Exemplo n.º 1
class Console:
    """The console object that represents your Dolphin / Wii / SLP file

        slippi_address (str): IP address of the Dolphin / Wii to connect to.
            Empty string will try to autodiscover a nearby SlippiComm server
        slippi_port (int): TCP port of slippi server. Default 51441
    def __init__(self, is_dolphin, ai_port, opponent_port, opponent_type,
                 dolphin_executable_path=None, slippi_address="", logger=None):
        """Create a Console object

            is_dolphin (boolean): Is this console a dolphin? (Or a Wii)
            ai_port (int): 1-4 for the controller port your bot will take
            opponent_port (int): 1-4 for the controller port your opponent will take
            opponent_type (:obj:`enums.ControllerType`): Enum of your opponent's controller type
            dolphin_executable_path (str): Path to the directory where your dolphin executable is
                located. (if applicable) None tells console to use the installed copy of the emulator
            slippi_address (str): IP address of the Dolphin / Wii to connect to.
                Empty string will try to autodiscover a nearby SlippiComm server
        self.logger = logger
        self.ai_port = ai_port
        self.opponent_port = opponent_port
        self.is_dolphin = is_dolphin
        self.dolphin_executable_path = dolphin_executable_path
        self.processingtime = 0
        self._frametimestamp = time.time()
        self.slippi_address = slippi_address
        self.slippi_port = 51441
        self.eventsize = [0] * 0x100
        self.render = True

        # Keep a running copy of the last gamestate produced
        self._prev_gamestate = GameState(ai_port, opponent_port)
        self._process = None
        if self.is_dolphin:
            pipes_path = self._get_dolphin_home_path() + "Pipes/"
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

            if platform.system() != "Windows":
                #Create the Pipes directory if it doesn't already exist
                if not os.path.exists(pipes_path):
                    print("WARNING: Had to create a Pipes directory in Dolphin just now. " \
                          "You may need to restart Dolphin and this program in order for this to work. " \
                          "(You should only see this warning once)")

                pipes_path += "slippibot" + str(ai_port)
                if not os.path.exists(pipes_path):

            #setup the controllers specified
            self.setup_dolphin_controller(opponent_port, opponent_type)
            self._slippstream = SlippstreamClient(self.slippi_address, self.slippi_port)

        # Prepare some structures for fixing melee data
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        with open(path + "/actiondata.csv") as csvfile:
            #A list of dicts containing the frame data
            actiondata = list(csv.DictReader(csvfile))
            #Dict of sets
            self.zero_indices = defaultdict(set)
            for line in actiondata:
                if line["zeroindex"] == "True":

        # Read the character data csv
        self.characterdata = dict()
        with open(path + "/characterdata.csv") as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            for line in reader:
                del line["Character"]
                #Convert all fields to numbers
                for key, value in line.items():
                    line[key] = float(value)
                self.characterdata[enums.Character(line["CharacterIndex"])] = line

    def connect(self):
        """ Connects to the Slippi server (dolphin or wii).

            True is successful, False otherwise
        # It can take a short amount of time after starting the emulator
        #   for the actual server to start. So try a few times before giving up.
        for _ in range(4):
            if self._slippstream.connect():
                return True
        return False

    def run(self, iso_path=None, movie_path=None, dolphin_config_path=None):
        """Run dolphin-emu

            iso_path (str, optional): Path to Melee ISO for dolphin to read
            dolphin_config_path (str, optional): Alternative config path for dolphin
                if not using the default
        if self.is_dolphin:
            exe_name = "dolphin-emu"
            if platform.system() == "Windows":
                exe_name = "Dolphin.exe"

            exe_path = ""
            if self.dolphin_executable_path:
                exe_path = self.dolphin_executable_path
            command = [exe_path + exe_name]
            if not self.render:
                #Use the "Null" renderer
            if movie_path is not None:
            if iso_path is not None:
            if dolphin_config_path is not None:
            self._process = subprocess.Popen(command)

    def stop(self):
        """ Stop the console.

        For Dolphin instances, this will kill the dolphin process.
        For Wiis and SLP files, it just shuts down our connection
        # If dolphin, kill the process
        if self._process is not None:

    def setup_dolphin_controller(self, port, controllertype=enums.ControllerType.STANDARD):
        """Setup the necessary files for dolphin to recognize the player at the given
        controller port and type"""
        #Read in dolphin's controller config file
        controller_config_path = self._get_dolphin_config_path() + "GCPadNew.ini"
        config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

        #Add a bot standard controller config to the given port
        section = "GCPad" + str(port)
        if not config.has_section(section):

        if controllertype == enums.ControllerType.STANDARD:
            config.set(section, 'Device', 'Pipe/0/slippibot' + str(port))
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/A', 'Button A')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/B', 'Button B')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/X', 'Button X')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Y', 'Button Y')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Z', 'Button Z')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/L', 'Button L')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/R', 'Button R')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Up', 'Axis MAIN Y +')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Down', 'Axis MAIN Y -')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Left', 'Axis MAIN X -')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Right', 'Axis MAIN X +')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/L', 'Button L')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/R', 'Button R')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Modifier', 'Shift_L')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Modifier/Range', '50.000000000000000')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Up', 'Button D_UP')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Down', 'Button D_DOWN')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Left', 'Button D_LEFT')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Right', 'Button D_RIGHT')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Start', 'Button START')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/A', 'Button A')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Up', 'Axis C Y +')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Down', 'Axis C Y -')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Left', 'Axis C X -')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Right', 'Axis C X +')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/L-Analog', 'Axis L -+')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/R-Analog', 'Axis R -+')
        #This section is unused if it's not a standard input (I think...)
            config.set(section, 'Device', 'XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer')

        with open(controller_config_path, 'w') as configfile:

        #Change the bot's controller port to use "standard" input
        dolphin_config_path = self._get_dolphin_config_path() + "Dolphin.ini"
        config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
        #Indexed at 0. "6" means standard controller, "12" means GCN Adapter
        # The enum is scoped to the proper value, here
        config.set("Core", 'SIDevice'+str(port-1), controllertype.value)
        # Enable networking
        config.set("General", 'EnableSlippiNetworkingOutput', "True")
        #Enable Cheats
        config.set("Core", 'enablecheats', "True")
        #Turn on background input so we don't need to have window focus on dolphin
        config.set("Input", 'backgroundinput', "True")
        with open(dolphin_config_path, 'w') as dolphinfile:

        # #Enable the specific cheats we need (Netplay community settings)
        # melee_config_path = self._get_dolphin_home_path() + "/GameSettings/GALE01.ini"
        # config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
        # config.optionxform = str
        # config.read(melee_config_path)
        # if not config.has_section("Gecko_Enabled"):
        #     config.add_section("Gecko_Enabled")
        # config.set("Gecko_Enabled", "$Netplay Community Settings")
        # with open(melee_config_path, 'w') as dolphinfile:
        #     config.write(dolphinfile)

    def step(self):
        """ 'step' to the next state of the game
        Returns a new gamestate object that represents current state of the game"""
        # Keep looping until we get a REPLAY message
        self.processingtime = time.time() - self._frametimestamp
        gamestate = GameState(self.ai_port, self.opponent_port)
        frame_ended = False
        while not frame_ended:
            msg = self._slippstream.read_message()
            if msg:
                if CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.REPLAY:
                    events = msg['payload']['data']
                    frame_ended = self.__handle_slippstream_events(events, gamestate)

                # We can basically just ignore keepalives
                elif CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.KEEPALIVE:

                elif CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.HANDSHAKE:
                    handshake = msg['payload']
                    print("Connected to console '{}' (Slippi Nintendont {})".format(
                # Handle menu-state event
                elif CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.MENU:
                    events = msg['payload']['data']
                    self.__handle_slippstream_menu_event(events, gamestate)
                    frame_ended = True

        # Start the processing timer now that we're done reading messages
        self._frametimestamp = time.time()
        return gamestate

    def __handle_slippstream_events(self, event_bytes, gamestate):
        """ Handle a series of events, provided sequentially in a byte array """
        gamestate.menu_state = enums.Menu.IN_GAME
        while len(event_bytes) > 0:
            event_size = self.eventsize[event_bytes[0]]
            if len(event_bytes) < event_size:
                print("WARNING: Something went wrong unpacking events. Data is probably missing")
                print("\tDidn't have enough data for event")
                return False
            if EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.PAYLOADS:
                cursor = 0x2
                payload_size = event_bytes[1]
                num_commands = (payload_size - 1) // 3
                for i in range(0, num_commands):
                    command, command_len = unpack(">bH", event_bytes[cursor:cursor+3])
                    self.eventsize[command] = command_len+1
                    cursor += 3
                event_bytes = event_bytes[payload_size + 1:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.FRAME_START:
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GAME_START:
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GAME_END:
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.PRE_FRAME:
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.POST_FRAME:
                gamestate.frame = unpack(">i", event_bytes[0x1:0x1+4])[0]
                controller_port = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x5:0x5+1])[0] + 1

                gamestate.player[controller_port].x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0xa:0xa+4])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0xe:0xe+4])[0]

                gamestate.player[controller_port].character = enums.Character(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x7:0x7+1])[0])
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].action = enums.Action(unpack(">H", event_bytes[0x8:0x8+2])[0])
                except ValueError:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].action = enums.Action.UNKNOWN_ANIMATION

                # Melee stores this in a float for no good reason. So we have to convert
                facing_float = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x12:0x12+4])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].facing = facing_float > 0

                gamestate.player[controller_port].percent = int(unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x16:0x16+4])[0])
                gamestate.player[controller_port].stock = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x21:0x21+1])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].action_frame = int(unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x22:0x22+4])[0])

                # Extract the bit at mask 0x20
                bitflags2 = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x27:0x27+1])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].hitlag = bool(bitflags2 & 0x20)

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].hitstun_frames_left = int(unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x2b:0x2b+4])[0])
                except ValueError:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].hitstun_frames_left = 0
                gamestate.player[controller_port].on_ground = not bool(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2f:0x2f+1])[0])
                gamestate.player[controller_port].jumps_left = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x32:0x32+1])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerable = int(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x34:0x34+1])[0]) != 0

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_air_x_self = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x35:0x35+4])[0]
                except error:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_air_x_self = 0

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_y_self = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x39:0x39+4])[0]
                except error:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_y_self = 0

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_x_attack = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x3d:0x3d+4])[0]
                except error:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_x_attack = 0

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_y_attack = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x41:0x41+4])[0]
                except error:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_y_attack = 0

                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_ground_x_self = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x45:0x45+4])[0]
                except error:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].speed_ground_x_self = 0

                # Keep track of a player's invulnerability due to respawn or ledge grab
                gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerability_left = max(0, self._prev_gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerability_left - 1)
                if gamestate.player[controller_port].action == Action.ON_HALO_WAIT:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerability_left = 120
                # Don't give invulnerability to the first descent
                if gamestate.player[controller_port].action == Action.ON_HALO_DESCENT and gamestate.frame > 150:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerability_left = 120
                if gamestate.player[controller_port].action == Action.EDGE_CATCHING and gamestate.player[controller_port].action_frame == 1:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].invulnerability_left = 36

                # The pre-warning occurs when we first start a dash dance.
                if gamestate.player[controller_port].action == Action.DASHING and \
                        self._prev_gamestate.player[controller_port].action not in [Action.DASHING, Action.TURNING]:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].moonwalkwarning = True

                # Take off the warning if the player does an action other than dashing
                if gamestate.player[controller_port].action != Action.DASHING:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].moonwalkwarning = False

                # "off_stage" helper
                if (abs(gamestate.player[controller_port].x) > stages.EDGE_GROUND_POSITION[gamestate.stage] or \
                        gamestate.player[controller_port].y < -6) and not gamestate.player[controller_port].on_ground:
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].off_stage = True
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].off_stage = False

                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GECKO_CODES:
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.FRAME_BOOKEND:
                self._prev_gamestate = gamestate

                # Calculate helper distance variable
                #   This is a bit kludgey.... :/
                i = 0
                player_one_x, player_one_y, player_two_x, player_two_y = 0, 0, 0, 0
                for _, player_state in gamestate.player.items():
                    if i == 0:
                        player_one_x, player_one_y = player_state.x, player_state.y
                    if i == 1:
                        player_two_x, player_two_y = player_state.x, player_state.y
                    i += 1
                xdist = player_one_x - player_two_x
                ydist = player_one_y - player_two_y
                gamestate.distance = math.sqrt((xdist**2) + (ydist**2))
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]
                return True

            elif EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.ITEM_UPDATE:
                projectile = Projectile()
                projectile.x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x14:0x14+4])[0]
                projectile.y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x18:0x18+4])[0]
                projectile.x_speed = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
                projectile.y_speed = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x10:0x10+4])[0]
                    projectile.owner = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2A:0x2A+1])[0] + 1
                    if projectile.owner > 4:
                        projectile.owner = -1
                except error:
                    projectile.owner = -1
                    projectile.subtype = enums.ProjectileSubtype(unpack(">H", event_bytes[0x05:0x05+2])[0])
                except ValueError:
                    projectile.subtype = enums.ProjectileSubtype.UNKNOWN_PROJECTILE
                # Add the projectile to the gamestate list

                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

                print("WARNING: Something went wrong unpacking events. " + \
                    "Data is probably missing")
                print("\tGot invalid event type: ", event_bytes[0])
                return False

        return False

    def __handle_slippstream_menu_event(self, event_bytes, gamestate):
        """ Internal handler for slippstream menu events

        Modifies specified gamestate based on the event bytes
        scene = unpack(">H", event_bytes[0x1:0x1+2])[0]
        if scene == 0x02:
            gamestate.menu_state = enums.Menu.CHARACTER_SELECT
        elif scene == 0x0102:
            gamestate.menu_state = enums.Menu.STAGE_SELECT
        elif scene == 0x0202:
            gamestate.menu_state = enums.Menu.IN_GAME
            gamestate.menu_state = enums.Menu.UNKNOWN_MENU

        # CSS Cursors
        gamestate.player[1].cursor_x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x3:0x3+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[1].cursor_y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x7:0x7+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[2].cursor_x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0xB:0xB+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[2].cursor_y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0xF:0xF+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[3].cursor_x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x13:0x13+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[3].cursor_y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x17:0x17+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[4].cursor_x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x1B:0x1B+4])[0]
        gamestate.player[4].cursor_y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x1F:0x1F+4])[0]

        # Ready to fight banner
        gamestate.ready_to_start = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x23:0x23+1])[0] == 0

        # Stage
            gamestate.stage = enums.Stage(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x24:0x24+1])[0])
        except ValueError:
            gamestate.stage = enums.Stage.NO_STAGE

        # controller port statuses at CSS
            gamestate.player[1].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x25:0x25+1])[0])
        except error:
            gamestate.player[1].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus.CONTROLLER_UNPLUGGED
            gamestate.player[2].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x26:0x26+1])[0])
        except error:
            gamestate.player[2].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus.CONTROLLER_UNPLUGGED
            gamestate.player[3].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x27:0x27+1])[0])
        except error:
            gamestate.player[3].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus.CONTROLLER_UNPLUGGED
            gamestate.player[4].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus(unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x28:0x28+1])[0])
        except error:
            gamestate.player[4].controller_status = enums.ControllerStatus.CONTROLLER_UNPLUGGED

        # Character selected
            tmp = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x29:0x29+1])[0]
            gamestate.player[1].character_selected = enums.to_internal(tmp)
        except error:
            gamestate.player[1].character_selected = enums.Character.UNKNOWN_CHARACTER
            tmp = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2A:0x2A+1])[0]
            gamestate.player[2].character_selected = enums.to_internal(tmp)
        except error:
            gamestate.player[2].character_selected = enums.Character.UNKNOWN_CHARACTER
            tmp = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2B:0x2B+1])[0]
            gamestate.player[3].character_selected = enums.to_internal(tmp)
        except error:
            gamestate.player[3].character_selected = enums.Character.UNKNOWN_CHARACTER
            tmp = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2C:0x2C+1])[0]
            gamestate.player[4].character_selected = enums.to_internal(tmp)
        except error:
            gamestate.player[4].character_selected = enums.Character.UNKNOWN_CHARACTER

        # Coin down
            gamestate.player[1].coin_down = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2D:0x2D+1])[0] == 2
        except error:
            gamestate.player[1].coin_down = False
            gamestate.player[2].coin_down = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2E:0x2E+1])[0] == 2
        except error:
            gamestate.player[2].coin_down = False
            gamestate.player[3].coin_down = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2F:0x2F+1])[0] == 2
        except error:
            gamestate.player[3].coin_down = False
            gamestate.player[4].coin_down = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x30:0x30+1])[0] == 2
        except error:
            gamestate.player[4].coin_down = False

        # Stage Select Cursor X, Y
        gamestate.stage_select_cursor_x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x31:0x31+4])[0]
        gamestate.stage_select_cursor_y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x35:0x35+4])[0]

        # Frame count
        gamestate.frame = unpack(">i", event_bytes[0x39:0x39+4])[0]

    def _get_dolphin_home_path(self):
        """Return the path to dolphin's home directory"""
        if self.dolphin_executable_path:
            return self.dolphin_executable_path + "/User/"

        home_path = str(Path.home())
        legacy_config_path = home_path + "/.dolphin-emu/"

        #Are we using a legacy Linux home path directory?
        if os.path.isdir(legacy_config_path):
            return legacy_config_path

        #Are we on OSX?
        osx_path = home_path + "/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/"
        if os.path.isdir(osx_path):
            return osx_path

        #Are we on a new Linux distro?
        linux_path = home_path + "/.local/share/dolphin-emu/"
        if os.path.isdir(linux_path):
            return linux_path

        print("ERROR: Are you sure Dolphin is installed? Make sure it is, and then run again.")
        return ""

    def _get_dolphin_config_path(self):
        """ Return the path to dolphin's config directory
        (which is not necessarily the same as the home path)"""
        if self.dolphin_executable_path:
            return self.dolphin_executable_path + "/User/Config/"

        home_path = str(Path.home())

        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            return home_path + "\\Dolphin Emulator\\Config\\"

        legacy_config_path = home_path + "/.dolphin-emu/"

        #Are we using a legacy Linux home path directory?
        if os.path.isdir(legacy_config_path):
            return legacy_config_path

        #Are we on a new Linux distro?
        linux_path = home_path + "/.config/dolphin-emu/"
        if os.path.isdir(linux_path):
            return linux_path

        #Are we on OSX?
        osx_path = home_path + "/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/Config/"
        if os.path.isdir(osx_path):
            return osx_path

        print("ERROR: Are you sure Dolphin is installed? Make sure it is, and then run again.")
        return ""

    def get_dolphin_pipes_path(self, port):
        """Get the path of the named pipe input file for the given controller port
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            return '\\\\.\\pipe\\slippibot' + str(port)
        return self._get_dolphin_home_path() + "/Pipes/slippibot" + str(port)

    def __fixframeindexing(self, gamestate):
        """ Melee's indexing of action frames is wildly inconsistent.
            Here we adjust all of the frames to be indexed at 1 (so math is easier)"""
        for _, player in gamestate.player.items():
            if player.action.value in self.zero_indices[player.character.value]:
                player.action_frame = player.action_frame + 1

    def __fixiasa(self, gamestate):
        """ The IASA flag doesn't set or reset for special attacks.
            So let's just set IASA to False for all non-A attacks.
        for _, player in gamestate.player.items():
            # Luckily for us, all the A-attacks are in a contiguous place in the enums!
            #   So we don't need to call them out one by one
            if player.action.value < Action.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_1.value or player.action.value > Action.DAIR.value:
                player.iasa = False
Exemplo n.º 2
class Console:
    def __init__(self,
        self.logger = logger
        self.ai_port = ai_port
        self.opponent_port = opponent_port
        self.is_dolphin = is_dolphin
        self.config_path = config_path
        self.home_path = home_path

        self.processingtime = 0
        self._frametimestamp = time.time()
        self.slippi_address = ""
        self.slippi_port = 51441
        self.eventsize = [0] * 0x100

        # Keep a running copy of the last gamestate produced
        #   game info is only produced as diffs, not whole snapshots
        #   so if nothing changes, we need to know what the last value was
        self.render = True
        self._prev_gamestate = GameState(ai_port, opponent_port)
        self.process = None
        if self.is_dolphin:
            config_path = self.get_dolphin_home_path()
            pipes_path = config_path + "Pipes/"
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

            #Create the Pipes directory if it doesn't already exist
            if not os.path.exists(pipes_path):
                print("WARNING: Had to create a Pipes directory in Dolphin just now. " \
                    "You may need to restart Dolphin and this program in order for this to work. " \
                    "(You should only see this warning once)")

            pipes_path += "Bot" + str(ai_port)
            if not os.path.exists(pipes_path):

            #setup the controllers specified
            self.setup_dolphin_controller(opponent_port, opponent_type)

        # Prepare some structures for fixing melee data
        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        with open(path + "/actiondata.csv") as csvfile:
            #A list of dicts containing the frame data
            actiondata = list(csv.DictReader(csvfile))
            #Dict of sets
            self.zero_indices = defaultdict(set)
            for line in actiondata:
                if line["zeroindex"] == "True":

        # Read the character data csv
        self.characterdata = dict()
        with open(path + "/characterdata.csv") as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            for line in reader:
                del line["Character"]
                #Convert all fields to numbers
                for key, value in line.items():
                    line[key] = float(value)
                    line["CharacterIndex"])] = line

    def connect(self):
        """ Connects to the Slippi server (dolphin or wii).

        Returns boolean of success """
        self.slippstream = SlippstreamClient(self.slippi_address,
        return self.slippstream.connect()

    def run(self,
        """Run dolphin-emu"""
        if self.is_dolphin:
            if dolphin_executable_path is not None:
                command = [dolphin_executable_path]
                command = ["dolphin-emu"]
            if not self.render:
                #Use the "Null" renderer
            if movie_path is not None:
            if iso_path is not None:
            if dolphin_config_path is not None:
            self.process = subprocess.Popen(command)
            # TODO proper error tracking here
            return True

    def stop(self):
        # If dolphin, kill the process
        if self.process != None:

    """Setup the necessary files for dolphin to recognize the player at the given
    controller port and type"""

    def setup_dolphin_controller(self,
        #Read in dolphin's controller config file
        controller_config_path = self.get_dolphin_config_path(
        ) + "GCPadNew.ini"
        config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

        #Add a bot standard controller config to the given port
        section = "GCPad" + str(port)
        if not config.has_section(section):

        if controllertype == enums.ControllerType.STANDARD:
            config.set(section, 'Device', 'Pipe/0/Bot' + str(port))
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/A', 'Button A')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/B', 'Button B')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/X', 'Button X')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Y', 'Button Y')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Z', 'Button Z')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/L', 'Button L')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/R', 'Button R')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Up', 'Axis MAIN Y +')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Down', 'Axis MAIN Y -')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Left', 'Axis MAIN X -')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Right', 'Axis MAIN X +')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/L', 'Button L')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/R', 'Button R')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Modifier', 'Shift_L')
            config.set(section, 'Main Stick/Modifier/Range',
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Up', 'T')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Down', 'G')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Left', 'F')
            config.set(section, 'D-Pad/Right', 'H')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/Start', 'Button START')
            config.set(section, 'Buttons/A', 'Button A')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Up', 'Axis C Y +')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Down', 'Axis C Y -')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Left', 'Axis C X -')
            config.set(section, 'C-Stick/Right', 'Axis C X +')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/L-Analog', 'Axis L -+')
            config.set(section, 'Triggers/R-Analog', 'Axis R -+')
        #This section is unused if it's not a standard input (I think...)
            config.set(section, 'Device', 'XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer')

        with open(controller_config_path, 'w') as configfile:

        #Change the bot's controller port to use "standard" input
        dolphin_config_path = self.get_dolphin_config_path() + "Dolphin.ini"
        config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
        #Indexed at 0. "6" means standard controller, "12" means GCN Adapter
        # The enum is scoped to the proper value, here
        config.set("Core", 'SIDevice' + str(port - 1), controllertype.value)
        #Enable Cheats
        config.set("Core", 'enablecheats', "True")
        #Turn on background input so we don't need to have window focus on dolphin
        config.set("Input", 'backgroundinput', "True")
        with open(dolphin_config_path, 'w') as dolphinfile:

        # #Enable the specific cheats we need (Netplay community settings)
        # melee_config_path = self.get_dolphin_home_path() + "/GameSettings/GALE01.ini"
        # config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
        # config.optionxform = str
        # config.read(melee_config_path)
        # if not config.has_section("Gecko_Enabled"):
        #     config.add_section("Gecko_Enabled")
        # config.set("Gecko_Enabled", "$Netplay Community Settings")
        # with open(melee_config_path, 'w') as dolphinfile:
        #     config.write(dolphinfile)

    def step(self):
        # Keep looping until we get a REPLAY message
        self.processingtime = time.time() - self._frametimestamp
        gamestate = GameState(self.ai_port, self.opponent_port)
        frame_ended = False
        while not frame_ended:
            msg = self.slippstream.read_message()
            if msg:
                if (CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.REPLAY):
                    events = msg['payload']['data']
                    frame_ended = self.__handle_slippstream_events(
                        events, gamestate)
                    # Start the processing timer now that we're done reading messages
                    self._frametimestamp = time.time()

                # We can basically just ignore keepalives
                elif (CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.KEEPALIVE):

                elif (CommType(msg['type']) == CommType.HANDSHAKE):
                    p = msg['payload']
                    print("Connected to console '{}' (Slippi Nintendont {})".

        return gamestate

    def __handle_slippstream_events(self, event_bytes, gamestate):
        """ Handle a series of events, provided sequentially in a byte array """
        lastmessage = EventType.GAME_START
        while len(event_bytes) > 0:
            lastmessage = EventType(event_bytes[0])
            event_size = self.eventsize[event_bytes[0]]
            if len(event_bytes) < event_size:
                    "WARNING: Something went wrong unpacking events. Data is probably missing"
                print("\tDidn't have enough data for event")
                return False
            if (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.PAYLOADS):
                cursor = 0x2
                payload_size = event_bytes[1]
                num_commands = (payload_size - 1) // 3
                for i in range(0, num_commands):
                    command, command_len = unpack(
                        ">bH", event_bytes[cursor:cursor + 3])
                    self.eventsize[command] = command_len + 1
                    cursor += 3
                event_bytes = event_bytes[payload_size + 1:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.FRAME_START):
                self.frame_num = unpack(">i", event_bytes[1:5])[0]
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GAME_START):
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GAME_END):
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.PRE_FRAME):
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.POST_FRAME):
                gamestate.frame = unpack(">i", event_bytes[0x1:0x1 + 4])[0]
                controller_port = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x5:0x5 + 1])[0] + 1

                gamestate.player[controller_port].x = unpack(
                    ">f", event_bytes[0xa:0xa + 4])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].y = unpack(
                    ">f", event_bytes[0xe:0xe + 4])[0]

                gamestate.player[controller_port].character = enums.Character(
                    unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x7:0x7 + 1])[0])
                    gamestate.player[controller_port].action = enums.Action(
                        unpack(">H", event_bytes[0x8:0x8 + 2])[0])
                except ValueError:
                        controller_port].action = enums.Action.UNKNOWN_ANIMATION

                # Melee stores this in a float for no good reason. So we have to convert
                facing_float = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x12:0x12 + 4])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].facing = facing_float > 0

                gamestate.player[controller_port].percent = int(
                    unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x16:0x16 + 4])[0])
                gamestate.player[controller_port].stock = unpack(
                    ">B", event_bytes[0x21:0x21 + 1])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].action_frame = int(
                    unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x22:0x22 + 4])[0])

                # Extract the bit at mask 0x20
                bitflags2 = unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x27:0x27 + 1])[0]
                gamestate.player[controller_port].hitlag = bool(bitflags2
                                                                & 0x20)

                gamestate.player[controller_port].hitstun_frames_left = int(
                    unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x2b:0x2b + 4])[0])
                gamestate.player[controller_port].on_ground = not bool(
                    unpack(">B", event_bytes[0x2f:0x2f + 1])[0])
                gamestate.player[controller_port].jumps_left = unpack(
                    ">B", event_bytes[0x32:0x32 + 1])[0]

                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.GECKO_CODES):
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.FRAME_BOOKEND):
                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]
                return True

            elif (EventType(event_bytes[0]) == EventType.ITEM_UPDATE):
                # TODO projectiles
                projectile = Projectile()
                projectile.x = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x14:0x14 + 4])[0]
                projectile.y = unpack(">f", event_bytes[0x18:0x18 + 4])[0]
                projectile.x_speed = unpack(">f",
                                            event_bytes[0x0c:0x0c + 4])[0]
                projectile.y_speed = unpack(">f",
                                            event_bytes[0x10:0x10 + 4])[0]
                    projectile.subtype = enums.ProjectileSubtype(
                        unpack(">H", event_bytes[0x05:0x05 + 2])[0])
                except ValueError:
                    projectile.subtype = enums.UNKNOWN_PROJECTILE
                # Add the projectile to the gamestate list

                event_bytes = event_bytes[event_size:]

                print("WARNING: Something went wrong unpacking events. " + \
                    "Data is probably missing")
                print("\tGot invalid event type: ", event_bytes[0])
                return False

        return False

    def get_dolphin_home_path(self):
        """Return the path to dolphin's home directory"""
        # If a home path is set manually, use that
        if self.home_path:
            return self.home_path

        home_path = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir
        legacy_config_path = home_path + "/.dolphin-emu/"

        #Are we using a legacy Linux home path directory?
        if os.path.isdir(legacy_config_path):
            return legacy_config_path

        #Are we on OSX?
        osx_path = home_path + "/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/"
        if os.path.isdir(osx_path):
            return osx_path

        #Are we on a new Linux distro?
        linux_path = home_path + "/.local/share/dolphin-emu/"
        if os.path.isdir(linux_path):
            return linux_path

        print("ERROR: Are you sure Dolphin is installed? Make sure it is,\
                and then run again.")
        return ""

    def get_dolphin_config_path(self):
        """ Return the path to dolphin's config directory
        (which is not necessarily the same as the home path)"""
        # If a config path is set manually, use that
        if self.config_path:
            return self.config_path

        home_path = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir
        legacy_config_path = home_path + "/.dolphin-emu/"

        #Are we using a legacy Linux home path directory?
        if os.path.isdir(legacy_config_path):
            return legacy_config_path

        #Are we on a new Linux distro?
        linux_path = home_path + "/.config/dolphin-emu/"
        if os.path.isdir(linux_path):
            return linux_path

        #Are we on OSX?
        osx_path = home_path + "/Library/Application Support/Dolphin/Config/"
        if os.path.isdir(osx_path):
            return osx_path

        print("ERROR: Are you sure Dolphin is installed? Make sure it is,\
                and then run again.")
        return ""

    def get_dolphin_pipes_path(self, port):
        """Get the path of the named pipe input file for the given controller port"""
        return self.get_dolphin_home_path() + "/Pipes/Bot" + str(port)

    # Melee's indexing of action frames is wildly inconsistent.
    #   Here we adjust all of the frames to be indexed at 1 (so math is easier)
    def __fixframeindexing(self, gamestate):
        for _, player in gamestate.player.items():
            if player.action.value in self.zero_indices[
                player.action_frame = player.action_frame + 1

    # The IASA flag doesn't set or reset for special attacks.
    #   So let's just set IASA to False for all non-A attacks.
    def __fixiasa(self, gamestate):
        for index, player in gamestate.player.items():
            # Luckily for us, all the A-attacks are in a contiguous place in the enums!
            #   So we don't need to call them out one by one
            if player.action.value < Action.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_1.value or player.action.value > Action.DAIR.value:
                player.iasa = False