Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, pnode, event_callback,
                 create_event_subscriber, destroy_event_subscriber):
        Creates a PlatformDriver instance.

        @param pnode           Root PlatformNode defining the platform network
                               rooted at this platform.
        @param event_callback  Callback to notify platform agent about events
                               generated by this driver.
                               This is captured in self._send_event for this
                               class and subclasses to call as needed.

        @param create_event_subscriber
        @param destroy_event_subscriber
                 functions to create/destroy any needed EventSubscriber's,
                 in particular regarding the Managed Endpoint API.

        # NOTE the "pnode" parameter may be not very "standard" but it is the
        # current convenient mechanism that captures the overall definition
        # of the corresponding platform (most of which coming from configuration)

        self._pnode = pnode
        self._send_event = event_callback

        self._create_event_subscriber = create_event_subscriber
        self._destroy_event_subscriber = destroy_event_subscriber

        self._platform_id = self._pnode.platform_id
        if self._pnode.parent:
            self._parent_platform_id = self._pnode.parent.platform_id
            self._parent_platform_id = None

        self._platform_attributes = \
            dict((a.attr_id, a.defn) for a in self._pnode.attrs.itervalues())

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("%r: PlatformDriver constructor called: pnode:\n%s\n"
                      NetworkUtil._dump_pnode(self._pnode, include_subplatforms=False),

        self._driver_config = None
        self._resource_schema = {}
        # The parameter dictionary.
        self._param_dict = {}

        # construct FSM and start it with initial state UNCONFIGURED:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _configure(self, config):
        Configures this driver. In this base class it basically
        calls validate_driver_configuration and then assigns the given
        config to self._driver_config.

        @param driver_config Driver configuration.

        # NOTE the "pnode" parameter may be not very "standard" but it is the
        # current convenient mechanism that captures the overall definition
        # of the corresponding platform (most of which coming from configuration)

        # Use the network definition provided by RSN OMS directly.
        rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance()
        network_definition = RsnOmsUtil.build_network_definition(rsn_oms)

        platform_id = 'LJ01D'
        self._pnode = network_definition.pnodes[platform_id]

        #self._pnode = config.get('pnode')

        self._platform_id = self._pnode.platform_id
        if self._pnode.parent:
            self._parent_platform_id = self._pnode.parent.platform_id
            self._parent_platform_id = None

        self._platform_attributes = \
            dict((a.attr_id, a.defn) for a in self._pnode.attrs.itervalues())

        log.debug("%r: PlatformDriver constructor called: pnode:\n%s\n"
                      NetworkUtil._dump_pnode(self._pnode, include_subplatforms=False),

        self._driver_config = config