStep, namespace)
     if callback:
         meTools.taskAdd('callback-' + taskname, callback, 'default', 0.5,
                         JobID = JobID, taskname = taskname, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                         model = '', jobtype = 'callback', stepType = 'weeklyBackTests')
def doCompoundReturns(stopStep, startStep, globalStop, namespace, name, i, cursor, model, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname, deadline = None):
    from time import time
    if not deadline:
        deadline = time() + 540.00
    entityModel = getattr(meSchema, model)
    if entityModel == meSchema.backTestResult:
        prefix = 'BTR-'
    elif entityModel == meSchema.liveAlg:
        prefix = 'LAR-'
        raise BaseException('Model must be backTestResult or liveAlg!')
    count = 100
    while count == 100:
        query = entityModel.all().filter('stopStep =', stopStep).filter('startStep =', startStep).order('percentReturn')
        if cursor != '':
        if deadline > time():
            i += 1
            entities = query.fetch(100)
            count = len(entities)
            memEntities = {}
            for entity in entities:
                memkey = prefix + entity.key().name()
                memEntities[memkey] = entity.percentReturn
            doCompounds(stopStep, startStep, entities)
            cursor = query.cursor()
            subTaskname = 'RVals-' + JobID + '-' + model + '-' + str(stopStep) + '-' + str(startStep) + '-' + str(i)
            meTools.taskAdd(subTaskname, '/calculate/compounds/calculateCompounds', 'default', 0.5,
                            stopStep = stopStep, startStep = startStep, globalStop = globalStop, name = name,
                            i = i, cursor = cursor, model = model, JobID = JobID, callback = callback, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                            taskname = taskname)
    if stopStep <= globalStop - 400:
        stopStep += 400
        startStep += 400
        doCompoundReturns(stopStep,startStep,globalStop,namespace,name,0,'',model, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname, deadline)
    elif callback:
        meTools.taskAdd('callback-' + taskname, callback, 'default', 0.5,
                        JobID = JobID, taskname = taskname, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                        model = model, jobtype = 'callback', stepType = 'calculateRvals')
def fanoutTaskAdd(stopStep, startStep, globalStop, namespace, unique, model, callback = ''):
    from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager
    ''' Partition range of steps into batches to add in parallel. '''
    stepRange = stopStep - startStep
    if stepRange == 800:
        stepBlock = 2800
    elif stepRange == 1600:
        stepBlock = 2000

    JobID = meTools.buildJobID(namespace, unique, globalStop, stopStep, stepRange)
    totalBatches = ((globalStop - stopStep)/stepBlock) + 1
    for i in range(stopStep, globalStop + 1, stepBlock):
        newStopStep = i
        newStartStep = newStopStep - stepRange
        newGlobalStop = min(newStopStep + stepBlock - 1, globalStop)
        subTaskname = 'RVals-' + JobID + '-' + model + '-' + str(newStopStep) + '-' + str(newStartStep) + '-0'
        meTools.taskAdd(subTaskname, '/calculate/compounds/calculateCompounds', 'default', 0.5,
                        stopStep = newStopStep, startStep = newStartStep, globalStop = newGlobalStop, name = unique,
                        i = 0, cursor = '', model = model, JobID = JobID, callback = callback, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                        taskname = '')