def union(inputtiles, parsenames): tiles = sutils.tile_parser(inputtiles, parsenames) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = sutils.get_range(tiles) zoom = sutils.get_zoom(tiles) # make an array of shape (xrange + 3, yrange + 3) burn = sutils.burnXYZs(tiles, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0) nw = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmin, ymin, zoom)) se = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmax + 1, ymax + 1, zoom)) aff = Affine(((se[0] - nw[0]) / float(xmax - xmin + 1)), 0.0, nw[0], 0.0, -((nw[1] - se[1]) / float(ymax - ymin + 1)), nw[1]) unprojecter = sutils.Unprojecter() unionedTiles = [ { 'geometry': unprojecter.unproject(feature), 'properties': {}, 'type': 'Feature' } for feature, shapes in features.shapes(np.asarray(np.flipud(np.rot90(burn)).astype(np.uint8), order='C'), transform=aff) if shapes == 1 ] return unionedTiles
def get_tile(tx, ty, zoom): print tx, ty, zoom bounds = mercantile.bounds(tx, ty, zoom) print bounds lat1 = int(bounds.north) lat2 = int(bounds.south) lon1 = int(bounds.west) lon2 = int(bounds.east) tile = np.zeros((256, 256)) tile_base = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tx, ty, zoom)) print tile_base for lat in range(lat2, lat1 + 1): for lon in range(lon1, lon2 + 1): key = "meshmap:block:%d:%d" % (lat, lon) block = np.frombuffer(redis.get(key), dtype=np.uint8) block = block.reshape((120, 80)) blat1 = min(lat + 1, bounds.north) blat2 = max(lat, bounds.south) blon1 = max(lon, bounds.west) blon2 = min(lon + 1, bounds.east) print blat1, blat2, blon1, blon2 p1 = mercantile.xy(blon1, blat1) p2 = mercantile.xy(blon2, blat2) print p1, p2 print p1[0] - tile_base[0], p1[1] - tile_base[1]
def make_transform(tilerange, zoom): ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tilerange['x']['min'], tilerange['y']['min'], zoom)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tilerange['x']['max'], tilerange['y']['max'], zoom)) xcell = (lrx - ulx) / float(tilerange['x']['max'] - tilerange['x']['min']) ycell = (uly - lry) / float(tilerange['y']['max'] - tilerange['y']['min']) return Affine(xcell, 0, ulx, 0, -ycell, uly)
def project_geom(geom): coordinates = [] # zhangqi 新增代码 替换 # return { # 'type': geom['type'], # 'coordinates': [ # [mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in part] # for part in geom['coordinates'] # ] # } if geom['type'] == 'MultiPolygon': coordinates = [] for part in geom['coordinates']: tmp = [] for p in part: tmp.append([mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in p]) coordinates.append(tmp) return {'type': geom['type'], 'coordinates': coordinates} else: return { 'type': geom['type'], 'coordinates': [[mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in part] for part in geom['coordinates']] }
def make_src_meta(bounds, size, creation_opts={}): """ Create metadata for output tiles """ ul = merc.xy(bounds.west, bounds.north) lr = merc.xy(bounds.east, bounds.south) aff = make_affine(size, size, ul, lr) ## default values src_meta = { 'driver': 'GTiff', 'height': size, 'width': size, 'count': 4, 'dtype': np.uint8, 'affine': aff, "crs": 'EPSG:3857', 'compress': 'JPEG', 'tiled': True, 'blockxsize': 256, 'blockysize': 256 } for c in creation_opts.keys(): src_meta[c] = creation_opts[c] return src_meta
async def serve(cls, request): # TODO: develop and test some 'request' plugin hooks endpoint = request.path.split('.')[-1] path_args = request.match_info request_hook_response = Configs.plugins.hook('request', endpoint=endpoint, request=request, **path_args) # if a request_hook_response is received, return and skip the regular processing: if request_hook_response: return request_hook_response # fetch query parameters from request info x = int(request.match_info['x']) y = int(request.match_info['y']) zoom = int(request.match_info['z']) layers = request.match_info['layers'] try: recipe_name = request.match_info['recipe'] except KeyError: recipe_name = 'default_recipe' # check that recipe exists if recipe_name not in logger.error('Recipe {0} not found in recipes'.format(recipe_name)) return aiohttp.errors.HttpBadRequest('Recipe {0} not found in recipes'.format(recipe_name)) # fetch recipe recipe =[recipe_name] # extrapolate the layers if layers == 'all': layers = list(recipe.layers.keys()) else: layers = layers.split('+') # compute bounds and extents bounds = mercantile.bounds(x, y, zoom) west, south = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south) east, north = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north) # process the layers layer_data = [] for layer_name in layers: if layer_name not in recipe.layers.keys(): logger.error('Layer {0} not found in recipe {1}'.format(layer_name, recipe_name)) return aiohttp.errors.HttpBadRequest('Layer {0} not found in layer config file'.format(layer_name)) else: layer = recipe.layers[layer_name] layer_data.append(await cls.query_layer(layer, zoom, west, south, east, north)) content_type, body = cls.post_process(layer_data) response = Response(content_type=content_type, body=body, headers=generic_headers) # TODO: develop and test some 'request' plugin hooks response_hook_response = Configs.plugins.hook('request', response=response, request=request) # if a response_hook_response is received, it overrides the regular response: if response_hook_response: return response_hook_response else: return response
def _write((tile, data)): if not contains_data((tile, data)): return print("Writing", tile) # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) # TODO constantize tmp_path = "/vsimem/tile" # create GeoTIFF meta = creation_options.copy() meta["count"] = 1 meta["nodata"] = data.fill_value meta["dtype"] = data.dtype meta["width"] = CHUNK_SIZE meta["height"] = CHUNK_SIZE meta["transform"] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE) with rasterio.drivers(): with, "w", **meta) as tmp: tmp.write(data, 1) # write out output_uri = urlparse(out_dir) contents = bytearray(virtual_file_to_buffer(tmp_path)) if output_uri.scheme == "s3": # TODO use mapPartitions so that the client only needs to be # instantiated once per partition client = boto3.client("s3") bucket = output_uri.netloc # TODO strip out trailing slashes on the path if necessary key = "%s/%d/%d/%d.tif" % (output_uri.path[1:], tile.z, tile.x, tile.y) response = client.put_object( ACL="public-read", Body=bytes(contents), Bucket=bucket, # CacheControl="TODO", ContentType="image/tiff", Key=key ) else: output_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "%d/%d/%d.tif" % (tile.z, tile.x, tile.y)) mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(output_path)) f = open(output_path, "w") f.write(contents) f.close()
def test_xy(): ul = mercantile.ul(486, 332, 10) xy = mercantile.xy(*ul) expected = (-1017529.7205322663, 7044436.526761846) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a - b, 7) == 0 xy = mercantile.xy(0.0, 0.0) expected = (0.0, 0.0) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a - b, 7) == 0
def make_transform(tilerange, zoom): ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tilerange["x"]["min"], tilerange["y"]["min"], zoom) ) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tilerange["x"]["max"], tilerange["y"]["max"], zoom) ) xcell = (lrx - ulx) / float(tilerange["x"]["max"] - tilerange["x"]["min"]) ycell = (uly - lry) / float(tilerange["y"]["max"] - tilerange["y"]["min"]) return Affine(xcell, 0, ulx, 0, -ycell, uly)
def test_xy(): ul = mercantile.ul(486, 332, 10) xy = mercantile.xy(*ul) expected = (-1017529.7205322663, 7044436.526761846) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a-b, 7) == 0 xy = mercantile.xy(0.0, 0.0) expected = (0.0, 0.0) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a-b, 7) == 0
def test__sm2ll(): w, s, e, n = (-106.6495132446289, 25.845197677612305, -93.50721740722656, 36.49387741088867) minX, minY = ctx.tile._sm2ll(w, s) maxX, maxY = ctx.tile._sm2ll(e, n) nw, ns = mt.xy(minX, minY) ne, nn = mt.xy(maxX, maxY) assert round(nw - w, TOL) == 0 assert round(ns - s, TOL) == 0 assert round(ne - e, TOL) == 0 assert round(nn - n, TOL) == 0
def __init__(self, center, bbox, zoom, basemap, opacity, size=None): self._configure_event_loop() point = center['geometry']['coordinates'] if size is None: size = IMAGE_SIZE self.num_tiles = [ math.ceil(size[x] / TILE_SIZE[x]) + 1 for x in (0, 1) ] center_tile = mercantile.tile(point[0], point[1], zoom) mercator = Proj(init='epsg:3857') wgs84 = Proj(init='epsg:4326') center_tile_bbox = BBox(mercantile.bounds(*center_tile), projection=wgs84).project(mercator, edge_points=0) center_to_image = world_to_image(center_tile_bbox, TILE_SIZE) center_to_world = image_to_world(center_tile_bbox, TILE_SIZE) center_point_px = center_to_image(*mercantile.xy(*point)) self.ul_tile = mercantile.tile(*transform( mercator, wgs84, *center_to_world(center_point_px[0] - math.ceil(IMAGE_SIZE[0] / 2), center_point_px[1] - math.ceil(IMAGE_SIZE[1] / 2)), zoom)) lr_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=min(2**zoom, self.ul_tile.x + self.num_tiles[0]), y=min(2**zoom, self.ul_tile.y + self.num_tiles[1]), z=zoom) ul = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(*self.ul_tile)) lr = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(*lr_tile)) self.image_bbox = BBox((ul[0], lr[1], lr[0], ul[1])) self.image_size = (TILE_SIZE[0] * self.num_tiles[0], TILE_SIZE[1] * self.num_tiles[1]) self.to_image = world_to_image(self.image_bbox, self.image_size) self.to_world = image_to_world(self.image_bbox, self.image_size) self.point_px = [ round(x) for x in self.to_image(*mercantile.xy(*point)) ] self.target_size = size self.point = point self.zoom = zoom self.basemap = basemap self._basemap_image = None self.opacity = opacity
def vecttile_mask(tile, save_mask=True): bounds = mercantile.bounds(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z) ll = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south) ur = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north) extent = mapnik.Box2d(*(ll + ur)) m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) m.srs = "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over" s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() road_width = 75 # meters pixel_size = mercantile.pixel_size(tile.z, bounds.north) pixels = int(road_width/pixel_size) + 1 line_symbolizer = mapnik.LineSymbolizer(mapnik.Color('black'), pixels) r.symbols.append(line_symbolizer) s.rules.append(r) m.append_style('RoadStyle', s) layer = mapnik.Layer('Roads from PostGIS') layer.srs = "+init=epsg:3857" ROADS = """ (SELECT way FROM planet_osm_line WHERE roadbiking = TRUE) linestring """ layer.datasource = mapnik.PostGIS(host='localhost', user='******', password='******', dbname='osm_uswest', table=ROADS, geometry_field='way') layer.styles.append('RoadStyle') m.layers.append(layer) m.zoom_to_box(extent) img = mapnik.Image(m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, img) imgpath = tile_path(os.path.join(tiledir, 'mask'), tile, 'png') prep_dirs(imgpath) if save_mask: imgdata = np.frombuffer(img.tostring(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape((256, 256, 4)) # use alpha channel to get 0->1 scale for mask alpha = imgdata[:,:,3] / 255.0 # invert for easy multiplication w/ strava alpha channel # 1 = no road, keep strava heatmap values) # 0 = road, make strava heatmap transparent mask = 1 - alpha return mask
def create_vectortile_sql(layer, bounds): # Create extent west, south = xy(bounds.west, bounds.south) east, north = xy(bounds.east, bounds.north) extent = "ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint({west}, {south}), ST_MakePoint({east}, {north}))".format(west=west, south=south, east=east, north=north) # e.g. aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1 geom_table_name = "{schema_name}.{geometry_name}".format(geometry_name=layer["geometry"], schema_name=layer["schema"]) # e.g. aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857 geom_column_definition = "{}.geom_3857".format(geom_table_name) # Replace the compiled geometry column definition with the zoom-level dependent version # e.g. Replace "ST_AsEWKB(aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857)" with "ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Simplify(aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857, TOLERANCE), EXTENT_OF_TILE)" # Zoom 15 is our highest resolution (configured in OpenLayers), so we need to grab # unsimplified geometries to allow us to re-use them as the user zooms in. if z == 15: data_query = layer["_postgis_query"].replace( "ST_AsEWKB({})".format(geom_column_definition), "ST_AsMVTGeom({geom_column_definition}, {extent})".format(geom_column_definition=geom_column_definition, extent=extent) ) else: # Bodge bodge # Fudge the simplification tolerance so that collections of small and dense geometries (e.g. SA1s in capital cities) # don't get dropped too soon data_query = layer["_postgis_query"].replace( "ST_AsEWKB({})".format(geom_column_definition), "ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Simplify({geom_column_definition}, {simplify_tolerance}), {extent})".format(geom_column_definition=geom_column_definition, simplify_tolerance=z_res(z + 2), extent=extent) ) # Drop any geometries that are too small for the user to see in this tile (smaller than about a pixel) area_filter = "{geom_table_name}.sqrt_area_geom_3857 >= {area_threshold} AND".format(geom_table_name=geom_table_name, area_threshold=z_res(z + 1.5)) # FIXME Build this whole query in SQLAlchemy instead # We need to begin a WHERE clause if there's no filter on the layer if " WHERE " not in layer["_postgis_query"]: where_cause = "WHERE" else: where_cause = "AND" return """ SELECT ST_AsMVT(tile) FROM ({data_query} {where_cause} {area_filter} {geom_column_definition} && {extent} ) as tile""".format(data_query=data_query, where_cause=where_cause, area_filter=area_filter, geom_column_definition=geom_column_definition, extent=extent)
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile Parameters ---------- tile : mercantile.Tile Returns: tile : mercantile.Tile The input tile. bytes : bytearray Image bytes corresponding to the tile. """ global base_kwds, resampling, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds['transform'] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, 256, 256) src_nodata = kwds.pop('src_nodata', None) dst_nodata = kwds.pop('dst_nodata', None) with'/vsimem/tileimg', 'w', **kwds) as tmp: reproject(, src.indexes),, tmp.indexes), src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, num_threads=1, resampling=resampling) data = bytearray(virtual_file_to_buffer('/vsimem/tileimg')) # Workaround for if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[2] < 10: # Check for backported bug fix before re-ordering if kwds['driver'] == 'PNG' and data[0:8] == png_header: # Properly constructed PNG, no need to re-order bytes pass elif kwds['driver'] == 'JPEG' and data[0:4] == jpeg_header: # Properly constructed JPEG, no need to re-order bytes pass else: data[:] = data[-1:] + data[:-1] return tile, data
def test_xy_tile(): """x, y for the 486-332-10 tile is correctly calculated""" ul = mercantile.ul(486, 332, 10) xy = mercantile.xy(*ul) expected = (-1017529.7205322663, 7044436.526761846) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a - b, 7) == 0
def project_geom(geom): return { 'type': geom['type'], 'coordinates': [[mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in part] for part in geom['coordinates']] }
def draw_geometry(self, im, geometry, color, width): canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(im) canvas.line([ tuple(round(x) for x in self.to_image(*mercantile.xy(*p))) for p in geometry ], fill=color, width=width)
def project_geom(geom): return { 'type': geom['type'], 'coordinates': [ [mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in part] for part in geom['coordinates'] ] }
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile.""" global base_kwds, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds['transform'] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, 256, 256) with'/vsimem/tileimg', 'w', **kwds) as tmp: # Reproject the src dataset into image tile. for bidx in tmp.indexes: reproject(, bidx),, bidx)) # Get contents of the virtual file and repair it. contents = bytearray(virtual_file_to_buffer('/vsimem/tileimg')) return tile, contents[-1:] + contents[:-1]
def serve(self): bounds = mercantile.bounds(self.x, self.y, self.zoom) self.west, self.south = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south) self.east, self.north = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north) self.layers = [] if self.namespace not in RECIPES: msg = 'Recipe "{}" not found. Available recipes are: {}' abort(400, msg.format(self.namespace, list(RECIPES.keys()))) self.recipe = RECIPES[self.namespace] names = self.recipe.layers.keys() if self.ALL else self.names for name in names: if name not in self.recipe.layers: abort(400, u'Layer "{}" not found in recipe {}'.format( name, self.namespace)) self.process_layer(self.recipe.layers[name]) self.post_process() return self.content, 200, {"Content-Type": self.CONTENT_TYPE}
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile.""" global base_kwds, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds["transform"] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, 256, 256) with"/vsimem/tileimg", "w", **kwds) as tmp: # Reproject the src dataset into image tile. for bidx in tmp.indexes: reproject(, bidx),, bidx)) # Get contents of the virtual file. contents = bytearray(virtual_file_to_buffer("/vsimem/tileimg")) return tile, contents
def process_chunk(tile, input, creation_options, resampling): """Process a single tile.""" from rasterio.warp import RESAMPLING input = input.replace("s3://", "/vsicurl/") print("Chunking initial image for", tile) # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) tmp_path = "/vsimem/tile" with rasterio.drivers(): with, "r") as src: meta = src.meta.copy() meta.update(creation_options) meta["height"] = CHUNK_SIZE meta["width"] = CHUNK_SIZE meta["transform"] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE) # write to a tmp file to allow GDAL to handle the transform with, "w", **meta) as tmp: # Reproject the src dataset into image tile. for bidx in src.indexes: reproject(, bidx),, bidx), resampling=getattr(RESAMPLING, resampling), num_threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) # check for chunks containing only NODATA data = if data.mask.all(): return # TODO hard-coded for the first band return (tile, data[0])
def _tile_worker(tile): """ For each tile, and given an open rasterio src, plus a`global_args` dictionary with attributes of `base_val`, `interval`, and a `writer_func`, warp a continous single band raster to a 512 x 512 mercator tile, then encode this tile into RGB. Parameters ----------- tile: list [x, y, z] indices of tile Returns -------- tile, buffer tuple with the input tile, and a bytearray with the data encoded into the format created in the `writer_func` """ x, y, z = tile bounds = [ c for i in ( mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x, y + 1, z)), mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x + 1, y, z)), ) for c in i ] toaffine = transform.from_bounds(*bounds + [512, 512]) out = np.empty((512, 512), dtype=src.meta["dtype"]) reproject(, 1), out, dst_transform=toaffine, dst_crs="epsg:3857", resampling=Resampling.bilinear, ) out = data_to_rgb(out, global_args["base_val"], global_args["interval"]) return tile, global_args["writer_func"](out, global_args["kwargs"].copy(), toaffine)
def run(self): try: self.signals.logged.emit("Обработка {}".format(self.road.Name), LogModel.INFO) points = self.road.get_main_axe_coordinates(self.session) west = min(p['lng'] for p in points) east = max(p['lng'] for p in points) south = min(p['lat'] for p in points) north = max(p['lat'] for p in points) img = geo2image.GeoImage(west, south, east, north, self.zoom, pool_workers=4) img.update() with img.cairo_surface() as surface: context = cairo.Context(surface) with img.cairo_matrix_override(context): context.set_source_rgb(1, 0.2, 0.2) x, y = mercantile.xy(points[0]['lng'], points[0]['lat']) context.arc(x, y, 11 / img.kx, 0, math.pi * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgb(1, 0.2, 0.2) x, y = mercantile.xy(points[-1]['lng'], points[-1]['lat']) context.arc(x, y, 11 / img.kx, 0, math.pi * 2) context.fill() context.set_source_rgba(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4) context.set_line_width(10 / img.kx) for p in points: x, y = mercantile.xy(p['lng'], p['lat']) context.line_to(x, y) context.stroke() surface.write_to_png(self.save_path) self.signals.finished.emit(self) except Exception as ex: self.signals.logged.emit( "{}:{}".format(self.road.Name, traceback.format_exc()), LogModel.ERROR) finally: self.session.close()
def get_opts(self, count): """Return rasterio dataset creation options for the bounding tile.""" w, s, e, n = list(mercantile.bounds(*self.bounding_tile)) w, s = mercantile.xy(w, s) e, n = mercantile.xy(e, n) xcell = ((e - w) / self.tileshape) ycell = ((n - s) / self.tileshape) return { 'dtype': np.float32, 'driver': 'GTiff', 'height': self.tileshape, 'width': self.tileshape, 'count': count, 'compress': 'lzw', 'transform': affine.Affine(xcell, 0, w, 0, -ycell, n), 'crs': 'epsg:3857'}
def parse_coordinate(self, size_im, coordinate): scale = 6324 h, w = size_im[:2] y, x = coordinate # 131.9022528224, 43.0294958224 x, y = mercantile.xy(x, y) # рассчитываем координаты углов в веб-меркаторе left_top = mercantile.xy(self.bounds['west'], self.bounds['north']) right_bottom = mercantile.xy(self.bounds['east'], self.bounds['south']) # расчитываем коэффициенты kx = w / (right_bottom[0] - left_top[0]) ky = h / (right_bottom[1] - left_top[1]) x = (x - left_top[0]) * kx #* 1.198 y = (y - left_top[1]) * ky #* 0.915 return int(abs(x)), int(abs(y))
def test_make_tiles_tile_bounds(x, y): ''' Test if children tiles from z10 are created correctly ''' test_bounds = mercantile.bounds(x, y, 10) test_bbox = list(mercantile.xy(test_bounds.west, test_bounds.south)) + list(mercantile.xy(test_bounds.east, test_bounds.north)) test_crs = 'epsg:3857' test_minz = 10 test_maxz = 13 created_tiles_gen = _make_tiles(test_bbox, test_crs, test_minz, test_maxz) assert isinstance(created_tiles_gen, types.GeneratorType) created_tiles = list(created_tiles_gen) assert len(created_tiles) == 85
def downsample((tile, data)): if data is None: return print("Downsampling", tile) # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) # TODO constantize tmp_path = "/vsimem/tile" # create GeoTIFF meta = { "driver": "GTiff", "crs": "EPSG:3857", "nodata": data.fill_value, "count": 1, "dtype": data.dtype, "width": CHUNK_SIZE, "height": CHUNK_SIZE, "transform": from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE), } with rasterio.drivers(): with, "w", **meta) as tmp: # use GDAL to resample by writing an ndarray and immediately reading # it out into a smaller array tmp.write(data, 1) resampled = indexes=1, masked=True, out=ma.array(np.empty((CHUNK_SIZE / 2, CHUNK_SIZE / 2), data.dtype)), ) if resampled.mask.all(): return corner = CORNERS[(tile.x % 2, tile.y % 2)] return (mercantile.parent(tile), (corner, resampled))
def map(self, coords): # TODO: test this m = np.empty(coords.shape) x, y = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1] long, lat = offset_coord(self.longitude, self.latitude, x, y) x, y = mercantile.xy(long, lat) m[:, 0] = x m[:, 1] = y m[:, 2:] = coords[:, 2:] return m
def project_geom(geom): if geom["type"] == "Polygon": return { "type": geom["type"], "coordinates": [ [mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in part] for part in geom["coordinates"] ], } elif geom["type"] == "LineString": return { "type": geom["type"], "coordinates": [mercantile.xy(*coords) for coords in geom["coordinates"]], } elif geom["type"] == "Point": return { "type": geom["type"], "coordinates": mercantile.xy(*geom["coordinates"]), }
def tile_bbox(tile, mercator=False): if isinstance(tile, mercantile.Tile): if mercator: return mercantile.xy_bounds(tile) # EPSG:3857 else: return mercantile.bounds(tile) # EPSG:4326 else: with open(rasterio_open(tile)) as r: if mercator: w, s, e, n = r.bounds w, s = mercantile.xy(w, s) e, n = mercantile.xy(e, n) return w, s, e, n # EPSG:3857 else: return r.bounds # EPSG:4326 assert False, "Unable to open tile"
def __init__(self, extent, map_dir, map_zoom=(MIN_ZOOM, MAX_ZOOM)): self._map_dir = map_dir self._min_zoom = map_zoom[0] self._max_zoom = map_zoom[1] # We need a manager to share the list of database names between processes self._manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self._database_names = self._manager.list() # Get whole tiles that span the image's extent self._tiles = list(mercantile.tiles(*extent, self._max_zoom)) tile_0 = self._tiles[0] tile_N = self._tiles[-1] self._tile_start_coords = (tile_0.x, tile_0.y) self._tile_end_coords = (tile_N.x, tile_N.y) # Tiled area in world coordinates (metres) bounds_0 = mercantile.xy_bounds(tile_0) bounds_N = mercantile.xy_bounds(tile_N) tile_world = Rect(bounds_0.left,, bounds_N.right, bounds_N.bottom) # Tiled area in tile pixel coordinates tile_extent = Rect(0, 0, TILE_SIZE[0] * (tile_N.x - tile_0.x + 1), TILE_SIZE[1] * (tile_N.y - tile_0.y + 1)) # Affine transform from world to tile pixel coordinates sx = tile_extent.width / tile_world.width sy = tile_extent.height / tile_world.height world_to_tile = Affine((sx, -sy), (tile_world.x0, tile_world.y0), (0, 0)) # Extent in world coordinates (metres) sw = mercantile.xy(*extent[:2]) ne = mercantile.xy(*extent[2:]) # Converted to tile pixel coordinates self._image_rect = Rect(world_to_tile.transform(sw[0], ne[1]), world_to_tile.transform(ne[0], sw[1])) self._processes = []
def merc2xy(x, y, z, sgeom): """ Apply some affine transformations to input shapely geometry for coordinates transformation from Mercatore to local tile pixels. sgeom @shapely.geom : Input polygon Returns a brand new shapely polygon in the new coordinates. """ MVT_EXTENT = 4096 X_min, Y_max = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x, y, z)) X_max, Y_min = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x + 1, y - 1, z)) geom_3857 = transform(transformer.transform, sgeom) tx, ty = -X_min, -2 * Y_max + Y_min geom_XY = translate(geom_3857, tx, ty) x_scale_factor = MVT_EXTENT / (X_max - X_min) y_scale_factor = -MVT_EXTENT / (Y_max - Y_min) geom_xy = scale(geom_XY, x_scale_factor, y_scale_factor, origin=(0, 0, 0)) return geom_xy
def read_val_at_pixel(self, grid, lat, lon, zoom): """Interpolate the row/column of a webtile from a lat/lon/zoom and extract the corresponding value from `grid`.""" tile = mercantile.tile(lon, lat, zoom) size = len(grid) box = mercantile.xy_bounds(tile) x, y = mercantile.xy(lon, lat) width = box.right - box.left height = - box.bottom i = int(round(size * ( - y) / height)) j = int(round(size * (x - box.left) / width)) return grid[i][j]
def union(inputtiles, parsenames): tiles = sutils.tile_parser(inputtiles, parsenames) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = sutils.get_range(tiles) zoom = sutils.get_zoom(tiles) # make an array of shape (xrange + 3, yrange + 3) burn = sutils.burnXYZs(tiles, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0) nw = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmin, ymin, zoom)) se = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmax + 1, ymax + 1, zoom)) aff = Affine( ((se[0] - nw[0]) / float(xmax - xmin + 1)), 0.0, nw[0], 0.0, -((nw[1] - se[1]) / float(ymax - ymin + 1)), nw[1], ) unprojecter = sutils.Unprojecter() unionedTiles = [ { "geometry": unprojecter.unproject(feature), "properties": {}, "type": "Feature", } for feature, shapes in features.shapes( np.asarray(np.flipud(np.rot90(burn)).astype(np.uint8), order="C"), transform=aff, ) if shapes == 1 ] return unionedTiles
def tile_view(request, zoom, x, y): """ Returns an MVT tiles given zoom, x and y in TMS format References: """ bounds = mercantile.bounds(int(x), int(y), int(zoom)) west, south = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south) east, north = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north) pixel = pixel_length(zoom) buffer = 4 * pixel bbox = Polygon.from_bbox( (west - buffer, south - buffer, east + buffer, north + buffer)) departements = Departement.objects.filter(geom__intersects=bbox) departements = departements.annotate(clipped=Intersection('geom', bbox)) tile = { "name": "departements", "features": [{ "geometry": departement.clipped.simplify(pixel, preserve_topology=True).wkt, "properties": { "numero": departement.code_dept, "nom": departement.nom_dept, }, } for departement in departements], } vector_tile = mapbox_vector_tile.encode(tile, quantize_bounds=(west, south, east, north)) return HttpResponse(vector_tile, content_type="application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile")
def get_basemap_image(self, basemap, bounds, size, zoom): tiles = list(mercantile.tiles(*bounds, zoom, truncate=True)) bounds_merc = [*mercantile.xy(*bounds[:2]), *mercantile.xy(*bounds[2:])] image ='RGBA', size) to_image = world_to_image(BBox(bounds_merc, projection=WEB_MERCATOR), size) async def fetch_tile(client, url, tile): tile_bounds = mercantile.xy_bounds(tile) if url.startswith('//'): url = 'http:' + url async with client.get(url.format(x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z, s='server')) as r: tile_im = image.paste(tile_im, [int(round(x)) for x in to_image(*tile_bounds[0:4:3])]) # [0:4:3] = [xmin, ymax] (upper-left) async def fetch_tiles(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client: futures = [ensure_future(fetch_tile(client, basemap, tile)) for tile in tiles] await asyncio.wait(futures, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(fetch_tiles()) return image
def _update_geoctx(self, change): if is None: with self.hold_trait_notifications(): self.set_trait("xy_3857", ()) self.set_trait("geoctx", None) return lat, lon = self.location tx, ty, tz = mercantile.tile(lon, lat, int( ctx = GeoContext.from_xyz_tile(tx, ty, tz) with self.hold_trait_notifications(): self.set_trait("xy_3857", mercantile.xy(lon, lat)) self.set_trait("geoctx", ctx)
def _tile_worker(tile): """ For each tile, and given an open rasterio src, plus a`global_args` dictionary with attributes of `base_val`, `interval`, and a `writer_func`, warp a continous single band raster to a 512 x 512 mercator tile, then encode this tile into RGB. Parameters ----------- tile: list [x, y, z] indices of tile Returns -------- tile, buffer tuple with the input tile, and a bytearray with the data encoded into the format created in the `writer_func` """ x, y, z = tile bounds = [c for i in (mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x, y + 1, z)), mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(x + 1, y, z))) for c in i] toaffine = transform.from_bounds(*bounds + [512, 512]) out = np.empty((512, 512), dtype=src.meta['dtype']) reproject(, 1), out, dst_transform=toaffine, dst_crs="epsg:3857", resampling=RESAMPLING.bilinear) out = data_to_rgb(out, global_args['base_val'], global_args['interval']) return tile, global_args['writer_func'](out, global_args['kwargs'].copy(), toaffine)
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile Parameters ---------- tile : mercantile.Tile Returns: tile : mercantile.Tile The input tile. bytes : bytearray Image bytes corresponding to the tile. """ global base_kwds, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds['transform'] = from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, 256, 256) src_nodata = kwds.pop('src_nodata', None) dst_nodata = kwds.pop('dst_nodata', None) with'/vsimem/tileimg', 'w', **kwds) as tmp: reproject(, src.indexes),, tmp.indexes), src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, num_threads=1) data = bytearray(virtual_file_to_buffer('/vsimem/tileimg')) # Workaround for if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[2] < 10: data[:] = data[-1:] + data[:-1] return tile, data
def test_xy_south_pole(): """Return -inf for y at South Pole""" assert mercantile.xy(0.0, -90) == (0.0, float('-inf'))
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile Parameters ---------- tile : mercantile.Tile Returns ------- tile : mercantile.Tile The input tile. bytes : bytearray Image bytes corresponding to the tile. """ global base_kwds, resampling, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds['transform'] = transform_from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, kwds['width'], kwds['height']) src_nodata = kwds.pop('src_nodata', None) dst_nodata = kwds.pop('dst_nodata', None) warnings.simplefilter('ignore') with MemoryFile() as memfile: with**kwds) as tmp: # determine window of source raster corresponding to the tile # image, with small buffer at edges try: west, south, east, north = transform_bounds(TILES_CRS,, ulx, lry, lrx, uly) tile_window = window_from_bounds(west, south, east, north, transform=src.transform) adjusted_tile_window = Window( tile_window.col_off - 1, tile_window.row_off - 1, tile_window.width + 2, tile_window.height + 2) tile_window = adjusted_tile_window.round_offsets().round_shape() # if no data in window, skip processing the tile if not src.read_masks(1, window=tile_window).any(): return tile, None except ValueError:"Tile %r will not be skipped, even if empty. This is harmless.", tile) reproject(, tmp.indexes),, tmp.indexes), src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, num_threads=1, resampling=resampling) return tile,
def test_xy_null_island(): """x, y for (0, 0) is correctly calculated""" xy = mercantile.xy(0.0, 0.0) expected = (0.0, 0.0) for a, b in zip(expected, xy): assert round(a - b, 7) == 0
meta.update( driver='GTiff', dtype=rasterio.uint8, compress="deflate", predictor=1, nodata=None, tiled=True, sparse_ok=True, blockxsize=DST_BLOCK_SIZE, blockysize=DST_BLOCK_SIZE, height=DST_TILE_HEIGHT, width=DST_TILE_WIDTH, ) # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) meta["affine"] = src.window_transform(window) ls = LightSource() hs = ls.hillshade(data, dx=dx, dy=dy, ) hs = (255.0 * hs).astype(np.uint8) with"windowed.tif", "w", **meta) as dst: # ignore the border pixels when writing dst.write(hs[BUFFER:-BUFFER, BUFFER:-BUFFER], 1)
def test_xy_north_pole(): """Return inf for y at North Pole""" assert mercantile.xy(0.0, 90) == (0.0, float('inf'))
def test_xy_truncate(): """Input is truncated""" assert mercantile.xy(-181.0, 0.0, truncate=True) == mercantile.xy(-180.0, 0.0)
def shapes( ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projected, seq, output_mode, collect, extents, buffer): """Reads one or more Web Mercator tile descriptions from stdin and writes either a GeoJSON feature collection (the default) or a JSON sequence of GeoJSON features/collections to stdout. tile descriptions may be either an [x, y, z] array or a JSON object of the form {"tile": [x, y, z], "properties": {"name": "foo", ...}} In the latter case, the properties object will be used to update the properties object of the output feature. """ verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('mercantile') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') try: src = click.open_file(input).__iter__() except IOError: src = [input] try: features = [] col_xs = [] col_ys = [] for i, line in enumerate(src): line = line.strip() obj = json.loads(line) if isinstance(obj, dict): x, y, z = obj['tile'][:3] props = obj.get('properties') fid = obj.get('id') elif isinstance(obj, list): x, y, z = obj[:3] props = {} fid = None else: raise ValueError("Invalid input: %r", obj) west, south, east, north = mercantile.bounds(x, y, z) if projected == 'mercator': west, south = mercantile.xy(west, south, truncate=False) east, north = mercantile.xy(east, north, truncate=False) if buffer: west -= buffer south -= buffer east += buffer north += buffer if precision and precision >= 0: west, south, east, north = ( round(v, precision) for v in (west, south, east, north)) bbox = [ min(west, east), min(south, north), max(west, east), max(south, north)] col_xs.extend([west, east]) col_ys.extend([south, north]) geom = { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[ [west, south], [west, north], [east, north], [east, south], [west, south]]]} xyz = str((x, y, z)) feature = { 'type': 'Feature', 'bbox': bbox, 'id': xyz, 'geometry': geom, 'properties': {'title': 'XYZ tile %s' % xyz}} if props: feature['properties'].update(props) if fid: feature['id'] = fid if collect: features.append(feature) elif extents: click.echo(" ".join(map(str, bbox))) else: if seq: click.echo(u'\x1e') if output_mode == 'bbox': click.echo(json.dumps(bbox, **dump_kwds)) elif output_mode == 'feature': click.echo(json.dumps(feature, **dump_kwds)) if collect and features: bbox = [min(col_xs), min(col_ys), max(col_xs), max(col_ys)] click.echo(json.dumps({ 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'bbox': bbox, 'features': features}, **dump_kwds)) sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def test_lnglat_xy_roundtrip(): lnglat = (-105.0844, 40.5853) roundtrip = mercantile.lnglat(*mercantile.xy(*lnglat)) for a, b in zip(roundtrip, lnglat): assert round(a - b, 4) == 0