def __init__(self, engine,localOptions): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.gameStarted = False self.winnerIndex = -1 self.lapsTillWin = localOptions.lapsTillWin self.textTint = (0.0,0.0,0.0) self.initialCountdownTime = 4 self.numRaces = 0 self.allPlayersReady = False # create all neccessary overlay panels self.mainMenu = Overlay(name = "MainMenu", pos = (0,150), size = (950,950), material = "MainMenu") self.finishPanel = Overlay(name = "ExitPanel", pos = (250,100), size = (500,500)) self.messagePanel = Overlay(name = "MessPanel", pos = (0,0), size = (1000,1000),material = None) # initialize values for finish panel self.finishPanel.addText("RACE OVER",130,30,30) self.finishPanel.addHorizontalDivider(60) self.finishPanel.addText("You Placed:",90,80,30) self.finalPlacement = self.finishPanel.addText(str(0),350,80,30) self.finishPanel.addText("Final Time:",70,120,30) self.finalTime = self.finishPanel.addText(str(0),320,120,30) self.finishPanel.addText("Press Enter to Play Again",50,380,20) self.finishPanel.addText("Press Escape or 'Q' to Exit",50,420,20) self.finishPanel.hideAll() #initialize values for message panel self.countdownText = self.messagePanel.addText(" ", 400,20,40) self.noServer = self.messagePanel.addText("No server found, looking...", 125,600,40,(1.0,1.0,1.0),(1.0,0.0,0.0)) self.waitingText = self.messagePanel.addText("Waiting for Players...", 200,400,40,(1.0,1.0,1.0),(1.0,0.0,0.0)) self.waitingText.hide() self.noServer.hide()
def test_accept_empty_values(capture_stdout, tmp_file, obj): assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['create']) == 0 assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['add', '--key', 'empty', '--value', '']) == 0 with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['decode', '--key', 'empty']) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as output_file: assert == ''
def test_decoded_value_is_correct(capture_stdout, tmp_file, obj, key): assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['create']) == 0 assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['add', '--key', key, '--value', 'john']) == 0 with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['decode', '--key', key]) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as output_file: assert == 'john'
def test_accept_from_empty_files(capture_stdout, tmp_file, obj): open(tmp_file, 'w+').close() assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['create']) == 0 assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['add', '--key', 'empty', '--from', tmp_file]) == 0 with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=obj)(['decode', '--key', 'empty']) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as output_file: assert == ''
def __init__(self, engine,localOptions): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.engine = engine self.networkingEnabled = localOptions.enableNetworking if self.networkingEnabled: self.server = localOptions.server else: self.server = False self.ip = localOptions.ip self.remainingIDs = [] self.timeToWaitForPlayers = 10
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) print "starting ent mgr" self.ents = {} self.nEnts = 0 self.selectedEntIndex = 0 self.selectedEnt = None import ent self.entTypes = [ ent.CUBE, ent.ENEMY, ent.PLANE, ent.SHIELD, ent.HIDDEN, ent.END ]
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.invalid = [] self.enemies = [] self.items = [] self.points = 500 self.time = 0 self.hidden = 0 self.lives = 2 = False print "starting Game mgr" pass
def test_no_hang(osvc_path_tests, mock_sysname, sysname): import socket h2_sock = os.path.join(str(osvc_path_tests), 'var', 'lsnr', 'h2.sock') assert not os.path.exists(h2_sock) sockuxh2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockuxh2.bind(h2_sock) sockuxh2.close() assert os.path.exists(h2_sock) Mgr(selector=sysname)(['create', '--debug']) assert Mgr(selector=sysname)(['start', '--debug', '--local']) == 0
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) OIS.KeyListener.__init__(self) OIS.MouseListener.__init__(self) OIS.JoyStickListener.__init__(self) self.move = 250 self.rotate = 0.01 self.yawRot = 0.0 self.pitchRot = 0.0 self.transVector = ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.toggle = 0.1 self.distanceSquaredThreshold = 10000 self.leftShiftDown = False pass
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) OIS.KeyListener.__init__(self) OIS.MouseListener.__init__(self) OIS.JoyStickListener.__init__(self) self.move = 250 self.rotate = 0.01 self.yawRot = 0.0 self.pitchRot = 0.0 self.transVector = ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.toggle = 0.1 self.distanceSquaredThreshold = 10000 self.leftShiftDown = False; pass
def test_create_service_with_fs_flag_then_verify_config( tmp_file, capture_stdout, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_sysname(sysname) assert Mgr(selector=sysname)(['create', '--kw', 'fs#1.type=flag']) == 0 assert Mgr(selector=sysname)(['set', '--kw', 'fs#2.type=flag']) == 0 with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=sysname)( ['print', 'config', '--format', 'json']) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) assert config["fs#1"] == {'type': 'flag'} assert config["fs#2"] == {'type': 'flag'}
def assert_keys(cfg_object, keys): with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=cfg_object)(['keys']) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as result_file: read_keys = for key in keys: assert key in read_keys
def test_set_fs_flag_not_added_when_not_supported_on_os( fake_svc, mock_argv, tmp_file, capture_stdout, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_argv(['mgr', 'set', '--kw', 'fs#1.type=flag']) mock_sysname(sysname) assert Mgr(selector='fake-svc')() == 1
def test_create_call_node_create_service(mocker, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_sysname(sysname) node_create_service = mocker.patch.object(Node, 'create_service', return_value=None) assert Mgr(selector='svc1', node=Node())(["create"]) == 0 assert node_create_service.call_count == 1
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) print "starting ent mgr" self.ents = {} self.nEnts = 0 self.selectedEntIndex = 0 self.selectedEnt = None self.selectedEnt2 = None import ent self.entTypes = [ent.ALIENSHIP] self.entTypes0 = [ent.ALIENSHIP2] self.entTypes2 = [ent.BOX1,ent.BOX2, ent.BOMB1] self.entTypes4 = [ent.BUOY1] self.entTypes5 = [ent.RANDSHIP] self.entTypes6 = [ent.BOX3] self.entTypes7 = [ent.BOMB1]
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) print "starting ent mgr" self.ents = {} self.nEnts = 0 self.selectedEntIndex = 0 self.selectedEnt = None self.selectedEnt2 = None import ent self.entTypes = [ent.ALIENSHIP] self.entTypes0 = [ent.ALIENSHIP2] self.entTypes2 = [ent.BOX1, ent.BOX2, ent.BOMB1] self.entTypes4 = [ent.BUOY1] self.entTypes5 = [ent.RANDSHIP] self.entTypes6 = [ent.BOX3] self.entTypes7 = [ent.BOMB1]
def test_print_config_json(fake_svc, tmp_file, capture_stdout, mock_argv, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_argv(['mgr', "print", "config", '--format', 'json']) mock_sysname(sysname) with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector='fake-svc')() == 0 with open(tmp_file) as json_file: config = json.load(json_file) assert config['DEFAULT']['id']
def test_print_config(fake_svc, tmp_file, capture_stdout, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_sysname(sysname) with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector='fake-svc')(["print", "config"]) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as f: config_text = assert '[DEFAULT]' in config_text assert 'id =' in config_text
def test_create_then_start_then_verify_flag_file_exists( tmp_path, mocker, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_sysname(sysname) base_flag_d = str(tmp_path) mocker.patch( 'resFsFlag' + sysname + '.Fs.base_flag_d', new_callable=mocker.PropertyMock(return_value=base_flag_d)) expected_flag_file = os.path.join(base_flag_d, 'svc', sysname, 'fs#1.flag') assert not os.path.exists(expected_flag_file) Mgr(selector=sysname)(['create', '--kw', 'fs#1.type=flag', '--debug']) assert not os.path.exists(expected_flag_file) assert Mgr(selector=sysname)(['start', '--debug', '--local']) == 0 assert os.path.exists(expected_flag_file)
def test_no_call_to_main_and_exit_1(mocker, mock_sysname, sysname): mocker.patch('rcUtilities.os.geteuid', return_value=66) mock_sysname(sysname) sys_exit = mocker.patch.object(sys, 'exit', side_effect=Exception("exit")) _main = mocker.patch.object(Mgr, '_main') with pytest.raises(Exception, match="exit"): Mgr(selector='svc1')(['create']) sys_exit.assert_called_once_with(1) assert _main.call_count == 0
def test_add_from(capture_stdout, tmp_file, tmp_path, scenario, expected_key_values): config_dir = str(os.path.join(str(tmp_path), 'src')) os.makedirs(config_dir) for file_name in ['f1', '.f2']: path = os.path.join(config_dir, file_name) with open(path, 'w+') as new_file: new_file.write(file_name + '--') sub_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, 'sub') os.makedirs(sub_dir) sub_path_file = os.path.join(sub_dir, 'f3') with open(sub_path_file, 'w+') as new_file: new_file.write('sub/f3--') def assert_decode(cfg_object, key, value): with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=cfg_object)(['decode', '--key', key]) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as result_file: assert == value def assert_keys(cfg_object, keys): with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=cfg_object)(['keys']) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as result_file: read_keys = for key in keys: assert key in read_keys if scenario.startswith('/'): from_dir = config_dir else: os.chdir(str(tmp_path)) if scenario.startswith('.'): from_dir = os.path.join('.', 'src') else: from_dir = 'src' if scenario.split()[0].endswith('/*'): from_dir += '/*' elif scenario.split()[0].endswith('/'): from_dir += '/' elif scenario.split()[0].endswith('/f1'): from_dir += '/f1' obj = 'cfg/cfg1' if '--key foo' in scenario: args = ['add', '--key', 'foo', '--from', from_dir, '--debug'] else: args = ['add', '--from', from_dir, '--debug'] assert Mgr(selector=obj)(args) == 0 assert_keys(obj, expected_key_values.keys()) for key_name, decoded_value in expected_key_values.items(): assert_decode(obj, key_name, decoded_value)
def test_wrong_action_exit_1(fake_svc, mock_argv, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_argv(['mgr', "wrong-action"]) mock_sysname(sysname) assert Mgr(selector='fake-svc')() == 1
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.x = 0
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.entities = [] self.playerIndex = -1 self.nextPos = ogre.Vector3(const.INNER_RADIUS + 100,50,0)
def fake_svc(osvc_path_tests, has_privs, mocker): mocker.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['mgr', "create", '--debug']) Mgr(selector='fake-svc')()
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) pass
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.toggle = 0.15 print "starting Game mgr" pass
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.shipsInCollision = []
def assert_decode(cfg_object, key, value): with capture_stdout(tmp_file): assert Mgr(selector=cfg_object)(['decode', '--key', key]) == 0 with open(tmp_file) as result_file: assert == value
def __init__(self, engine): Mgr.__init__(self, engine) self.move = 250 self.rotate = 0.13 pass
def test_provision_service_with_config(has_service_with_vol_and_cfg): expected_voldir = os.path.join(str(has_service_with_vol_and_cfg), 'var', 'pool', 'directory', 'vol-test.root.vol.default') assert Mgr(selector='svc')( ['provision', '--local', '--leader', '--debug']) == 0 def assert_file_contain(file, expected_value): with open(os.path.join(expected_voldir, file)) as file: assert == expected_value assert_file_contain('simple_dest', 'cfg content of key simple') assert_file_contain('simple_b', 'cfg content of key /simpleb') assert_file_contain('baR', 'cfg content of key camelCase/Foo/baR') assert_file_contain('double-star-to-only-one', 'cfg content of key i/j/k/only-one') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('star-to-dir', 'b', 'c'), 'cfg content of key a/b/c') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('star-to-dir', 'e', 'f1'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f1') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('star-to-dir', 'e', 'f2'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f2') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('star-to-dir', 'g'), 'cfg content of key a/g') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('recursive-dir', 'b', 'c'), 'cfg content of key a/b/c') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('recursive-dir', 'e', 'f1'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f1') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('recursive-dir', 'e', 'f2'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f2') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('recursive-dir', 'g'), 'cfg content of key a/g') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep', 'b', 'c'), 'cfg content of key a/b/c') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep', 'e', 'f1'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f1') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep', 'e', 'f2'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f2') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep', 'g'), 'cfg content of key a/g') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep_2', 'a', 'b', 'c'), 'cfg content of key a/b/c') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep_2', 'a', 'e', 'f1'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f1') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep_2', 'a', 'e', 'f2'), 'cfg content of key a/e/f2') assert_file_contain( os.path.join('recursive-dir-with-os-sep_2', 'a', 'g'), 'cfg content of key a/g') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('os-sep-d', 'f'), 'cfg content of key /e/f') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('all-cfg1', 'simple'), 'cfg content of key simple') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('all-cfg1', 'simpleb'), 'cfg content of key /simpleb') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('all-cfg1', 'a', 'g'), 'cfg content of key a/g') assert_file_contain(os.path.join('all-cfg1', 'e', 'f'), 'cfg content of key /e/f')
def test_wrong_action_exit_1(fake_svc, mock_sysname, sysname): mock_sysname(sysname) assert Mgr(selector='fake-svc')(["wrong-action"]) == 1