Exemplo n.º 1
def build_patch(commits, merged_heads, msg, trees, leader=False):
    patch = {}

    sub = message.decode_subject(msg)
    stripped_subject = sub['subject']

    if sub.has_key('pull-request') and sub['pull-request']:
        parts = msg.get_message_parts()
        patch['pull-request'] = {}

        extract_repo = False
        for line in parts[0].get_payload().split('\n'):
            stripped_line = line.strip()

            if stripped_line == 'are available in the git repository at:':
                extract_repo = True
            elif extract_repo and stripped_line:
                extract_repo = False

                    uri, refspec = stripped_line.split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    continue # not a pull refspec

                patch['pull-request']['uri'] = uri
                patch['pull-request']['refspec'] = refspec
            elif line.startswith('for you to fetch changes up to '):
                patch['pull-request']['head'] = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[1][:-1]
            elif line.startswith('---'):

        if 'head' in patch['pull-request'] and 'uri' in patch['pull-request']:
            if patch['pull-request']['head'] in merged_heads:
                patch['pull-request']['commit'] = merged_heads[patch['pull-request']['head']]

    if sub['n'] == 0:
        # Patch 0/M is the cover letter
        patch['cover'] = True
    if leader and is_leader_obsolete(stripped_subject, sub['version'], msg.get_date()):
        # If this is older than a version we've seen, the whole series is
        # obsolete.  We only look at the thread leader which is either the
        # cover letter or the very first patch.
        patch['obsolete'] = True
    elif commits.has_key(stripped_subject):
        # If there are multiple commits that have this subject, just pick
        # the first one.
        c = commits[stripped_subject]
        if type(c) == list:
            c = c[0]

        patch['commit'] = c['hexsha']
        patch['tree'] = c['branch']
        patch['url'] = trees[c['branch']] % patch['commit']
        patch['committer'] = c['committer']

    patch['tags'], patch['to'], patch['cc'] = message.find_extra_tags(msg, leader)
    patch['subject'] = message.get_subject(msg)
    patch['message-id'] = msg.get_message_id()
    if sub['rfc']:
        patch['rfc'] = sub['rfc']
    if sub.has_key('for-release'):
        patch['for-release'] = sub['for-release']
    if sub.has_key('tags'):
        patch['subject-tags'] = sub['tags']

    patch['from'] = message.parse_email_address(message.get_header(msg, 'From'))

    d = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(msg.get_date())
    patch['date'] = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    patch['full_date'] = msg.get_date()

    return patch
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_patch(commits, merged_heads, msg, trees, leader=False):
    patch = {}

    sub = message.decode_subject(msg)
    stripped_subject = sub['subject']

    if sub.has_key('pull-request') and sub['pull-request']:
        parts = msg.get_message_parts()
        patch['pull-request'] = {}

        extract_repo = False
        for line in parts[0].get_payload().split('\n'):
            stripped_line = line.strip()

            if stripped_line == 'are available in the git repository at:':
                extract_repo = True
            elif extract_repo and stripped_line:
                extract_repo = False

                    uri, refspec = stripped_line.split(' ', 1)
                except ValueError:
                    continue  # not a pull refspec

                patch['pull-request']['uri'] = uri
                patch['pull-request']['refspec'] = refspec
            elif line.startswith('for you to fetch changes up to '):
                patch['pull-request']['head'] = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[1][:-1]
            elif line.startswith('---'):

        if 'head' in patch['pull-request'] and 'uri' in patch['pull-request']:
            if patch['pull-request']['head'] in merged_heads:
                patch['pull-request']['commit'] = merged_heads[

    if sub['n'] == 0:
        # Patch 0/M is the cover letter
        patch['cover'] = True
    if leader and is_leader_obsolete(stripped_subject, sub['version'],
        # If this is older than a version we've seen, the whole series is
        # obsolete.  We only look at the thread leader which is either the
        # cover letter or the very first patch.
        patch['obsolete'] = True
    elif commits.has_key(stripped_subject):
        # If there are multiple commits that have this subject, just pick
        # the first one.
        c = commits[stripped_subject]
        if type(c) == list:
            c = c[0]

        patch['commit'] = c['hexsha']
        patch['tree'] = c['branch']
        patch['url'] = trees[c['branch']] % patch['commit']
        patch['committer'] = c['committer']

    patch['tags'], patch['to'], patch['cc'] = message.find_extra_tags(
        msg, leader)
    patch['subject'] = message.get_subject(msg)
    patch['message-id'] = msg.get_message_id()
    if sub['rfc']:
        patch['rfc'] = sub['rfc']
    if sub.has_key('for-release'):
        patch['for-release'] = sub['for-release']
    if sub.has_key('tags'):
        patch['subject-tags'] = sub['tags']

    patch['from'] = message.parse_email_address(message.get_header(
        msg, 'From'))

    d = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(msg.get_date())
    patch['date'] = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    patch['full_date'] = msg.get_date()

    return patch
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_patches(notmuch_dir, search_days, mail_query, trees):

    db = notmuch.Database(notmuch_dir)

    now = long(time())
    then = now - days_to_seconds(search_days)

    query = '%s (subject:PATCH or subject:PULL) %s..%s' % (mail_query, then, now)
    q = notmuch.Query(db, query)

    oldest = build_thread_leaders(q, then)

    # A pull request may contain patches older than the posted commits.  That's
    # because a commit doesn't happen *after* the post like what normally
    # happens with a patch but rather the post happens after the commit.
    # There's no obvious way to handle this other than the hack below.

    # Give some extra time for pull request commits
    oldest -= (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)

    commits = gitcmd.get_commits(oldest, trees)
    merged_heads = gitcmd.get_merges(oldest)


    patches = []
    for thread in q.search_threads():
            top = list(thread.get_toplevel_messages())[0]
        except notmuch.errors.NullPointerError:

        if not message.is_patch(top):

        # The parser chokes on emails too often, simply report the error and
        # skip the thread so that scan can complete.
            patch = build_patch(commits, merged_heads,
                                top, trees, leader=True)
            import traceback
            import sys
            sys.stderr.write('Message-Id: %s\n' % top.get_message_id())

        patch_list = [ patch ]
        message_list = []

        for reply in top.get_replies():
            # notmuch won't let us call get_replies twice so we have to do
            # everything in a single loop.

            # any first level replies are replies to the top level post.
            if not message.is_patch(reply):
                new_tags, to, cc = message.find_extra_tags(reply, False)
                patch_list[0]['tags'] = message.merge_tags(patch_list[0]['tags'], new_tags)
                patch_list[0]['to'] = message.dedup(patch_list[0]['to'] + to)
                patch_list[0]['cc'] = message.dedup(patch_list[0]['cc'] + cc)

                if message.is_thanks_applied(reply):
                    patch_list[0]['applied-by'] = message.parse_email_address(message.get_header(reply, 'From'))
                patch = build_patch(commits, merged_heads, reply, trees)
                message_list.append((reply, patch['tags']))

        # now we're done with replies so tags for the top patch are known
        if not message.is_cover(patch_list[0]):
            message_list.insert(0, (top, patch_list[0]['tags']))
        series = { 'messages': patch_list,
                   'total_messages': thread.get_total_messages() }

        if series_.is_pull_request(series):
            series = fixup_pull_request(series, merged_heads)

        m = message.parse_subject(top)[1]
        if len(message_list) != m:
            series['broken'] = True

        if (not series_.is_broken(series) and not series_.is_obsolete(series) and
            not series_.any_committed(series) and not series_.is_pull_request(series) and
            not series_.is_applied(series)):
            if message.is_cover(series['messages'][0]):
                tags = series['messages'][0]['tags']
                tags = {}

            series['mbox_path'] = mbox.generate_mbox(message_list, tags)
            series['mbox_hash'] = mbox.get_hash(series['mbox_path'])


    return patches
Exemplo n.º 4
def build_patches(notmuch_dir, search_days, mail_query, trees):

    db = notmuch.Database(notmuch_dir)

    now = long(time())
    then = now - days_to_seconds(search_days)

    query = '%s (subject:PATCH or subject:PULL) %s..%s' % (mail_query, then,
    q = notmuch.Query(db, query)

    oldest = build_thread_leaders(q, then)

    # A pull request may contain patches older than the posted commits.  That's
    # because a commit doesn't happen *after* the post like what normally
    # happens with a patch but rather the post happens after the commit.
    # There's no obvious way to handle this other than the hack below.

    # Give some extra time for pull request commits
    oldest -= (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)

    commits = gitcmd.get_commits(oldest, trees)
    merged_heads = gitcmd.get_merges(oldest)


    patches = []
    for thread in q.search_threads():
            top = list(thread.get_toplevel_messages())[0]
        except notmuch.errors.NullPointerError:

        if not message.is_patch(top):

        # The parser chokes on emails too often, simply report the error and
        # skip the thread so that scan can complete.
            patch = build_patch(commits, merged_heads, top, trees, leader=True)
            import traceback
            import sys
            sys.stderr.write('Message-Id: %s\n' % top.get_message_id())

        patch_list = [patch]
        message_list = []

        for reply in top.get_replies():
            # notmuch won't let us call get_replies twice so we have to do
            # everything in a single loop.

            # any first level replies are replies to the top level post.
            if not message.is_patch(reply):
                new_tags, to, cc = message.find_extra_tags(reply, False)
                patch_list[0]['tags'] = message.merge_tags(
                    patch_list[0]['tags'], new_tags)
                patch_list[0]['to'] = message.dedup(patch_list[0]['to'] + to)
                patch_list[0]['cc'] = message.dedup(patch_list[0]['cc'] + cc)

                if message.is_thanks_applied(reply):
                    patch_list[0]['applied-by'] = message.parse_email_address(
                        message.get_header(reply, 'From'))
                patch = build_patch(commits, merged_heads, reply, trees)
                message_list.append((reply, patch['tags']))

        # now we're done with replies so tags for the top patch are known
        if not message.is_cover(patch_list[0]):
            message_list.insert(0, (top, patch_list[0]['tags']))

        series = {
            'messages': patch_list,
            'total_messages': thread.get_total_messages()

        if series_.is_pull_request(series):
            series = fixup_pull_request(series, merged_heads)


        m = message.parse_subject(top)[1]
        if len(message_list) != m:
            series['broken'] = True

        if (not series_.is_broken(series) and not series_.is_obsolete(series)
                and not series_.any_committed(series)
                and not series_.is_pull_request(series)
                and not series_.is_applied(series)):
            if message.is_cover(series['messages'][0]):
                tags = series['messages'][0]['tags']
                tags = {}

            series['mbox_path'] = mbox.generate_mbox(message_list, tags)
            series['mbox_hash'] = mbox.get_hash(series['mbox_path'])


    return patches