Exemplo n.º 1
 def add_stream_property(self, stream_index, prop, value=None):
     direct_copy = '-vcodec copy -c:a copy -map 0'
     output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename, "meta")
     if value is None:
         stream_index, value = stream_index.split(':')
     util.run_ffmpeg('-i "{0}" {1} -metadata:s:a:{2} {3}="{4}" "{5}"'.format( \
         self.filename, direct_copy, stream_index, prop, value, output_file))
     return output_file
Exemplo n.º 2
 def set_tracks_property(self, prop, **props):
     util.logger.debug("Set tracks properties: %s-->%s", prop, str(props))
     meta = VideoFile.AV_PASSTHROUGH
     for idx, propval in props.items():
         meta += '-metadata:s:a:{0} {1}="{2}" '.format(idx, prop, propval)
     output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename, prop)
     util.run_ffmpeg('-i "{0}" {1} "{2}"'.format(self.filename,
                                                 meta.strip(), output_file))
     return output_file
Exemplo n.º 3
 def slice_horizontal(self, nbr_slices, round_to = 16, slice_pattern = 'slice'):
     w, h = self.get_dimensions()
     slice_h = max(h // nbr_slices, round_to)
     slices = []
     nbr_slices = min(nbr_slices, (h // slice_h)+1)
     for i in range(nbr_slices):
         slicefile = util.add_postfix(self.filename, "%s.%d" % (slice_pattern, i))
         self.crop(w, slice_h, 0, i * slice_h, slicefile)
     return slices
Exemplo n.º 4
 def add_audio_tracks(self, *audio_files):
     inputs = '-i "{0}"'.format(self.filename)
     maps = '-map 0'
     i = 1
     for audio_file in audio_files:
         inputs += ' -i "{0}"'.format(audio_file)
         maps += ' -map {0}'.format(i)
         i += 1
     output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename, "muxed")
     util.run_ffmpeg('{0} {1} -dn -codec copy "{2}"'.format(
         inputs, maps, output_file))
     return output_file
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add_metadata(self, **metadatas):
     # ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vcodec copy -c:a copy -map 0 -metadata year=<year>
     # -metadata copyright="(c) O. Korach <year>"  -metadata author="Olivier Korach"
     # -metadata:s:a:0 language=fre -metadata:s:a:0 title="Avec musique"
     # -metadata:s:v:0 language=fre -disposition:a:0 default -disposition:a:1 none "%~1.meta.mp4"
     util.logger.debug("Add metadata: %s", str(metadatas))
     opts = VideoFile.AV_PASSTHROUGH
     for key, value in metadatas.items():
         opts += '-metadata {0}="{1}" '.format(key, value)
     output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename, "meta")
     util.run_ffmpeg('-i "{0}" {1} "{2}"'.format(self.filename,
                                                 opts.strip(), output_file))
     return output_file
Exemplo n.º 6
 def set_default_track(self, track):
     # ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vcodec copy -c:a copy -map 0
     # -disposition:a:0 default -disposition:a:1 none out.mp4
     util.logger.debug("Set default track: %s", track)
     disp = VideoFile.AV_PASSTHROUGH
     for i in range(self.__get_number_of_audio_tracks() + 1):
         util.logger.debug("i = %d, nb tracks = %d", i,
         is_default = "default" if i == track else "none"
         disp += "-disposition:a:{0} {1} ".format(i, is_default)
     output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename, "track")
     util.run_ffmpeg('-i "{0}" {1} "{2}"'.format(self.filename,
                                                 disp.strip(), output_file))
     return output_file
Exemplo n.º 7
    def deshake(self, width, height, out_file, **kwargs):
        ''' Applies deshake video filter for width x height pixels '''
        media_opts = self.get_properties()
            opt.media.DEINTERLACE: None,
            opt.media.ASPECT: self.get_aspect_ratio()

        if out_file is None or 'nocrop' in kwargs:
            output_file = util.add_postfix(self.filename,
                                           "deshake_%dx%d" % (width, height))
            output_file = out_file

        ffopts = opt.media2ffmpeg(media_opts)
        cmd = '-i "%s" %s %s "%s"' % (self.filename, \
            util.dict2str(ffopts), get_deshake_filter_options(width, height), output_file)

        if 'nocrop' not in kwargs:
            return output_file

        new_w = self.get_width() - width
        new_h = self.get_height() - height
        if out_file is None:
            output_file2 = util.add_postfix(
                self.filename, "deshake_crop_%dx%d" % (new_w, new_h))
            output_file2 = out_file
        deshake_file_o = VideoFile(output_file)
        kwargs.update({opt.media.ASPECT: self.get_aspect_ratio()})
        deshake_file_o.crop(new_w, new_h, width // 2, height // 2,
                            output_file2, **kwargs)
        return output_file2
Exemplo n.º 8
def encode_album_art(source_file, album_art_file, **kwargs):
    """Encodes album art image in an audio file after optionally resizing"""
    # profile = 'album_art' - # For the future, we'll use the cmd line associated to the profile in the config file

    album_art_std_settings = '-metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (Front)"'
    target_file = util.add_postfix(source_file, 'album_art')

    if kwargs['scale'] is not None:
        w, h = re.split("x", kwargs['scale'])
        album_art_file = image.rescale(album_art_file, int(w), int(h))
        delete_aa_file = True

    # ffmpeg -i %1 -i %2 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c copy -id3v2_version 3 -metadata:s:v title="Album cover"
    # -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (Front)" %1.mp3
    util.run_ffmpeg('-i "%s" -i "%s"  -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c copy -id3v2_version 3 %s "%s"' % \
        (source_file, album_art_file, album_art_std_settings, target_file))
    shutil.copy(target_file, source_file)
    if delete_aa_file:
Exemplo n.º 9
def build_target_file(source_file, profile):
    extension = util.get_profile_extension(profile)
    if extension is None:
        extension = util.get_file_extension(source_file)
    return util.add_postfix(source_file, profile, extension)