Exemplo n.º 1
def read_survey_templates(account_id, source_id, language_tag, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    # TODO: I don't think surveys have names... only survey groups have names.
    #  So what can I pass down to the user that will make any sense here?

    # Note to future maintainers,
    # 2/21/20: currently the only way to figure this out
    # is to look through the "surveys" and "survey_group" tables, try:
    # select survey_id, american from surveys left join survey_group on
    # survey_group = group_order;

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)
        if source is None:
            return jsonify(code=404, message="No source found"), 404
        template_repo = SurveyTemplateRepo(t)
        if source.source_type == Source.SOURCE_TYPE_HUMAN:
            return jsonify([
                for x in [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, SurveyTemplateRepo.VIOSCREEN_ID]
            ]), 200
        elif source.source_type == Source.SOURCE_TYPE_ANIMAL:
            return jsonify([
                template_repo.get_survey_template_link_info(x) for x in [2]
            ]), 200
            return jsonify([]), 200
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_samples_by_source(self,
        sql = "{0}{1}".format(
            self.PARTIAL_SQL, " WHERE"
            " source.account_id = %s"
            " AND source.id = %s"
            " ORDER BY ag_kit_barcodes.barcode asc")

        with self._transaction.cursor() as cur:
            acct_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
            if acct_repo.get_account(account_id) is None:
                raise NotFound("No such account")

            source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
            if source_repo.get_source(account_id,
                                      allow_revoked=allow_revoked) is None:
                raise NotFound("No such source")

            cur.execute(sql, (account_id, source_id))

            samples = []
            for sample_row in cur.fetchall():
            return samples
Exemplo n.º 3
    def upsert_vioscreen_status(self, account_id, source_id, survey_id,
        # Check that account has permissions for source:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
        source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

        # Check current survey status
        cur_status = self.get_vioscreen_status(survey_id)

        # If there is no status, insert a row.
        if cur_status is None:
            with self._transaction.cursor() as cur:
                    "INSERT INTO ag_login_surveys("
                    "ag_login_id, survey_id, vioscreen_status, source_id) "
                    "VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                    (account_id, survey_id, status, source_id))
            # Else, upsert a status.
            with self._transaction.cursor() as cur:
                    "UPDATE "
                    "ag_login_surveys "
                    "SET "
                    "vioscreen_status = %s "
                    "WHERE "
                    "survey_id = %s", (status, survey_id))
                if cur.rowcount != 1:
                    raise NotFound("No such survey id: " + survey_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
def update_sample_association(account_id, source_id, sample_id, body,
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    # TODO: API layer doesn't understand that BadRequest can be thrown,
    #  but that looks to be the right result if sample_site bad.
    #  Need to update the api layer if we want to specify 400s.
    #  (Or we leave api as is and say 400's can always be thrown if your
    #  request is bad)
    with Transaction() as t:
        sample_repo = SampleRepo(t)
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)

        source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)
        if source is None:
            return jsonify(code=404, message="No such source"), 404

        needs_sample_site = source.source_type in [

        precludes_sample_site = source.source_type == \

        sample_site_present = "sample_site" in body and \
                              body["sample_site"] is not None

        if needs_sample_site and not sample_site_present:
            # Human/Animal sources require sample_site to be set
            raise BadRequest("human/animal samples require sample_site")
        if precludes_sample_site and sample_site_present:
            raise BadRequest("environmental samples cannot specify "

        sample_datetime = body['sample_datetime']
            sample_datetime = fromisotime(sample_datetime)
        except ValueError:
            raise BadRequest("Invalid sample_datetime")
        curdate = datetime.now(sample_datetime.tzinfo)
        lower_limit = curdate + relativedelta(years=-10)
        upper_limit = curdate + relativedelta(months=+1)
        if sample_datetime < lower_limit or sample_datetime > upper_limit:
            raise BadRequest('Invalid sample date')
        # sample_site will not be present if its environmental. this will
        # default to None if the key is not present
        sample_site = body.get('sample_site')
        sample_info = SampleInfo(sample_id, sample_datetime, sample_site,

        is_admin = token_grants_admin_access(token_info)

        final_sample = sample_repo.get_sample(account_id, source_id, sample_id)
    return jsonify(final_sample), 200
Exemplo n.º 5
def read_sources(account_id, token_info, source_type=None):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        sources = source_repo.get_sources_in_account(account_id, source_type)
        api_sources = [x.to_api() for x in sources]
        # TODO: Also support 404? Or is that not necessary?
        return jsonify(api_sources), 200
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_source(account_id, source_id, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)
        if source is None:
            return jsonify(code=404, message=SRC_NOT_FOUND_MSG), 404
        return jsonify(source.to_api()), 200
    def tearDown(self):
        with Transaction() as t:
            sr = SourceRepo(t)
            sar = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)
            sar.delete_answered_survey(ACCOUNT_ID, SURVEY_ID)

Exemplo n.º 8
def delete_source(account_id, source_id, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        if not source_repo.delete_source(account_id, source_id):
            return jsonify(code=404, message=SRC_NOT_FOUND_MSG), 404
        # TODO: 422?
        return '', 204
    def setUp(self):
        with Transaction() as t:
            sr = SourceRepo(t)
            sar = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)

            sar.submit_answered_survey(ACCOUNT_ID, HUMAN_SOURCE.id,
                                       'en_US', 1, SURVEY_ANSWERS,
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_scrub_not_human(self):
        with Transaction() as t:
            sr = SourceRepo(t)

            # make the source an animal
            cur = t.cursor()
                """UPDATE ag.source
                           SET source_type=%s
                           WHERE id=%s""",
                (Source.SOURCE_TYPE_ANIMAL, HUMAN_SOURCE.id))

            with self.assertRaises(RepoException):
                sr.scrub(ACCOUNT_ID, HUMAN_SOURCE.id)
Exemplo n.º 11
def delete_dummy_accts():
    all_sample_ids = []
    acct_ids = [ACCT_ID_1, ACCT_ID_2]

    with Transaction() as t:
        acct_repo = AccountRepo(t)
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        survey_answers_repo = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)
        sample_repo = SampleRepo(t)

        for curr_acct_id in acct_ids:
            sources = source_repo.get_sources_in_account(curr_acct_id)
            for curr_source in sources:
                source_samples = sample_repo.get_samples_by_source(
                    curr_acct_id, curr_source.id)
                sample_ids = [x.id for x in source_samples]

                # Dissociate all samples linked to this source from all
                # answered surveys linked to this source, then delete all
                # answered surveys
                    t, curr_acct_id, curr_source.id, sample_ids,

                # Now dissociate all the samples from this source
                for curr_sample_id in sample_ids:
                    sample_repo.dissociate_sample(curr_acct_id, curr_source.id,

                # Finally, delete the source
                source_repo.delete_source(curr_acct_id, curr_source.id)

            # Delete the account

        # Belt and suspenders: these test emails are used by some tests outside
        # of this module as well, so can't be sure they are paired with the
        # above dummy account ids

        # Delete the kit and all samples that were attached to any sources
        # NB: This won't clean up any samples that were created but NOT
        # attached to any sources ...
        if len(all_sample_ids) == 0:
            all_sample_ids = None
        _remove_mock_kit(t, mock_sample_ids=all_sample_ids)

Exemplo n.º 12
def delete_source(account_id, source_id, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        survey_answers_repo = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)

        answers = survey_answers_repo.list_answered_surveys(
            account_id, source_id)
        for survey_id in answers:
            survey_answers_repo.delete_answered_survey(account_id, survey_id)

        if not source_repo.delete_source(account_id, source_id):
            return jsonify(code=404, message=SRC_NOT_FOUND_MSG), 404
        # TODO: 422?
        return '', 204
Exemplo n.º 13
def create_source(account_id, body, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        source_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        name = body["source_name"]
        source_type = body['source_type']

        if source_type == Source.SOURCE_TYPE_HUMAN:
            # TODO: Unfortunately, humans require a lot of special handling,
            #  and we started mixing Source calls used for transforming to/
            #  from the database with source calls to/from the api.
            #  Would be nice to split this out better.
            source_info = HumanInfo.from_dict(body,
            # the "legacy" value of the age_range enum is not valid to use when
            # creating a new source, so do not allow that.
            # NB: Not necessary to do this check when updating a source as
            # only source name and description (not age_range) may be updated.
            if source_info.age_range == "legacy":
                raise RepoException("Age range may not be set to legacy.")
            source_info = NonHumanInfo.from_dict(body)

        new_source = Source(source_id,

        # Must pull from db to get creation_time, update_time
        s = source_repo.get_source(account_id, new_source.id)

    response = jsonify(s.to_api())
    response.status_code = 201
    response.headers['Location'] = '/api/accounts/%s/sources/%s' % \
                                   (account_id, source_id)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 14
def create_dummy_source(name, source_type, content_dict, create_dummy_1=True,
    with Transaction() as t:
        dummy_source_id = SOURCE_ID_1
        dummy_acct_id = _create_dummy_acct_from_t(t, create_dummy_1, iss, sub)
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        if source_type == Source.SOURCE_TYPE_HUMAN:
            dummy_info_obj = HumanInfo.from_dict(content_dict,
            dummy_info_obj = NonHumanInfo.from_dict(content_dict)

        source_repo.create_source(Source(dummy_source_id, dummy_acct_id,
                                         source_type, name,

    return dummy_acct_id, dummy_source_id
Exemplo n.º 15
def delete_account(account_id, token_info):

    with Transaction() as t:
        acct_repo = AccountRepo(t)
        src_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        samp_repo = SampleRepo(t)
        sar_repo = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)

        acct = acct_repo.get_account(account_id)
        if acct is None:
            return jsonify(message="Account not found", code=404), 404
            # the account is already scrubbed so let's stop early
            if acct.account_type == 'deleted':
                return None, 204

        sample_count = 0
        sources = src_repo.get_sources_in_account(account_id)

        for source in sources:
            samples = samp_repo.get_samples_by_source(account_id, source.id)

            has_samples = len(samples) > 0
            sample_count += len(samples)

            for sample in samples:
                # we scrub rather than disassociate in the event that the
                # sample is in our freezers but not with an up-to-date scan
                samp_repo.scrub(account_id, source.id, sample.id)

            surveys = sar_repo.list_answered_surveys(account_id, source.id)
            if has_samples:
                # if we have samples, we need to scrub survey / source
                # free text
                for survey_id in surveys:
                    sar_repo.scrub(account_id, source.id, survey_id)
                src_repo.scrub(account_id, source.id)
                # if we do not have associated samples, then the source
                # is safe to delete
                for survey_id in surveys:
                    sar_repo.delete_answered_survey(account_id, survey_id)
                src_repo.delete_source(account_id, source.id)

        # an account is safe to delete if there are no associated samples
        if sample_count > 0:


    return None, 204
Exemplo n.º 16
def delete_dummy_accts():
    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        survey_answers_repo = SurveyAnswersRepo(t)
        sources = source_repo.get_sources_in_account(ACCT_ID_1)
        for curr_source in sources:
            answers = survey_answers_repo.list_answered_surveys(
                ACCT_ID_1, curr_source.id)
            for survey_id in answers:
                    ACCT_ID_1, survey_id)

            source_repo.delete_source(ACCT_ID_1, curr_source.id)

        acct_repo = AccountRepo(t)
        # Belt and suspenders: these test emails are used by some tests outside
        # of this module as well, so can't be sure they are paired with the
        # above dummy account ids
    def migrate_96(TRN):
        from microsetta_private_api.repo.source_repo import SourceRepo as sr

        TRN.add("SELECT id, source_name FROM source")
        rows = TRN.execute()[-1]

        for r in rows:
            hsi = sr.construct_host_subject_id(r[0], r[1])

                """INSERT INTO source_host_subject_id
                       (source_id, host_subject_id)
                       VALUES (%s, %s)""", (r[0], hsi))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_samples_by_source(self, account_id, source_id):
        with self._transaction.cursor() as cur:
            acct_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
            if acct_repo.get_account(account_id) is None:
                raise NotFound("No such account")

            source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
            if source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id) is None:
                raise NotFound("No such source")

                "SELECT "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.ag_kit_barcode_id, "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.sample_date, "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.sample_time, "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.site_sampled, "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.notes, "
                "ag_kit_barcodes.barcode, "
                "barcode.scan_date "
                "FROM ag_kit_barcodes "
                "LEFT JOIN barcode "
                "USING (barcode) "
                "LEFT JOIN source "
                "ON ag_kit_barcodes.source_id = source.id "
                "WHERE "
                "source.account_id = %s AND "
                "source.id = %s "
                "ORDER BY barcode.barcode asc", (account_id, source_id))

            samples = []
            for sample_row in cur.fetchall():
                barcode = sample_row[5]
                sample_projects = self._retrieve_projects(barcode)
                s = Sample.from_db(*sample_row, sample_projects)
            return samples
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_scrub(self):
        with Transaction() as t:
            sr = SourceRepo(t)
            sr.scrub(HUMAN_SOURCE.account_id, HUMAN_SOURCE.id)

            obs = sr.get_source(HUMAN_SOURCE.account_id,
            self.assertEqual(obs, None)

            obs = sr.get_source(HUMAN_SOURCE.account_id,

            self.assertNotEqual(obs.name, HUMAN_SOURCE.name)

            self.assertTrue(obs.source_data.date_revoked is not None)
Exemplo n.º 20
def update_source(account_id, source_id, body, token_info):
    _validate_account_access(token_info, account_id)

    with Transaction() as t:
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)
        if source is None:
            return jsonify(code=404, message=SRC_NOT_FOUND_MSG), 404

        source.name = body["source_name"]
        # every type of source has a name but not every type has a description
        if getattr(source.source_data, "description", False):
            source.source_data.description = body.get(
                "source_description", None)

        # I wonder if there's some way to get the creation_time/update_time
        # during the insert/update...
        source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

        # TODO: 422? Not sure this can actually happen anymore ...
        return jsonify(source.to_api()), 200
Exemplo n.º 21
    def get_survey_metadata(self, sample_barcode, survey_template_id=None):
        ids = self._get_ids_relevant_to_barcode(sample_barcode)

        if ids is None:
            raise NotFound("No such barcode")

        account_id = ids.get('account_id')
        source_id = ids.get('source_id')
        sample_id = ids.get('sample_id')

        account = None
        source = None
        sample = None
        if sample_id is not None:
            sample_repo = SampleRepo(self._transaction)
            sample = sample_repo._get_sample_by_id(sample_id)

        if source_id is not None and account_id is not None:
            source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
            account_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
            account = account_repo.get_account(account_id)
            source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

        if source is None:
            raise RepoException("Barcode is not associated with a source")

        # TODO: This is my best understanding of how the data must be
        #  transformed to get the host_subject_id, needs verification that it
        #  generates the expected values for preexisting samples.
        prehash = account_id + source.name.lower()
        host_subject_id = sha512(prehash.encode()).hexdigest()

        survey_answers_repo = SurveyAnswersRepo(self._transaction)
        answer_ids = survey_answers_repo.list_answered_surveys_by_sample(
            account_id, source_id, sample_id)

        answer_to_template_map = {}
        for answer_id in answer_ids:
            template_id = survey_answers_repo.find_survey_template_id(
            answer_to_template_map[answer_id] = template_id

        # if a survey template is specified, filter the returned surveys
        if survey_template_id is not None:
            # TODO: This schema is so awkward for this type of query...
            answers = []
            for answer_id in answer_ids:
                if answer_to_template_map[answer_id] == survey_template_id:

            if len(answers) == 0:
                raise NotFound("This barcode is not associated with any "
                               "surveys matching this template id")
            if len(answers) > 1:
                #  I really hope this can't happen.  (x . x)
                raise RepoException("This barcode is associated with more "
                                    "than one survey matching this template"
                                    " id")
            answer_ids = answers

        metadata_map = survey_answers_repo.build_metadata_map()

        all_survey_answers = []
        for answer_id in answer_ids:
            answer_model = survey_answers_repo.get_answered_survey(
                account_id, source_id, answer_id, "en-US")

            survey_answers = {}
            for k in answer_model:
                new_k = metadata_map[int(k)]
                survey_answers[k] = [new_k, answer_model[k]]


        pulldown = {
            "sample_barcode": sample_barcode,
            "host_subject_id": host_subject_id,
            "account": account,
            "source": source,
            "sample": sample,
            "survey_answers": all_survey_answers

        return pulldown
Exemplo n.º 22
    def retrieve_diagnostics_by_barcode(self, sample_barcode, grab_kit=True):
        def _rows_to_dicts_list(rows):
            return [dict(x) for x in rows]

        with self._transaction.dict_cursor() as cur:
            ids = self._get_ids_relevant_to_barcode(sample_barcode)

            if ids is None:
                ids = {}

            # default for not found is None
            sample_id = ids.get("sample_id")
            source_id = ids.get("source_id")
            account_id = ids.get("account_id")
            # NB: this is the true UUID kit id (the primary key of
            # ag.ag_kit), NOT the kit's participant-facing string "id"
            kit_id = ids.get("kit_id")

            account = None
            source = None
            sample = None
            kit = None

            # get sample object for this barcode, if any
            if sample_id is not None:
                sample_repo = SampleRepo(self._transaction)
                sample = sample_repo._get_sample_by_id(sample_id)

            # get account object for this barcode, if any
            if account_id is not None:
                account_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
                account = account_repo.get_account(account_id)

            # and source object for this barcode, if any
            if source_id is not None:
                source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
                source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

            # get (partial) projects_info list for this barcode
            query = f"""
                    SELECT {p.DB_PROJ_NAME_KEY}, {p.IS_MICROSETTA_KEY},
                    {p.BANK_SAMPLES_KEY}, {p.PLATING_START_DATE_KEY}
                    FROM barcodes.project
                    INNER JOIN barcodes.project_barcode
                    USING (project_id)
                    WHERE barcode=%s;"""

            cur.execute(query, (sample_barcode, ))
            # this can't be None; worst-case is an empty list
            projects_info = _rows_to_dicts_list(cur.fetchall())

            # get scans_info list for this barcode
            # NB: ORDER MATTERS here. Do not change the order unless you
            # are positive you know what already depends on it.
                "SELECT barcode_scan_id, barcode, "
                "scan_timestamp, sample_status, "
                "technician_notes "
                "FROM barcodes.barcode_scans "
                "WHERE barcode=%s "
                "ORDER BY scan_timestamp asc", (sample_barcode, ))
            # this can't be None; worst-case is an empty list
            scans_info = _rows_to_dicts_list(cur.fetchall())

            latest_scan = None
            if len(scans_info) > 0:
                # NB: the correctness of this depends on the scans (queried
                # right above) being in ascending order by timestamp
                latest_scan = scans_info[len(scans_info) - 1]

            # get details about this barcode itself; CAN be None if the
            # barcode doesn't exist in db
            barcode_info = None
                "SELECT barcode, assigned_on, status, "
                "sample_postmark_date, biomass_remaining, "
                "sequencing_status, obsolete, "
                "create_date_time, kit_id "
                "FROM barcodes.barcode "
                "WHERE barcode = %s", (sample_barcode, ))
            barcode_row = cur.fetchone()
            if barcode_row is not None:
                barcode_info = dict(barcode_row)

            if account is None and source is None and sample is None and \
                    len(projects_info) == 0 and len(scans_info) == 0 \
                    and barcode_info is None:
                return None

            diagnostic = {
                "account": account,
                "source": source,
                "sample": sample,
                "latest_scan": latest_scan,
                "scans_info": scans_info,
                "barcode_info": barcode_info,
                "projects_info": projects_info

            if grab_kit:
                # get kit object
                if kit_id is not None:
                    kit_repo = KitRepo(self._transaction)
                    kit = kit_repo.get_kit_all_samples_by_kit_id(kit_id)
                diagnostic["kit"] = kit

            return diagnostic
Exemplo n.º 23
 def setUp(self):
     with Transaction() as t:
         sr = SourceRepo(t)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def tearDown(self):
     with Transaction() as t:
         sr = SourceRepo(t)
         sr.delete_source(HUMAN_SOURCE.account_id, HUMAN_SOURCE.id)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_scrub_bad_source(self):
     with Transaction() as t:
         sr = SourceRepo(t)
         with self.assertRaises(RepoException):
             sr.scrub(ACCOUNT_ID, 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa')
Exemplo n.º 26
    def retrieve_diagnostics_by_barcode(self, sample_barcode, grab_kit=True):
        with self._transaction.dict_cursor() as cur:
            ids = self._get_ids_relevant_to_barcode(sample_barcode)

            if ids is None:
                sample_id = None
                source_id = None
                account_id = None
                kit_id = None
                sample_id = ids["sample_id"]
                source_id = ids["source_id"]
                account_id = ids["account_id"]
                kit_id = ids["kit_id"]

            account = None
            source = None
            sample = None
            kit = None

            if sample_id is not None:
                sample_repo = SampleRepo(self._transaction)
                sample = sample_repo._get_sample_by_id(sample_id)

            if source_id is not None and account_id is not None:
                account_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
                source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
                account = account_repo.get_account(account_id)
                source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

            if kit_id is not None and grab_kit:
                kit_repo = KitRepo(self._transaction)
                kit = kit_repo.get_kit_all_samples_by_kit_id(kit_id)

            cur.execute("SELECT * from barcodes.barcode "
                        "LEFT OUTER JOIN barcodes.project_barcode "
                        "USING (barcode) "
                        "LEFT OUTER JOIN barcodes.project "
                        "USING (project_id) "
                        "where barcode=%s",
            barcode_info = cur.fetchall()

            # How to unwrap a psycopg2 DictRow.  I feel dirty.
            barcode_info = [{k: v for k, v in x.items()}
                            for x in barcode_info]  # Get Inceptioned!!

            # Collapse info from joined project_barcode and project tables
            # into array within barcode_info
            if barcode_info:
                first = barcode_info[0]
                first['projects'] = [
                        'project_id': r['project_id'],
                        'project': r['project']
                    for r in barcode_info]
                del first['project_id']
                del first['project']
                barcode_info = first
                barcode_info = None

            if account is None and \
                    source is None and \
                    sample is None and \
                    barcode_info is None:
                return None

            diagnostic = {
                "barcode": sample_barcode,
                "account": account,
                "source": source,
                "sample": sample,
                "barcode_info": barcode_info

            if grab_kit:
                diagnostic["kit"] = kit

            return diagnostic
    def retrieve_diagnostics_by_barcode(self, sample_barcode, grab_kit=True):
        def _rows_to_dicts_list(rows):
            return [dict(x) for x in rows]

        with self._transaction.dict_cursor() as cur:
            ids = self._get_ids_relevant_to_barcode(sample_barcode)

            if ids is None:
                sample_id = None
                source_id = None
                account_id = None
                kit_id = None
                sample_id = ids["sample_id"]
                source_id = ids["source_id"]
                account_id = ids["account_id"]
                kit_id = ids["kit_id"]

            account = None
            source = None
            sample = None
            kit = None

            # get sample object for this barcode
            if sample_id is not None:
                sample_repo = SampleRepo(self._transaction)
                sample = sample_repo._get_sample_by_id(sample_id)

            # get account and source objects for this barcode
            if source_id is not None and account_id is not None:
                account_repo = AccountRepo(self._transaction)
                source_repo = SourceRepo(self._transaction)
                account = account_repo.get_account(account_id)
                source = source_repo.get_source(account_id, source_id)

            # get projects_info list for this barcode
            cur.execute("SELECT project, is_microsetta, "
                        "bank_samples, plating_start_date "
                        "FROM barcodes.project "
                        "INNER JOIN barcodes.project_barcode "
                        "USING (project_id) "
                        "WHERE barcode=%s",
            # this can't be None; worst-case is an empty list
            projects_info = _rows_to_dicts_list(cur.fetchall())

            # get scans_info list for this barcode
            # NB: ORDER MATTERS here. Do not change the order unless you
            # are positive you know what already depends on it.
            cur.execute("SELECT barcode_scan_id, barcode, "
                        "scan_timestamp, sample_status, "
                        "technician_notes "
                        "FROM barcodes.barcode_scans "
                        "WHERE barcode=%s "
                        "ORDER BY scan_timestamp asc",
            # this can't be None; worst-case is an empty list
            scans_info = _rows_to_dicts_list(cur.fetchall())

            latest_scan = None
            if len(scans_info) > 0:
                # NB: the correctness of this depends on the scans (queried
                # right above) being in ascending order by timestamp
                latest_scan = scans_info[len(scans_info)-1]

            # get details about this barcode itself; CAN be None if the
            # barcode doesn't exist in db
            barcode_info = None
            cur.execute("SELECT barcode, assigned_on, status, "
                        "sample_postmark_date, biomass_remaining, "
                        "sequencing_status, obsolete, "
                        "create_date_time, kit_id "
                        "FROM barcodes.barcode "
                        "WHERE barcode = %s",
            barcode_row = cur.fetchone()
            if barcode_row is not None:
                barcode_info = dict(barcode_row)

            if account is None and source is None and sample is None and \
                    len(projects_info) == 0 and len(scans_info) == 0 \
                    and barcode_info is None:
                return None

            diagnostic = {
                "account": account,
                "source": source,
                "sample": sample,
                "latest_scan": latest_scan,
                "scans_info": scans_info,
                "barcode_info": barcode_info,
                "projects_info": projects_info

            if grab_kit:
                # get kit object
                if kit_id is not None:
                    kit_repo = KitRepo(self._transaction)
                    kit = kit_repo.get_kit_all_samples_by_kit_id(kit_id)
                diagnostic["kit"] = kit

            return diagnostic
Exemplo n.º 28
def query_email_stats(body, token_info):

    email_list = body.get("emails", [])
    project = body.get("project")

    results = []
    with Transaction() as t:
        account_repo = AccountRepo(t)
        kit_repo = KitRepo(t)
        source_repo = SourceRepo(t)
        sample_repo = SampleRepo(t)

        for email in email_list:
            result = {'email': email, 'project': project}
            # can use internal lookup by email, because we have admin access
            account = account_repo._find_account_by_email(email)  # noqa
            if account is None:
                result['summary'] = "No Account"
                result['account_id'] = account.id
                result['creation_time'] = account.creation_time
                result['kit_name'] = account.created_with_kit_id

            if account.created_with_kit_id is not None:
                unused = kit_repo.get_kit_unused_samples(
                if unused is None:
                    result['unclaimed-samples-in-kit'] = 0
                    result['unclaimed-samples-in-kit'] = len(unused.samples)

            sample_statuses = defaultdict(int)
            sources = source_repo.get_sources_in_account(account.id)

            samples_in_project = 0
            for source in sources:
                samples = sample_repo.get_samples_by_source(account.id,
                for sample in samples:
                    if project is not None and \
                       project != "" and \
                       project not in sample.sample_projects:
                    samples_in_project += 1
                    sample_status = sample_repo.get_sample_status(
                        sample._latest_scan_timestamp  # noqa
                    if sample_status is None:
                        sample_status = "never-scanned"
                    sample_statuses[sample_status] += 1

            if result.get('unclaimed-samples-in-kit', 0) > 0:
                result['summary'] = 'Possible Unreturned Samples'
            elif samples_in_project == 0:
                result['summary'] = "No Samples In Specified Project"
            elif result.get('sample-is-valid') == samples_in_project:
                result['summary'] = 'All Samples Valid'
                result['summary'] = 'May Require User Interaction'

    return jsonify(results), 200