Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, team):
     self.inventory = Inventory()
     self.voir = None
     self.state = None
     self.level = 1
     self.team = team
     self.messages = MessageList()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, applog=None, start_demo_db=False):
     global logging
     if applog is not None:
         logging = applog
     self.logging = logging
     self.system_id = None
     self.messages = MessageList(self)
     self.contract_type = ContractType
     self.contract_type.db = self
     self.offer = Offer
     self.offer.db = self
     self.position = Position
     self.position.db = self
     self.history = Message
     self.history.db = self
     self.graph = Graph
     self.graph.db = self
     self.demo_db_pid = None
     self.time_offset = 0
     if start_demo_db:
     with self.conn.cursor() as curs:
         curs.execute("SELECT id FROM account WHERE system = true")
         self.system_id = int(curs.fetchone()[0])
Exemplo n.º 3
class Trantor:
    """ Trantorian is the player """

    def __init__(self, team):
        self.inventory = Inventory()
        self.voir = None
        self.state = None
        self.level = 1
        self.team = team
        self.messages = MessageList()

    def up_level(self):
        self.level += 1
        print('new level: ', self.level)

    def action_to_perform(self):
        """ define next actio to perform by the trantor """
        if self.inventory.nb_food < 4:
            return State.SEARCH_FOOD
        if self.messages.someone_to_join(self.team, self.level) != None:
            return State.JOIN_TRANTOR_FOR_INCANTATION
        if Incantation.is_trantor_ready(self):
            return State.START_INCANTATION
        return State.SEARCH_STONE

    def action_to_find_resource(self, res):
        if self.voir == None:
            return 'voir'
        elif self.voir[0].get_qt(res) >= 1:
            return 'prend ' + str(res)
        elif self.voir[2].get_qt(res) >= 1:
            return 'avance'
        elif len(self.voir) > 7 and self.voir[6].get_qt(res) >= 1:
            return 'avance'
            action = random.randint(1, 3)
            if action == 1:
                return 'gauche'
            elif action == 2:
                return 'droite'
                return 'avance'

    def stone_to_find(self):
        if self.voir == None:
            return None
        resources = Incantation.missing_resources(self)
        if resources == []:
            return None

        # first take the resources we can have imediately
        for res in resources:
            if self.voir[0].get_qt(res) > 0:
                return res
        return resources[0]

    def enough_trantor_for_incantation(self):
        if self.level == 1:
            return True
        incant = Incantation.incantation_to_level_up(self.level)
        trant_ready = self.messages.nb_of_trantor_ready_for_incantation(
                self.team, self.level) + 1
        return incant.nb_player <= trant_ready

    # every branch of play must return a command, if not the player freeze
    # because the server won't send back a ok or ko command => the main_loop
    # recv will block indefinitely
    def play(self):
        # define what the trantor should do
        self.state = self.action_to_perform()

        if self.state == State.SEARCH_FOOD:
            return self.action_to_find_resource(Resource.FOOD)

        # check number of food hold by this trantor (the food will
        # be decreased by the server without the client being notifed, refresh
        # inventory to check current state of food)
        if random.randint(1, 30) == 1:
            return 'inventaire'

        # check if there is enough connection slots for new trantors to join
        if random.randint(1, 150) == 1:
            return 'connect_nbr'

        if self.state == State.SEARCH_STONE:
            if self.voir == None:
                return 'voir'
            res = self.stone_to_find()
            # self.action_to_perform evaluate if we have all required resources
            # so res should not be none
            if res == None:
                return 'inventaire'
            return self.action_to_find_resource(res)

        if self.state == State.JOIN_TRANTOR_FOR_INCANTATION:
            msg = self.messages.someone_to_join(self.team, self.level)
            action = msg.action_to_join_sender()
            if action == None:
                return message.message_to_cmd(
                        message.incantation_ready(self.team, self.level), self)
                return action

        if self.state == State.START_INCANTATION:
            if self.enough_trantor_for_incantation():
                return 'incantation'
            return message.message_to_cmd(
                    message.incantation_call(self.team, self.level), self)

    def commit_cmd(self, cmd):
        if 'avance' in cmd:
            self.voir = None
        if 'gauche' in cmd:
            self.voir = None
        if 'droite' in cmd:
            self.voir = None
        if 'prend ' in cmd:
            res = Resource.from_str(cmd[6:])
            self.inventory.add(res, 1)
            self.voir = None
            return None
        if 'incantation' in cmd[:11]:
            return 'inventaire'

    def update_vision(self, cmd):
        cmd = cmd[cmd.index('{') + 1:]
        cmd = cmd[:cmd.index('}')]
        cases = cmd.split(', ')
        self.voir = []
        for case in cases:
            new = Inventory.from_str(case)

    def update_inventaire(self, cmd):
        cmd = cmd[11:]
        self.inventory = Inventory.from_str(cmd)

    def interpret_cmd(self, prev_cmd, new_cmd):
        if 'ko' in new_cmd[:2]:
            return self.play()
        if 'ok' in new_cmd[:2]:
            cmd = self.commit_cmd(prev_cmd)
            if cmd != None:
                return cmd
                return self.play()
        if 'voir ' in new_cmd[:6]:
            return None
        if 'inventaire ' in new_cmd[:11]:
            return None
        if 'message ' in new_cmd[:9]:
            return None
        if 'suc' in new_cmd[:3]:
            print('unknow command: ' + prev_cmd)
            return None
        if 'incantation' in new_cmd[:11]:
        if 'connect_nbr ' in new_cmd[:13]:
            m = re.match(r'connect_nbr (\d+)', new_cmd)
            if m == None:
                print('Error: invalid connect_nbr command', new_cmd)
                return self.play()
            nb_connection_slot = int(m.group(1))
            if nb_connection_slot <= 1:
                return 'fork'
        if 'relaunch' in new_cmd[:9]:
            cmd = self.commit_cmd(prev_cmd)
            if cmd != None:
                return cmd
                return self.play()
        if 'seg ' in new_cmd[:4]:
            print('Team', new_cmd[4:], 'is victorious !')
Exemplo n.º 4
import threading
import time
import tkinter as tk
from userFace import UserFace
from message import Message, MessageList
from messageSendingAndReceive import MessageRev, MessageSend

s = socket.socket()
host = ''
port = 12345

# s.setblocking(False)
firstConntectTimes = time.time()
s.connect((host, port))

messageList = MessageList(10)

ms = MessageSend(s)

root = tk.Tk()
uf = UserFace(root, ms)

mr = MessageRev(s, root, uf, messageList)
