Exemplo n.º 1
 def delete(self, **kwargs):
     all_posts = self.get_all_blog_posts()
     for post in all_posts:
         post.delete(del_orphan_tags=False, commit=False)
     from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags
     super(Blog, self).delete(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def delete(self, **kwargs):
     all_posts = self.get_all_blog_posts()
     for post in all_posts:
         post.delete(del_orphan_tags=False, commit=False)
     from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags
     super(Blog, self).delete(**kwargs)
    def delete(self, del_orphan_tags=True, **kwargs):
        """Delete MediaEntry and all related files/attachments/comments

        This will *not* automatically delete unused collections, which
        can remain empty...

        :param del_orphan_tags: True/false if we delete unused Tags too
        :param commit: True/False if this should end the db transaction"""
        # User's CollectionItems are automatically deleted via "cascade".
        # Comments on this Media are deleted by cascade, hopefully.

        # Delete all related files/attachments
        except OSError as error:
            # Returns list of files we failed to delete
            _log.error('No such files from the user "{1}" to delete: '
                       '{0}'.format(str(error), self.get_uploader))
        _log.info('Deleted Media entry id "{0}"'.format(self.id))
        # Related MediaTag's are automatically cleaned, but we might
        # want to clean out unused Tag's too.
        if del_orphan_tags:
            # TODO: Import here due to cyclic imports!!!
            #       This cries for refactoring
            from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags
        # pass through commit=False/True in kwargs
        super(MediaEntry, self).delete(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def delete(self, **kwargs):
        """Deletes a User and all related entries/comments/files/..."""
        # Collections get deleted by relationships.

        media_entries = MediaEntry.query.filter(MediaEntry.uploader == self.id)
        for media in media_entries:
            # TODO: Make sure that "MediaEntry.delete()" also deletes
            # all related files/Comments
            media.delete(del_orphan_tags=False, commit=False)

        # Delete now unused tags
        # TODO: import here due to cyclic imports!!! This cries for refactoring
        from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags

        # Delete user, pass through commit=False/True in kwargs
        super(User, self).delete(**kwargs)
        _log.info('Deleted user "{0}" account'.format(self.username))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def delete(self, **kwargs):
        """Deletes a User and all related entries/comments/files/..."""
        # Collections get deleted by relationships.

        media_entries = MediaEntry.query.filter(MediaEntry.uploader == self.id)
        for media in media_entries:
            # TODO: Make sure that "MediaEntry.delete()" also deletes
            # all related files/Comments
            media.delete(del_orphan_tags=False, commit=False)

        # Delete now unused tags
        # TODO: import here due to cyclic imports!!! This cries for refactoring
        from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags

        # Delete user, pass through commit=False/True in kwargs
        super(User, self).delete(**kwargs)
        _log.info('Deleted user "{0}" account'.format(self.username))
Exemplo n.º 6
class MediaEntry(Base, MediaEntryMixin):
    TODO: Consider fetching the media_files using join
    __tablename__ = "core__media_entries"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    uploader = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(User.id), nullable=False, index=True)
    title = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    slug = Column(Unicode)
    created = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.now,
    description = Column(UnicodeText) # ??
    media_type = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    state = Column(Unicode, default=u'unprocessed', nullable=False)
        # or use sqlalchemy.types.Enum?
    license = Column(Unicode)
    file_size = Column(Integer, default=0)

    fail_error = Column(Unicode)
    fail_metadata = Column(JSONEncoded)

    transcoding_progress = Column(SmallInteger)

    queued_media_file = Column(PathTupleWithSlashes)

    queued_task_id = Column(Unicode)

    __table_args__ = (
        UniqueConstraint('uploader', 'slug'),

    get_uploader = relationship(User)

    media_files_helper = relationship("MediaFile",
        cascade="all, delete-orphan"
    media_files = association_proxy('media_files_helper', 'file_path',
        creator=lambda k, v: MediaFile(name=k, file_path=v)

    attachment_files_helper = relationship("MediaAttachmentFile",
        cascade="all, delete-orphan",
    attachment_files = association_proxy("attachment_files_helper", "dict_view",
        creator=lambda v: MediaAttachmentFile(
            name=v["name"], filepath=v["filepath"])

    tags_helper = relationship("MediaTag",
        cascade="all, delete-orphan" # should be automatically deleted
    tags = association_proxy("tags_helper", "dict_view",
        creator=lambda v: MediaTag(name=v["name"], slug=v["slug"])

    collections_helper = relationship("CollectionItem",
        cascade="all, delete-orphan"
    collections = association_proxy("collections_helper", "in_collection")
    media_metadata = Column(MutationDict.as_mutable(JSONEncoded),

    ## TODO
    # fail_error

    def get_comments(self, ascending=False):
        order_col = MediaComment.created
        if not ascending:
            order_col = desc(order_col)
        return self.all_comments.order_by(order_col)

    def url_to_prev(self, urlgen):
        """get the next 'newer' entry by this user"""
        media = MediaEntry.query.filter(
            (MediaEntry.uploader == self.uploader)
            & (MediaEntry.state == u'processed')
            & (MediaEntry.id > self.id)).order_by(MediaEntry.id).first()

        if media is not None:
            return media.url_for_self(urlgen)

    def url_to_next(self, urlgen):
        """get the next 'older' entry by this user"""
        media = MediaEntry.query.filter(
            (MediaEntry.uploader == self.uploader)
            & (MediaEntry.state == u'processed')
            & (MediaEntry.id < self.id)).order_by(desc(MediaEntry.id)).first()

        if media is not None:
            return media.url_for_self(urlgen)

    def get_file_metadata(self, file_key, metadata_key=None):
        Return the file_metadata dict of a MediaFile. If metadata_key is given,
        return the value of the key.
        media_file = MediaFile.query.filter_by(media_entry=self.id,

        if media_file:
            if metadata_key:
                return media_file.file_metadata.get(metadata_key, None)

            return media_file.file_metadata

    def set_file_metadata(self, file_key, **kwargs):
        Update the file_metadata of a MediaFile.
        media_file = MediaFile.query.filter_by(media_entry=self.id,

        file_metadata = media_file.file_metadata or {}

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            file_metadata[key] = value

        media_file.file_metadata = file_metadata

    def media_data(self):
        return getattr(self, self.media_data_ref)

    def media_data_init(self, **kwargs):
        Initialize or update the contents of a media entry's media_data row
        media_data = self.media_data

        if media_data is None:
            # Get the correct table:
            table = import_component(self.media_type + '.models:DATA_MODEL')
            # No media data, so actually add a new one
            media_data = table(**kwargs)
            # Get the relationship set up.
            media_data.get_media_entry = self
            # Update old media data
            for field, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                setattr(media_data, field, value)

    def media_data_ref(self):
        return import_component(self.media_type + '.models:BACKREF_NAME')

    def __repr__(self):
        safe_title = self.title.encode('ascii', 'replace')

        return '<{classname} {id}: {title}>'.format(

    def delete(self, del_orphan_tags=True, **kwargs):
        """Delete MediaEntry and all related files/attachments/comments

        This will *not* automatically delete unused collections, which
        can remain empty...

        :param del_orphan_tags: True/false if we delete unused Tags too
        :param commit: True/False if this should end the db transaction"""
        # User's CollectionItems are automatically deleted via "cascade".
        # Comments on this Media are deleted by cascade, hopefully.

        # Delete all related files/attachments
        except OSError, error:
            # Returns list of files we failed to delete
            _log.error('No such files from the user "{1}" to delete: '
                       '{0}'.format(str(error), self.get_uploader))
        _log.info('Deleted Media entry id "{0}"'.format(self.id))
        # Related MediaTag's are automatically cleaned, but we might
        # want to clean out unused Tag's too.
        if del_orphan_tags:
            # TODO: Import here due to cyclic imports!!!
            #       This cries for refactoring
            from mediagoblin.db.util import clean_orphan_tags
        # pass through commit=False/True in kwargs
        super(MediaEntry, self).delete(**kwargs)