Exemplo n.º 1
def get_child_tags_from_category(request, category_id):
    from meta.models import Category, TagCategory
    category = Category.objects.get(pk=category_id)

    # Get all tags in order that belong to this category.
    from meta.CategoryUtilities import TreeBuilder
    tag_category_builder = TreeBuilder('tag_category')
    (browse_tree, flattened_tree) = tag_category_builder.build_tree(
        {'root': [TagCategory.objects.get(title='Standards')]}, [])

    tags = category.tags.filter(category__in=flattened_tree).order_by('position')

    serialized_tags = {}
    for tag in tags:
        serialized_tags[tag.id] = {
            'id': tag.id,
            'title': tag.title,
            'description': tag.description,            
            'position': tag.position,
            'url': reverse(
                'meta:standard', kwargs={
                    'tag_title': tag.title

    context = {
        'tags': serialized_tags
    return APIUtilities._api_success(context)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_standards_tree(request):
        standards_category = Category.objects.get(title='Standards')

        from meta.CategoryUtilities import TreeBuilder
        category_builder = TreeBuilder('category_tags')
        (browse_tree, flattened_tree) = category_builder.build_tree(
            {'root': [standards_category]}, [])

        tree = build_standards_navigation(browse_tree)

        context = { 'tree': tree }
        return APIUtilities._api_success(context)
        context = {
            'title': 'Could not load the standards list',
            'message': 'We failed to load the list of standards for you. '
            + 'Please contact us if the problem persists.'
        return APIUtilities._api_failure(context)