Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Node.__init__(self, type="op cut", **kwargs)
        Parameters.__init__(self, None, **kwargs)
        self._formatter = "{enabled}{pass}{element_type} {speed}mm/s @{power} {color}"

        if len(args) == 1:
            obj = args[0]
            if hasattr(obj, "settings"):
                self.settings = dict(obj.settings)
            elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        # Which elements can be added to an operation (manually via DND)?
        self.allowed_elements_dnd = (
            "elem ellipse",
            "elem path",
            "elem polyline",
            "elem rect",
            "elem line",
            "elem dot",
        # Which elements do we consider for automatic classification?
        self.allowed_elements = (
            "elem ellipse",
            "elem path",
            "elem polyline",
            "elem rect",
            "elem line",
        # To which attributes responds the classification color check
        self.allowed_attributes = ["stroke", ]
        # Is this op out of useful bounds?
        self.dangerous = False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "setting" in kwargs:
            kwargs = kwargs["settings"]
            if "type" in kwargs:
                del kwargs["type"]
        Node.__init__(self, type="op image", **kwargs)
        # Is this op out of useful bounds?
        Parameters.__init__(self, None, **kwargs)
        self._formatter = "{enabled}{pass}{element_type}{direction}{speed}mm/s @{power}"
        self.dangerous = False
        # self.settings["stopop"] = True

        if len(args) == 1:
            obj = args[0]
            if hasattr(obj, "settings"):
                self.settings = dict(obj.settings)
            elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        # Which elements can be added to an operation (manually via DND)?
        self.allowed_elements_dnd = ("elem image",)
        # Which elements do we consider for automatic classification?
        self.allowed_elements = ("elem image",)
        self.stopop = True
        self.allowed_attributes = []
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "setting" in kwargs:
            kwargs = kwargs["settings"]
            if "type" in kwargs:
                del kwargs["type"]
        Node.__init__(self, type="op raster", **kwargs)
        Parameters.__init__(self, None, **kwargs)
        self._formatter = "{enabled}{pass}{element_type}{direction}{speed}mm/s @{power} {color}"

        if len(args) == 1:
            obj = args[0]
            if hasattr(obj, "settings"):
                self.settings = dict(obj.settings)
            elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        self.allowed_elements_dnd = (
            "elem ellipse",
            "elem path",
            "elem polyline",
            "elem rect",
            "elem line",
            "elem dot",
            "elem text",
            "elem image",
        # Which elements do we consider for automatic classification?
        self.allowed_elements = (
            "elem ellipse",
            "elem path",
            "elem polyline",
            "elem rect",
            "elem line",
            "elem text",
            "elem image",
        # To which attributes does the classification color check respond
        # Can be extended / reduced by add_color_attribute / remove_color_attribute
        self.allowed_attributes = [
        ]  # comma is relevant
        # Is this op out of useful bounds?
        self.dangerous = False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "setting" in kwargs:
            kwargs = kwargs["settings"]
            if "type" in kwargs:
                del kwargs["type"]
        Node.__init__(self, type="op dots", **kwargs)
        Parameters.__init__(self, None, **kwargs)
        self._formatter = "{enabled}{pass}{element_type} {dwell_time}ms dwell {color}"

        if len(args) == 1:
            obj = args[0]
            if hasattr(obj, "settings"):
                self.settings = dict(obj.settings)
            elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        self.allowed_elements_dnd = ("elem point", )
        self.allowed_elements = ("elem point", )
        self.allowed_attributes = []
        # Is this op out of useful bounds?
        self.dangerous = False
        self.settings["stopop"] = True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.channel = None
        self.position = None
        self.board = "M2"
        self.header_skipped = False
        self.count_lines = 0
        self.count_flag = 0
        self.settings = Parameters({"speed": 20.0, "power": 1000.0})

        self.speed_code = None

        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.number_value = ""
        self.distance_x = 0
        self.distance_y = 0

        self.filename = ""

        self.laser = 0
        self.left = False
        self.top = False
        self.x_on = False
        self.y_on = False
        self.small_jump = False
        self.returning_compact = True
        self.returning_finished = False

        self.mode = None
        self.raster_step = 0
        self.paused_state = False
        self.compact_state = False
        self.finish_state = False
        self.horizontal_major = False
        self.fix_speeds = False
        self.number_consumer = {}
Exemplo n.º 6
class LihuiyuParser:
    LihuiyuParser parses LHYMicro-GL code with a state diagram. This should accurately reconstruct the values.
    When the position is changed it calls a self.position() function if one exists.
    def __init__(self):
        self.channel = None
        self.position = None
        self.board = "M2"
        self.header_skipped = False
        self.count_lines = 0
        self.count_flag = 0
        self.settings = Parameters({"speed": 20.0, "power": 1000.0})

        self.speed_code = None

        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.number_value = ""
        self.distance_x = 0
        self.distance_y = 0

        self.filename = ""

        self.laser = 0
        self.left = False
        self.top = False
        self.x_on = False
        self.y_on = False
        self.small_jump = False
        self.returning_compact = True
        self.returning_finished = False

        self.mode = None
        self.raster_step = 0
        self.paused_state = False
        self.compact_state = False
        self.finish_state = False
        self.horizontal_major = False
        self.fix_speeds = False
        self.number_consumer = {}

    def parse(self, data, elements):
        self.path = Numpath()

        def position(p):
            if p is None:
            from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y = p

            if self.program_mode:
                if self.laser:
                    self.path.line(complex(from_x, from_y),
                                   complex(to_x, to_y))

        self.position = position
            type="elem numpath",
        elements.signal("refresh_scene", 0)

    def program_mode(self):
        return self.compact_state

    def default_mode(self):
        return not self.compact_state

    def raster_mode(self):
        return self.settings.get("raster_step", 0) != 0

    def new_file(self):
        self.header_skipped = False
        self.count_flag = 0
        self.count_lines = 0

    def remove_header(data):
        count_lines = 0
        count_flag = 0
        for i in range(len(data)):
            b = data[i]
            c = chr(b)
            if c == "\n":
                count_lines += 1
            elif c == "%":
                count_flag += 1
            if count_lines >= 3 and count_flag >= 5:
                return data[i:]

    def header_write(self, data):
        Write data to the emulator including the header. This is intended for saved .egv files which include a default
        if self.header_skipped:
            data = LihuiyuParser.remove_header(data)

    def write_packet(self, packet):

    def write(self, data):
        for b in data:
            self.process(b, chr(b))

    def distance_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            self.number_value = ""

    def speedcode_b1_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode B1 = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_b2_consumer

    def speedcode_b2_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode B2 = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_accel_consumer

    def speedcode_accel_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 1:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode Accel = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_mult_consumer

    def speedcode_mult_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode Accel = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_dratio_b1_consumer

    def speedcode_dratio_b1_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode Dratio b1 = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_dratio_b2_consumer

    def speedcode_dratio_b2_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Speedcode Dratio b2 = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.distance_consumer

    def raster_step_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 3:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Raster Step = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.raster_step = int(self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""

            self.number_consumer = self.distance_consumer

    def mode_consumer(self, c):
        self.number_value += c
        if len(self.number_value) >= 1:
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Set Mode = %s" % self.number_value)
            self.mode = int(self.number_value)
            self.number_value = ""
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_mult_consumer

    def append_distance(self, amount):
        if self.x_on:
            self.distance_x += amount
        if self.y_on:
            self.distance_y += amount

    def execute_distance(self):
        if self.distance_x != 0 or self.distance_y != 0:
            dx = self.distance_x
            dy = self.distance_y
            if self.left:
                dx = -dx
            if self.top:
                dy = -dy
            self.distance_x = 0
            self.distance_y = 0

            ox = self.x
            oy = self.y

            self.x += dx
            self.y += dy

            if self.position:
                self.position((ox, oy, self.x, self.y))

            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Moving (%d %d) now at %d %d" %
                             (dx, dy, self.x, self.y))

    def process(self, b, c):
        if c == "I":
            self.finish_state = False
            self.compact_state = False
            self.paused_state = False
            self.distance_x = 0
            self.distance_y = 0
        if self.finish_state:  # In finished all commands are black holed
        if ord("0") <= b <= ord("9"):
            self.number_consumer = self.distance_consumer
            self.number_value = ""

        if self.compact_state:
            # Every command in compact state executes distances.

        if c == "|":
            self.small_jump = True
        elif ord("a") <= b <= ord("y"):
            self.append_distance(b + 1 - ord("a"))
            self.small_jump = False
        elif c == "z":
            self.append_distance(26 if self.small_jump else 255)
            self.small_jump = False
        elif c == "B":  # Move to Right.
            if self.left and self.horizontal_major:
                # Was T switched to B with horizontal rastering.
                if self.raster_step:
                    self.distance_y += self.raster_step
            self.left = False
            self.x_on = True
            self.y_on = False
            if self.channel:
        elif c == "T":  # Move to Left
            if not self.left and self.horizontal_major:
                # Was T switched to B with horizontal rastering.
                if self.raster_step:
                    self.distance_y += self.raster_step
            self.left = True
            self.x_on = True
            self.y_on = False
            if self.channel:
        elif c == "R":  # Move to Bottom
            if self.top and not self.horizontal_major:
                # Was L switched to R with vertical rastering.
                if self.raster_step:
                    self.distance_x += self.raster_step
            self.top = False
            self.x_on = False
            self.y_on = True
            if self.channel:
        elif c == "L":  # Move to Top
            if not self.top and not self.horizontal_major:
                # Was R switched to L with vertical rastering.
                if self.raster_step:
                    self.distance_x += self.raster_step
            self.top = True
            self.x_on = False
            self.y_on = True
            if self.channel:
        elif c == "U":
            self.laser = 0
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Laser Off")
        elif c == "D":
            self.laser = 1
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Laser On")
        elif c == "F":
            if self.channel:
            self.returning_compact = False
            self.returning_finished = True
        elif c == "@":
            if self.channel:
            self.returning_finished = False
            self.returning_compact = False
        elif c in "C":
            if self.channel:
            self.speed_code = ""
        elif c in "V":
            self.raster_step = None
            if self.channel:
            self.number_consumer = self.speedcode_b1_consumer
        elif c in "G":
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Step Value")
            self.number_consumer = self.raster_step_consumer
        elif c == "S":
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Mode Set")
            self.laser = 0

            self.mode = None
            self.number_consumer = self.mode_consumer
        elif c == "E":
            if self.channel:
                self.channel("Execute State")
            if self.mode is None:
                if self.returning_compact:
                    self.compact_state = True
                if self.returning_finished:
                    self.finish_state = True
                if self.horizontal_major:
                    self.left = not self.left
                    self.x_on = True
                    self.y_on = False
                    if self.raster_step:
                        self.distance_y += self.raster_step
                    # vertical major
                    self.top = not self.top
                    self.x_on = False
                    self.y_on = True
                    if self.raster_step:
                        self.distance_x += self.raster_step
            elif self.mode == 0:
                # Homes then moves position.
            elif self.mode == 1:
                self.compact_state = True
                self.horizontal_major = self.x_on
                if self.channel:
                    self.channel("Setting Axis: h=" + str(self.x_on))
            elif self.mode == 2:
                # Rail unlocked.
                self.compact_state = True
            self.returning_finished = False
            self.returning_compact = True
            self.laser = 0
        elif c == "P":
            if self.channel:
            self.laser = 0
            if self.paused_state:
                # Home sequence triggered by 2 P commands in the same packet.
                # This should resume if not located within the same packet.
                if self.position:
                    self.position((self.x, self.y, 0, 0))
                self.x = 0
                self.y = 0
                self.distance_y = 0
                self.distance_x = 0
                self.finish_state = True
                self.paused_state = False
                self.execute_distance()  # distance is executed by a P command
                self.paused_state = True
        elif c == "N":
            if self.channel:
            self.execute_distance()  # distance is executed by an N command.
            self.laser = 0
            self.compact_state = False
            if self.position:
        elif c == "M":
            self.x_on = True
            self.y_on = True
            if self.channel:
                a = "Top" if self.top else "Bottom"
                b = "Left" if self.left else "Right"
                self.channel("Diagonal %s %s" % (a, b))