Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_setSpecs(storage_object):
    the sets to which the resource belongs
    from metashare.repository.models import corpusInfoType_model, \
        lexicalConceptualResourceInfoType_model, \
        languageDescriptionInfoType_model, \
    from metashare.repository.model_utils import get_resource_media_types

    set_ = []
    resource = storage_object.resourceinfotype_model_set.all()[0]
    resourceComponentType = resource.resourceComponentType.as_subclass()
    resource_type = resourceComponentType.resourceType
    if isinstance(resourceComponentType, corpusInfoType_model):
        # sets are the media types, e.g text
        types = get_resource_media_types(resource)
    elif isinstance(resourceComponentType, lexicalConceptualResourceInfoType_model):
        # sets are the resource types, e.g ontology
        types = [resourceComponentType.lexicalConceptualResourceType]
    elif isinstance(resourceComponentType, languageDescriptionInfoType_model):
        # sets are the resource types, e.g grammar
        types = [resourceComponentType.languageDescriptionType]
    elif isinstance(resourceComponentType, toolServiceInfoType_model):
        # sets are the resource types, e.g platform
        types = [resourceComponentType.toolServiceType]

    # remove duplicates and preserver order
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    types = [x for x in types if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]

    # types are less than 10, so map each type to an int
    map_type_to_int = OrderedDict()
    for counter, type_ in enumerate(types):
        map_type_to_int[str(counter)] = type_

    # convert the integer strings to a string sequence
    # and make all the possible combinations, between its chars
    str_types = ''.join(map_type_to_int.keys())
    for i in range(len(types)):
        for int_comb_type in itertools.combinations(str_types, i+1):
            comb_type = resource_type
            for int_ in int_comb_type:
                comb_type += ':{}'.format(map_type_to_int[int_])
    set_.insert(0, resource_type)

    ## #the source repository of the resource
    ## set_.insert(0,storage_object.source_url)
    return set_
Exemplo n.º 2
def view(request, resource_name=None, object_id=None):
    Render browse or detail view for the repository application.
    # only published resources may be viewed
    resource = get_object_or_404(resourceInfoType_model,
    if request.path_info != resource.get_absolute_url():
        return redirect(resource.get_absolute_url())

    # Convert resource to ElementTree and then to template tuples.
    lr_content = _convert_to_template_tuples(

    # get the 'best' language version of a "DictField" and all other versions
    resource_name = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_resourceName()
    res_short_names = resource.identificationInfo.resourceShortName.values()
    description = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_description()
    other_res_names = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .resourceName.itervalues() if name != resource_name]
    other_descriptions = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .description.itervalues() if name != description]

    # Create fields lists
    url = resource.identificationInfo.url
    metashare_id = resource.identificationInfo.metaShareId
    identifier = resource.identificationInfo.identifier
    resource_type = resource.resourceComponentType.as_subclass().resourceType
    media_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_media_types(resource))
    linguality_infos = set(model_utils.get_resource_linguality_infos(resource))
    license_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_license_types(resource))

    distribution_info_tuple = None
    contact_person_tuples = []
    metadata_info_tuple = None
    version_info_tuple = None
    validation_info_tuples = []
    usage_info_tuple = None
    documentation_info_tuple = None
    resource_creation_info_tuple = None
    relation_info_tuples = []
    resource_component_tuple = None
    for _tuple in lr_content[1]:
        if _tuple[0] == "Distribution":
            distribution_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Contact person":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Metadata":
            metadata_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Version":
            version_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Validation":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Usage":
            usage_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource documentation":
            documentation_info_tuple = _tuple            
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource creation":
            resource_creation_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Relation":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource component":
            resource_component_tuple = _tuple[1]
    # Convert resource_component_tuple to nested dictionaries
    resource_component_dicts = {}
    validation_dicts = []
    relation_dicts = []    
    # Convert several tuples to dictionaries to facilitate rendering
    # the templates.
    contact_person_dicts = []
    for item in contact_person_tuples:
    distribution_dict = tuple2dict([distribution_info_tuple])
    resource_component_dict = tuple2dict(resource_component_tuple)
    resource_creation_dict = tuple2dict([resource_creation_info_tuple])
    metadata_dict = tuple2dict([metadata_info_tuple])
    usage_dict = tuple2dict([usage_info_tuple])
    version_dict = tuple2dict([version_info_tuple])
    documentation_dict = tuple2dict([documentation_info_tuple])
    for item in validation_info_tuples:
    for item in relation_info_tuples:

    # Count individual media resource components
    text_counts = []
    video_counts = []
    if resource_type == "corpus":
        for key, value in resource_component_dict['Resource_component']['Corpus_media'].items():
            if "Corpus_text" in key and not "numerical" in key and not "ngram" in key:
            elif "Corpus_video" in key:
    # Create a list of resource components dictionaries
    if resource_type == "corpus":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "audio":
                resource_component_dicts['audio'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "textNgram":
                resource_component_dicts['textNgram'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "textNumerical":
                resource_component_dicts['textNumerical'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
    elif resource_type == "languageDescription":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
    elif resource_type == "lexicalConceptualResource":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                    ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "audio":
                resource_component_dicts['audio'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \

    elif resource_type == "toolService":
        resource_component_dicts['toolService'] = \
    # Define context for template rendering.
    context = {
                'contact_person_dicts': contact_person_dicts,
                'description': description,
                'distribution_dict': distribution_dict,
                'documentation_dict': documentation_dict,
                'license_types': license_types,
                'linguality_infos': linguality_infos,
                'mediaTypes': media_types,
                'metadata_dict': metadata_dict,
                'metaShareId': metashare_id,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'other_res_names': other_res_names,
                'other_descriptions': other_descriptions,
                'relation_dicts': relation_dicts,
                'res_short_names': res_short_names,
                'resource': resource,
                'resource_component_dicts': resource_component_dicts,
                'resource_component_dict': resource_component_dict,
                'resourceName': resource_name,
                'resourceType': resource_type,
                'resource_creation_dict': resource_creation_dict,
                'url': url,
                'usage_dict': usage_dict,
                'validation_dicts': validation_dicts,                
                'version_dict': version_dict,
                'text_counts': text_counts,
                'video_counts': video_counts,
    template = 'repository/resource_view/lr_view.html'

    # For users who have edit permission for this resource, we have to add 
    # LR_EDIT which contains the URL of the Django admin backend page 
    # for this resource.
    if has_edit_permission(request, resource):
        context['LR_EDIT'] = reverse(
            'admin:repository_resourceinfotype_model_change', \

    # Update statistics:
    if saveLRStats(resource, VIEW_STAT, request):
        # update view count in the search index, too
    # update view tracker
    tracker = SessionResourcesTracker.getTracker(request)
    tracker.add_view(resource, datetime.now())
    request.session['tracker'] = tracker

    # Add download/view/last updated statistics to the template context.
    context['LR_STATS'] = getLRStats(resource.storage_object.identifier)
    # Add recommendations for 'also viewed' resources
    context['also_viewed'] = \
    # Add recommendations for 'also downloaded' resources
    context['also_downloaded'] = \
    # Add 'more from same' links
    if get_more_from_same_projects_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_projects'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(
    if get_more_from_same_creators_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_creators'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(

    # Render and return template with the defined context.
    ctx = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=ctx)
Exemplo n.º 3
def view(request, resource_name=None, object_id=None):
    Render browse or detail view for the repository application.
    # only published resources may be viewed
    resource = get_object_or_404(resourceInfoType_model,
    if request.path_info != resource.get_absolute_url():
        return redirect(resource.get_absolute_url())

    # Convert resource to ElementTree and then to template tuples.
    lr_content = _convert_to_template_tuples(

    # get the 'best' language version of a "DictField" and all other versions
    resource_name = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_resourceName()
    res_short_names = resource.identificationInfo.resourceShortName.values()
    description = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_description()
    other_res_names = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .resourceName.itervalues() if name != resource_name]
    other_descriptions = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .description.itervalues() if name != description]

    # Create fields lists
    url = resource.identificationInfo.url
    metashare_id = resource.identificationInfo.metaShareId
    identifier = resource.identificationInfo.identifier
    resource_type = resource.resourceComponentType.as_subclass().resourceType
    media_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_media_types(resource))
    linguality_infos = set(model_utils.get_resource_linguality_infos(resource))
    license_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_license_types(resource))

    distribution_info_tuple = None
    contact_person_tuples = []
    metadata_info_tuple = None
    version_info_tuple = None
    validation_info_tuples = []
    usage_info_tuple = None
    documentation_info_tuple = None
    resource_creation_info_tuple = None
    relation_info_tuples = []
    resource_component_tuple = None
    for _tuple in lr_content[1]:
        if _tuple[0] == "Distribution":
            distribution_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Contact person":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Metadata":
            metadata_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Version":
            version_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Validation":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Usage":
            usage_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource documentation":
            documentation_info_tuple = _tuple            
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource creation":
            resource_creation_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Relation":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource component":
            resource_component_tuple = _tuple[1]
    # Convert resource_component_tuple to nested dictionaries
    resource_component_dicts = {}
    validation_dicts = []
    relation_dicts = []    
    # Convert several tuples to dictionaries to facilitate rendering
    # the templates.
    contact_person_dicts = []
    for item in contact_person_tuples:
    distribution_dict = tuple2dict([distribution_info_tuple])
    resource_component_dict = tuple2dict(resource_component_tuple)
    resource_creation_dict = tuple2dict([resource_creation_info_tuple])
    metadata_dict = tuple2dict([metadata_info_tuple])
    usage_dict = tuple2dict([usage_info_tuple])
    version_dict = tuple2dict([version_info_tuple])
    documentation_dict = tuple2dict([documentation_info_tuple])
    for item in validation_info_tuples:
    for item in relation_info_tuples:

    # Count individual media resource components
    text_counts = []
    video_counts = []
    if resource_type == "corpus":
        for key, value in resource_component_dict['Resource_component']['Corpus_media'].items():
            if "Corpus_text" in key and not "numerical" in key and not "ngram" in key:
            elif "Corpus_video" in key:
    # Create a list of resource components dictionaries
    if resource_type == "corpus":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "audio":
                resource_component_dicts['audio'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "textNgram":
                resource_component_dicts['textNgram'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "textNumerical":
                resource_component_dicts['textNumerical'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
    elif resource_type == "languageDescription":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
    elif resource_type == "lexicalConceptualResource":
        for media_type in media_types:
            if media_type == "text":
                resource_component_dicts['text'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                    ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "audio":
                resource_component_dicts['audio'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "video":
                resource_component_dicts['video'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \
            if media_type == "image":
                resource_component_dicts['image'] = \
                  resource_component_dict['Resource_component'] \
                  ['Lexical_conceptual_resource_media'] \

    elif resource_type == "toolService":
        resource_component_dicts['toolService'] = \
    # Define context for template rendering.
    context = {
                'contact_person_dicts': contact_person_dicts,
                'description': description,
                'distribution_dict': distribution_dict,
                'documentation_dict': documentation_dict,
                'license_types': license_types,
                'linguality_infos': linguality_infos,
                'mediaTypes': media_types,
                'metadata_dict': metadata_dict,
                'metaShareId': metashare_id,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'other_res_names': other_res_names,
                'other_descriptions': other_descriptions,
                'relation_dicts': relation_dicts,
                'res_short_names': res_short_names,
                'resource': resource,
                'resource_component_dicts': resource_component_dicts,
                'resource_component_dict': resource_component_dict,
                'resourceName': resource_name,
                'resourceType': resource_type,
                'resource_creation_dict': resource_creation_dict,
                'url': url,
                'usage_dict': usage_dict,
                'validation_dicts': validation_dicts,                
                'version_dict': version_dict,
                'text_counts': text_counts,
                'video_counts': video_counts,
    template = 'repository/resource_view/lr_view.html'

    # For users who have edit permission for this resource, we have to add 
    # LR_EDIT which contains the URL of the Django admin backend page 
    # for this resource.
    if has_edit_permission(request, resource):
        context['LR_EDIT'] = reverse(
            'admin:repository_resourceinfotype_model_change', \

    # Update statistics:
    if saveLRStats(resource, VIEW_STAT, request):
        # update view count in the search index, too
    # update view tracker
    tracker = SessionResourcesTracker.getTracker(request)
    tracker.add_view(resource, datetime.now())
    request.session['tracker'] = tracker

    # Add download/view/last updated statistics to the template context.
    context['LR_STATS'] = getLRStats(resource.storage_object.identifier)
    # Add recommendations for 'also viewed' resources
    context['also_viewed'] = \
    # Add recommendations for 'also downloaded' resources
    context['also_downloaded'] = \
    # Add 'more from same' links
    if get_more_from_same_projects_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_projects'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(
    if get_more_from_same_creators_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_creators'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(

    # Render and return template with the defined context.
    ctx = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=ctx)
Exemplo n.º 4
def view(request, resource_name=None, object_id=None):
    Render browse or detail view for the repository application.
    # only published resources may be viewed
    resource = get_object_or_404(resourceInfoType_model,
    if request.path_info != resource.get_absolute_url():
        return redirect(resource.get_absolute_url())

    # Convert resource to ElementTree and then to template tuples.
    lr_content = _convert_to_template_tuples(

    # get the 'best' language version of a "DictField" and all other versions
    resource_name = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_resourceName()
    res_short_names = resource.identificationInfo.resourceShortName.values()
    description = resource.identificationInfo.get_default_description()
    other_res_names = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .resourceName.itervalues() if name != resource_name]
    other_descriptions = [name for name in resource.identificationInfo \
            .description.itervalues() if name != description]

    # Create fields lists
    url = resource.identificationInfo.url
    metashare_id = resource.identificationInfo.metaShareId
    resource_type = resource.resourceComponentType.as_subclass().resourceType
    media_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_media_types(resource))
    linguality_infos = set(model_utils.get_resource_linguality_infos(resource))
    license_types = set(model_utils.get_resource_license_types(resource))

    distribution_info_tuple = None
    contact_person_tuples = []
    metadata_info_tuple = None
    version_info_tuple = None
    validation_info_tuples = []
    usage_info_tuple = None
    documentation_info_tuple = None
    resource_creation_info_tuple = None
    relation_info_tuples = []
    for _tuple in lr_content[1]:
        if _tuple[0] == "Distribution":
            distribution_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Contact person":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Metadata":
            metadata_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Version":
            version_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Validation":
        elif _tuple[0] == "Usage":
            usage_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource documentation":
            documentation_info_tuple = _tuple            
        elif _tuple[0] == "Resource creation":
            resource_creation_info_tuple = _tuple
        elif _tuple[0] == "Relation":

    # Preprocess some of the information withing the tuples for better
    # presentation in the single resource view.
    # Contact Person:
    contact_person_dicts = []
    #convert contact_person_tuples to dictionaries
    for item in contact_person_tuples:
    # Define context for template rendering.
    context = { 'resource': resource,
                'resourceName': resource_name,
                'res_short_names': res_short_names,
                'description': description,
                'other_res_names': other_res_names,
                'other_descriptions': other_descriptions,
                'lr_content': lr_content, 
                'distribution_info_tuple': distribution_info_tuple,
                'contact_person_tuples': contact_person_tuples,                
                'metadata_info_tuple': metadata_info_tuple,               
                'version_info_tuple': version_info_tuple,
                'validation_info_tuples': validation_info_tuples,
                'usage_info_tuple': usage_info_tuple,
                'documentation_info_tuple': documentation_info_tuple,
                'resource_creation_info_tuple': resource_creation_info_tuple,
                'relation_info_tuples': relation_info_tuples,
                'linguality_infos': linguality_infos,
                'license_types': license_types,
                'resourceType': resource_type,
                'mediaTypes': media_types,
                'url': url,
                'metaShareId': metashare_id,
                'contact_person_dicts': contact_person_dicts,
    template = 'repository/lr_view.html'

    # For users who have edit permission for this resource, we have to add 
    # LR_EDIT which contains the URL of the Django admin backend page 
    # for this resource.
    if has_edit_permission(request, resource):
        context['LR_EDIT'] = reverse(
            'admin:repository_resourceinfotype_model_change', \

    # in general, only logged in users may download/purchase any resources
    context['LR_DOWNLOAD'] = request.user.is_active

    # Update statistics:
    if saveLRStats(resource, VIEW_STAT, request):
        # update view count in the search index, too
    # update view tracker
    tracker = SessionResourcesTracker.getTracker(request)
    tracker.add_view(resource, datetime.now())
    request.session['tracker'] = tracker

    # Add download/view/last updated statistics to the template context.
    context['LR_STATS'] = getLRStats(resource.storage_object.identifier)
    # Add recommendations for 'also viewed' resources
    context['also_viewed'] = \
    # Add recommendations for 'also downloaded' resources
    context['also_downloaded'] = \
    # Add 'more from same' links
    if get_more_from_same_projects_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_projects'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(
    if get_more_from_same_creators_qs(resource).count():
        context['search_rel_creators'] = '{}/repository/search?q={}:{}'.format(

    # Render and return template with the defined context.
    ctx = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response(template, context, context_instance=ctx)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def prepare_mediaTypeFilter(self, obj):
     Collect the data to filter the resources on Media Type
     return model_utils.get_resource_media_types(obj)