Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_parsemfixdat_booleans(self):
        testString = """
                     truea = .True.
                     trueb = .T.
                     truec = .true.
                     trued = .t.
                     falsea = .False.
                     falseb = .F.
                     falsec = .false.
                     falsed = .f.

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'truea': True,
            'trueb': True,
            'truec': True,
            'trued': True,
            'falsea': False,
            'falseb': False,
            'falsec': False,
            'falsed': False,

        for (key, expected_val) in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(project.get_value(key), expected_val)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_parsemfixdat_keyvalue(self):
        testString = """
                     key = 'value'

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual('value', project.get_value('key'))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_parsemfixdat_commentedKeywords(self):
        testString = """
                     ! key = 3.0
                     # key = 'test'

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(list(project.keywordItems()), [])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_parsemfixdat_exponentialnotation(self):
        testString = """
                     keya = 3.0E-10
                     keyb = 1.1d10

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 3.0E-10,
            'keyb': 1.1E10,

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(float(project.get_value(key)), expected_val)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_job_manager(self, proj_dir):
        pid_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(proj_dir, '*.pid'))
        dir_base = os.path.basename(proj_dir)
        if pid_files:
            if len(pid_files) > 1:
                self.mfixgui.print_internal('more than one pid file',

            mfx_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(proj_dir, '*.mfx'))

            parent = MockParent()
            parent.mfix_gui = self.mfixgui
            parent.project_dir = proj_dir
            parent.project_file = mfx_files[0]
            parent.project = Project(mfx_files[0])
            parent.settings = self.mfixgui.settings

            full_run_name_pid = os.path.join(proj_dir, pid_files[0])
            job = JobManager(parent)
            self.job_dict[dir_base] = job
            except ValueError:
                # already removed?
            self.job_dict[dir_base] = FakeJob()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _run(self, proj_dir, mfx_file):
        parent = MockParent()
        parent.mfix_gui = self.mfixgui
        parent.project_dir = proj_dir
        parent.project_file = mfx_file
        parent.project = Project(mfx_file)
        parent.settings = self.mfixgui.settings
        run_dialog = NodeworksRunPopup(None, parent)

        # Queue
        job_id = None
        if self.queue:
            msg = 'Submitting to Queue'
            job_id = self.submit_to_queue(proj_dir, mfx_file)
        # local
            rcmd = replace_prj(self.run_cmd, mfx_file)
            msg = 'Running: %s' % ' '.join(rcmd)
            run_dialog.start_command(rcmd, proj_dir, os.environ)

        self.mfixgui.print_internal(msg, color='green')
        return job_id
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_parsemfixdat_comments(self):
        testString = """
                     # comment before
                     keya = 'value' ! in line comment
                     keyb = 'value'# in line comment
                     ! comment after

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 'value',
            'keyb': 'value',

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(project.get_value(key), expected_val)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_parsemfixdat_equations(self):
        testString = """
                     ncy = 5 2*10 @(2*3)

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual('@(2*3)', str(project.variablegrid[4]['ncy']))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_parsemfixdat_floats(self):
        testString = """
                     keya = 3.0
                     keyb = 3D0
                     keyc = 3.
                     keyd = 3.E5

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 3.0,
            'keyb': 3.0,
            'keyc': 3.0,
            'keyd': 3.0E5,

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(float(project.get_value(key)), expected_val)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_parsemfixdat_ps(self):
        testString = """
                     ps_x_w(1) = 2.0
                     ps_x_g(1,2) = 0.3
                     ps_t_s(1,1) = 300.0

        newProject = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(0.3, newProject.pss[1].gasSpecies[2]['ps_x_g'])
        self.assertEqual(2.0, newProject.pss[1]['ps_x_w'])
        self.assertEqual(300.0, newProject.pss[1].solids[1]['ps_t_s'])
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_parsemfixdat_bc(self):
        testString = """
                     bc_x_w(1) = 2.0
                     bc_x_g(1,2) = 0.3
                     bc_t_s(1,1) = 300.0

        newProject = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(0.3, newProject.bcs[1].gasSpecies[2]['bc_x_g'])
        self.assertEqual(2.0, newProject.bcs[1]['bc_x_w'])
        self.assertEqual(300.0, newProject.bcs[1].solids[1]['bc_t_s'])
Exemplo n.º 12
    def handle_restart(self):
        """restart the selected job"""
        projs = self.get_selected_projects()
        data = self.job_status_table.value
        for proj in projs:
            p = data[proj]

            # make sure the job is stopped
            job = self.job_dict[proj]
            if not isinstance(job, FakeJob):
                p['status'] = 'stopped'

            # read the project
            proj = Project(p['file'])

            # look for *.SP? files
            spx_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(p['path'], '*SP?'))

            restart = 'restart_2'
            if spx_files:
                restart = 'restart_1'

            proj.updateKeyword('run_type', restart)

            self.run_cmd = p['cmd']
            self._run(p['path'], p['file'])
            p['status'] = 'waiting for pid'

Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_parsemfixdat_argswithmultiplevalues(self):
        testString = """
                     ic_ep_g(2) = .4      1.0
                     ic_rop_s(2,1) = 10 30

        newProject = Project(testString)

        # Check IC
        self.assertEqual(0.4, newProject.ics[2]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(1.0, newProject.ics[3]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.ics[2].solids[1]['ic_rop_s'])
        self.assertEqual(30, newProject.ics[3].solids[1]['ic_rop_s'])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_parsemfixdat_expandshorthand(self):
        testString = """
                     ic_ep_g = .4      1.0
                     leq_sweep = 3*'ISIS' 'JSJS'
                     ncx = 4*10
                     ncy = 5 2*10 @(2*3)

        newProject = Project(testString)

        # Check IC
        self.assertEqual(0.4, newProject.ics[1]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(1.0, newProject.ics[2]['ic_ep_g'])

        # Check Grid
        for i in range(1, 5):
            self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[i]['ncx'])

        self.assertEqual(5, newProject.variablegrid[1]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[2]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[3]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual('@(2*3)', str(newProject.variablegrid[4]['ncy']))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def setUp(self):
     self.project = Project()
Exemplo n.º 16
class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.project = Project()

    def _test(self, line, expect=None):
        # Helper function, factoring out common stuff in parser test
        #  Tests for data type as well as value equality
        results = list(self.project.parseKeywordLine(line))
        self.assertEqual(len(results), len(expect))
        for (r, e) in zip(results, expect):
            self.assertEqual(len(r), len(e))
            for (r1, e1) in zip(r, e):
                self.assertEqual(type(r1), type(e1))
                if isinstance(e1, Equation):
                    self.assertEqual(float(e1), float(r1))
                    self.assertEqual(r1, e1)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_str(self):
        line = """key = 'value'"""
        expect = [('key', [], 'value')]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_int(self):
        line = "key = 1"
        expect = [('key', [], 1)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_float(self):
        line = "key = 10.0"
        expect = [('key', [], 10.0)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_float_d(self):
        line = "key = 10.0 10d 10.d 10D 10.D 10.0D"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 10.0 if i == 0 else FloatExp(10))
                  for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_float_e(self):
        line = "key = 10.0 10e 10.e 10E 10.E 10.0E"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 10.0 if i == 0 else FloatExp(10.0))
                  for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLineShorthandEq(self):
        line = "key = @(2*5) 2*10 10 @(4+6) 10"
        expect = [('key', [
            i + 1
        ], (Equation("2*5") if i == 0 else Equation("4+6") if i == 4 else 10))
                  for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_exp(self):
        line = "key = 1.0e10 1.d10 1.0e+10 1.d+10"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], FloatExp(1e10)) for i in range(4)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_exp_neg(self):
        line = "key = 1.0e-10 1.d-10"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], FloatExp(1e-10)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_bool(self):
        line = "key = .T."
        expect = [('key', [], True)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_arg(self):
        line = "key(3) = .T."
        expect = [('key', [3], True)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_comma_args(self):
        line = "key(3,2) = .T."
        expect = [('key', [3, 2], True)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_colon_args(self):
        line = "key(1:2) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_complex_args(self):
        line = "key(1:2,55) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [i + 1, 55], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_complex_args_wspace(self):
        line = "key( 1 :2, 55) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [i + 1, 55], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_complex_args_wspace2(self):
        line = "key  ( 1 :2 , 55 ) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [i + 1, 55], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_complex_args2(self):
        line = "key(1,1:2,5) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [1, i + 1, 5], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_complex_args3(self):
        line = "key(1,5,1:2) = .F. .T."
        expect = [('key', [1, 5, i + 1], bool(i)) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_two_colons(self):
        line = "key(1,1:2,1:2) = .F. .T."
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_parseKeywordLine_colon_args_mismatch(self):
        line = "key(1:2) = .F. .T. .F."
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self._test(line, None)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_colon_args_mismatch2(self):
        line = "key(1:6) = .F. .T."
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self._test(line, None)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_eq_mul(self):
        line = "key = @(2*3)"
        expect = [('key', [], Equation('2*3'))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_eq_mul_wspace(self):
        line = "key = @( 2*3)"
        expect = [('key', [], Equation('2*3'))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_eq_divide(self):
        line = "key = @( 2/ 3)"
        expect = [('key', [], Equation('2/3'))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_indices_colon(self):
        # tests/dem/DEM01/mfix.dat
        line = "SPECIES_EQ(0:1) = .F.  .F."
        expect = [('species_eq', [i], False) for i in range(2)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_indices_compound1(self):
        # benchmarks/tfm/ParallelBenchmarkCases/C_COM_06/mfix.dat, simplfiied
        line = "BC_hw_X_s(10:15,1,2) = 6*0.0"
        expect = [('bc_hw_x_s', [i, 1, 2], 0.0) for i in range(10, 16)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_indices_compound2(self):
        # benchmarks/tfm/ParallelBenchmarkCases/C_COM_06/mfix.dat
        line = "BC_hw_X_s(10:15,1,2) = 6*0.0    BC_C_X_s(10:15,1,2) = 6*0.0"
        expect = [('bc_hw_x_s', [i, 1, 2], 0.0) for i in range(10, 16)] + \
                 [('bc_c_x_s', [i, 1, 2], 0.0) for i in range(10, 16)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_eq_pi(self):
        line = "key = @( 2*pi)"
        expect = [('key', [], Equation('2*pi'))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_str(self):
        line = "key = 4*'ISIS'"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 'ISIS') for i in range(4)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_float(self):
        line = "key = 4*6.7"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 6.7) for i in range(4)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_float_other_val(self):
        line = "key = 4*6.7 6.7 6.7"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 6.7) for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_eq(self):
        line = "key = 4*6.7 @(1*6.7)"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 6.7)
                  for i in range(4)] + [('key', [5], Equation('1*6.7'))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_eq_2(self):
        line = "key =  @(2*5) 10 2*10 @(2*5) @(2*5)"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 10 if 0 < i < 4 else Equation("2*5"))
                  for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_eq_3(self):
        line = "key =  @(5+ 5) 10 2*10 @(5+5) @ (5 + 5) "
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 10 if 0 < i < 4 else Equation("5+5"))
                  for i in range(6)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="should raise an error on bad input")
    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_bad(self):
        line = "key =  10*10*10"

    def test_parseKeywordLine_shorthand_eq_exp(self):
        line = "key = 4*6.7 @(1*6.7)"
        expect = [('key', [i + 1], 6.7)
                  for i in range(4)] + [('key', [5], Equation("1*6.7"))]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parseKeywordLine_two_keys(self):
        line = "key0 = 10 key1 = 11"
        expect = [('key0', [], 10), ('key1', [], 11)]
        self._test(line, expect)

    def test_parsemfixdat_keyvalue(self):
        testString = """
                     key = 'value'

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual('value', project.get_value('key'))

    def test_parsemfixdat_booleans(self):
        testString = """
                     truea = .True.
                     trueb = .T.
                     truec = .true.
                     trued = .t.
                     falsea = .False.
                     falseb = .F.
                     falsec = .false.
                     falsed = .f.

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'truea': True,
            'trueb': True,
            'truec': True,
            'trued': True,
            'falsea': False,
            'falseb': False,
            'falsec': False,
            'falsed': False,

        for (key, expected_val) in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(project.get_value(key), expected_val)

    def test_parsemfixdat_floats(self):
        testString = """
                     keya = 3.0
                     keyb = 3D0
                     keyc = 3.
                     keyd = 3.E5

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 3.0,
            'keyb': 3.0,
            'keyc': 3.0,
            'keyd': 3.0E5,

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(float(project.get_value(key)), expected_val)

    def test_parsemfixdat_exponentialnotation(self):
        testString = """
                     keya = 3.0E-10
                     keyb = 1.1d10

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 3.0E-10,
            'keyb': 1.1E10,

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(float(project.get_value(key)), expected_val)

    def test_parsemfixdat_equations(self):
        testString = """
                     ncy = 5 2*10 @(2*3)

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual('@(2*3)', str(project.variablegrid[4]['ncy']))

    def test_parsemfixdat_comments(self):
        testString = """
                     # comment before
                     keya = 'value' ! in line comment
                     keyb = 'value'# in line comment
                     ! comment after

        project = Project(testString)

        expected = {
            'keya': 'value',
            'keyb': 'value',

        for key, expected_val in expected.items():
            self.assertEqual(project.get_value(key), expected_val)

    def test_parsemfixdat_commentedKeywords(self):
        testString = """
                     ! key = 3.0
                     # key = 'test'

        project = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(list(project.keywordItems()), [])

    def test_parsemfixdat_expandshorthand(self):
        testString = """
                     ic_ep_g = .4      1.0
                     leq_sweep = 3*'ISIS' 'JSJS'
                     ncx = 4*10
                     ncy = 5 2*10 @(2*3)

        newProject = Project(testString)

        # Check IC
        self.assertEqual(0.4, newProject.ics[1]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(1.0, newProject.ics[2]['ic_ep_g'])

        # Check Grid
        for i in range(1, 5):
            self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[i]['ncx'])

        self.assertEqual(5, newProject.variablegrid[1]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[2]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.variablegrid[3]['ncy'])
        self.assertEqual('@(2*3)', str(newProject.variablegrid[4]['ncy']))

    def test_parsemfixdat_argswithmultiplevalues(self):
        testString = """
                     ic_ep_g(2) = .4      1.0
                     ic_rop_s(2,1) = 10 30

        newProject = Project(testString)

        # Check IC
        self.assertEqual(0.4, newProject.ics[2]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(1.0, newProject.ics[3]['ic_ep_g'])
        self.assertEqual(10, newProject.ics[2].solids[1]['ic_rop_s'])
        self.assertEqual(30, newProject.ics[3].solids[1]['ic_rop_s'])

    def test_parsemfixdat_ic(self):
        testString = """
                     ic_x_w(1) = 2.0
                     ic_x_g(1,2) = 0.3
                     ic_t_s(1,1) = 300.0

        newProject = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(0.3, newProject.ics[1].gasSpecies[2]['ic_x_g'])
        self.assertEqual(2.0, newProject.ics[1]['ic_x_w'])
        self.assertEqual(300.0, newProject.ics[1].solids[1]['ic_t_s'])

    def test_parsemfixdat_bc(self):
        testString = """
                     bc_x_w(1) = 2.0
                     bc_x_g(1,2) = 0.3
                     bc_t_s(1,1) = 300.0

        newProject = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(0.3, newProject.bcs[1].gasSpecies[2]['bc_x_g'])
        self.assertEqual(2.0, newProject.bcs[1]['bc_x_w'])
        self.assertEqual(300.0, newProject.bcs[1].solids[1]['bc_t_s'])

    def test_parsemfixdat_ps(self):
        testString = """
                     ps_x_w(1) = 2.0
                     ps_x_g(1,2) = 0.3
                     ps_t_s(1,1) = 300.0

        newProject = Project(testString)

        self.assertEqual(0.3, newProject.pss[1].gasSpecies[2]['ps_x_g'])
        self.assertEqual(2.0, newProject.pss[1]['ps_x_w'])
        self.assertEqual(300.0, newProject.pss[1].solids[1]['ps_t_s'])