Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fbc_presence(sbml_version):
    Expect the FBC plugin to be present.

    The Flux Balance Constraints (FBC) Package extends SBML with structured
    and semantic descriptions for domain-specific model components such as
    flux bounds, multiple linear objective functions, gene-protein-reaction
    associations, metabolite chemical formulas, charge and related annotations
    which are relevant for parameterized GEMs and FBA models. The SBML and
    constraint-based modeling communities collaboratively develop this package
    and update it based on user input.

    Parse the state of the FBC plugin from the SBML document.

    fbc_present = sbml_version[2] is not None
    ann = test_fbc_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = fbc_present
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(fbc_present)
    if fbc_present:
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill("The FBC package *is* used.")
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill("The FBC package is *not* used.")
    assert fbc_present, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_reaction_id_namespace_consistency(read_only_model):
    Expect reaction identifiers to be from the same namespace.

    In well-annotated models it is no problem if the pool of main identifiers
    for reactions consists of identifiers from several databases. However,
    in models that lack appropriate annotations, it may hamper the ability of
    other researchers to use it. Running the model through a computational
    pipeline may be difficult without first consolidating the namespace.

    Hence, this test checks if the main reaction identifiers can be
    attributed to one single namespace based on the regex patterns defined at
    ann = test_reaction_id_namespace_consistency.annotation
    overview = annotation.generate_component_id_namespace_overview(
        read_only_model, "reactions")
    distribution = overview.sum()
    cols = list(distribution.index)
    largest = distribution[cols].idxmax()
    if largest != 'bigg.reaction':
                """memote currently only supports syntax checks for BiGG
            identifiers. Please consider mapping your IDs from {} to BiGG
    # Assume that all identifiers match the largest namespace.
    ann["data"] = overview[overview[largest]].index.tolist()
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(read_only_model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """{} reaction identifiers ({:.2%}) do not match the largest found
        namespace ({}): {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], largest,
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_find_reactions_with_partially_identical_annotations(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that are annotated
    with identical database references. This does not take into account a
    reaction's directionality or compartment.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.
    It could also be useful to identify a 'type' of reaction that
    occurs in several compartments.


    Identify duplicate reactions globally by checking if any
    two metabolic reactions have the same entries in their annotation
    attributes. The heuristic looks at annotations with the keys
    "metanetx.reaction", "kegg.reaction", "brenda", "rhea", "biocyc",
    "bigg.reaction" only.

    ann = test_find_reactions_with_partially_identical_annotations.annotation
    duplicates, total = \
    ann["data"] = duplicates
    ann["metric"] = total / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based on annotations there are {} different groups of overlapping
        annotation which corresponds to a total of {} duplicated reactions in
        the model.""".format(len(duplicates), total))
    assert total == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate metabolites in the same compartments.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical metabolites from different namespaces
    (hence different IDs). This test therefore expects that every metabolite
    in any particular compartment has unique inchikey values.

    Identifies duplicate metabolites in each compartment by
    determining if any two metabolites have identical InChI-key annotations.
    For instance, this function would find compounds with IDs ATP1 and ATP2 in
    the cytosolic compartment, with both having the same InChI annotations.

    ann = test_find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments.annotation
    ann["data"] = basic.find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments(model)
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {} metabolites in the model which
        have duplicates in the same compartment: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_reaction_annotation_wrong_ids(read_only_model, db):
    Expect all annotations of reactions to be in the correct format.

    To identify databases and the identifiers belonging to them, computational
    tools rely on the presence of specific patterns. Only when these patterns
    can be identified consistently is an ID truly machine-readable. This test
    checks if the database cross-references in reaction annotations conform
    to patterns defined according to the MIRIAM guidelines, i.e. matching
    those that are defined at https://identifiers.org/.

    The required formats, i.e., regex patterns are further outlined in
    `annotation.py`. This test does not carry out a web query for the composed
    URI, it merely controls that the regex patterns match the identifiers.
    ann = test_reaction_annotation_wrong_ids.annotation
    ann["data"][db] = get_ids(
            read_only_model.reactions, "reactions", db))
    ann["metric"][db] = len(ann["data"][db]) / len(read_only_model.reactions)
    ann["message"][db] = wrapper.fill(
        """The provided reaction annotations for the {} database do not match
        the regular expression patterns defined on identifiers.org. A total of
        {} reaction annotations ({:.2%}) needs to be fixed: {}""".format(
            db, len(ann["data"][db]), ann["metric"][db],
    assert len(ann["data"][db]) == 0, ann["message"][db]
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds(model):
    Expect metabolites to be consumable in complete medium.

    In complete medium, a model should be able to divert flux from every
    metabolite. This test opens all the boundary reactions i.e. simulates a
    complete medium and checks if any metabolite cannot be consumed
    individually using flux balance analysis. Metabolites that cannot be
    consumed this way are likely dead-end metabolites or upstream of reactions
    with fixed constraints. To pass this test all metabolites should be

    Open all model boundary reactions, then for each metabolite in the model
    add a boundary reaction and minimize it with FBA.

    ann = test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} ({:.2%}) metabolites cannot be consumed in complete
        medium: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_blocked_reactions(model):
    Expect all reactions to be able to carry flux in complete medium.

    Universally blocked reactions are reactions that during Flux Variability
    Analysis cannot carry any flux while all model boundaries are open.
    Generally blocked reactions are caused by network gaps, which can be
    attributed to scope or knowledge gaps.

    Use flux variability analysis (FVA) implemented in
    cobra.flux_analysis.find_blocked_reactions with open_exchanges=True.
    Please refer to the cobrapy documentation for more information:

    ann = test_blocked_reactions.annotation
    ann["data"] = find_blocked_reactions(model, open_exchanges=True)
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are {} ({:.2%}) blocked reactions in
        the model: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_gene_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all genes to have a some form of SBO-Term annotation.

    The Systems Biology Ontology (SBO) allows researchers to annotate a model
    with terms which indicate the intended function of its individual
    components. The available terms are controlled and relational and can be
    viewed here http://www.ebi.ac.uk/sbo/main/tree.

    Check if each cobra.Gene has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo".

    ann = test_gene_sbo_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.find_components_without_sbo_terms(
        model, "genes"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.genes)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} genes ({:.2%}) lack annotation with any type of
            SBO term: {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no genes."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(model.genes), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds(read_only_model):
    Expect metabolites to be consumable in complete medium.

    In complete medium, a model should be able to divert flux from every
    metabolite. This test opens all the boundary reactions i.e. simulates a
    complete medium and checks if any metabolite cannot be consumed
    individually using flux balance analysis. Metabolites that cannot be
    consumed this way are likely dead-end metabolites or upstream of reactions
    with fixed constraints. To pass this test all metabolites should be

    ann = test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(read_only_model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} ({:.2%}) metabolites cannot be consumed in complete
        medium: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_protein_complex_presence(model):
    Expect that more than one enzyme complex is present in the model.

    Based on the gene-protein-reaction (GPR) rules, it is possible to infer
    whether a reaction is catalyzed by a single gene product, isozymes or by a
    heteromeric protein complex. This test checks that at least one
    such heteromeric protein complex is defined in any GPR of the model. For
    S. cerevisiae it could be shown that "essential proteins tend to [cluster]
    together in essential complexes"

    This might also be a relevant metric for other organisms.

    Identify GPRs which contain at least one logical AND that combines two
    different gene products.

    ann = test_protein_complex_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.find_protein_complexes(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} reactions are catalyzed by complexes defined
        through GPR rules in the model.""".format(len(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_compartments_presence(model):
    Expect that two or more compartments are defined in the model.

    While simplified metabolic models may be perfectly viable, generally
    across the tree of life organisms contain at least one distinct
    compartment: the cytosol or cytoplasm. In the case of prokaryotes there is
    usually a periplasm, and eurkaryotes are more complex. In addition to the
    internal compartment, a metabolic model also reflects the extracellular
    environment i.e. the medium/ metabolic context in which the modelled cells
    grow. Hence, in total, at least two compartments can be expected from a
    metabolic model.

    Check if the cobra.Model object has a non-empty "compartments"
    attribute, this list is populated from the list of sbml:listOfCompartments
    which should contain at least two sbml:compartment elements.

    ann = test_compartments_presence.annotation
    assert hasattr(model, "compartments")
    ann["data"] = list(model.compartments)
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(len(ann["data"]) >= 2)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} compartments are defined in the model: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 2, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_ngam_presence(model):
    Expect a single non growth-associated maintenance reaction.

    The Non-Growth Associated Maintenance reaction (NGAM) is an
    ATP-hydrolysis reaction added to metabolic models to represent energy
    expenses that the cell invests in continuous processes independent of
    the growth rate. Memote tries to infer this reaction from a list of
    buzzwords, and the stoichiometry and components of a simple ATP-hydrolysis

    From the list of all reactions that convert ATP to ADP select the reactions
    that match the irreversible reaction "ATP + H2O -> ADP + HO4P + H+",
    whose metabolites are situated within the main model compartment.
    The main model compartment is assumed to be the cytosol, yet, if that
    cannot be identified, it is assumed to be the compartment with the most
    metabolites. The resulting list of reactions is then filtered further by
    attempting to match the reaction name with any of the following buzzwords
    ('maintenance', 'atpm', 'requirement', 'ngam', 'non-growth', 'associated').
    If this is possible only the filtered reactions are returned, if not the
    list is returned as is.

    ann = test_ngam_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.find_ngam(model))
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(len(ann["data"]) == 1)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} NGAM reactions could be identified:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_gene_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all genes to have a some form of SBO-Term annotation.

    The Systems Biology Ontology (SBO) allows researchers to annotate a model
    with terms which indicate the intended function of its individual
    components. The available terms are controlled and relational and can be
    viewed here http://www.ebi.ac.uk/sbo/main/tree.

    Check if each cobra.Gene has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo".

    ann = test_gene_sbo_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.find_components_without_sbo_terms(
        model, "genes"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.genes)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} genes ({:.2%}) lack annotation with any type of
            SBO term: {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no genes."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(model.genes), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_gene_specific_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all genes to be annotated with SBO:0000243.

    SBO:0000243 represents the term 'gene'. Every gene should
    be annotated with this.

    Check if each cobra.Gene has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo" with the associated
    value being one of the SBO terms above.

    ann = test_gene_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        model.genes, "SBO:0000243"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.genes)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} genes ({:.2%} of all genes) lack
            annotation with the SBO term "SBO:0000243" for
            'gene': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no genes."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(model.genes), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_find_duplicate_reactions(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that use the same set
    of metabolites including potentially duplicate metabolites. Moreover, it
    will take a reaction's directionality and compartment into account.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.


    Compare reactions in a pairwise manner.
    For each reaction, the metabolite annotations are checked for a description
    of the structure (via InChI and InChIKey).If they exist, substrates and
    products as well as the stoichiometries of any reaction pair are compared.
    Only reactions where the substrates, products, stoichiometry and
    reversibility are identical are considered to be duplicates.
    This test will not be able to identify duplicate reactions if there are no
    structure annotations. Further, it will report reactions with
    differing bounds as equal if they otherwise match the above conditions.

    ann = test_find_duplicate_reactions.annotation
    duplicates, num = basic.find_duplicate_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = duplicates
    ann["metric"] = num / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based on metabolites, directionality and compartment there are a
        total of {} reactions in the model which have duplicates:
        {}""".format(num, truncate(duplicates)))
    assert num == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model):
    Expect at least one pure metabolic reaction to be defined in the model.

    If a reaction is neither a transport reaction, a biomass reaction nor a
    boundary reaction, it is counted as a purely metabolic reaction. This test
    requires the presence of metabolite formula to be able to identify
    transport reactions. This test is passed when the model contains at least
    one purely metabolic reaction i.e. a conversion of one metabolite into

    From the list of all reactions, those that are boundary, transport and
    biomass reactions are removed and the remainder assumed to be pure
    metabolic reactions. Boundary reactions are identified using the attribute
    cobra.Model.boundary. Please read the description of "Transport Reactions"
    and "Biomass Reaction Identified" to learn how they are identified.

    ann = test_find_pure_metabolic_reactions.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) purely metabolic reactions are defined in
        the model, this excludes transporters, exchanges, or pseudo-reactions:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_find_reactions_with_identical_genes(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that use identical
    sets of genes. It does *not* take into account a reaction's directionality,
    compartment, metabolites or annotations.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.


    Compare reactions in a pairwise manner and group reactions whose genes
    are identical. Skip reactions with missing genes.

    ann = test_find_reactions_with_identical_genes.annotation
    rxn_groups, num_dup = basic.find_reactions_with_identical_genes(model)
    ann["data"] = rxn_groups
    ann["metric"] = num_dup / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based only on equal genes there are {} different groups of
        identical reactions which corresponds to a total of {}
        duplicated reactions in the model.""".format(len(rxn_groups), num_dup))
    assert num_dup == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_find_constrained_pure_metabolic_reactions(model):
    Expect zero or more purely metabolic reactions to have fixed constraints.

    If a reaction is neither a transport reaction, a biomass reaction nor a
    boundary reaction, it is counted as a purely metabolic reaction. This test
    requires the presence of metabolite formula to be able to identify
    transport reactions. This test simply reports the number of purely
    metabolic reactions that have fixed constraints and does not have any
    mandatory 'pass' criteria.

    Implementation: From the pool of pure metabolic reactions identify
    reactions which are constrained to values other than the model's minimal or
    maximal possible bounds.

    ann = test_find_constrained_pure_metabolic_reactions.annotation
    pmr = basic.find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids_and_bounds(
        [rxn for rxn in pmr if basic.is_constrained_reaction(model, rxn)])
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(pmr)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) purely metabolic reactions have fixed
        constraints in the model, this excludes transporters, exchanges, or
        pseudo-reactions: {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_gene_specific_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all genes to be annotated with SBO:0000243.

    SBO:0000243 represents the term 'gene'. Every gene should
    be annotated with this.

    Check if each cobra.Gene has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo" with the associated
    value being one of the SBO terms above.

    ann = test_gene_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
        sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(model.genes, "SBO:0000243"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.genes)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} genes ({:.2%} of all genes) lack
            annotation with the SBO term "SBO:0000243" for
            'gene': {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no genes."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(model.genes), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_find_constrained_transport_reactions(model):
    Expect zero or more transport reactions to have fixed constraints.

    Cellular metabolism in any organism usually involves the transport of
    metabolites across a lipid bi-layer. Hence, this test reports how many
    of these reactions, which transports metabolites from one compartment
    to another, have fixed constraints. This test does not have any mandatory
    'pass' criteria.

    Please refer to "Transport Reactions" for details on how memote identifies
    transport reactions.
    From the pool of transport reactions identify reactions which are
    constrained to values other than the model's median lower and upper bounds.

    ann = test_find_constrained_transport_reactions.annotation
    transporters = helpers.find_transport_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids_and_bounds([
        rxn for rxn in transporters
        if basic.is_constrained_reaction(model, rxn)
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(transporters)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) transport reactions have fixed
        constraints in the model: {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_reaction_mass_balance(model):
    Expect all reactions to be mass balanced.

    This will exclude biomass, exchange and demand reactions as they are
    unbalanced by definition. It will also fail all reactions where at
    least one metabolite does not have a formula defined.

    In steady state, for each metabolite the sum of influx equals the sum
    of efflux. Hence the net masses of both sides of any model reaction have
    to be equal. Reactions where at least one metabolite does not have a
    formula are not considered to be balanced, even though the remaining
    metabolites participating in the reaction might be.

    For each reaction that isn't a boundary or biomass reaction check if each
    metabolite has a non-zero elements attribute and if so calculate if the
    overall element balance of reactants and products is equal to zero.

    ann = test_reaction_mass_balance.annotation
    internal_rxns = con_helpers.get_internals(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(internal_rxns)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} ({:.2%}) reactions are mass unbalanced with at least
        one of the metabolites not having a formula or the overall mass not
        equal to 0: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_transport_reaction_gpr_presence(model):
    Expect a small fraction of transport reactions not to have a GPR rule.

    As it is hard to identify the exact transport processes within a cell,
    transport reactions are often added purely for modeling purposes.
    Highlighting where assumptions have been made versus where
    there is proof may help direct the efforts to improve transport and
    transport energetics of the tested metabolic model.
    However, transport reactions without GPR may also be valid:
    Diffusion, or known reactions with yet undiscovered genes likely lack GPR.

    Check which cobra.Reactions classified as transport reactions have a
    non-empty "gene_reaction_rule" attribute.

    # TODO: Update threshold with improved insight from meta study.
    ann = test_transport_reaction_gpr_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.check_transport_reaction_gpr_presence(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {} transport reactions ({:.2%} of all
        transport reactions) without GPR:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert ann["metric"] < 0.2, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_stoichiometric_consistency(model):
    Expect that the stoichiometry is consistent.

    Stoichiometric inconsistency violates universal constraints:
    1. Molecular masses are always positive, and
    2. On each side of a reaction the mass is conserved.
    A single incorrectly defined reaction can lead to stoichiometric
    inconsistency in the model, and consequently to unconserved metabolites.
    Similar to insufficient constraints, this may give rise to cycles which
    either produce mass from nothing or consume mass from the model.

    This test first uses an implementation of the algorithm presented in
    section 3.1 by Gevorgyan, A., M. G Poolman, and D. A Fell.
    "Detection of Stoichiometric Inconsistencies in Biomolecular Models."
    Bioinformatics 24, no. 19 (2008): 2245.
    doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn425
    Should the model be inconsistent, then the list of unconserved metabolites
    is computed using the algorithm described in section 3.2 of the same

    ann = test_stoichiometric_consistency.annotation
    is_consistent = consistency.check_stoichiometric_consistency(
    ann["data"] = [] if is_consistent else get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """This model contains {} ({:.2%}) unconserved
        metabolites: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert is_consistent, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_find_unique_metabolites(model):
    Expect there to be less metabolites when removing compartment tag.

    Metabolites may be transported into different compartments, which means
    that in a compartimentalized model the number of metabolites may be
    much higher than in a model with no compartments. This test counts only
    one occurrence of each metabolite and returns this as the number of unique
    metabolites. The test expects that the model is compartimentalized, and
    thus, that the number of unique metabolites is generally lower than the
    total number of metabolites.

    Reduce the list of metabolites to a unique set by removing the compartment
    tag. The cobrapy SBML parser adds compartment tags to each metabolite ID.

    ann = test_find_unique_metabolites.annotation
    ann["data"] = list(basic.find_unique_metabolites(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Not counting the same entities in other compartments, there is a
        total of {} ({:.2%}) unique metabolites in the model: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) < len(model.metabolites), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_find_reactions_unbounded_flux_default_condition(model):
    Expect the fraction of unbounded reactions to be low.

    A large fraction of model reactions able to carry unlimited flux under
    default conditions indicates problems with reaction directionality,
    missing cofactors, incorrectly defined transport reactions and more.

    Without changing the default constraints run flux variability analysis.
    From the FVA results identify those reactions that carry flux equal to the
    model's maximal or minimal flux.

    ann = test_find_reactions_unbounded_flux_default_condition.annotation
    unbounded_rxn_ids, fraction, _ = \
    ann["data"] = unbounded_rxn_ids
    ann["metric"] = fraction
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """ A fraction of {:.2%} of the non-blocked reactions (in total {}
        reactions) can carry unbounded flux in the default model
        condition. Unbounded reactions may be involved in
        thermodynamically infeasible cycles: {}""".format(
            ann["metric"], len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])
    # TODO: Arbitrary threshold right now! Update after meta study!
    assert ann["metric"] <= 0.1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_gene_essentiality_from_data_qualitative(model,
    Expect a perfect accuracy when predicting gene essentiality.

    The in-silico gene essentiality is compared with experimental
    data and the accuracy is expected to be better than 0.95.
    In principal, Matthews' correlation coefficient is a more comprehensive
    metric but is a little fragile to not having any false negatives or false
    positives in the output.

    ann = test_gene_essentiality_from_data_qualitative.annotation
    exp = pytest.memote.experimental.essentiality[experiment]
    expected = exp.data
    test = exp.evaluate(model)
    ann["data"][experiment] = confusion_matrix(
        set(test.loc[test["essential"], "gene"]),
        set(expected.loc[expected["essential"], "gene"]),
        set(test.loc[~test["essential"], "gene"]),
        set(expected.loc[~expected["essential"], "gene"]))
    ann["metric"][experiment] = ann["data"][experiment]["ACC"]
    ann["message"][experiment] = wrapper.fill(
        """Ideally, every model would show a perfect accuracy of 1. In
        experiment '{}' the model has  {:.2}.""".format(
            experiment, ann["data"][experiment]["MCC"]))
    assert ann["data"][experiment]["ACC"] > threshold
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_reaction_charge_balance(read_only_model):
    Expect all reactions to be charge balanced.

    This will exclude biomass, exchange and demand reactions as they are
    unbalanced by definition. It will also fail all reactions where at
    least one metabolite does not have a charge defined.

    In steady state, for each metabolite the sum of influx equals the sum
    of outflux. Hence the net charges of both sides of any model reaction have
    to be equal. Reactions where at least one metabolite does not have a
    formula are not considered to be balanced, even though the remaining
    metabolites participating in the reaction might be.
    ann = test_reaction_charge_balance.annotation
    internal_rxns = con_helpers.get_internals(read_only_model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(internal_rxns)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} ({:.2%}) reactions are charge unbalanced with at
        least one of the metabolites not having a charge or the overall
        charge not equal to 0: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_transport_reaction_specific_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all transport reactions to be annotated properly.

    'SBO:0000185', 'SBO:0000588', 'SBO:0000587', 'SBO:0000655', 'SBO:0000654',
    'SBO:0000660', 'SBO:0000659', 'SBO:0000657', and 'SBO:0000658' represent
    the terms 'transport reaction' and 'translocation reaction', in addition
    to their children (more specific transport reaction labels). Every
    transport reaction that is not a pure metabolic or boundary reaction should
    be annotated with one of these terms. The results shown are relative to the
    total of all transport reactions.

    Check if each transport reaction has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo" with the associated
    value being one of the SBO terms above.

    sbo_transport_terms = helpers.TRANSPORT_RXN_SBO_TERMS
    ann = test_transport_reaction_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    transports = helpers.find_transport_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        transports, sbo_transport_terms))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(transports)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} metabolic reactions ({:.2%} of all transport
            reactions) lack annotation with one of the SBO terms: {} for
            'biochemical reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], sbo_transport_terms,
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no transport reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(transports), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_find_constrained_transport_reactions(model):
    Expect zero or more transport reactions to have fixed constraints.

    Cellular metabolism in any organism usually involves the transport of
    metabolites across a lipid bi-layer. Hence, this test reports how many
    of these reactions, which transports metabolites from one compartment
    to another, have fixed constraints. This test does not have any mandatory
    'pass' criteria.

    Please refer to "Transport Reactions" for details on how memote identifies
    transport reactions.
    From the pool of transport reactions identify reactions which are
    constrained to values other than the model's median lower and upper bounds.

    ann = test_find_constrained_transport_reactions.annotation
    transporters = helpers.find_transport_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids_and_bounds(
        [rxn for rxn in transporters if basic.is_constrained_reaction(
            model, rxn)])
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(transporters)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) transport reactions have fixed
        constraints in the model: {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_metabolic_reaction_specific_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all metabolic reactions to be annotated with SBO:0000176.

    SBO:0000176 represents the term 'biochemical reaction'. Every metabolic
    reaction that is not a transport or boundary reaction should be annotated
    with this. The results shown are relative to the total amount of pure
    metabolic reactions.

    Check if each pure metabolic reaction has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo" with the associated
    value being the SBO term above.

    ann = test_metabolic_reaction_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    pure = basic.find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        pure, "SBO:0000176"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(pure)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} metabolic reactions ({:.2%} of all purely
            metabolic reactions) lack annotation with the SBO term
            "SBO:0000176" for 'biochemical reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no metabolic reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(pure), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate metabolites in the same compartments.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical metabolites from different namespaces
    (hence different IDs). This test therefore expects that every metabolite
    in any particular compartment has unique inchikey values.

    Identifies duplicate metabolites in each compartment by
    determining if any two metabolites have identical InChI-key annotations.
    For instance, this function would find compounds with IDs ATP1 and ATP2 in
    the cytosolic compartment, with both having the same InChI annotations.

    ann = test_find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments.annotation
    ann["data"] = basic.find_duplicate_metabolites_in_compartments(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {} metabolites in the model which
        have duplicates in the same compartment: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_transport_reaction_gpr_presence(model):
    Expect a small fraction of transport reactions not to have a GPR rule.

    As it is hard to identify the exact transport processes within a cell,
    transport reactions are often added purely for modeling purposes.
    Highlighting where assumptions have been made versus where
    there is proof may help direct the efforts to improve transport and
    transport energetics of the tested metabolic model.
    However, transport reactions without GPR may also be valid:
    Diffusion, or known reactions with yet undiscovered genes likely lack GPR.

    Check which cobra.Reactions classified as transport reactions have a
    non-empty "gene_reaction_rule" attribute.

    # TODO: Update threshold with improved insight from meta study.
    ann = test_transport_reaction_gpr_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {} transport reactions ({:.2%} of all
        transport reactions) without GPR:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert ann["metric"] < 0.2, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_gene_product_annotation_presence(model):
    Expect all genes to have a non-empty annotation attribute.

    This test checks if any annotations at all are present in the SBML
    annotations field (extended by FBC package) for each gene product,
    irrespective of the type of annotation i.e. specific database,
    cross-references, ontology terms, additional information. For this test to
    pass the model is expected to have genes and each of them should have some
    form of annotation.

    Check if the annotation attribute of each cobra.Gene object of the
    model is unset or empty.

    ann = test_gene_product_annotation_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(annotation.find_components_without_annotation(
        model, "genes"))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.genes)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} genes ({:.2%}) lack any form of
        annotation: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_demand_specific_sbo_presence(read_only_model):
    """Expect all demand reactions to be annotated with SBO:0000627.

    SBO:0000628 represents the term 'demand reaction'. The Systems Biology
    Ontology defines a demand reaction as follows: 'A modeling process
    analogous to exchange reaction, but which operates upon "internal"
    metabolites. Metabolites that are consumed by these reactions are assumed
    to be used in intra-cellular processes that are not part of the model.
    Demand reactions, often represented 'R_DM_', can also deliver metabolites
    (from intra-cellular processes that are not considered in the model).'
    Every demand reaction should be annotated with
    this. Demand reactions differ from exchange reactions in that the
    metabolites are not removed from the extracellular environment, but from
    any of the organism's compartments. Demand reactions differ from sink
    reactions in that they are designated as irreversible.

    ann = test_demand_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    demands = helpers.find_demand_reactions(read_only_model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        demands, "SBO:0000628"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(demands)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} genes ({:.2%} of all demand reactions) lack
            annotation with the SBO term "SBO:0000628" for
            'demand reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no demand reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(demands), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_stoichiometric_consistency(read_only_model):
    Expect that the stoichiometry is consistent.

    Stoichiometric inconsistency violates universal constraints:
    1. Molecular masses are always positive, and
    2. On each side of a reaction the mass is conserved.
    A single incorrectly defined reaction can lead to stoichiometric
    inconsistency in the model, and consequently to unconserved metabolites.
    Similar to insufficient constraints, this may give rise to cycles which
    either produce mass from nothing or consume mass from the model.

    This test uses an implementation of the algorithm presented by
    Gevorgyan, A., M. G Poolman, and D. A Fell.
    "Detection of Stoichiometric Inconsistencies in Biomolecular Models."
    Bioinformatics 24, no. 19 (2008): 2245.
    doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn425
    ann = test_stoichiometric_consistency.annotation
    is_consistent = consistency.check_stoichiometric_consistency(
    ann["data"] = [] if is_consistent else get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(read_only_model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """This model contains {} ({:.2%}) unconserved
        metabolites: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert is_consistent, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_find_reactions_with_identical_genes(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that use identical
    sets of genes. It does *not* take into account a reaction's directionality,
    compartment, metabolites or annotations.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.


    Compare reactions in a pairwise manner and group reactions whose genes
    are identical. Skip reactions with missing genes.

    ann = test_find_reactions_with_identical_genes.annotation
    rxn_groups, num_dup = basic.find_reactions_with_identical_genes(model)
    ann["data"] = rxn_groups
    ann["metric"] = num_dup / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based only on equal genes there are {} different groups of
        identical reactions which corresponds to a total of {}
        duplicated reactions in the model.""".format(
            len(rxn_groups), num_dup))
    assert num_dup == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_transport_reaction_specific_sbo_presence(read_only_model):
    """Expect all transport reactions to be annotated properly.

    'SBO:0000185', 'SBO:0000588', 'SBO:0000587', 'SBO:0000655', 'SBO:0000654',
    'SBO:0000660', 'SBO:0000659', 'SBO:0000657', and 'SBO:0000658' represent
    the terms 'transport reaction' and 'translocation reaction', in addition
    to their children (more specific transport reaction labels). Every
    transport reaction that is not a pure metabolic or boundary reaction should
    be annotated with one of these terms. The results shown are relative to the
    total of all transport reactions.

    sbo_transport_terms = helpers.TRANSPORT_RXN_SBO_TERMS
    ann = test_transport_reaction_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    transports = helpers.find_transport_reactions(read_only_model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        transports, sbo_transport_terms))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(transports)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} metabolic reactions ({:.2%} of all transport
            reactions) lack annotation with one of the SBO terms: {} for
            'biochemical reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], sbo_transport_terms,
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no transport reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(transports), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_compartments_presence(model):
    Expect that two or more compartments are defined in the model.

    While simplified metabolic models may be perfectly viable, generally
    across the tree of life organisms contain at least one distinct
    compartment: the cytosol or cytoplasm. In the case of prokaryotes there is
    usually a periplasm, and eurkaryotes are more complex. In addition to the
    internal compartment, a metabolic model also reflects the extracellular
    environment i.e. the medium/ metabolic context in which the modelled cells
    grow. Hence, in total, at least two compartments can be expected from a
    metabolic model.

    Check if the cobra.Model object has a non-empty "compartments"
    attribute, this list is populated from the list of sbml:listOfCompartments
    which should contain at least two sbml:compartment elements.

    ann = test_compartments_presence.annotation
    assert hasattr(model, "compartments")
    ann["data"] = list(model.compartments)
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(len(ann["data"]) >= 2)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} compartments are defined in the model: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 2, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_protein_complex_presence(model):
    Expect that more than one enzyme complex is present in the model.

    Based on the gene-protein-reaction (GPR) rules, it is possible to infer
    whether a reaction is catalyzed by a single gene product, isozymes or by a
    heteromeric protein complex. This test checks that at least one
    such heteromeric protein complex is defined in any GPR of the model. For
    S. cerevisiae it could be shown that "essential proteins tend to [cluster]
    together in essential complexes"

    This might also be a relevant metric for other organisms.

    Identify GPRs which contain at least one logical AND that combines two
    different gene products.

    ann = test_protein_complex_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.find_protein_complexes(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} reactions are catalyzed by complexes defined
        through GPR rules in the model.""".format(len(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_gene_protein_reaction_rule_presence(model):
    Expect all non-exchange reactions to have a GPR rule.

    Gene-Protein-Reaction rules express which gene has what function.
    The presence of this annotation is important to justify the existence
    of reactions in the model, and is required to conduct in silico gene
    deletion studies. However, reactions without GPR may also be valid:
    Spontaneous reactions, or known reactions with yet undiscovered genes
    likely lack GPR.

    Check if each cobra.Reaction has a non-empty
    "gene_reaction_rule" attribute, which is set by the parser if there is an
    fbc:geneProductAssociation defined for the corresponding reaction in the

    ann = test_gene_protein_reaction_rule_presence.annotation
    missing_gpr_metabolic_rxns = set(
    ann["data"] = get_ids(missing_gpr_metabolic_rxns)
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {} reactions ({:.2%}) without GPR:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_ngam_presence(model):
    Expect a single non growth-associated maintenance reaction.

    The Non-Growth Associated Maintenance reaction (NGAM) is an
    ATP-hydrolysis reaction added to metabolic models to represent energy
    expenses that the cell invests in continuous processes independent of
    the growth rate. Memote tries to infer this reaction from a list of
    buzzwords, and the stoichiometry and components of a simple ATP-hydrolysis

    From the list of all reactions that convert ATP to ADP select the reactions
    that match the irreversible reaction "ATP + H2O -> ADP + HO4P + H+",
    whose metabolites are situated within the main model compartment.
    The main model compartment is assumed to be the cytosol, yet, if that
    cannot be identified, it is assumed to be the compartment with the most
    metabolites. The resulting list of reactions is then filtered further by
    attempting to match the reaction name with any of the following buzzwords
    ('maintenance', 'atpm', 'requirement', 'ngam', 'non-growth', 'associated').
    If this is possible only the filtered reactions are returned, if not the
    list is returned as is.

    ann = test_ngam_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(basic.find_ngam(model))
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(len(ann["data"]) == 1)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} NGAM reactions could be identified:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_metabolites_charge_presence(model):
    Expect all metabolites to have charge information.

    To be able to ensure that reactions are charge-balanced, all model
    metabolites ought to be provided with a charge. Since it may be
    difficult to obtain charges for certain metabolites this test serves as a
    mere report. Models can still be stoichiometrically consistent even
    when charge information is not defined for each metabolite.

    Check if each cobra.Metabolite has a non-empty "charge"
    attribute. This attribute is set by the parser if there is an
    fbc:charge attribute for the corresponding species in the

    ann = test_metabolites_charge_presence.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are a total of {}
        metabolites ({:.2%}) without a charge: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_detect_energy_generating_cycles(read_only_model, met):
    Expect that no energy metabolite can be produced out of nothing.

    When a model is not sufficiently constrained to account for the
    thermodynamics of reactions, flux cycles may form which provide reduced
    metabolites to the model without requiring nutrient uptake. These cycles
    are referred to as erroneous energy-generating cycles. Their effect on the
    predicted growth rate in FBA may account for an increase of up to 25%,
    which makes studies involving the growth rates predicted from such models

    This test uses an implementation of the algorithm presented by:
    Fritzemeier, C. J., Hartleb, D., Szappanos, B., Papp, B., & Lercher,
    M. J. (2017). Erroneous energy-generating cycles in published genome scale
    metabolic networks: Identification and removal. PLoS Computational
    Biology, 13(4), 1–14. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005494
    ann = test_detect_energy_generating_cycles.annotation
    if met not in read_only_model.metabolites:
        pytest.skip("This test has been skipped since metabolite {} could "
                    "not be found in the model.".format(met))
    ann["data"][met] = consistency.detect_energy_generating_cycles(
        read_only_model, met)
    ann["message"][met] = wrapper.fill(
        """The model can produce '{}' without requiring resources. This is
        caused by improperly constrained reactions leading to erroneous
        energy-generating cycles. The following {} reactions are involved in
        those cycles: {}""".format(
            met, len(ann["data"][met]), truncate(ann["data"][met])))
    assert len(ann["data"][met]) == 0, ann["message"][met]
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_absolute_extreme_coefficient_ratio(model, threshold=1e9):
    Show the ratio of the absolute largest and smallest non-zero coefficients.

    This test will return the absolute largest and smallest, non-zero
    coefficients of the stoichiometric matrix. A large ratio of these values
    may point to potential numerical issues when trying to solve different
    mathematical optimization problems such as flux-balance analysis.

    To pass this test the ratio should not exceed 10^9. This threshold has
    been selected based on experience, and is likely to be adapted when more
    data on solver performance becomes available.

    Compose the stoichiometric matrix, then calculate absolute coefficients and
    lastly use the maximal value and minimal non-zero value to calculate the

    ann = test_absolute_extreme_coefficient_ratio.annotation
    high, low = matrix.absolute_extreme_coefficient_ratio(model)
    ann["data"] = high / low
    # Inverse the Boolean: 0.0 = good; 1.0 = bad.
    ann["metric"] = 1.0 - float(ann["data"] < threshold)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """The ratio of the absolute values of the largest coefficient {} and
        the lowest, non-zero coefficient {} is: {:.3G}.""".format(
            high, low, ann["data"]))
    assert ann["data"] < threshold, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_find_reactions_with_partially_identical_annotations(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that are annotated
    with identical database references. This does not take into account a
    reaction's directionality or compartment.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.
    It could also be useful to identify a 'type' of reaction that
    occurs in several compartments.


    Identify duplicate reactions globally by checking if any
    two metabolic reactions have the same entries in their annotation
    attributes. The heuristic looks at annotations with the keys
    "metanetx.reaction", "kegg.reaction", "brenda", "rhea", "biocyc",
    "bigg.reaction" only.

    ann = test_find_reactions_with_partially_identical_annotations.annotation
    duplicates, total = \
    ann["data"] = duplicates
    ann["metric"] = total / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based on annotations there are {} different groups of overlapping
        annotation which corresponds to a total of {} duplicated reactions in
        the model.""".format(len(duplicates), total))
    assert total == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model):
    Expect at least one pure metabolic reaction to be defined in the model.

    If a reaction is neither a transport reaction, a biomass reaction nor a
    boundary reaction, it is counted as a purely metabolic reaction. This test
    requires the presence of metabolite formula to be able to identify
    transport reactions. This test is passed when the model contains at least
    one purely metabolic reaction i.e. a conversion of one metabolite into

    From the list of all reactions, those that are boundary, transport and
    biomass reactions are removed and the remainder assumed to be pure
    metabolic reactions. Boundary reactions are identified using the attribute
    cobra.Model.boundary. Please read the description of "Transport Reactions"
    and "Biomass Reaction Identified" to learn how they are identified.

    ann = test_find_pure_metabolic_reactions.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) purely metabolic reactions are defined in
        the model, this excludes transporters, exchanges, or pseudo-reactions:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_find_duplicate_reactions(model):
    Expect there to be zero duplicate reactions.

    Identify reactions in a pairwise manner that use the same set
    of metabolites including potentially duplicate metabolites. Moreover, it
    will take a reaction's directionality and compartment into account.

    The main reason for having this test is to help cleaning up merged models
    or models from automated reconstruction pipelines as these are prone to
    having identical reactions with identifiers from different namespaces.


    Compare reactions in a pairwise manner.
    For each reaction, the metabolite annotations are checked for a description
    of the structure (via InChI and InChIKey).If they exist, substrates and
    products as well as the stoichiometries of any reaction pair are compared.
    Only reactions where the substrates, products, stoichiometry and
    reversibility are identical are considered to be duplicates.
    This test will not be able to identify duplicate reactions if there are no
    structure annotations. Further, it will report reactions with
    differing bounds as equal if they otherwise match the above conditions.

    ann = test_find_duplicate_reactions.annotation
    duplicates, num = basic.find_duplicate_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = duplicates
    ann["metric"] = num / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Based on metabolites, directionality and compartment there are a
        total of {} reactions in the model which have duplicates:
        {}""".format(num, truncate(duplicates)))
    assert num == 0, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_find_constrained_pure_metabolic_reactions(model):
    Expect zero or more purely metabolic reactions to have fixed constraints.

    If a reaction is neither a transport reaction, a biomass reaction nor a
    boundary reaction, it is counted as a purely metabolic reaction. This test
    requires the presence of metabolite formula to be able to identify
    transport reactions. This test simply reports the number of purely
    metabolic reactions that have fixed constraints and does not have any
    mandatory 'pass' criteria.

    Implementation: From the pool of pure metabolic reactions identify
    reactions which are constrained to values other than the model's minimal or
    maximal possible bounds.

    ann = test_find_constrained_pure_metabolic_reactions.annotation
    pmr = basic.find_pure_metabolic_reactions(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids_and_bounds(
        [rxn for rxn in pmr if basic.is_constrained_reaction(
            model, rxn)])
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(pmr)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) purely metabolic reactions have fixed
        constraints in the model, this excludes transporters, exchanges, or
        pseudo-reactions: {}""".format(len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"],
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_metabolic_reaction_specific_sbo_presence(read_only_model):
    """Expect all metabolic reactions to be annotated with SBO:0000176.

    SBO:0000176 represents the term 'biochemical reaction'. Every metabolic
    reaction that is not a transport or boundary reaction should be annotated
    with this. The results shown are relative to the total amount of pure
    metabolic reactions.

    ann = test_metabolic_reaction_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    pure = basic.find_pure_metabolic_reactions(read_only_model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        pure, "SBO:0000176"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(pure)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} metabolic reactions ({:.2%} of all purely
            metabolic reactions) lack annotation with the SBO term
            "SBO:0000176" for 'biochemical reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no metabolic reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(pure), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_find_reactions_unbounded_flux_default_condition(read_only_model):
    Expect the fraction of unbounded reactions to be low.

    A large fraction of model reactions able to carry unlimited flux under
    default conditions indicates problems with reaction directionality,
    missing cofactors, incorrectly defined transport reactions and more.
    # TODO: Arbitrary threshold right now! Update after meta study!
    ann = test_find_reactions_unbounded_flux_default_condition.annotation
    unbounded_rxns, fraction, _ = \
    ann["data"] = get_ids(unbounded_rxns)
    ann["metric"] = fraction
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """ A fraction of {:.2%} of the non-blocked reactions (in total {}
        reactions) can carry unbounded flux in the default model
        condition. Unbounded reactions may be involved in
        thermodynamically infeasible cycles: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])
    assert ann["metric"] <= 0.1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_exchange_specific_sbo_presence(read_only_model):
    """Expect all exchange reactions to be annotated with SBO:0000627.

    SBO:0000627 represents the term 'exchange reaction'. The Systems Biology
    Ontology defines an exchange reaction as follows: 'A modeling process to
    provide matter influx or efflux to a model, for example to replenish a
    metabolic network with raw materials (eg carbon / energy sources). Such
    reactions are conceptual, created solely for modeling purposes, and do not
    have a  physical correspondence. Exchange reactions, often represented as
    'R_EX_', can operate in the negative (uptake) direction or positive
    (secretion) direction. By convention, a negative flux through an exchange
    reaction represents uptake of the corresponding metabolite, and a positive
    flux represent discharge.' Every exchange reaction should be annotated with
    this. Exchange reactions differ from demand reactions in that the
    metabolites are removed from or added to the extracellular
    environment only.

    ann = test_exchange_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    exchanges = helpers.find_exchange_rxns(read_only_model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        exchanges, "SBO:0000627"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(exchanges)
        ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
            """A total of {} exchange reactions ({:.2%} of all exchange
            reactions) lack annotation with the SBO term "SBO:0000627" for
            'exchange reaction': {}""".format(
                len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "The model has no exchange reactions."
    assert len(ann["data"]) == len(exchanges), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_metabolite_annotation_overview(read_only_model, db):
    Expect all metabolites to have annotations from common databases.

    Specific database cross-references are paramount to mapping information.
    To provide references to as many databases as possible helps to make the
    metabolic model more accessible to other researchers. This does not only
    facilitate the use of a model in a broad array of computational pipelines,
    it also promotes the metabolic model itself to become an organism-specific
    knowledge base.

    For this test to pass, each metabolite annotation should contain
    cross-references to a number of databases (listed in `annotation.py`).
    For each database this test checks for the presence of its corresponding
    namespace ID to comply with the MIRIAM guidelines i.e. they have to match
    those defined on https://identifiers.org/.

    Since each database is quite different and some potentially incomplete, it
    may not be feasible to achieve 100% coverage for each of them. Generally
    it should be possible, however, to obtain cross-references to at least
    one of the databases for all metabolites consistently.
    ann = test_metabolite_annotation_overview.annotation
    ann["data"][db] = get_ids(
            read_only_model.metabolites, db))
    # TODO: metric must also be a dict in this case.
    ann["metric"][db] = len(ann["data"][db]) / len(read_only_model.metabolites)
    ann["message"][db] = wrapper.fill(
        """The following {} metabolites ({:.2%}) lack annotation for {}:
        {}""".format(len(ann["data"][db]), ann["metric"][db], db,
    assert len(ann["data"][db]) == 0, ann["message"][db]
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_growth_from_data_qualitative(model, experiment, threshold=0.95):
    Expect a perfect accuracy when predicting growth.

    The in-silico growth prediction is compared with experimental
    data and the accuracy is expected to be better than 0.95.
    In principal, Matthews' correlation coefficient is a more comprehensive
    metric but is a little fragile to not having any false negatives or false
    positives in the output.

    ann = test_growth_from_data_qualitative.annotation
    exp = pytest.memote.experimental.growth[experiment]
    expected = exp.data
    test = exp.evaluate(model)
    # Growth data sets need not use unique exchange reactions thus we use the
    # numeric index here to compute the confusion matrix.
    ann["data"][experiment] = confusion_matrix(
        set(test.loc[test["growth"], "exchange"].index),
        set(expected.loc[expected["growth"], "exchange"].index),
        set(test.loc[~test["growth"], "exchange"].index),
        set(expected.loc[~expected["growth"], "exchange"].index))
    ann["metric"][experiment] = ann["data"][experiment]["ACC"]
    ann["message"][experiment] = wrapper.fill(
        """Ideally, every model would show a perfect accuracy of 1. In
        experiment '{}' the model has  {:.2}.""".format(
            experiment, ann["data"][experiment]["MCC"]))
    assert ann["data"][experiment]["ACC"] > threshold
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_find_unique_metabolites(model):
    Expect there to be less metabolites when removing compartment tag.

    Metabolites may be transported into different compartments, which means
    that in a compartimentalized model the number of metabolites may be
    much higher than in a model with no compartments. This test counts only
    one occurrence of each metabolite and returns this as the number of unique
    metabolites. The test expects that the model is compartimentalized, and
    thus, that the number of unique metabolites is generally lower than the
    total number of metabolites.

    Reduce the list of metabolites to a unique set by removing the compartment
    tag. The cobrapy SBML parser adds compartment tags to each metabolite ID.

    ann = test_find_unique_metabolites.annotation
    ann["data"] = list(basic.find_unique_metabolites(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.metabolites)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """Not counting the same entities in other compartments, there is a
        total of {} ({:.2%}) unique metabolites in the model: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) < len(model.metabolites), ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_gene_product_annotation_wrong_ids(model, db):
    Expect all annotations of genes/gene-products to be in the correct format.

    To identify databases and the identifiers belonging to them, computational
    tools rely on the presence of specific patterns. Only when these patterns
    can be identified consistently is an ID truly machine-readable. This test
    checks if the database cross-references in reaction annotations conform
    to patterns defined according to the MIRIAM guidelines, i.e. matching
    those that are defined at https://identifiers.org/.

    The required formats, i.e., regex patterns are further outlined in
    `annotation.py`. This test does not carry out a web query for the composed
    URI, it merely controls that the regex patterns match the identifiers.

    For those genes whose annotation keys match any of the tested
    databases, check if the corresponding values match the identifier pattern
    of each database.

    ann = test_gene_product_annotation_wrong_ids.annotation
    ann["data"][db] = total = get_ids(
                model.genes, db)))
    ann["metric"][db] = 1.0
    ann["message"][db] = wrapper.fill(
        """There are no gene annotations for the {} database.
    assert len(total) > 0, ann["message"][db]
    ann["data"][db] = get_ids(
            model.genes, "genes", db))
    ann["metric"][db] = len(ann["data"][db]) / len(model.genes)
    ann["message"][db] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} gene annotations ({:.2%}) do not match the
        regular expression patterns defined on identifiers.org for the {}
        database: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"][db]), ann["metric"][db], db,
    assert len(ann["data"][db]) == 0, ann["message"][db]
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_matrix_rank(model):
    Show the rank of the stoichiometric matrix.

    The rank of the stoichiometric matrix is system specific. It is
    calculated using singular value decomposition (SVD).

    Compose the stoichiometric matrix, then estimate the rank, i.e. the
    dimension of the column space, of a matrix. The algorithm used by this
    function is based on the singular value decomposition of the matrix.

    ann = test_matrix_rank.annotation
    ann["data"] = matrix.matrix_rank(model)
    # Report the rank scaled by the number of reactions.
    ann["metric"] = ann["data"] / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """The rank of the S-Matrix is {}.""".format(ann["data"]))
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_find_transport_reactions(model):
    Expect >= 1 transport reactions are present in the model.

    Cellular metabolism in any organism usually involves the transport of
    metabolites across a lipid bi-layer. This test reports how many
    of these reactions, which transports metabolites from one compartment
    to another, are present in the model, as at least one transport reaction
    must be present for cells to take up nutrients and/or excrete waste.

    A transport reaction is defined as follows:
    1. It contains metabolites from at least 2 compartments and
    2. at least 1 metabolite undergoes no chemical reaction, i.e.,
    the formula and/or annotation stays the same on both sides of the equation.

    A notable exception is transport via PTS, which also contains the following
    3. The transported metabolite(s) are transported into a compartment through
    the exchange of a phosphate.

    An example of transport via PTS would be
    pep(c) + glucose(e) -> glucose-6-phosphate(c) + pyr(c)

    Reactions similar to transport via PTS (referred to as "modified transport
    reactions") follow a similar pattern:
    A(x) + B-R(y) -> A-R(y) + B(y)

    Such modified transport reactions can be detected, but only when the
    formula is defined for all metabolites in a particular reaction. If this
    is not the case, transport reactions are identified through annotations,
    which cannot detect modified transport reactions.

    ann = test_find_transport_reactions.annotation
    ann["data"] = get_ids(helpers.find_transport_reactions(model))
    ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(model.reactions)
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {:d} ({:.2%}) transport reactions are defined in the
        model, this excludes purely metabolic reactions, exchanges, or
        pseudo-reactions: {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])))
    assert len(ann["data"]) >= 1, ann["message"]
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_biomass_specific_sbo_presence(model):
    """Expect all biomass reactions to be annotated with SBO:0000629.

    SBO:0000629 represents the term 'biomass production'. The Systems Biology
    Ontology defines an exchange reaction as follows: 'Biomass production,
    often represented 'R_BIOMASS_', is usually the optimization target reaction
    of constraint-based models, and can consume multiple reactants to produce
    multiple products. It is also assumed that parts of the reactants are also
    consumed in unrepresented processes and hence products do not have to
    reflect all the atom composition of the reactants. Formulation of a
    biomass production process entails definition of the macromolecular
    content (eg. cellular protein fraction), metabolic constitution of
    each fraction (eg. amino acids), and subsequently the atomic composition
    (eg. nitrogen atoms). More complex biomass functions can additionally
    incorporate details of essential vitamins and cofactors required for
    Every reaction representing the biomass production should be annotated with

    Check if each biomass reaction has a non-zero "annotation"
    attribute that contains the key "sbo" with the associated
    value being one of the SBO terms above.

    ann = test_biomass_specific_sbo_presence.annotation
    biomass = helpers.find_biomass_reaction(model)
    ann["data"] = get_ids(sbo.check_component_for_specific_sbo_term(
        biomass, "SBO:0000629"))
        ann["metric"] = len(ann["data"]) / len(biomass)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        ann["metric"] = 1.0
        ann["message"] = "No biomass reactions found."
    ann["message"] = wrapper.fill(
        """A total of {} biomass reactions ({:.2%} of all biomass reactions)
        lack annotation with the SBO term "SBO:0000629" for
        'biomass production': {}""".format(
            len(ann["data"]), ann["metric"], truncate(ann["data"])
    assert len(ann["data"]) == 0, ann["message"]