def __init__(self, name, parent): = name self.parent = parent # public stuff self.publicMetodos = [] #lista de funciones self.publicAtributos = [] #lista de atributos # private stuff self.privateMetodos = [] # lista de funciones privadas self.privateAtributos = [] # lista de atributos privados # tratar memoria virtual if name != 'global': self.memoriaGlobal = memoria(91000, 101000, 111000) self.offSet = self.contador[0] self.contador[0] = self.contador[0] + 1 else: self.memoriaGlobal = memoria(1000, 11000, 21000) self.offSet = 0 #size self.size = 0
def __init__(self, name, tipoRetorno, ip): = name self.tipoRetorno = tipoRetorno self.numberParams = 0 self.params = [] # lista de variables de parametros self.vars = [] # lista de variables declarados self.size = 0 # local memory for this scope # will be handled by the virtual machine # enteros, float, char, clases self.memory = memoria(31000, 41000, 51000) self.ip = ip # my class offset self.classOffset = 30000
def era(cuad, contProg): global cuadLlamada global funcParams global newMemory funcName = cuad.result funcion = dirFuncs.get(funcName, False) if (funcion != False) : funcParams = dirFuncs[].params cuadLlamada.append(dirFuncs[].di) eraSize = dirFuncs[].tam #eraSize = (eraSize.split(',')) newMemory = mem.memoria(eraSize[0],eraSize[1],eraSize[2],eraSize[3],eraSize[4],eraSize[5],eraSize[6]) else: print("No deberia entrar aqui porque el chequeo semantico de que la funcion este declarada está en el compilador") sys.exit() return contProg + 1
class PPCDSALVCCustomListener(PPCDSALVCListener): #enteras #flotantes #chars #la memoria de constantes? constantes = memoria(61000, 71000, 81000) #vamo a usar un dic para mapear las dir ya declaradas myCte = {} #a conseguir el valor back myCteB = {} # CTES offSetClass = 5000 #Boleanos isClass = False isFunction = False isParameter = False isPublic = True # ints numberParams = 0 arrSize = 0 offSetI = 0 offSetf = 0 offSetc = 0 offSet = 0 # Strings nameFunction = None lastType = None returnType = None mClass = None # stacks para cuadruplos expStack = [] tipoStack = [] opStack = [] jmpStack = [] jmpLoop = [] assStack = [] parameters = [] tipos = [] methodStack = [] # stack para clases y funciones classStack = [] funcStack = [] def exitEntrada(self, ctx): #attr if (ctx.attr() is not None): # ID is an instance, and its attr claseName = str(ctx.ID()) varName = str(ctx.attr().ID()) cls = self.tope(self.classStack) func = self.tope(self.funcStack).name left = self.semantica.existVariable(cls, func, claseName) if left is None: self.pushError(claseName, "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) right = self.semantica.existInClass( self.semantica.getClase(left.tipo), varName) if right is None: self.pushError(right, "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) direccion = left.direccion + right.direccion self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, direccion) else: elemento = self.semantica.existVariable( self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, str(ctx.ID())) if elemento == None: self.err.push( "\'" + str(fToken) + "\' is not defined | line : " + str(ctx.start.line), 401) sys.exit(1) else: direccion = elemento.direccion if (ctx.arreglo() is not None): # getting array size ? arr[exp] if elemento.isArray is False: self.pushError(elemento, "is not an array", ctx.start.line, 513) sys.exit(1) size = elemento.array.getSize() # lo que apunet a esa direccion bro self.pushCuadruplo('VALID', 0, size, self.tope(self.expStack)) # sz to check pos = -1 # dentro del rango de ctes enteras if self.tope(self.expStack) >= 61000 and self.tope( self.expStack) <= 71000: # pos es el valor original de la cte pos = direccion + int(self.myCteB[self.tope( self.expStack)]) self.pop(self.expStack) else: # i need to sum to elemento.direccion + X equivalent # i need a temporal address resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') # what is in this address sumaselo a esto to this one y ponlo aqui self.pushCuadruplo('+_val_address', self.tope(self.expStack), elemento.direccion, resultAddress) self.pop(self.expStack) pos = -resultAddress self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, pos) else: self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, elemento.direccion) def exitEntradaaux(self, ctx): #attr if (ctx.ID() is None): return if (ctx.attr() is not None): # ID is an instance, and its attr claseName = str(ctx.ID()) varName = str(ctx.attr().ID()) cls = self.tope(self.classStack) func = self.tope(self.funcStack).name left = self.semantica.existVariable(cls, func, claseName) if left is None: self.pushError(claseName, "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) right = self.semantica.existInClass( self.semantica.getClase(left.tipo), varName) if right is None: self.pushError(right, "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) direccion = left.direccion + right.direccion self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, direccion) else: elemento = self.semantica.existVariable( self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, str(ctx.ID())) if elemento == None: fToken = ctx.ID() self.err.push( "\'" + str(fToken) + "\' is not defined | line : " + str(ctx.start.line), 401) sys.exit(1) else: direccion = elemento.direccion if (ctx.arreglo() is not None): # getting array size ? arr[exp] if elemento.isArray is False: self.pushError(elemento, "is not an array", ctx.start.line, 513) sys.exit(1) size = elemento.array.getSize() # lo que apunet a esa direccion bro self.pushCuadruplo('VALID', 0, size, self.tope(self.expStack)) # sz to check pos = -1 # dentro del rango de ctes enteras if self.tope(self.expStack) >= 61000 and self.tope( self.expStack) <= 71000: # pos es el valor original de la cte pos = direccion + int(self.myCteB[self.tope( self.expStack)]) self.pop(self.expStack) else: # i need to sum to elemento.direccion + X equivalent # i need a temporal address resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') # what is in this address sumaselo a esto to this one y ponlo aqui self.pushCuadruplo('+_val_address', self.tope(self.expStack), elemento.direccion, resultAddress) self.pop(self.expStack) pos = -resultAddress self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, pos) else: self.pushCuadruplo('READ', None, None, elemento.direccion) def enterAssignment(self, ctx): #meter todos los ids self.push(self.assStack, str(ctx.ID())) def exitAssignment(self, ctx): if ctx.IGUAL() is not None: # clase en donde empieza a buscar cls = self.tope(self.classStack) # en que funcion estas func = self.tope(self.funcStack).name # x.y.z = exp # this is X # x = exp #TODO(check?) left = self.semantica.existVariable(cls, func, self.assStack[0]) if left is None: self.pushError(self.assStack[0], "is not declared", ctx.start.line, 499) sys.exit(1) direccion = left.direccion # direccion Base # cls will contain the final class to get the variable cls = self.semantica.getClase(left.tipo) if left.tipo == 'int' or left.tipo == 'char' or left.tipo == 'float': cls = self.tope(self.classStack) for i in range(len(self.assStack) - 2): left = self.semantica.existVariable(cls, func, self.assStack[i + 1], False) if left == None: self.pushError(self.assStack[i + 1], "is not declared", ctx.start.line, 499) sys.exit(1) elif left.tipo == 'int' or left.tipo == 'char' or left.tipo == 'float': self.pushError(self.assStack[i + 1], "is not a class", ctx.start.line, 501) sys.exit(1) direccion = direccion + left.direccion cls = self.semantica.getClase(left.tipo) left = self.semantica.existVariable(cls, func, self.tope(self.assStack), False) if left is None: self.pushError(self.tope(self.assStack), "is not declared", ctx.start.line, 499) sys.exit(1) elif left.tipo != 'int' and left.tipo != 'char' and left.tipo != 'float': self.pushError(self.tope(self.assStack), "is not an attribute", ctx.start.line, 502) tipazo = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if (len(self.assStack) > 1): # get the direction direccion = direccion + left.direccion if ctx.LB() is not None: #variable rightValue = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) #var[sz] sz = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) tip = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) if left.isArray is False: self.pushError(elemento, "is not an array", ctx.start.line, 513) sys.exit(1) if tip != 'int': self.pushError(sz, "is not int", ctx.start.line, 515) sys.exit(1) resultAddress = -1 size = -1 mult = 1 if sz >= 61000 and sz <= 71000: aux = sz sz = int(self.myCteB[sz]) resultAddress = direccion + sz else: resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') aux = sz self.pushCuadruplo('+_val_address', sz, direccion, resultAddress) mult = -1 size = left.array.getSize() self.pushCuadruplo('VALID', 0, size, aux) self.push(self.expStack, rightValue) self.push(self.tipoStack, 'void') direccion = resultAddress * mult # print(left, left.tipo, tipazo) resultT = self.semantica.cube[left.tipo][tipazo]['='] if resultT == "err": self.err.push( "type mismatch : " + left.tipo + " and " + tipazo + " | line " + str(ctx.start.line), 403) sys.exit(1) self.pushCuadruplo('=', None, self.tope(self.expStack), direccion) # saco el EXP del stack self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.assStack = [] # simbolos especiales condicionales = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '!='] logical = ['&&', '||'] def enterPrograma(self, ctx): self.push(self.classStack, self.semantica.addClass("global", None)) self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, -1) def exitPrograma(self, ctx): pass def enterCiclo(self, ctx): self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos)) def exitWhilecond(self, ctx): expType = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if expType != 'int': self.pushError(expType, "is returned instead of an int", ctx.start.line, 411) sys.exit(1) else: result = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.pushCuadruplo('gotof', result, None, -1) self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) def exitCiclo(self, ctx): jmp = self.tope(self.jmpLoop) self.pop(self.jmpLoop) jmp2 = self.tope(self.jmpLoop) self.pop(self.jmpLoop) self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, jmp2) self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) #quiero sacar de la pila a donde empieza la cond def exitFciclo(self, ctx): self.pop(self.jmpLoop) def enterFciclocond(self, ctx): self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos)) def exitFciclocond(self, ctx): expType = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if expType != 'int': self.pushError(expType, "is returned instead of an int", ctx.start.line, 411) sys.exit(1) else: result = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.pushCuadruplo('gotof', result, None, -1) self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) #goto to the body self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, -1) self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) def enterFcicloupd(self, ctx): #a donde debe ir el body self.push(self.jmpLoop, len(self.cuadruplos)) def exitFcicloupd(self, ctx): jmp = self.jmpLoop[len(self.jmpLoop) - 4] self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, jmp) del self.jmpLoop[-4] def enterFciclobody(self, ctx): jmp = self.jmpLoop[len(self.jmpLoop) - 2] del self.jmpLoop[-2] self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) def exitFciclobody(self, ctx): jmp = self.jmpLoop[len(self.jmpLoop) - 1] self.pop(self.jmpLoop) self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, jmp) jmp = self.jmpLoop[len(self.jmpLoop) - 1] self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) def getReturnAddrs(self, funcName, clase): funcName = 'r_' + funcName return self.semantica.existVariable(clase, self.tope(self.funcStack).name, funcName).direccion def getActualIP(self): return len(self.cuadruplos) def exitFunctionbloque(self, ctx): if ctx.rt() is not None: if self.returnType == 'void': self.pushError('return', "was found but the function is void", ctx.start.line, 477) sys.exit(1) tipo = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if tipo != self.returnType: self.pushError( tipo, f"was found but the function is expecting to return {self.returnType}", ctx.start.line, 488) sys.exit(1) addr = self.getReturnAddrs( self.tope(self.funcStack).name, self.tope(self.classStack)) right = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.pushCuadruplo('=', None, right, addr) def getCteDir(self, val, tipo): if self.myCte.get(val) is None and tipo == 'int': op = 'CI' self.myCte[val] = self.constantes.getEntera() elif self.myCte.get(val) is None and tipo == 'float': op = 'CF' self.myCte[val] = self.constantes.getFlotante() elif self.myCte.get(val) is None and tipo == 'char': op = 'CC' self.myCte[val] = self.constantes.getChar() if tipo == 'int': op = 'CI' elif tipo == 'float': op = 'CF' elif tipo == 'char': op = 'CC' self.pushCuadruplo(op, None, val, self.myCte[val]) self.myCteB[self.myCte[val]] = val return self.myCte[val] # check that the method being call is valid def exitMcall(self, ctx): if self.semantica.checkFunctionExists( self.semantica.getClase(self.mClass), str(ctx.ID())) == False: fToken = ctx.ID() self.err.push( "\'" + str(fToken) + "\' function not declared | line : " + str(ctx.start.line), 402) sys.exit(1) else: myFunc = self.semantica.getFunc( self.semantica.getClase(self.mClass), str(ctx.ID())) # ERA self.pushCuadruplo('ERA', None, myFunc.size, self.pushCuadruplo('SET', None, self.mClass, self.offSet) if self.compareFunctions(myFunc) == False: self.pushError(str(ctx.ID()), "the function doesnt not match", ctx.start.line, 409) sys.exit(1) #TODO(execute all here) if myFunc.tipoRetorno == 'void': return resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') self.pushCuadruplo( 'sume_address_set', None, self.getReturnAddrs(, self.semantica.getClase(self.mClass)), resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, -resultAddress) # myFunc.getReturnDir()) self.push(self.tipoStack, myFunc.tipoRetorno) self.pushCuadruplo('UNSET', None, None, None) # check that all the subclases exists for the method def enterMethod(self, ctx): if ctx.mcall() is not None: self.push(self.methodStack, str(ctx.ID())) #do something self.offSet = 0 myVar = self.semantica.existVariable( self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, self.methodStack[0]) self.offSet = myVar.direccion if myVar is None: self.pushError(self.methodStack[0], "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) for i in range(len(self.methodStack) - 1): myVar = self.semantica.existInClass( self.semantica.getClase(myVar.tipo), self.methodStack[i + 1]) if myVar is None: self.pushError(self.methodStack[i + 1], "var is not defined", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) self.offSet = self.offSet + myVar.direccion #checa que el ultimo sea un metodo definido if self.semantica.checkFunctionExists( self.semantica.getClase(myVar.tipo), str(ctx.mcall().ID()), False) == False: self.pushError(str(ctx.mcall().ID()), "method is not defined", ctx.start.line, 407) sys.exit(1) self.mClass = myVar.tipo self.methodStack = [] else: self.push(self.methodStack, str(ctx.ID())) def enterPv(self, ctx): self.isPublic = False def exitPv(self, ctx): self.isPublic = True def enterCondition(self, ctx): self.push(self.jmpStack, 'F') def enterConditionsecond(self, ctx): expType = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if expType != 'int': self.pushError(expType, "is returned instead of an int", ctx.start.line, 411) sys.exit(1) else: result = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.pushCuadruplo('gotof', result, None, -1) self.push(self.jmpStack, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) # entrando al elseif es cuando ya sabes cual es la exp, es cuando termina de hacer los statements, ya sabemos a donde va el primer if def enterElseif(self, ctx): #goto from the last condition #terminaste el primer if, ya salta al final self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, -1) #goto from the first if( if it's false, move here) #lo que siga despues del goto ya no esta dentro de lif, so yeah jmp = self.tope(self.jmpStack) self.pop(self.jmpStack) self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) #mete el goto que tenias pendiente a la pila de saltos #aun necesitamos saber a donde va self.push(self.jmpStack, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) # ok tenemos un elseif def enterConditionthird(self, ctx): expType = self.tope(self.tipoStack) if expType != 'int': self.pushError(expType, "is returned instead of an int", ctx.start.line, 411) sys.exit(1) else: # el gotof del elseif result = self.tope(self.expStack) #sacamos la exp y el tipo self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.pushCuadruplo('gotof', result, None, -1) self.push(self.jmpStack, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) def enterElseotr(self, ctx): #goto from the else if #ya terminaste el elseif, salte hasta el final de la condicional self.pushCuadruplo('goto', None, None, -1) # jmp en falso jmp = self.tope(self.jmpStack) self.pop(self.jmpStack) self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) self.push(self.jmpStack, len(self.cuadruplos) - 1) def exitCondition(self, ctx): while (self.tope(self.jmpStack) != 'F'): #goto del if/ goto del elseif jmp = self.tope(self.jmpStack) self.pop(self.jmpStack) self.cuadruplos[jmp].result = len(self.cuadruplos) self.pop(self.jmpStack) def insertVariablesPadres(self, ctx): cl = self.tope(self.classStack) parent = cl.parent if (parent == 'global'): return cl = self.semantica.getClase(parent) while ( != 'global'): for variable in cl.publicAtributos: sz = -1 if variable.array is not None: sz = variable.array.getSize() self.lastType = variable.tipo self.insertVar(, ctx, variable.isArray, sz) if cl.parent == None: return cl = self.semantica.getClase(cl.parent) def enterClasses(self, ctx): self.isClass = True name = str(ctx.ID(0)) if ctx.PP() is not None: parent = str(ctx.ID(1)) cl = self.tope(self.classStack) self.push(self.classStack, self.semantica.addClass(name, parent)) self.insertVariablesPadres(ctx) else: cl = self.tope(self.classStack) self.push(self.classStack, self.semantica.addClass( name, "global", )) def exitClasses(self, ctx): self.isClass = False self.pop(self.classStack) def enterParameters(self, ctx): self.isParameter = True def exitParameters(self, ctx): self.isParameter = False def insertReturn(self, varName, tipo): #should be global add = self.semantica.getAddressGlobal(tipo, self.classStack[0]) self.semantica.addAtributo(self.classStack[0], varName, tipo, add, False, True, -1) def insertVar(self, varName, ctx, isArray=False, arrSize=-1): tipo = self.lastType if tipo != 'int' and tipo != 'char' and tipo != 'float': #check the class exists if self.semantica.getClase(tipo) is None: self.pushError(tipo, "class doesnt exists", ctx.start.line, 506) sys.exit(1) if self.isFunction: if self.semantica.existVariable(self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, varName) is not None: self.pushError(varName, "is already declared", ctx.start.line, 455) sys.exit(1) if self.isParameter: self.semantica.addParameter(self.tope(self.funcStack), varName, tipo, self.getAddress(tipo), False) else: self.semantica.addVarFunc( self.tope(self.funcStack), varName, tipo, self.getAddress(tipo, isArray, arrSize), isArray, arrSize) else: topeClase = self.tope(self.classStack) if self.semantica.existInClass(topeClase, varName, False) is not None: self.pushError(varName, "is already declared", ctx.start.line, 455) sys.exit(1) #TODO(arreglar isArray) self.semantica.addAtributo(self.tope(self.classStack), varName, tipo, self.getAddress(tipo, isArray, arrSize), isArray, self.isPublic, arrSize) return def enterImprimir(self, ctx): self.push(self.expStack, 'P') #TODO(crear quad) def exitImprimir(self, ctx): myExps = [] while len(self.expStack) > 0 and self.tope(self.expStack) != 'P': self.push(myExps, self.tope(self.expStack)) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) if len(self.expStack) > 0 and self.tope(self.expStack) == 'P': self.pop(self.expStack) while len(myExps) > 0: self.pushCuadruplo('print', None, None, self.tope(myExps)) self.pop(myExps) def tope(self, stack): return stack[len(stack) - 1] def push(self, stack, val): stack.append(val) def pop(self, stack): stack.pop() def enterCte(self, ctx): tipos = 'void' if ctx.INT() is not None: val = ctx.INT() tipos = 'int' elif ctx.FLOAT() is not None: val = ctx.FLOAT() tipos = 'float' elif ctx.CHAR() is not None: val = ctx.CHAR() tipos = 'char' cteDir = self.getCteDir(str(val), tipos) self.push(self.expStack, cteDir) self.push(self.tipoStack, tipos) def exitFactor(self, ctx): if ctx.signosunarios() is not None: op = str(ctx.signosunarios().getChild(0)) tope = self.tope(self.expStack) tmp = self.getAddress(self.tope(self.tipoStack)) if op == '!': self.pushCuadruplo('not', None, tope, tmp) elif op == '-': self.pushCuadruplo('negate', None, tope, tmp) self.pop(self.expStack) self.push(self.expStack, tmp) def getAddress(self, tipo, isArray=False, arraySize=0): if len(self.funcStack) == 0: #should be global add = self.semantica.getAddressGlobal(tipo, self.tope(self.classStack)) for i in range(arraySize): self.semantica.getAddressGlobal(tipo, self.tope(self.classStack)) return add else: add = self.semantica.getAddressFunc(str(tipo), self.tope(self.funcStack)) for i in range(arraySize): self.semantica.getAddressFunc(str(tipo), self.tope(self.funcStack)) return add def resolveExp(self, ctx): if len(self.opStack) > 0: operando = self.tope(self.opStack) if operando == '+' or operando == '-': self.pop(self.opStack) left = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) right = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) leftT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) rightT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) left, right = right, left leftT, rightT = rightT, leftT resultT = self.semantica.cube[leftT][rightT][operando] if resultT != "err": resultAddress = self.getAddress(resultT) self.pushCuadruplo(operando, left, right, resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, resultT) else: self.err.push( "type mismatch : " + leftT + " and " + rightT + " | line " + str(ctx.start.line), 403) sys.exit(1) def resolveTerm(self, ctx): if len(self.opStack) > 0: operando = self.tope(self.opStack) if operando == '*' or operando == '/': self.pop(self.opStack) left = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) right = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) leftT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) rightT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) left, right = right, left leftT, rightT = rightT, leftT #TODO(TEMPORAL ERROR) # error because ? mhm not sure why, guess cause of bad operands? #are we considering leftT and righT to actually be address? try: resultT = self.semantica.cube[leftT][rightT][operando] except: self.err.push("tmp, err", 404) sys.exit(1) if resultT != "err": resultAddress = self.getAddress(resultT) self.pushCuadruplo(operando, left, right, resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, resultT) else: self.err.push( "type mismatch : " + leftT + " and " + rightT + " | line " + str(ctx.start.line), 403) sys.exit(1) def resolveSuperExp(self, ctx): if len(self.opStack) > 0: operando = self.tope(self.opStack) if operando in self.condicionales: self.pop(self.opStack) left = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) right = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) leftT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) rightT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) left, right = right, left leftT, rightT = rightT, leftT resultT = self.semantica.cube[leftT][rightT][operando] if resultT != "err": resultAddress = self.getAddress(resultT) self.pushCuadruplo(operando, left, right, resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, resultT) else: self.err.push( "type mismatch : " + leftT + " and " + rightT + " | line " + str(ctx.start.line), 403) sys.exit(1) def resolveHyperExp(self, ctx): if len(self.opStack) > 0: operando = self.tope(self.opStack) if operando in self.logical: self.pop(self.opStack) left = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) right = self.tope(self.expStack) self.pop(self.expStack) leftT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) rightT = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) left, right = right, left leftT, rightT = rightT, leftT resultT = self.semantica.cube[leftT][rightT][operando] if resultT != "err": resultAddress = self.getAddress(resultT) self.pushCuadruplo(operando, left, right, resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, resultT) else: self.err.push( "type mismatch : " + leftT + " and " + rightT + " | line " + str(ctx.start.line), 403) sys.exit(1) def imprimeErrores(self): for elem in self.err.errors: print(elem.msg) def exitTermaux(self, ctx): self.resolveTerm(ctx) def exitTerm(self, ctx): self.resolveTerm(ctx) def enterParent(self, ctx): self.push(self.opStack, '$') def exitParent(self, ctx): self.pop(self.opStack) def enterSuperexpaux(self, ctx): self.push(self.opStack, str(ctx.relationalop().getChild(0))) def exitSuperexpaux(self, ctx): self.resolveSuperExp(ctx) # este deberia dar un resultado booleano, segun yo..? # va a regresar int, no? def enterHyperexpaux(self, ctx): self.push(self.opStack, str(ctx.logicop().getChild(0))) def exitHyperexpaux(self, ctx): self.resolveHyperExp(ctx) def enterExpaux(self, ctx): self.push(self.opStack, str(ctx.binbasico().getChild(0))) def exitExpaux(self, ctx): self.resolveExp(ctx) def exitExp(self, ctx): self.resolveExp(ctx) def enterTermaux(self, ctx): self.push(self.opStack, str(ctx.bincomplejo().getChild(0))) def pushError(self, fToken, msg, line, code): linea = str(line) self.err.push("\'" + str(fToken) + "\' " + msg + " | line : " + linea, code) def enterFparam(self, ctx): self.push(self.expStack, '#') self.push(self.opStack, '#') self.push(self.parameters, 'T') self.push(self.tipos, 'T') def exitFparam(self, ctx): while len(self.expStack) > 0 and self.tope( self.expStack) != '#' and len(self.tipoStack) > 0: param1 = self.tope(self.expStack) tipo1 = self.tope(self.tipoStack) self.pop(self.expStack) self.pop(self.tipoStack) self.push(self.parameters, param1) self.push(self.tipos, tipo1) if len(self.expStack) > 0 and self.tope(self.expStack) == '#': self.pop(self.expStack) if len(self.opStack) > 0 and self.tope(self.opStack) == '#': self.pop(self.opStack) def compareFunctions(self, funcA): myParameters = [] myTypes = [] while len(self.parameters) > 0 and self.tope(self.parameters) != 'T': param1 = self.tope(self.parameters) tipo1 = self.tope(self.tipos) self.push(myParameters, param1) self.push(myTypes, tipo1) self.pop(self.parameters) self.pop(self.tipos) if len(self.parameters) > 0 and self.tope(self.parameters) == 'T': self.pop(self.parameters) if self.semantica.canUseFunction(funcA, myParameters, myTypes): for i in range(len(myParameters)): self.pushCuadruplo( 'param', myParameters[i], None, funcA.params[len(myParameters) - i - 1].direccion) self.pushCuadruplo('gosub',, None, funcA.ip) return True return False def exitFunccall(self, ctx): if self.semantica.checkFunctionExists(self.tope(self.classStack), str(ctx.ID())) == False: fToken = ctx.ID() self.err.push( "\'" + str(fToken) + "\' function not declared | line : " + str(ctx.start.line), 402) sys.exit(1) else: #create function myFunc = self.semantica.getFunc(self.tope(self.classStack), str(ctx.ID())) self.pushCuadruplo('ERA', None, myFunc.size, #dirr = self.tope(self.classStack).dirr # set offset back to zero #self.pushCuadruplo('SET', None , self.tope(self.classStack).name, dirr) if self.compareFunctions(myFunc) == False: self.pushError(str(ctx.ID()), "the function doesnt not match", ctx.start.line, 409) sys.exit(1) def exitFactorclases(self, ctx): # func call if ctx.PA() is not None and ctx.PUNTO() is None: if self.semantica.checkFunctionExists(self.tope(self.classStack), str(ctx.ID(0))) == False: fToken = ctx.ID(0) self.pushError(fToken, "function not declared", ctx.start.line, 402) sys.exit(1) else: #ok, it does exist, but is it the same? myFunc = self.semantica.getFunc(self.tope(self.classStack), str(ctx.ID(0))) self.pushCuadruplo('ERA', None, myFunc.size, #self.pushCuadruplo('SET', None , self.tope(self.classStack).name, self.offSet) if self.compareFunctions(myFunc) == False: self.pushError(str(ctx.ID(0)), "the function doesnt not match", ctx.start.line, 409) sys.exit(1) #set offset to the going function if myFunc.tipoRetorno == 'void': self.pushError(str(ctx.ID(0)), "the function has type return void", ctx.start.line, 408) sys.exit(1) else: #put the result from r_funcName into a temp resultAddress = self.getAddress(myFunc.tipoRetorno) rtn = self.getReturnAddrs(, self.tope(self.classStack)) self.pushCuadruplo('=', None, rtn, resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, myFunc.tipoRetorno) #atributos && metodos de clases elif ctx.PUNTO() is not None: varName = str(ctx.ID(0)) myVar = self.semantica.existVariable( self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, varName) if myVar is None: self.pushError(varName, "variable not declared", ctx.start.line, 401) sys.exit(1) className = myVar.tipo myFunc = self.semantica.getFunc(self.semantica.getClase(className), str(ctx.ID(1))) cls = self.semantica.getClase(className) if cls == None: #throw error self.pushError(className, "class not declared", ctx.start.line, 405) sys.exit(1) #metodos if ctx.PA() != None: metodoName = str(ctx.ID(1)) if self.semantica.checkFunctionExists(cls, metodoName, False) == False: self.pushError(metodoName, "method not declared", ctx.start.line, 407) sys.exit(1) else: #ok, it does exist, but is it the same? myFunc = self.semantica.getFunc(cls, metodoName) self.pushCuadruplo('ERA', None, myFunc.size, self.pushCuadruplo('SET', None,, myVar.direccion) if self.compareFunctions(myFunc) == False: self.pushError(metodoName, "the function doesnt not match", ctx.start.line, 409) sys.exit(1) if myFunc.tipoRetorno == 'void': self.pushError(metodoName, "the method has type return void", ctx.start.line, 408) sys.exit(1) else: resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') self.pushCuadruplo( 'sume_address_set', None, self.getReturnAddrs(, cls), resultAddress) self.push(self.expStack, -resultAddress) self.push(self.tipoStack, myFunc.tipoRetorno) self.pushCuadruplo('UNSET', None, None, None) else: #atributo attrName = str(ctx.ID(1)) elem = self.semantica.existVariable( cls, self.tope(self.funcStack).name, attrName, False) if elem == None: #throw error self.pushError(attrName, "attribute not declared inside the class", ctx.start.line, 406) sys.exit(1) # clase + atributos direcciones self.push(self.expStack, myVar.direccion + elem.direccion) self.push(self.tipoStack, elem.tipo) # variable else: elemento = self.semantica.existVariable( self.tope(self.classStack), self.tope(self.funcStack).name, str(ctx.ID(0))) if elemento == None: fToken = ctx.ID(0) self.err.push( "\'" + str(fToken) + "\' is not defined | line : " + str(ctx.start.line), 401) sys.exit(1) else: direccion = elemento.direccion if (ctx.arreglo() is not None): # getting array size ? arr[exp] if elemento.isArray is False: self.pushError(elemento, "is not an array", ctx.start.line, 513) sys.exit(1) size = elemento.array.getSize() # lo que apunet a esa direccion bro self.pushCuadruplo('VALID', 0, size, self.tope(self.expStack)) # sz to check pos = -1 # dentro del rango de ctes enteras if self.tope(self.expStack) >= 61000 and self.tope( self.expStack) <= 71000: # pos es el valor original de la cte pos = direccion + int(self.myCteB[self.tope( self.expStack)]) self.pop(self.expStack) else: # i need to sum to elemento.direccion + X equivalent # i need a temporal address resultAddress = self.getAddress('int') # what is in this address sumaselo a esto to this one y ponlo aqui self.pushCuadruplo('+_val_address', self.tope(self.expStack), elemento.direccion, resultAddress) self.pop(self.expStack) pos = -resultAddress self.push(self.expStack, pos) # str(ctx.ID(0))) self.push(self.tipoStack, elemento.tipo) else: self.push(self.expStack, elemento.direccion) # str(ctx.ID(0))) self.push(self.tipoStack, elemento.tipo) def insertScope(self, scopeStyle, scope): pass #self.semantica. def pushCuadruplo(self, op, left, right, result): self.cuadruplos.append(cuadruplo(op, left, right, result)) def enterTypesvar(self, ctx): sonArreglos = [] if ctx.TYPES() is not None: self.lastType = str(ctx.TYPES()) else: self.lastType = str(ctx.ID()) indices = [] indices.append(str(ctx.typesvaraux().ID())) if ctx.typesvaraux().LB() is not None: sonArreglos.append(ctx.typesvaraux().scte().INT()) else: sonArreglos.append(-1) for act in ctx.secondType(): indices.append(str(act.ID())) if act.LB() is not None: sonArreglos.append(act.scte().INT()) else: sonArreglos.append(-1) i = 0 while i < len(indices): vr = indices[i] tope = int(str((sonArreglos[i]))) self.insertVar(vr, ctx, tope != -1, tope) i = i + 1 def enterMain(self, ctx): self.cuadruplos[0].result = len(self.cuadruplos) self.isFunction = True # self.push(self.funcStack, funcion('main', 'void')) self.push( self.funcStack, self.semantica.addFunction(self.tope(self.classStack), True, 'main', 'void', self.getActualIP())) # self.semantica.appendFuncs("main") def exitMain(self, ctx): self.isFunction = False self.pop(self.funcStack) def enterFunctions(self, ctx): nameFunction = str(ctx.ID()) self.returnType = str(ctx.returntypes().getChild(0)) if self.returnType != 'void': #i need a global variable named the same self.lastType = self.returnType self.insertReturn('r_' + nameFunction, self.lastType) self.isFunction = True self.push( self.funcStack, self.semantica.addFunction(self.tope(self.classStack), self.isPublic, nameFunction, self.returnType, self.getActualIP())) def exitFunctions(self, ctx): self.pushCuadruplo('endproc', None, None, None) self.isFunction = False self.pop(self.funcStack) def exitParamfirst(self, ctx): self.numberParams = self.numberParams + 1 if ctx.TYPES() is not None: self.lastType = str(ctx.TYPES()) self.insertVar(str(ctx.ID(0)), ctx) else: self.lastType = str(ctx.ID(0)) self.insertVar(str(ctx.ID(1)), ctx) def exitParams(self, ctx): self.numberParams = self.numberParams + 1 if ctx.TYPES() is not None: self.lastType = str(ctx.TYPES()) self.insertVar(str(ctx.ID(0)), ctx) else: self.lastType = str(ctx.ID(0)) self.insertVar(str(ctx.ID(1)), ctx) def __init__(self, semantica, errores): self.semantica = semantica self.err = errores self.cuadruplos = [] def exitTypesvar(self, ctx): pass
} func = dict_Ind.get(cuadr.action, 'False') if func != 'False': position = func(cuadr, contProg) return position return contProg + 1 #!--------------------------------------------------- #! EJECUCION #!--------------------------------------------------- reader.readFile() #? Inicializa Memoria Global globSize = dirFuncs[reader.programa].tam mem.memGlob.append(mem.memoria(globSize[0], globSize[1], globSize[2], 0, 0, 0, 0)) memoriaGlob = mem.memGlob[-1] #? Inicializa Primera Memoria Local, contexto : Main mainSize = dirFuncs["Main"].tam mem.memStack.append(mem.memoria(mainSize[0], mainSize[1], mainSize[2], mainSize[3], mainSize[4], mainSize[5], mainSize[6])) memoriaMain = mem.memStack[-1] while cuad[contProg].action != 'ENDProgram': contProg = indicador(cuad[contProg], contProg) memoriaGlob.printMem() memoriaMain.printMem() print('\n') print("▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒") print("▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ FINALIZANDO C CUAK CUAK ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒") print("▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒", '\n')