Exemplo n.º 1
def download_media(info):
    """Get the actual media by the given info."""
    # If we are supposed to use youtube-dl, try using it.
    # Videos with sound or youtube videos can be downloaded
    # more easily with youtube-dl
    if info.type == "video" and info.youtube_dl:
        log("--- Try youtube-dl")
        info, media = download_youtube_dl_media(info)
        # We got some media return it
        if media is not None:
            return info, media

        # If youtube-dl failed, continue and try a direct download
        log("--- youtube-dl failed")

    elif info.type == "audio" and info.youtube_dl:
        log("--- Try music download via youtube-dl")
        info, media = download_youtube_dl_music(info)
        # We got some media return it
        if media is not None:
            return info, media

        # Fail hard if this fails
        log("--- Music download via youtube-dl failed")
        return None, None

    log(f"--- Downloading media directly: {info.url}")
    request = Request(info.url, headers=headers)
    response = urlopen(request)
    media = response.read()

    return info, media
Exemplo n.º 2
async def replace_vreddit_link(event):
    """Handle v.redd.it links."""
    text = event.message.message
    splitted = text.split("\n")
    if len(splitted) == 1:
        url = splitted[0]
    elif len(splitted) == 2:
        url = splitted[1]
    elif len(splitted) > 2:

    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
    url = response.headers["Location"]
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
    url = response.headers["Location"]

        info, media = handle_reddit_web_url(url)
        if info is None or media is None:
        await handle_file_backup(event, info, media)
        await handle_file_upload(event, info, media)

    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_media_info(payload, info):
    """Get the information of the media from the payload."""
    data = payload[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"]
    if "crosspost_parent_list" in data:
        data = data["crosspost_parent_list"][0]

    info.title = data["title"]

    # Reddit hosted images
    if data["domain"] == "i.redd.it":
        return info_from_ireddit(info, data["url"])

    # Reddit hosted videos
    elif data["domain"] == "v.redd.it":
        return info_from_vreddit(info,

    # Gfycat videos
    elif data["domain"] == "gfycat.com":
        return info_from_gfycat(info, data["url"])

    # Giphy videos
    elif data["domain"] == "media.giphy.com":
        return info_from_giphy(info, data["url"])

    # Youtube video
    elif data["domain"] == "youtu.be":
        return info_from_youtube(info, data["url"])

    # Imgur
    elif data["domain"] in ["i.imgur.com", "imgur.com"]:
        return info_from_imgur(info, data["url"])

    log(f"--- Failed to detect media type")
    return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def info_from_gfycat(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from gfycat.com url."""
    log("--- Detected gfycat")
    response = requests.get(url)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, features="html.parser")
    container = soup.find("div", {"class": "video-container"})
    video = container.find("video")
    sources = video.children

    url = None
    for source in sources:
        if source["src"].startswith("https://giant.gfycat") and source["src"].endswith(
            url = source["src"]

    if url is None:

    info.url = url
    info.type = "video"
    info.extension = "mp4"
    return info
Exemplo n.º 5
def info_from_youtube(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from youtube.com url."""
    log("--- Detected youtube")
    info.youtube_dl_url = url
    info.type = "video"
    info.extension = "mp4"
    info.youtube_dl = True
    return info
Exemplo n.º 6
def info_from_vreddit(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from v.redd.it url."""
    log("--- Detected reddit video")
    info.url = url
    info.type = "video"
    info.extension = "mp4"
    info.youtube_dl = True

    return info
Exemplo n.º 7
async def delete_media_chat(event):
    """Delete the current media chat id."""
        config["bot"]["meme_chat_id"] = ""

        with open(config_path, "w") as file_descriptor:
            toml.dump(config, file_descriptor)

        await event.respond(f"Media chat unset")
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 8
def info_from_giphy(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from *.giphy.com url."""
    log("--- Detected giphy")
    url = url.replace("media.giphy.com", "i.giphy.com")
    url = url.replace("media1.giphy.com", "i.giphy.com")
    url = url.replace("media2.giphy.com", "i.giphy.com")
    url = url.replace("giphy.gif", "giphy.mp4")
    info.url = url
    info.type = "video"
    info.extension = "mp4"
    return info
Exemplo n.º 9
async def set_media_chat(event):
    """Set the media chat."""
        chat_id, peer_type = get_peer_information(event.message.to_id)
        log(f"Setting media chat: {chat_id}")
        config["bot"]["meme_chat_id"] = chat_id

        with open(config_path, "w") as file_descriptor:
            toml.dump(config, file_descriptor)

        await event.respond(f"Chat id set to {chat_id}")
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 10
async def replace_reddit_post_link(event):
    """Replace a reddit link with the actual media of the reddit link."""
        url = event.message.message
        info, media = handle_reddit_web_url(url)
        if info is None or media is None:
        await handle_file_backup(event, info, media)
        await handle_file_upload(event, info, media)

    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 11
async def download_clip(event):
    text = event.message.message

    info = Info()
    info.type = "video"
    info.youtube_dl = True
    info.youtube_dl_url = text.split(" ")[1]

        info, media = download_media(info)
        await handle_file_backup(event, info, media)
        await handle_file_upload(event, info, media)
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 12
def info_from_ireddit(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from i.redd.it url."""
    log("--- Detected reddit image")
    info.url = url
    info.type = "image"
    if info.url.endswith(".jpg"):
        info.extension = "jpg"
    elif info.url.endswith(".png"):
        info.extension = "png"
    elif info.url.endswith(".gif"):
        info.extension = "gif"
    elif info.url.endswith(".gifv"):
        info.extension = "gifv"

    return info
Exemplo n.º 13
async def youtube_music(event):
    """Set the media chat."""
    text = event.message.message
    url = text.split(" ")[1]

    info = Info()
    info.type = "audio"
    info.caption = f"Original link: {url}"
    info.youtube_dl = True
    info.youtube_dl_url = url

        info, media = download_media(info)
        await handle_file_upload(event, info, media)
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
Exemplo n.º 14
def info_from_imgur(info, url):
    """Populate info object with info from *.imgur.com url."""
    # Gif/gifv
    if url.endswith(".gifv") or url.endswith(".gif"):
        log("--- Detected imgur gif")
        # We replace the .gifv and .gif, since imgur supports mp4 anyway
        url = url.replace("gifv", "mp4")
        url = url.replace("gif", "mp4")
        info.url = url
        info.type = "video"
        info.extension = "mp4"

    # Images
    elif url.endswith(".png"):
        log("--- Detected imgur png")
        info.url = url
        info.type = "image"
        info.extension = "png"
    elif url.endswith(".jpg"):
        log("--- Detected imgur jpg")
        info.url = url
        info.type = "image"
        info.extension = "jpg"

    return info
Exemplo n.º 15
async def handle_file_upload(event, info, media):
    """Telethon file upload related logic."""
    log("Handle telethon stuff:")
    log(f"--- Upload: {info.title}")
    file_handle = await bot.upload_file(
        media, file_name=f"{info.title}.{info.extension}")

    me = await bot.get_me()
    from_id, _ = get_sender_information(event)

    # Allow to have a different caption than file title
    if info.caption is not None:
        caption = info.caption
        caption = info.title

    # Send the file to the chat and replace the message
    # if the message was send by yourself
    if from_id == me.id:
        log("--- Send to original chat")
        await bot.send_file(

        log("--- Delete original message")
        await event.message.delete()

    # Send the file to a meme chat if it's specified
    chat_id, chat_type = get_peer_information(event.message.to_id)
    meme_chat_id = config["bot"]["meme_chat_id"]

    if meme_chat_id != "" and meme_chat_id != chat_id:
        log("--- Send to meme chat")
        await bot.send_file(
Exemplo n.º 16
async def download_direct_link(event, function):
    """Generic download class for forwarded messages."""
        text = event.message.message
        info = Info()

        log(f"Got link: {text}")
        splitted = text.split("\n")
        if len(splitted) == 1:
            function(info, splitted[0])
            now = datetime.now()
            info.title = None
        elif len(splitted) == 2:
            info.title = splitted[0]
            function(info, splitted[1])
        elif len(splitted) > 2:

        info, media = download_media(info)
        await handle_file_backup(event, info, media)
        await handle_file_upload(event, info, media)
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Got exception: {e}")
        raise e
Exemplo n.º 17
def download_youtube_dl_media(info):
    """Try to download a clip via youtube-dl."""
    random_hash = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=8)
    hash = "reddit_" + random_hash
    options = {
        "outtmpl": f"/tmp/{hash}_%(title)s.%(ext)s",
        "quiet": True,
        "restrictfilenames": True,
    # Try to download the media with youtube-dl
    log(f"--- Downloading via youtube_dl: {info.youtube_dl_url}")
        ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options)
        yd_info = ydl.extract_info(info.youtube_dl_url)

        # Remove invalid chars that are removed from the title by youtube_dl
        title = sanitize_filename(yd_info["title"], True)
        info.extension = yd_info["ext"]

        path = f"/tmp/{hash}_{title}.{yd_info['ext']}"

        # youtube-dl might produce mkv containers, if the downloaded formats don't match
        # However there's no indicator that this is happening.
        # Check if the target file doesn't exist as mp4, but rather as mkv.
        # If that's the case, convert to mp4 via ffmpeg
        mkv_path = f"/tmp/{hash}_{title}.mkv"
        if not os.path.exists(path) and os.path.exists(mkv_path):
            path = f"/tmp/{hash}_{title}.mp4"
            os.system(f"ffmpeg -i '{mkv_path}' -c copy '{path}'")
            info.extension = "mp4"

        # Read in RAM and remove the oiginal file
        with open(path, "rb") as file:
            media = file.read()

        log("--- Got media")
        return info, media

    except Exception as e:
        log("--- Failed to use youtube-dl")
        return info, None
Exemplo n.º 18
def download_youtube_dl_music(info):
    """Try to extract the audio of a clip via youtube-dl."""
    random_hash = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=8)
    hash = "reddit_" + random_hash
    options = {
        "outtmpl": f"/tmp/{hash}_%(title)s.%(ext)s",
        "quiet": True,
        "format": "bestaudio",
        "restrictfilenames": True,
    # Try to download the media with youtube-dl
    log(f"--- Downloading song ia youtube_dl: {info.youtube_dl_url}")
        ydl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options)
        yd_info = ydl.extract_info(info.youtube_dl_url)

        # Remove invalid chars that are removed from the title by youtube_dl
        title = sanitize_filename(yd_info["title"], True)

        # Convert the webm to mp3
        temp_path = f"/tmp/{hash}_{title}.{yd_info['ext']}"
        target_path = f"/tmp/{hash}_{title}.mp3"
        os.system(f"ffmpeg -i '{temp_path}' -q:a 0 -map a '{target_path}'")

        info.extension = "mp3"

        # Read in RAM and remove the oiginal files
        with open(target_path, "rb") as file:
            media = file.read()

        log("--- Got media")
        return info, media

    except Exception as e:
        log("--- Failed to use youtube-dl")
        return info, None
Exemplo n.º 19
async def backup_file(bot, event, info, media):
    """Backup the media to a file."""
    # Compile file name
    today = date.today().isoformat()
    file_name = f"{today}_{info.title}.{info.extension}"

    log(f"--- File name: {file_name}")
    from_id, _ = get_sender_information(event)
    # Get username
    user = await bot.get_entity(from_id)
    username = get_username(user)

    # Compile path
    base_path = os.path.expanduser(config["bot"]["backup_path"])
    dir_path = os.path.join(base_path, username)
    file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
    log(f"--- Path : {file_path}")
    os.makedirs(dir_path, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)

    # Write to disk
    with open(file_path, "wb") as media_file:
    log(f"--- Saved to disk!")
Exemplo n.º 20
def handle_reddit_web_url(url):
    """Download media from reddit from a given web url."""
    log("\nGet media info from reddit")
    info = Info()
    info.youtube_dl_url = url
    if not url.endswith(".json"):
        url += ".json"
    info.json_url = url

    # Get the json information from reddit
    log(f"--- Download Json: {url}")
    request = Request(url, headers=headers)
    response = urlopen(request)
    data = response.read().decode("utf-8")
    payload = json.loads(data)

    # Extract the media information from the payload
        info = get_media_info(payload, info)
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"--- Got exception: {e}")
        raise e

    # Check if we got some kind of info
    if info is None:
        return None, None

    log("--- Got media info:")
    log(f"--- {pprint.pformat(info)}")

    log("Get media:")
    info, media = download_media(info)

    return info, media
Exemplo n.º 21
async def handle_file_backup(event, info, media):
    """Backup the file to the disk, if config says so."""
    if config["bot"]["backup"]:
        log("Backing up media to disk")
        await backup_file(bot, event, info, media)