Exemplo n.º 1
class MyPopup(BasePopup):
    def __init__(self, parent, peakList, *args, **kw):

        self.peakList = peakList
        self.colours = ['red', 'green']
        self.dataSets = []

        BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Test Popup', **kw)

    def body(self, guiParent):

        row = 0
        self.graph = ScrolledGraph(guiParent)
        self.graph.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='NSEW')

        row += 1
        texts = ['Draw graph', 'Goodbye']
        commands = [self.draw, self.destroy]
        buttons = ButtonList(guiParent, texts=texts, commands=commands)
        buttons.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='NSEW')

    def draw(self):

        self.dataSets = self.getData()
        self.graph.update(self.dataSets, self.colours)

    def getData(self):

        peakData = [(getPeakVolume(peak) or 0.0, peak)
                    for peak in self.peakList.peaks]

        heights = []
        volumes = []
        i = 0
        for volume, peak in peakData:
            heights.append([i, getPeakHeight(peak) or 0.0])
            volumes.append([i, volume])
            i += 1

        return [heights, volumes]
Exemplo n.º 2
class PopupTemplate(BasePopup):

  def __init__(self, parent, project=None, *args, **kw):

    self.project = project
    self.parent  = parent
    self.objects = self.getObjects()
    self.object  = None
    BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title='Popup Template', **kw)

  def body(self, mainFrame):

    mainFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, minsize=100)
    mainFrame.config(borderwidth=5, relief='solid')

    row = 0
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="Frame (with sub-widgets):")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)

    frame = Frame(mainFrame, relief='raised', border=2, background='#8080D0')
    # Frame expands East-West
    frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW)
    # Last column expands => Widgets pusted to the West
    frame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
    # Label is within the sub frame
    label = Label(frame, text='label ')
    label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    entry = Entry(frame, text='Entry', returnCallback=self.showWarning)
    entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    self.check = CheckButton(frame, text='Checkbutton', selected=True, callback=self.updateObjects)
    self.check.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    # stick a button to the East wall
    button = Button(frame, text='Button', command=self.pressButton)
    button.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="Text:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    self.textWindow = Text(mainFrame, text='Initial Text\n', width=60, height=5)
    self.textWindow.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="CheckButtons:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)

    entries = ['Alpha','Beta','Gamma','Delta']
    selected = entries[2:]
    self.checkButtons = CheckButtons(mainFrame, entries, selected=selected,select_callback=self.changedCheckButtons)
    self.checkButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="PartitionedSelector:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)

    labels   = ['Bool','Int','Float','String']
    objects  = [type(0),type(1),type(1.0),type('a')]
    selected = [type('a')]
    self.partitionedSelector= PartitionedSelector(mainFrame, labels=labels,
                                                  colors = ['red','yellow','green','#000080'],
    self.partitionedSelector.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW)

    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="PulldownMenu")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    entries = ['Frodo','Pipin','Merry','Sam','Bill','Gandalf','Strider','Gimli','Legolas']
    self.pulldownMenu = PulldownMenu(mainFrame, callback=self.selectPulldown,
                                     entries=entries, selected_index=2,
    self.pulldownMenu.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)

    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="RadioButtons in a\nScrolledFrame.frame:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.EW)
    frame = ScrolledFrame(mainFrame, yscroll = False, doExtraConfig = True, width=100)
    frame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW)
    frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

    self.radioButtons = RadioButtons(frame.frame, entries=entries,
                                     selected_index=1, relief='groove')
    self.radioButtons.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="LabelFrame with\nToggleLabels inside:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)

    labelFrame = LabelFrame(mainFrame, text='Frame Title')
    labelFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
    labelFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    labelFrame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
    self.toggleLabel1 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledMatrix', callback=self.toggleFrame1)
    self.toggleLabel1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W)

    self.toggleLabel2 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledGraph', callback=self.toggleFrame2)
    self.toggleLabel2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)

    self.toggleLabel3 = ToggleLabel(labelFrame, text='ScrolledCanvas', callback=self.toggleFrame3)
    self.toggleLabel3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    row += 1
    mainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1)

    label = Label(mainFrame, text="changing/shrinking frames:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    self.toggleRow = row
    self.toggleFrame = Frame(mainFrame)
    self.toggleFrame.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
    self.toggleFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    self.toggleFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
    # option 1
    self.intEntry = IntEntry(self, returnCallback = self.setNumber, width=8)
    self.multiWidget = MultiWidget(self, Entry, options=None, 
                                  values=None, callback=self.setKeywords,
                                  minRows=3, maxRows=5)

    editWidgets      = [None, None, self.intEntry,  self.multiWidget]
    editGetCallbacks = [None, None, self.getNumber, self.getKeywords]
    editSetCallbacks = [None, None, self.setNumber, self.setKeywords]
    headingList = ['Name','Color','Number','Keywords']
    self.scrolledMatrix = ScrolledMatrix(self.toggleFrame, headingList=headingList,
    self.scrolledMatrix.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)

    # option 2
    self.scrolledGraph = ScrolledGraph(self.toggleFrame, width=400,
                                       height=300, symbolSize=5,
                                       lineWidths=[0,1] )


    dataSet1 = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,4],[3,9],[4,16],[5,25]]
    dataSet2 = [[0,0],[1,3],[2,6],[3,9],[4,12],[5,15]]
                              xLabel = 'X axis label',
                              yLabel = 'Y axis label',
                              title  = 'Main Title')

    # option 3
    self.scrolledCanvas = ScrolledCanvas(self.toggleFrame,relief = 'groove', borderwidth = 2, resizeCallback=None)
    canvas = self.scrolledCanvas.canvas
    font   = 'Helvetica 10'
    box    = canvas.create_rectangle(10,10,150,200, outline='grey', fill='grey90')
    line   = canvas.create_line(0,0,200,200,fill='#800000', width=2)
    text   = canvas.create_text(120,50, text='Text', font=font, fill='black')
    circle = canvas.create_oval(30,30,50,50,outline='#008000',fill='#404040',width=3)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="FloatEntry:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    self.floatEntry = FloatEntry(mainFrame, text=3.14159265, returnCallback=self.floatEntryReturn)
    self.floatEntry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)
    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="Scale:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    self.scale = Scale(mainFrame, from_=10, to=90, value=50, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL)
    self.scale.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)

    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="Value Ramp:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    self.valueRamp = ValueRamp(mainFrame, self.valueRampCallback, speed = 1.5, delay = 50)
    self.valueRamp.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.W)

    row += 1
    label = Label(mainFrame, text="ButtonList:")
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.E)
    texts    = ['Select File','Close','Quit']
    commands = [self.selectFile, self.close, self.quit]
    bottomButtons = ButtonList(mainFrame, texts=texts, commands=commands, expands=True) 
    bottomButtons.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.EW)
    self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)

  def floatEntryReturn(self, event):
    value = self.floatEntry.get()
    self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value)

  def selectObject(self, object, row, col):
    self.object = object

  def getKeywords(self, object):
    if object :
      values = object.keywords
  def setKeywords(self, event):
    values = self.multiWidget.get()
    self.object.keywords = values

  def getNumber(self, object):

    if object :

  def setNumber(self, event):

    value = self.intEntry.get()
    self.object.quantity = value

  def toggleFrame1(self, isHidden):
    if isHidden:
      self.scrolledMatrix.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
      self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)

  def toggleFrame2(self, isHidden):
    if isHidden:
      self.scrolledGraph.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
      self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)

  def toggleFrame3(self, isHidden):
    if isHidden:
      self.scrolledCanvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)
      self.toggleFrame.grid(row=self.toggleRow, column=1,sticky=Tkinter.NSEW)

  def valueRampCallback(self, value):
    self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value)

  def checkRadioButtons(self, value):
    self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value)

  def selectPulldown(self, index, name):
    self.textWindow.setText('%d, %s\n' % (index, name))

  def toggleSelector(self, value):
    self.textWindow.setText('%s\n' % value)

  def changedCheckButtons(self, values):
    self.textWindow.setText(','.join(values) + '\n')

  def getObjects(self):
    objects = []
    objects.append( Fruit('Lemon',   '#FFFF00',1,keywords=['Bitter','Tangy'] ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Orange',  '#FF8000',4 ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Banana',  '#FFF000',5 ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Pinapple','#FFD000',9 ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Kiwi',    '#008000',12) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Lime',    '#00FF00',2 ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Apple',   '#800000',5,keywords=['Crunchy'] ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Pear',    '#408000',6 ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Peach',   '#FFE0C0',2,keywords=['Sweet','Furry'] ) )
    objects.append( Fruit('Plumb',   '#800080',7 ) )
    return objects

  def updateObjects(self, event=None):

    textMatrix = []
    objectList = []
    colorMatrix = []
    for object in self.objects:
      datum = []
      datum.append( object.name )
      datum.append( None )
      datum.append( object.quantity )
      datum.append( ','.join(object.keywords) )
      colors = [None, object.color, None, None]

    if self.check.get():
      self.scrolledMatrix.update(textMatrix=textMatrix, objectList=objectList)
      self.scrolledMatrix.update(textMatrix=textMatrix, objectList=objectList, colorMatrix=colorMatrix)

  def selectFile(self):

    fileSelectPopup = FileSelectPopup(self, title = 'Choose file', dismiss_text = 'Cancel',
                                      selected_file_must_exist = True)

    fileName = fileSelectPopup.getFile()

    self.textWindow.setText('File Selected: %s\n' % fileName)

  def showWarning(self, eventObject):
    self.textWindow.setText('Text Entry Return Pressed\n')
    showWarning('Warning Title','Warning Message')

  def pressButton(self):
    self.textWindow.setText('Button Pressed\n')
    if showYesNo('Title','Prompt: Clear text window?'):

  def quit(self):
Exemplo n.º 3
class CloudHomologueAssignPopup(BasePopup):

  def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):

    self.guiParent = parent
    self.project   = parent.getProject()
    self.molSystem = None
    self.chain     = None
    self.assignment = None
    self.scores     = []

    BasePopup.__init__(self, parent, title="Cloud Threader", **kw)
  def body(self, guiFrame):

    guiFrame.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
    row = 0
    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Molecular system: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.molSysPulldown = PulldownMenu(guiFrame, self.changeMolSystem, selected_index=-1, do_initial_callback=0)
    self.molSysPulldown.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Clouds files: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.filenameEntry = Entry(guiFrame,text='perfect00.pdb')
    self.filenameEntry.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    row += 1
    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Chain: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.chainPulldown = PulldownMenu(guiFrame, self.changeChain, selected_index=-1, do_initial_callback=0)
    self.chainPulldown.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Thread steps: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.numStepsEntry = IntEntry(guiFrame,text=3000)
    self.numStepsEntry.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    row += 1

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Homologue PDB file: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.pdbEntry = Entry(guiFrame,text='')
    self.pdbEntry.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Dist. Threshold: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.distEntry = FloatEntry(guiFrame,text=3.0)
    self.distEntry.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    row += 1

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Global score: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.globalScoreLabel = Label(guiFrame, text='')
    self.globalScoreLabel.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    label = Label(guiFrame, text='Assignment Threshold: ')
    label.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=Tkinter.NW)
    self.thresholdEntry = FloatEntry(guiFrame,text=-4.5)
    self.thresholdEntry.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=Tkinter.NW)

    row += 1
    guiFrame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1)
    self.graph = ScrolledGraph(guiFrame, width=300, height=200)
    self.graph.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky = Tkinter.NSEW)

    row += 1
    texts    = ['Run','Assign!']
    commands = [self.run, self.assignSpinSystems]
    bottomButtons = createDismissHelpButtonList(guiFrame,texts=texts,commands=commands,expands=0,help_url=None)
    bottomButtons.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=Tkinter.EW)
    self.assignButton = bottomButtons.buttons[1]

    for func in ('__init__','delete'):
      Implementation.registerNotify(self.updateMolSystems, 'ccp.molecule.MolSystem.MolSystem', func)
      Implementation.registerNotify(self.updateChains, 'ccp.molecule.MolSystem.Chain', func)

  def update(self):
    if self.assignment and self.scores:

  def run(self):
    if self.chain:
      pattern = self.filenameEntry.get()
      nSteps  = self.numStepsEntry.get() or 4000
      pdbFile = self.pdbEntry.get()
      dist    =  self.distEntry.get() or 3.0
      pgb     = ProgressBar(self, text='Searching', total=nSteps)
      files   = getFileNamesFromPattern(pattern , '.')
      if not files:
      clouds  = getCloudsFromFile(files, self.chain.root)
      score, self.scores, self.assignment = cloudHomologueAssign(self.chain, clouds, pdbFile, dist, nSteps, self.graph, pgb)

  def assignSpinSystems(self):
    if self.assignment and self.scores:
      if showWarning('Query','Are you sure?'):
        threshold = self.thresholdEntry.get() or -4.0
        i = 0
        for residue in self.assignment.keys():
          if self.scores[residue] > threshold:
            spinSystem = self.assignment[residue]
        for residue in self.assignment.keys():
          if self.scores[residue] > threshold:
            i += 1
            spinSystem = self.assignment[residue]
      showWarning('Done','%d residues assigned' % i)
  def getMolSystems(self):
    names = []
    for molSystem in self.project.molSystems:
      if molSystem.chains:
        names.append( '%s' % (molSystem.code) )
    return names

  def changeMolSystem(self, i, name):
    self.molSystem = self.project.findFirstMolSystem(code=name)

  def updateMolSystems(self, *opt):
    names = self.getMolSystems()
    if names:
      if not self.molSystem:
        self.molSystem = self.project.findFirstMolSystem(code=names[0])
      self.molSysPulldown.setup(names, names.index(self.molSystem.code))

  def getChains(self):
    chains = []
    if self.molSystem:
      for chain in self.molSystem.chains:
        chains.append( [chain.code, chain] )
    return chains

  def changeChain(self, i, name=None):
    if not name:
      i = self.chainPulldown.selected_index
    chains = self.getChains()
    if chains:
      self.chain = chains[i][1]
  def updateChains(self, *chain):
    chains = self.getChains()
    if chains:
      names = [x[0] for x in chains]
      if (not self.chain) or (self.chain.code not in names):
        self.chain = chains[0][1]
      self.chainPulldown.setup(names, names.index(self.chain.code) )


  def destroy(self):

    for func in ('__init__','delete'):
      Implementation.unregisterNotify(self.updateMolSystems, 'ccp.molecule.MolSystem.MolSystem', func)
      Implementation.unregisterNotify(self.updateChains, 'ccp.molecule.MolSystem.Chain', func)

Exemplo n.º 4
class BrowseReferenceShiftsPopup(BasePopup):
  **Graphs and Charts of Database Chemical Shift Data**
  This popup window presents the user with the distributions of known chemical
  shift values, for various kinds of atom, as they appear in the BioMagResBank
  or re-referenced RefDB databases. This information is useful when attempting
  to determine the type of a residue from its NMR spectra, for example when
  performing protein sequence assignment.

  The popup is divided into two tabs for two different kinds of graphical
  display. The first "1D graphs" tab shows the distributions of chemical shift
  value for either hydrogens or other "heavy" atoms within a given kind of
  residue. The buttons that carry atom names above the main graph can be toggled
  two switch the display for different kinds of atom on or off.

  The second "Amino Acid CA CB" tab is a special display to assist in the 
  assignment of protein sequences when using triple-resonance experiments
  like HNCA/CB. Data for all of the common amino acids is displayed, but
  only for the alpha and beta carbons.

  **Caveats & Tips**

  Two dimensional correlations, e.g. between a 1H resonance and a covalently
  bound 13C will be added to Analysis in the future.

  DNA and RNA chemical shift distributions is not present in the RefDB data, but
  are present in the BMRB data; to view the BMRB data change the pulldown menu
  at the top-right.

  Some of the atom types have a second, minor chemical shift distribution, far
  from the main peak, that is erroneous (this data is still present in the
  source databases). An example of this is for the NE atom of the amino acid
  arginine at around 115 ppm, which in this instance is probably caused by peaks
  being assigned in HSQC spectra in the normal backbone amide ppm range when the
  NE peak is really an aliased harmonic and should be a spectrum width away,
  nearer 85 ppm.

  Distributions that are notably jagged, due to lack of data for a given atom
  type should naturally not be relied upon to any great degree.


  def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):

    self.guiParent = parent
    self.sourceName = 'RefDB'
    self.chemAtomNmrRefs = {}
    BasePopup.__init__(self, parent=parent, title="Resonance : Reference Chemical Shifts", **kw)

  def body(self, guiFrame):
    options = ['1D Graphs','Amino Acid CA CB']
    tipTexts = ['Simple graphs of how chemical shift values are distributed for a given atom type',
                'Density plots of alpha a & beta carbon shift distributions for common amnio acids']
    tabbedFrame = TabbedFrame(guiFrame, options=options, grid=(0,0), tipTexts=tipTexts)
    frameA, frameB = tabbedFrame.frames
    # # # # # # #  1D GRAPHS  # # # # # # # 
    row = 0
    MolType = self.project.metaclass.metaObjFromQualName('ccp.molecule.ChemComp.MolType')
    molTypes = MolType.enumeration
    self.molType = 'protein'
    ccpCodes = self.getCcpCodes(self.molType) or [None,]
    self.ccpCode = 'Ala'
    self.atomType = ATOM_TYPES[0]
    self.atomNamesDict = {}
    self.chemAtomNmrRefs = self.getCcpCodeData(self.ccpCode, atomType=self.atomType)
    tipText = 'Which of the common bio-polymer types to show data for'
    self.molTypeLabel     = Label(frameA, text = 'Molecule Type:', grid=(row,0))
    self.molTypePulldown  = PulldownList(frameA, callback=self.changeMolType,
                                         texts=molTypes, grid=(row,1), tipText=tipText)

    tipText = 'Which residue code to show chemical shift distributions for'
    self.ccpCodeLabel     = Label(frameA, text = 'Residue Code:', grid=(row,2))
    self.ccpCodePulldown  = PulldownList(frameA, callback=self.changeCcpCode, texts=ccpCodes,
                                         grid=(row,3), tipText=tipText)

    tipText = 'Whether to show distributions for hydrogen atoms or other atoms'
    self.atomTypeLabel    = Label(frameA, text = 'Atom Type:', grid=(row,4))
    self.atomTypePulldown = PulldownList(frameA, callback=self.changeAtomType,
                                         texts=ATOM_TYPES, tipText=tipText,

    row += 1

    tipText = 'The selection of atom name to display distributions for'
    self.atomSelector = PartitionedSelector(frameA, self.toggleAtom,
                                            tipText=tipText, maxRowObjects=20)
    self.atomSelector.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky='ew')

    row += 1

    self.scrolledGraph = ScrolledGraph(frameA, symbolSize=2, reverseX=True, width=650,
                                       height=300, title='Chemical shift distribution',
                                       xLabel='Chemical shift', yLabel='proportion',
    self.scrolledGraph.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky='nsew')
    # # # # # # #  PROTEIN CA CB   # # # # # # # 
    matrix, ppms = self.getCaCbMatrix()
    title = 'Amino Acid CA & CB Chemical Shifts'
    self.cacbMatrix = ScrolledDensityMatrix(frameB, matrix=matrix, boxSize=14,
                                            xLabels=ppms, yLabels=AMINO_ACIDS,
                                            borderColor='grey', zoom=1.0,
                                            labelAxes=True, barPlot=False,
                                            doLegend=False, grid=(0,0))
    sdm = self.cacbMatrix
    font = sdm.boldFont
    x0, y0 = (470,370)
                                outline=sdm.borderColor, width=1)
    sdm.canvas.create_text(x0+200, y0, text='CA', font=font)
                                outline=sdm.borderColor, width=1)
    sdm.canvas.create_text(x0+250, y0, text='CB', font=font)
    sdm.canvas.create_text(x0, y0, text='13C PPM +/- 0.5', font=font)
    # # # # # # #  M A I N   # # # # # # # 
    tipText = 'Whether to use chemical shift data from the BMRB (unfiltered) or RefDB sets'
    label = Label(tabbedFrame.sideFrame, text='Source Database:', grid=(0,0), sticky='e')
    index = SOURCE_NAMES.index(self.sourceName)
    self.sourcePulldown = PulldownList(tabbedFrame.sideFrame, self.changeSource,
                                       texts=SOURCE_NAMES, index=index, 
                                       grid=(0,1), sticky='e', tipText=tipText)

    self.bottomButtons = UtilityButtonList(tabbedFrame.sideFrame, expands=True,
                                           helpUrl=self.help_url, sticky='e',
    self.waiting = False

    for func in ('__init__', 'delete'):
      self.registerNotify(self.updateAfter, 'ccp.nmr.NmrReference.NmrReferenceStore', func)

  def open(self):
  def changeSource(self, sourceName):
    if sourceName is not self.sourceName:
      self.sourceName = sourceName
  def getAtomColor(self, i,N):
    h = i/float(N)
    s = 1
    v = 0.8
    [r,g,b] = hsbToRgb(h,s,v)
    return hexRepr(r,g,b)

  def toggleAtom(self, atomName):
    if self.atomNamesDict.get(atomName):
      self.atomNamesDict[atomName] = False
      self.atomNamesDict[atomName] = True


  def getCcpCodes(self, molType):
    sourceName = self.sourceName

    ccpCodes = []
    for nmrRef in self.project.findAllNmrReferenceStores(molType=molType):
      chemCompNmrRef = nmrRef.findFirstChemCompNmrRef(sourceName=sourceName)
      if chemCompNmrRef:
    return ccpCodes
  def getCcpCodeData(self, ccpCode, molType=None, atomType=None):

    if not molType:
      molType = self.molType

    dataDict = {}
    project = self.project
    sourceName = self.sourceName
    nmrRefStore = project.findFirstNmrReferenceStore(molType=molType,ccpCode=ccpCode)
    chemCompNmrRef = nmrRefStore.findFirstChemCompNmrRef(sourceName=sourceName)
    if chemCompNmrRef:
      chemCompVarNmrRef = chemCompNmrRef.findFirstChemCompVarNmrRef(linking='any',descriptor='any')
      if chemCompVarNmrRef:
        for chemAtomNmrRef in chemCompVarNmrRef.chemAtomNmrRefs:
          atomName = chemAtomNmrRef.name
          element  = chemAtomNmrRef.findFirstChemAtom().elementSymbol
          if not atomType:
            dataDict[atomName] = chemAtomNmrRef
          elif (atomType == 'Hydrogen' and element == 'H') or \
               (atomType == 'Heavy' and element != 'H'):
            dataDict[atomName] = chemAtomNmrRef
    return dataDict  
  def changeMolType(self, molType):
    self.molType = molType
  def changeCcpCode(self, ccpCode):
    self.ccpCode = ccpCode
  def changeAtomType(self, atomType):
    self.atomType = atomType
  def updateAfter(self, *opt):
    if self.waiting:
      self.waiting = True

  def updateCcpCodes(self):
    ccpCodes = self.getCcpCodes(self.molType)
    if ccpCodes:
      self.ccpCodePulldown.setup(ccpCodes, ccpCodes, 0)
      self.ccpCodePulldown.setup([], [], 0)
  def updateAtomNames(self):
    if self.ccpCode:
      self.chemAtomNmrRefs = self.getCcpCodeData(self.ccpCode, atomType=self.atomType)
      atomNames = self.chemAtomNmrRefs.keys()
      atomNames = greekSortAtomNames(atomNames, self.molType)
      N = len(atomNames)

      for atomName in atomNames:
        if self.atomNamesDict.get(atomName) is None:
          self.atomNamesDict[atomName] = True

      colors = []
      for i in range(N):
        colors.append( self.getAtomColor(i,N) )

      colors = []
      atomNames = []
      N = 0
    for i in range(N):
      if self.atomNamesDict[atomNames[i]]:
        self.atomSelector.setButtonState(i, True)
        self.atomSelector.setButtonState(i, False)

  def destroy(self):

    for func in ('__init__', 'delete'):
      self.unregisterNotify(self.updateAfter, 'ccp.nmr.NmrReference.NmrReferenceStore', func)

  def update(self):

    matrix, ppms = self.getCaCbMatrix()
    self.cacbMatrix.xLabels = ppms
    dataSets = []
    colorList = []
    atomsString = ''
    if self.ccpCode:
      c = 0
      atomNames = self.chemAtomNmrRefs.keys()
      N = len(atomNames)
      for atomName in greekSortAtomNames(atomNames, self.molType):
        if self.atomNamesDict[atomName]:
          atomsString += '%s ' % atomName
          chemAtomNmrRef = self.chemAtomNmrRefs[atomName]
          distribution   = chemAtomNmrRef.distribution
          refPoint       = chemAtomNmrRef.refPoint
          refValue       = chemAtomNmrRef.refValue
          valuePerPoint  = chemAtomNmrRef.valuePerPoint

          data = []
          for i in range(len(distribution)):
            x = refValue + valuePerPoint*( i-refPoint)
            y = distribution[i]
            data.append( (x,y) )
        c += 1
      self.scrolledGraph.title = '%s %s Chemical shift distribution' % (self.ccpCode,atomsString)
      dataSets = [[(0,0)],]
      self.scrolledGraph.title = 'Chemical shift distribution'
    self.scrolledGraph.zoom  = 1.0
    self.scrolledGraph.update(dataSets=dataSets, dataColors=colorList)  
    self.waiting = False
  def getCaCbMatrix(self):  
    ppms = range(73,14,-1)
    blankCol = [0.0]*len(ppms)
    matrix = [[0.0]*len(AMINO_ACIDS) for x in ppms]
    for i, ccpCode in enumerate(AMINO_ACIDS):
      atomRefDict = self.getCcpCodeData(ccpCode, molType='protein')
      valueDict = {}
      for atomName in ('CA','CB'):
        valueDict[atomName] = blankCol[:]
        chemAtomNmrRef = atomRefDict.get(atomName)
        if not chemAtomNmrRef:
        distribution   = chemAtomNmrRef.distribution
        refPoint       = chemAtomNmrRef.refPoint
        refValue       = chemAtomNmrRef.refValue
        valuePerPoint  = chemAtomNmrRef.valuePerPoint
        for j, ppm in enumerate(ppms):
          ppmMin = ppm-0.5
          ppmMax = ppm+0.5
          v = 0.0
          n = 0.0
          for k in range(len(distribution)):
            y = refValue + valuePerPoint*(k-refPoint)
            if ppmMin < y <= ppmMax:
              v += distribution[k]
              n += 1.0
            elif y > ppmMax:
          if n:
            valueDict[atomName][j] = v/n
      for j, ppm in enumerate(ppms):
        matrix[j][i] = valueDict['CA'][j] - valueDict['CB'][j]

    return matrix, ppms

  def updateCrosshairs(self, event):

    # code below is a bit dangerous

    position = self.scrolledGraph.getPlotCoords(event)[0]

    typeLocation = []
    isHydrogen = (self.atomType == 'Hydrogen')
    for panelType in self.analysisProject.panelTypes:
      axisType = panelType.axisType
      if isHydrogen:
        if axisType.name in ('1H', '2H'):
          typeLocation.append((panelType, position))
        if axisType.name not in ('1H', '2H'):
          typeLocation.append((panelType, position))


  def drawCrosshairs(self, typeLocation):
    """ Draw crosshairs at specified locations.
        typeLocation = tuple of (PanelType, position)

    isHydrogen = (self.atomType == ATOM_TYPES[0])

    positions = []
    for (panelType, position) in typeLocation:
      axisType = panelType.axisType
      if axisType.measurementType != 'Shift':
      if position is None:

      if isHydrogen:
        if axisType.name in ('1H', '2H'):
        if axisType.name not in ('1H', '2H'):

Exemplo n.º 5
class AnnealingSettingsTab(object):
    '''This class describes the tab in the GUI where the user
       can change setting that govern the monte carlo / annleaing
       procedure. This also includes which information from the ccpn
       analysis project is used and which information is
       ignored. This includes:
           * present sequential assignments
           * tentative assignments
           * amino acid type information
           * whether to include untyped spin systems
           * assignments to peak dimensions
       ALso the chain can be selected here.
       Furthermore the user can set the temperature
       regime of the annealing, the amount of times the procedure
       is repeated to obtain statistics. The fraction of peaks
       that is left out in each run to diversify the results,
       the treshhold score for amino acid typing and the treshhold
       collabelling for a peak to be expected.

    def __init__(self, parent, frame):
        '''Init. args: parent: the guiElement that this
                               tab is part of.
                       frame:  the frame this part of the
                               GUI lives in.

        self.guiParent = parent
        self.frame = frame
        self.project = parent.project
        self.nmrProject = parent.nmrProject

        self.minIsoFrac = 0.1
        self.leavePeaksOutFraction = 0.0
        self.minTypeScore = 1.0
        self.chain = None
        self.amountOfRepeats = 10
        self.amountOfSteps = 10000
        self.acceptanceConstantList = [0.0, 0.01, 0.015, 0.022,
                                       0.033, 0.050, 0.075, 0.113,
                                       0.170, 0.256, 0.384, 0.576,
                                       0.864, 1.297, 1.946, 2.919,
                                       4.378, 6.568, 9.852, 14.77,
                                       22.16, 33.25]
        self.energyDataSets = [[]]
        self.residues = []

    def body(self):
        '''describes the body of this tab. It bascically consists
           of some field to fill out for the user at the top and
           a ScrolledGraph that shows the progess of the annealing
           procedure a the bottom.

        frame = self.frame

        # frame.expandGrid(13,0)
        frame.expandGrid(15, 1)
        row = 0

        text = 'Calculate Assignment Suggestions'
        command = self.runCalculations
        self.startButton = Button(frame, command=command, text=text)
        self.startButton.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nsew', columnspan=2)

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Amount of runs: ', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'The amount of times the whole optimization procedure is performed, each result is safed'
        self.repeatEntry = IntEntry(frame, grid=(row, 1), width=7, text=10,
                                    tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')
        self.repeatEntry.bind('<Leave>', self.updateRepeatEntry, '+')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Temperature regime: ', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'This list of numbers govern the temperature steps during the annealing, every number represents 1/(kb*t), where kb is the Boltzmann constant and t the temperature of one step.'
        self.tempEntry = Entry(frame, text=map(str, self.acceptanceConstantList), width=64,
                               grid=(row, 1), isArray=True, returnCallback=self.updateAcceptanceConstantList,
                               tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Amount of attempts per temperature:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'The amount of attempts to switch the position of two spinsystems in the sequence are performed for each temperature point'
        self.NAStepEntry = IntEntry(frame, grid=(row, 1), width=7, text=10000,
                                    tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')
        self.NAStepEntry.bind('<Leave>', self.updateStepEntry, '+')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Fraction of peaks to leave out:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'In each run a fraction of the peaks can be left out of the optimization, thereby increasing the variability in the outcome and reducing false negatives. In each run this will be different randomly chosen sub-set of all peaks. 0.1 (10%) can be a good value.'
        self.leaveOutPeaksEntry = FloatEntry(frame, grid=(row, 1), width=7, text=0.0,
                                             tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')
            '<Leave>', self.updateLeavePeaksOutEntry, '+')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Minmal amino acid typing score:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'If automatic amino acid typing is selected, a cut-off value has to set. Every amino acid type that scores higher than the cut-off is taken as a possible type. This is the same score as can be found under resonance --> spin systems --> predict type. Value should be between 0 and 100'
        self.minTypeScoreEntry = FloatEntry(frame, grid=(row, 1), width=7, text=1.0,
                                            tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')
            '<Leave>', self.updateMinTypeScoreEntry, '+')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Minimal colabelling fraction:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'The minimal amount of colabelling the different nuclei should have in order to still give rise to a peak.'
        self.minLabelEntry = FloatEntry(frame, grid=(row, 1), width=7, text=0.1,
                                        tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')
        self.minLabelEntry.bind('<Leave>', self.updateMinLabelEntry, '+')

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Use sequential assignments:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'When this option is select the present sequential assignments will be kept in place'
        self.useAssignmentsCheck = CheckButton(
            frame, selected=True, tipText=tipText, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Use tentative assignments:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'If a spin system has tentative assignments this can be used to narrow down the amount of possible sequential assignments.'
        self.useTentativeCheck = CheckButton(
            frame, selected=True, tipText=tipText, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Use amino acid types:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'Use amino acid types of the spin systems. If this option is not checked the spin systems are re-typed, only resonance names and frequencies are used'
        self.useTypeCheck = CheckButton(
            frame, selected=True, tipText=tipText, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Include untyped spin systems:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'Also include spin system that have no type information. Amino acid typing will be done on the fly.'
        self.useAlsoUntypedSpinSystemsCheck = CheckButton(
            frame, selected=True, tipText=tipText, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Use dimensional assignments:', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'If one or more dimensions of a peak is already assigned, assume that this assignment is the only option. If not the check the program will consider all possibilities for the assignment of the dimension.'
        self.useDimensionalAssignmentsCheck = CheckButton(
            frame, selected=True, tipText=tipText, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Chain:', grid=(row, 0))
        self.molPulldown = PulldownList(
            frame, callback=self.changeMolecule, grid=(row, 1))

        row += 1

        Label(frame, text='Residue ranges: ', grid=(row, 0))
        tipText = 'Which residues should be included. Example: "10-35, 62-100, 130".'
        self.residueRangeEntry = Entry(frame, text=None, width=64,
                                       grid=(row, 1), isArray=True, returnCallback=self.updateResidueRanges,
                                       tipText=tipText, sticky='nsew')

        row += 1

        self.energyPlot = ScrolledGraph(frame, symbolSize=2, width=600,
                                        height=200, title='Annealing',
                                        xLabel='temperature step', yLabel='energy')
        self.energyPlot.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nsew')

    def runCalculations(self):
        '''Run all calculations. Also triggers the disabling of
           some buttons and fields.

        self.startButton.configure(text='More runs')

    def disableIllegalButtonsAfterPrecalculations(self):
        '''Disable buttons and field the user can not alter
           any longer after the model is set up and the
           'pre-calculations' have finished.
           This is done because this part of the calculation
           should only be run once. All settings that would
           be changed after this point will not have any influence.

        illegalButtons = [self.minTypeScoreEntry, self.minLabelEntry,
                          self.useAlsoUntypedSpinSystemsCheck, self.useAssignmentsCheck,
                          self.useTypeCheck, self.useDimensionalAssignmentsCheck,

        for illegalButton in illegalButtons:


    def getChainName(self, chain):
        '''Get the name for a chain.
               args: chain: ccpn analysis
                            chain object
               returns: chain name

        return '%s:%s (%s)' % (chain.molSystem.code, chain.code, chain.molecule.molType)

    def getChains(self):
        '''Get all chains present in the project.
               returns: list of ccpn analysis chain objects
        chains = []
        if self.project:
            for molSystem in self.project.sortedMolSystems():
                for chain in molSystem.sortedChains():
                    if chain.residues:

        return chains

    def updateChains(self, *opt):
        '''Updates the list of chains if a new one is added
           to or deleted from the project. Updates the
           pull down list where a chain can be selected.

        index = 0
        texts = []
        chains = self.getChains()
        chain = self.chain

        if chains:
            if chain not in chains:
                chain = chains[0]

            texts = [self.getChainName(c) for c in chains]
            index = chains.index(chain)

            chain = None

        self.molPulldown.setup(texts, chains, index)

        if chain is not self.chain:
            self.chain = chain

    def changeMolecule(self, chain):
        '''Select a molecular chain.'''

        if chain is not self.chain:
            self.chain = chain

    def updateStepEntry(self, event=None):
        '''Update the value and entry that sets the amount of
           steps per temperature point.

        value = self.NAStepEntry.get()
        if value == self.amountOfSteps:
        if value < 1:
            self.amountOfSteps = 1
            self.amountOfSteps = value

    def updateRepeatEntry(self, event=None):
        '''Update the value and entry of that sets
           the amount of times the whole annealing
           procedure is repeated in order
           to obtain statistics.

        value = self.repeatEntry.get()

        if value == self.amountOfRepeats:
        if value < 1:
            self.amountOfRepeats = 1
            self.amountOfRepeats = value

    def updateMinTypeScoreEntry(self, event=None):
        '''Updates the value and the entry for the
           treshhold value for amino acid typing.

        value = self.minTypeScoreEntry.get()

        if value == self.minTypeScore:
        if value < 0:
            self.minTypeScore = 0.0
        elif value > 100:
            self.minTypeScore = 100.0
            self.minTypeScore = value

    def updateMinLabelEntry(self, event=None):
        '''Updates the minimum colabelling fraction
           for which a peak is expected to be present
           in the spectra.

        value = self.minLabelEntry.get()

        if value == self.minIsoFrac:
        if value < 0:
            self.minIsoFrac = 0.0
        elif value > 1:
            self.minIsoFrac = 1.0
            self.minIsoFrac = value

    def updateLeavePeaksOutEntry(self, event=None):
        '''Updates the value and entry of the fraction
           of peaks that should be left out in each
           run in order to diversify the results.

        value = self.leaveOutPeaksEntry.get()

        if value == self.leavePeaksOutFraction:
        if value < 0:
            self.leavePeaksOutFraction = 0.0
        elif value > 1:
            self.leavePeaksOutFraction = 1.0
            self.leavePeaksOutFraction = value

    def updateAcceptanceConstantList(self, event=None):
        '''Updates the list with constants that are used
           during the monte carlo procedure to decide whether
           a changed is accepted or not.

        acList = self.tempEntry.get()
        newList = []

        for constant in acList:


                number = float(constant)

            except ValueError:

                string = constant + \
                    ' in temperature constants is not a number.'

                showWarning('Not A Number', string, parent=self.guiParent)

                return False

        self.acceptanceConstantList = newList

        return True

    def updateResidueRanges(self, event=None, fromChain=False):

        self.residues = set()

        subRanges = self.residueRangeEntry.get()
        if not subRanges or fromChain:
            self.residues = set(self.chain.residues)
            residues = self.chain.sortedResidues()
            text = '{}-{}'.format(residues[0].seqCode, residues[-1].seqCode)

        for subRange in subRanges:
            indeces = subRange.split('-')
            start = int(indeces[0])
            stop = int(indeces[-1]) + 1
            for seqCode in range(start, stop):
                residue = self.chain.findFirstResidue(seqCode=seqCode)
                if not residue:
                    showWarning('Residue out of range.',
                                'There is no residue at position {}'.format(seqCode),
                    self.residues = set()

    def addEnergyPoint(self, energy, time):
        '''Adds a point to the graph that shows the progress
           of the annealling procedure.
               args: energy: the y-value
                     time:   the x-value

        point = (time, energy * -1)

        # This means one run has finished
        if len(self.energyDataSets[-1]) / (len(self.acceptanceConstantList) + 1):




        colors = colorSeries
        Ncolors = len(colors)
        NdataSets = len(self.energyDataSets)
        colorList = (NdataSets / Ncolors) * colors + \
            colors[:NdataSets % Ncolors]

        # Forcing the graph to draw, eventhough calculations
        # are still running. Only do this with high numbers of
        # steps, otherwise drawing takes longer than annealling.
        if self.amountOfSteps >= 100000:
