Exemplo n.º 1
 def storeOrphanNodesIfAny(self, arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes):
         arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes : tous les noeuds a charger
     if arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes.empty():
         self._orphan_coords = mc.DataArrayDouble([])
         self._orphan_global_ids = mc.DataArrayInt([])
         self._orphan_fam_ids = mc.DataArrayInt([])
         self._orphan_num_ids = mc.DataArrayInt([])
         dt, it, _ = self._medFileUMesh.getTime()
         vmin = arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes.getMinValueInArray()
         vmax = arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes.getMaxAbsValueInArray()
         dataFromFile = mc.MEDFileUMesh.LoadPartCoords(
             self._medFileDataContext.getMeshName(), dt, it,
             self._medFileUMesh.getCoords().getInfoOnComponents(), vmin,
             vmax + 1)
         idsInLoadedArrays = arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes - vmin
         self._orphan_coords = dataFromFile[0][idsInLoadedArrays]
         self._orphan_global_ids = arrayOfGlobalIdsOfOrphanNodes
         self._orphan_fam_ids = None
         if dataFromFile[2]:
             self._orphan_fam_ids = dataFromFile[2][idsInLoadedArrays]
         self._orphan_num_ids = None
         if dataFromFile[3]:
             self._orphan_num_ids = dataFromFile[3][idsInLoadedArrays]
Exemplo n.º 2
def field_mc_from_meshio(
    mesh, field_name, on="points", mesh_mc=None, nature="IntensiveMaximum"
    Convert a meshio field to a medcoupling field

        mesh (meshio mesh): Mesh object
        field_name (str): Name of the field defined in the ``meshio`` mesh
        on (str): Support of the field (``points`` or ``cells``)
        mesh_mc (medcoupling mesh): MEDCoupling mesh of the current ``meshio`` mesh
        nature (str): Physical nature of the field (``IntensiveMaximum``, ``IntensiveConservation``, ``ExtensiveMaximum`` or ``ExtensiveConservation``)
    assert on in ["points", "cells"]
    if on == "points":
        field = mc.MEDCouplingFieldDouble(mc.ON_NODES, mc.NO_TIME)
        field = mc.MEDCouplingFieldDouble(mc.ON_CELLS, mc.NO_TIME)
    if mesh_mc is None:
        mesh_mc = mesh_mc_from_meshio(mesh)

    # Point fields
    if on == "points":
        assert field_name in mesh.point_data
        # Cell fields
        assert on == "cells"
        assert field_name in mesh.cell_data_dict
        array = None
        celltypes_mc = mesh_mc.getAllGeoTypesSorted()
        for celltype_mc in celltypes_mc:
            celltype = mc_to_meshio_type[celltype_mc]
            assert celltype in mesh.cell_data_dict[field_name]
            values = mesh.cell_data_dict[field_name][celltype]
            if array is None:
                array = values
                array = np.concatenate([array, values])

    field.setNature(eval("mc." + nature))
    return field
Exemplo n.º 3
def mesh_mc_from_meshio(mesh, check=False):
    Convert a meshio mesh to a medcoupling mesh

        mesh (meshio mesh): Mesh object
        check (bool): Check if the medcoupling mesh is consist
    # Initialization
    mesh_mc = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh", meshdim(mesh))

    # Point coordinates
    coords = mc.DataArrayDouble(mesh.points.copy())

    # Cells
    cells_dict = mesh.cells_dict
    conn = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
    conn_index = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
    for celltype in cells_dict:
        celltype_ = meshio_to_mc_type[celltype]
        ncells_celltype, npoints_celltype = cells_dict[celltype].shape
        col_celltype = celltype_ * np.ones((ncells_celltype, 1), dtype=np.int32)
        conn_celltype = np.hstack([col_celltype, cells_dict[celltype]]).flatten()
        conn_index_celltype = len(conn) + (1 + npoints_celltype) * np.arange(
            ncells_celltype, dtype=np.int32
        conn = np.hstack([conn, conn_celltype])
        conn_index = np.hstack([conn_index, conn_index_celltype])
    conn_index = np.hstack([conn_index, [len(conn)]]).astype(np.int32)
    conn = mc.DataArrayInt(conn.astype(np.int32))
    conn_index = mc.DataArrayInt(conn_index)
    mesh_mc.setConnectivity(conn, conn_index)

    if check:
    return mesh_mc
Exemplo n.º 4
def mesh_square_with_RightTriangles(xmin=0,
    dx = (xmax - xmin) / nx
    dy = (ymax - ymin) / ny

    print("Meshing a rectangle with Right Triangles nx=", nx, "ny=", ny,
          "ncells=", 2 * nx * ny)

    # Building the coordinates of the first initial triangle
    d_up = mc.DataArrayDouble(3, 2)
    d_up[0, 0] = 0
    d_up[0, 1] = 0
    d_up[1, 0] = 0
    d_up[1, 1] = dy
    d_up[2, 0] = dx
    d_up[2, 1] = 0
    d_up.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    # Building the coordinates of the second initial triangle
    d_down = mc.DataArrayDouble(3, 2)
    d_down[0, 0] = dx
    d_down[0, 1] = dy
    d_down[1, 0] = 0
    d_down[1, 1] = dy
    d_down[2, 0] = dx
    d_down[2, 1] = 0
    d_down.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    # translations of the cells :
    translationToPerform = [[xmin + i * dx, ymin + j * dy] for i in range(nx)
                            for j in range(ny)]

    ds = (2 * len(translationToPerform)) * [None]
    for pos, t in enumerate(translationToPerform):
        ds[2 *
           pos] = d_up[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d_up and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[2 *
           pos] += t  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation
        ds[2 * pos +
           1] = d_down[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d_down and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[2 * pos +
           1] += t  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation

    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    # Build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name, 2)
    print("Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension())
    print("Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents())
    mesh.allocateCells(2 * nx * ny)
    for i in range(2 * nx * ny):
        cell_connec = [3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2]
        mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_TRI3, cell_connec)

    # Identifying duplicate nodes
    oldNbOfNodes = mesh.getNumberOfNodes()
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes = mesh.mergeNodes(1e-10)
    print("oldNbOfNodes=", oldNbOfNodes, "newNbOfNodes", newNbOfNodes)

    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()

    # Identifie les segments de chaque côté pour créer les groupes
    tol = 1e-10

    # PB: getCellsInBoundingBox renvoie aussi les segments qui touchent la bounding box
    # => On boucle sur les coordonnées des barycentres

    barycenters = mesh_1d.computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()
    ids_left = []
    ids_right = []
    ids_bottom = []
    ids_top = []
    for i, coord in enumerate(barycenters):
        x, y = coord
        if abs(x - xmin) < tol:  #
        elif abs(x - xmax) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymin) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymax) < tol:
            raise ValueError(
                "Pb with boundary construction : barycenter does not belong to any border group"

    arr_left = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_left)
    arr_right = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_right)
    arr_bottom = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_bottom)
    arr_top = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_top)


    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    meshMEDFile = ML.MEDFileUMesh.New()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(0, mesh)
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh_1d)
    # Ecrit les groupes
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_left)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_right)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_bottom)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_top)

    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)

    filename = mesh_name + ".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename, 2)  # 2 stands for write from scratch
Exemplo n.º 5
def mesh_disk_with_squares(xcenter=0.,ycenter=0., Radius=1.,n=17,mesh_name="diskWithSquares"):

    dx = (xmax-xmin)/n
    # Building the initial rectangular cell, centered at 0,0
    d = mc.DataArrayDouble(4,2)
    d[0,0] = -dx/2
    d[0,1] =  dy/2
    d[1,0] =  dx/2
    d[1,1] =  dy/2
    d[2,0] =  dx/2
    d[2,1] = -dy/2
    d[3,0] = -dx/2
    d[3,1] = -dy/2
    d.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]","Y [m]"])
    print( "Uniform array ?", d.magnitude().isUniform(0.5*math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy),1e-10) )
    # translation of the first cell
    translationToPerform = []
    for i in range(n) :
        for j in range(n):
            if (xcenter-xmin-(0.5+i)*dx)**2+(ycenter-ymin-(0.5+j)*dy)**2<Radius*Radius :
                translationToPerform.append([xmin+(0.5+i)*dx,ymin+(0.5+j)*dy] )
    ncells= len(translationToPerform) 
    print( "Meshing a disk with squares ",n," nb of cells=",ncells )
    ds = ncells*[None]
    for pos,t in enumerate(translationToPerform):
                     ds[pos] = d[:]         # Perform a deep copy of d and place it at position 'pos' in ds
                     ds[pos] += t             # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation
    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    # Build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name,2)
    print( "Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension() )
    print( "Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents() )
    for i in range(ncells):
            cell_connec = [4*i,4*i+1,4*i+2,4*i+3)
            mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_QUAD4, cell_connec)
    # Identifying duplicate nodes
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes=mesh.mergeNodes(1e-10)
    print( "oldNbOfNodes=",oldNbOfNodes,"newNbOfNodes",newNbOfNodes )
    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)
    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()
    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    # Ecrit les groupes
    arr_circle = mc.DataArrayInt(range(mesh_1d.getNumberOfCells()))
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_circle)
    filename = mesh_name+".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename,2) # 2 stands for write from scratch
Exemplo n.º 6
def mesh_square_with_hexagons(xmin=0,

    radius = (ymax - ymin) / (ny * math.sqrt(3.))
    r = math.sqrt(3.) / 2 * radius
    nx = int(2 * (xmax - xmin) / (3. * radius))

    print("Meshing a square with hexagons nx=", nx, "ny=", ny, "ncells=",
          nx * ny)

    # Building the coordinates of the initial hexagon, centered at 0,0
    d = mc.DataArrayDouble(6, 2)
    d[:, 0] = radius
    d[:, 1] = range(6)
    d[:, 1] *= math.pi / 3.
    d = d.fromPolarToCart()
    d.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    print("Uniform array ?", d.magnitude().isUniform(radius, 1e-12))

    # translations of the first cell
    translationToPerform = [[
        xmin + (1.5 * j + 1) * radius, ymin + (2 * i + (j % 2) + 1) * r
    ] for i in range(ny) for j in range(nx)]

    ds = len(translationToPerform) * [None]
    for pos, t in enumerate(translationToPerform):
        ds[pos] = d[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[pos] += t  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation

    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    # Build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name, 2)
    print("Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension())
    print("Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents())
    mesh.allocateCells(nx * ny)
    for i in range(nx * ny):
        cell_connec = [
            6 * i, 6 * i + 1, 6 * i + 2, 6 * i + 3, 6 * i + 4, 6 * i + 5
        mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_POLYGON, cell_connec)

    # Identifying duplicate nodes
    oldNbOfNodes = mesh.getNumberOfNodes()
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes = mesh.mergeNodes(1e-10)
    print("oldNbOfNodes=", oldNbOfNodes, "newNbOfNodes", newNbOfNodes)

    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()

    # Identifie les segments de chaque côté pour créer les groupes
    tol = 1e-10

    # PB: getCellsInBoundingBox renvoie aussi les segments qui touchent la bounding box
    # => On boucle sur les coordonnées des barycentres

    barycenters = mesh_1d.computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()
    ids_left = []
    ids_right = []
    ids_bottom = []
    ids_top = []
    for i, coord in enumerate(barycenters):
        x, y = coord
        if abs(x - xmin - radius / 4) < tol:  #
        elif abs(x - xmin - (1.5 * nx + 0.25) * radius) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymin) < tol or abs(y - ymin -
                                        r) < tol or abs(y - ymin -
                                                        r / 2) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymin - 2 * r * ny) < tol or abs(
                y - ymin - 2 * r * ny - r) < tol or abs(y - ymin - 2 * r * ny -
                                                        r / 2) < tol:
            raise ValueError(
                "Pb with boundary construction : barycenter does not belong to any border group"

    arr_left = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_left)
    arr_right = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_right)
    arr_bottom = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_bottom)
    arr_top = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_top)


    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    meshMEDFile = ML.MEDFileUMesh.New()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(0, mesh)
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh_1d)
    # Ecrit les groupes
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_left)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_right)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_bottom)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_top)

    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)

    filename = mesh_name + ".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename, 2)  # 2 stands for write from scratch
Exemplo n.º 7
def drawPolarGrid(center_x, center_y, r0, r1, angle0, angle1, n_r, n_theta):
    """ Build a polar grid, centered at (center_x, center_y), with n_r subdivisions in the radial direction
  and n_theta subdivisions in the angular direction.
  The radial coordinates start at r0 and end at r1, and the angular coordinates start at angle0 and end at
  Angles should be given in degrees.
  You can use this script directly in the custom shape catalog.
    if n_r <= 0 or n_theta <= 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid parameter! Number of grid steps n_r and n_theta must be positive"
    if r0 >= r1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid parameter r0<r1 ! Start radius must be smaller than end radius"
    if angle0 >= angle1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid parameter angle0 < angle1 ! Start angle must be smaller than end angle"
    m = mc.MEDCouplingCMesh("spider_web")
    arr_r = mc.DataArrayDouble(n_r + 1)
    arr_t = mc.DataArrayDouble(n_theta + 1)
    m.setCoordsAt(0, arr_r)
    m.setCoordsAt(1, arr_t)
    m = m.buildUnstructured()
    # Now the real job:
    coo = m.getCoords()
    dr, dtheta = (r1 - r0) / float(n_r), (angle1 - angle0) / float(n_theta)
    coo[:, 0] = r0 + dr * coo[:, 0]
    coo[:, 1] = (angle0 + dtheta * coo[:, 1]) * pi / 180.0
    coo = coo.fromPolarToCart()
    oldNbOfNodes = m.getNumberOfNodes()
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes = m.mergeNodes(1e-10)

    print("oldNbOfNodes=", oldNbOfNodes, "newNbOfNodes=", newNbOfNodes)
    print("m.getNumberOfCells()=", m.getNumberOfCells())


    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = m.computeSkin()

    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = m.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    meshMEDFile = ML.MEDFileUMesh.New()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(0, m)
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh_1d)
    # Ecrit les groupes
    arr_circle = mc.DataArrayInt(range(mesh_1d.getNumberOfCells()))
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_circle)

    filename = "diskWithSpiderWeb" + str(m.getNumberOfCells()) + ".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename, 2)  # 2 stands for write from scratch

    return m
def mesh_disk_with_hexagons(xcenter=0.,

    xmin = -Radius
    xmax = Radius
    ymin = -Radius
    ymax = Radius

    hradius = (ymax - ymin) / (ny * math.sqrt(3.))
    r = math.sqrt(3.) / 2 * hradius
    nx = int(2 * (xmax - xmin) / (3. * hradius))

    # Building the coordinates of the initial hexagon, centered at 0,0
    d = mc.DataArrayDouble(6, 2)
    d[:, 0] = hradius
    d[:, 1] = range(6)
    d[:, 1] *= math.pi / 3.
    d = d.fromPolarToCart()
    d.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    print("Uniform array ?", d.magnitude().isUniform(hradius, 1e-12))

    # translations of the first cell that are inside the circle
    translationToPerform = []
    for i in range(ny):
        for j in range(nx):
            if (xcenter - xmin - (1.5 * j + 1) * hradius)**2 + (
                    ycenter - ymin - (2 * i +
                                      (j % 2) + 1) * r)**2 < Radius * Radius:
                    xmin + (1.5 * j + 1) * hradius,
                    ymin + (2 * i + (j % 2) + 1) * r

    ncells = len(translationToPerform)
    print("Meshing a disk with hexagons nx=", nx, "ny=", ny, "nb of cells=",

    ds = ncells * [None]
    for pos, t in enumerate(translationToPerform):
        ds[pos] = d[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[pos] += t  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation
    # Identifying duplicate tuples
    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    oldNbOfTuples = d2.getNumberOfTuples()
    c, cI = d2.findCommonTuples(1e-12)
    tmp = c[cI[0]:cI[0 + 1]]
    print tmp
    a = cI.deltaShiftIndex()
    b = a - 1
    myNewNbOfTuples = oldNbOfTuples - sum(b.getValues())
    o2n, newNbOfTuples = mc.DataArrayInt.ConvertIndexArrayToO2N(
        oldNbOfTuples, c, cI)
    print("Have I got the right number of tuples ?")
    print("myNewNbOfTuples = %d, newNbOfTuples = %d" %
          (myNewNbOfTuples, newNbOfTuples))
    assert (myNewNbOfTuples == newNbOfTuples)
    print("Old number of tuple was ", oldNbOfTuples)

    # Extracting the unique set of tuples
    d3 = d2.renumberAndReduce(o2n, newNbOfTuples)
    n2o = o2n.invertArrayO2N2N2O(newNbOfTuples)
    d3_bis = d2[n2o]
    print("Are d3 and d3_bis equal ? %s" % (str(d3.isEqual(d3_bis, 1e-12))))
    # Now build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name, 2)
    print("Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension())
    print("Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents())
    for i in range(ncells):
        cell_connec = o2n[6 * i, 6 * i + 1, 6 * i + 2, 6 * i + 3, 6 * i + 4,
                          6 * i + 5]
        mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_POLYGON, cell_connec.getValues())

    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)

    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()

    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    meshMEDFile = ML.MEDFileUMesh.New()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(0, mesh)
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh_1d)
    # Ecrit les groupes
    arr_circle = mc.DataArrayInt(range(mesh_1d.getNumberOfCells()))
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_circle)

    filename = mesh_name + ".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename, 2)  # 2 stands for write from scratch
Exemplo n.º 9
def createBrickWallMesh( xmin=0., xmax=1., nx=15, ymin=0., ymax=1., ny=15,mesh_name="squareWithBrickWall"):
    dx = (xmax-xmin)/nx
    print( "Creating BrickWall mesh with nx=",nx,"ny=",ny, "nb cells=",nx*ny )
    # Building the initial rectangular cell, centered at 0,0
    d = mc.DataArrayDouble(4,2)
    d[0,0] = -dx/2
    d[0,1] =  dy/2
    d[1,0] =  dx/2
    d[1,1] =  dy/2
    d[2,0] =  dx/2
    d[2,1] = -dy/2
    d[3,0] = -dx/2
    d[3,1] = -dy/2
    d.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]","Y [m]"])
    print( "Uniform array ?", d.magnitude().isUniform(0.5*math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy),1e-10) )
    # translation of the first cell
    translationToPerform = [[(0.5*(1+j%2)+i)*dx,(0.5+j)*dy] for i in range(nx) for j in range(ny)]
    ds = len(translationToPerform)*[None]
    for pos,t in enumerate(translationToPerform):
                     ds[pos] = d[:]         # Perform a deep copy of d and place it at position 'pos' in ds
                     ds[pos] += t             # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation
    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    # Build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name,2)
    print( "Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension() )
    print( "Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents() )
    for i in range(nx*ny):
            cell_connec = [4*i,4*i+1,4*i+2,4*i+3)
            mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_QUAD4, cell_connec)
    # Identifying duplicate nodes
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes=mesh.mergeNodes(1e-10)
    print( "oldNbOfNodes=",oldNbOfNodes,"newNbOfNodes",newNbOfNodes )
    # Crée des polygones pour rendre conforme les mailles
    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)
    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()
    # Identifie les segments de chaque côté pour créer les groupes
    tol = 1e-10
    # PB: getCellsInBoundingBox renvoie aussi les segments qui touchent la bounding box
    # => On boucle sur les coordonnées des barycentres
    barycenters = mesh_1d.computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()
    ids_left = []
    ids_right = []
    ids_bottom = []
    ids_top = []
    for i, coord in enumerate(barycenters):
        x, y = coord
        if abs(y-ymin) < tol :
        elif abs(y-ymax) < tol :
        elif abs(x-xmax) < tol or abs(x-xmax-dx/4) < tol or abs(x-xmax-dx/2) < tol:
        elif abs(x-xmin) < tol or abs(x-xmin-dx/4) < tol or abs(x-xmin-dx/2) < tol:
            raise ValueError("Pb with boundary construction : barycenter does not belong to any border group")
    arr_left = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_left)
    arr_right = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_right)
    arr_bottom = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_bottom)
    arr_top = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_top)
    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    # Ecrit les groupes
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_left)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_right)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_bottom)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_top)
    filename = mesh_name+str(nx*ny)+".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename,2) # 2 stands for write from scratch
Exemplo n.º 10
def mesh_square_with_EquilateralTriangles(

    h = (ymax - ymin) / ny  #hauteur d'un seul triangle
    lenght = 2 * h / math.sqrt(3.)  # longueur du coté d'un triangle
    radius = 2 * h / 3.  # rayon du cercle circonscrit
    nx = int((xmax - xmin) / lenght)

    print("Meshing a square with Equilateral Triangles nx=", nx, "ny=", ny,
          "ncells=", nx * ny)

    # Building the coordinates of the initial triangle, centered at 0,0 and pointing upward
    d_up = mc.DataArrayDouble(3, 2)
    d_up[0, 0] = radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2
    d_up[0, 1] = -radius / 2
    d_up[1, 0] = 0
    d_up[1, 1] = radius
    d_up[2, 0] = -radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2
    d_up[2, 1] = -radius / 2
    d_up.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    # Building the coordinates of the initial triangle, centered at 0,0 and pointing downward (symetry around x axis : change the sign of the y coordinate)
    d_down = mc.DataArrayDouble(3, 2)
    d_down[0, 0] = radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2
    d_down[0, 1] = radius / 2
    d_down[1, 0] = 0
    d_down[1, 1] = -radius
    d_down[2, 0] = -radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2
    d_down[2, 1] = radius / 2
    d_down.setInfoOnComponents(["X [m]", "Y [m]"])

    print("Uniform arrays ?",
          d_up.magnitude().isUniform(radius, 1e-12),
          d_down.magnitude().isUniform(radius, 1e-12))

    # translations of the cells :
    translationToPerform_up = [[
        xmin + radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2 + (i % 2) * lenght / 2 + lenght * j,
        ymin + radius / 2 + h * i
    ] for i in range(ny) for j in range(nx)]
    translationToPerform_down = [[
        xmin + radius * math.sqrt(3.) / 2 + ((i + 1) % 2) * lenght / 2 +
        lenght * j, ymin + h - radius / 2 + h * i
    ] for i in range(ny) for j in range(nx)]

    ds = (len(translationToPerform_up) +
          len(translationToPerform_down)) * [None]
    for pos, t_up in enumerate(translationToPerform_up):
        ds[2 *
           pos] = d_up[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d_up and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[2 *
           pos] += t_up  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation
    for pos, t_down in enumerate(translationToPerform_down):
        ds[2 * pos +
           1] = d_down[:]  # Perform a deep copy of d_down and place it at position 'pos' in ds
        ds[2 * pos +
           1] += t_down  # Adding a vector to a set of coordinates does a translation

    d2 = mc.DataArrayDouble.Aggregate(ds)
    # Build an unstructured mesh representing the final pattern
    mesh = mc.MEDCouplingUMesh(mesh_name, 2)
    print("Mesh dimension is", mesh.getMeshDimension())
    print("Spatial dimension is", mesh.getCoords().getNumberOfComponents())
    mesh.allocateCells(2 * nx * ny)
    for i in range(2 * nx * ny):
        cell_connec = [3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2]
        mesh.insertNextCell(mc.NORM_TRI3, cell_connec)

    # Identifying duplicate nodes
    oldNbOfNodes = mesh.getNumberOfNodes()
    arr, areNodesMerged, newNbOfNodes = mesh.mergeNodes(1e-10)
    print("oldNbOfNodes=", oldNbOfNodes, "newNbOfNodes", newNbOfNodes)

    # Crée les éléments 1D pour pouvoir imposer les conditions aux limites
    mesh_1d = mesh.computeSkin()

    # Identifie les segments de chaque côté pour créer les groupes
    tol = 1e-10

    # PB: getCellsInBoundingBox renvoie aussi les segments qui touchent la bounding box
    # => On boucle sur les coordonnées des barycentres

    barycenters = mesh_1d.computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell()
    ids_left = []
    ids_right = []
    ids_bottom = []
    ids_top = []
    for i, coord in enumerate(barycenters):
        x, y = coord
        if abs(x - xmin - lenght / 4) < tol:  #
        elif abs(x - xmin - lenght * nx - lenght / 4) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymin) < tol:
        elif abs(y - ymax) < tol:
            raise ValueError(
                "Pb with boundary construction : barycenter does not belong to any border group"

    arr_left = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_left)
    arr_right = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_right)
    arr_bottom = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_bottom)
    arr_top = mc.DataArrayInt(ids_top)


    # Trie les cellules par type conformément à la convention MED fichier
    o2n = mesh.sortCellsInMEDFileFrmt()
    meshMEDFile = ML.MEDFileUMesh.New()
    # Ecrit le maillage 2D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(0, mesh)
    # Ecrit le maillage 1D
    meshMEDFile.setMeshAtLevel(-1, mesh_1d)
    # Ecrit les groupes
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_left)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_right)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_bottom)
    meshMEDFile.addGroup(-1, arr_top)

    # Check that everything is coherent (will throw if not)

    filename = mesh_name + ".med"
    # Write the result into a VTU file that can be read with ParaView
    # Write the result into a MED file that can be read with Salomé
    meshMEDFile.write(filename, 2)  # 2 stands for write from scratch