Exemplo n.º 1
def _activity_prepare(c, activities):
    Creates a list of (when, field, removed, added, inconsistent) pairs.
    It groups those activities that happened at the same time on the
    same field.
    The list is sorted descending by when.
    d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
    for act in activities:
        what = act['what']
        when = act['when']

    res = []
    for when in d:
        for what in d[when]:
            acts = d[when][what]
            field = c.fieldmap[what]
            fieldtype = c.get_field_property('type', field)
            container = c.get_field_property('container', field)
                if container:
                    # we must group the added and removed
                    added = [cast_to_list(act['added'], fieldtype)
                             for act in acts]
                    added = sum(added, [])
                    removed = [cast_to_list(act['removed'], fieldtype)
                               for act in acts]
                    removed = sum(removed, [])
                    # there should be only one activity for this,
                    # otherwise it is corrupted
                    removed = [type_cast(act['removed'], fieldtype)
                               for act in acts]
                    added = [type_cast(act['added'], fieldtype)
                             for act in acts]
                res.append((when, field, removed, added, False))
                added = [act['added'] for act in acts]
                removed = [act['removed'] for act in acts]
                res.append((when, field, removed, added, True))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save_commit(self, commit, uri):
        c = commit
        if c.type != 'commit':
            raise TypeError("Expected 'commit' type objects. Got (%s)" %

        msg = c.message

        acked_by = acked_by_re.findall(msg)
        signed_off_by = signed_off_by_re.findall(msg)
        resolves = resolves_re.findall(msg)
        related = related_re.findall(msg)

        obj = {
            'uri': uri,
            'hexsha': c.hexsha,
            'parents': [t.hexsha for t in c.parents],
            'author_name': c.author.name,
            'author_email': c.author.email,
            'author_tz_offset': c.author_tz_offset,
            'authored_dt': c.authored_date,
            'committer_name': c.committer.name,
            'committer_email': c.committer.email,
            'committer_tz_offset': c.committer_tz_offset,
            'committed_dt': c.committed_date,
            # FIXME: Can this be sped up?
            # These commented out are all very slow
            #'count': c.count(),
            #'name_rev': c.name_rev,
            #'size': c.size,
            #'files': dict([(k.replace('.', '%2E'), v) for k, v in c.stats.files.iteritems()]),
            # stats is very slow too; but it's useful...
            'stats': c.stats.total,
            'summary': c.summary,
            'message': msg,
            'acked_by': acked_by,
            'signed_off_by': signed_off_by,
            'resolves': resolves,
            'related': related,

        _obj = obj.copy()
        for f, v in _obj.iteritems():
            convert = self.get_field_property('convert', f)
            _type = self.get_field_property('type', f)
            if convert:
                v = convert(v)
            obj[f] = type_cast(v, _type)
        return save_object2(self.name, obj)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def save_commit(self, commit, uri):
        c = commit
        if c.type != "commit":
            raise TypeError("Expected 'commit' type objects. Got (%s)" % c.type)

        msg = c.message

        acked_by = acked_by_re.findall(msg)
        signed_off_by = signed_off_by_re.findall(msg)
        resolves = resolves_re.findall(msg)
        related = related_re.findall(msg)

        obj = {
            "uri": uri,
            "hexsha": c.hexsha,
            "parents": [t.hexsha for t in c.parents],
            "author_name": c.author.name,
            "author_email": c.author.email,
            "author_tz_offset": c.author_tz_offset,
            "authored_dt": c.authored_date,
            "committer_name": c.committer.name,
            "committer_email": c.committer.email,
            "committer_tz_offset": c.committer_tz_offset,
            "committed_dt": c.committed_date,
            # FIXME: Can this be sped up?
            # These commented out are all very slow
            #'count': c.count(),
            #'name_rev': c.name_rev,
            #'size': c.size,
            #'files': dict([(k.replace('.', '%2E'), v) for k, v in c.stats.files.iteritems()]),
            # stats is very slow too; but it's useful...
            "stats": c.stats.total,
            "summary": c.summary,
            "message": msg,
            "acked_by": acked_by,
            "signed_off_by": signed_off_by,
            "resolves": resolves,
            "related": related,

        _obj = obj.copy()
        for f, v in _obj.iteritems():
            convert = self.get_field_property("convert", f)
            _type = self.get_field_property("type", f)
            if convert:
                v = convert(v)
            obj[f] = type_cast(v, _type)
        return save_object2(self.name, obj)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_row(self, row, field, convert, token_type):
        # id 'column' is expected first
        id = row[0]
        # and raw token 'lookup' second
        raw = row[1]
        if type(raw) is date:
            # force convert dates into datetimes... otherwise mongo barfs
            raw = datetime.combine(raw, dt_time()).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        # convert based on driver defined conversion method
        # and cast to appropriate data type
        if convert:
            tokens = convert(self, raw)
            tokens = raw
        tokens = type_cast(tokens, token_type)

        return {'id': id, 'field': field, 'tokens': tokens}
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_row(self, row, field, convert, token_type):
        # id 'column' is expected first
        id = row[0]
        # and raw token 'lookup' second
        raw = row[1]
        if type(raw) is date:
            # force convert dates into datetimes... otherwise mongo barfs
            raw = datetime.combine(raw, dt_time()).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        # convert based on driver defined conversion method
        # and cast to appropriate data type
        if convert:
            tokens = convert(self, raw)
            tokens = raw
        tokens = type_cast(tokens, token_type)

        return {'id': id, 'field': field, 'tokens': tokens}
Exemplo n.º 6
def _extract_func(cube, field, **kwargs):
    c = get_cube(cube)
    # id_x if None will become ObjectID()
    id_x = c.get_field_property('id_x', field)
    # raw_x if None will become field
    raw_x = c.get_field_property('raw_x', field, field)
    # convert if None will skip convert step
    convert = c.get_field_property('convert', field)
    # _type will be default if not set
    _type = c.get_field_property('type', field)

    saved = 0
    failed = []
    for item in c._reader:
        if not item:

            id_ = id_x(item)
        except TypeError:
            id_ = item[id_x]

            raw = raw_x(item)
        except TypeError:
            raw = item[raw_x]

        tokens = type_cast(raw, _type)
        if convert:
            tokens = convert(tokens)

        saved += save_doc(c.name, field, tokens, id_)
        if not saved:

    result = {'saved': saved}
    if failed:
        result.update({'failed_ids': failed})
    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def _extract_func(cube, field, **kwargs):
    c = get_cube(cube)
    # id_x if None will become ObjectID()
    id_x = c.get_field_property('id_x', field)
    # raw_x if None will become field
    raw_x = c.get_field_property('raw_x', field, field)
    # convert if None will skip convert step
    convert = c.get_field_property('convert', field)
    # _type will be default if not set
    _type = c.get_field_property('type', field)

    saved = 0
    failed = []
    for item in c._reader:
        if not item:

            id_ = id_x(item)
        except TypeError:
            id_ = item[id_x]

            raw = raw_x(item)
        except TypeError:
            raw = item[raw_x]

        tokens = type_cast(raw, _type)
        if convert:
            tokens = convert(tokens)

        saved += save_doc(c.name, field, tokens, id_)
        if not saved:

    result = {'saved': saved}
    if failed:
        result.update({'failed_ids': failed})
    return result
Exemplo n.º 8
def cast_to_list(value, fieldtype):
    if value is None:
        return []
    value = type_cast([s.strip() for s in value.split(',')],
    return value if (type(value) is list) else [value]