Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: midi.py Projeto: lkmnds/jose
    async def make_midi(self, tempo: int, data: str) -> MIDIFile:
        midi_file = MIDIFile(1)

        midi_file.addTrackName(0, 0, 'beep boop')
        midi_file.addTempo(0, 0, tempo)

        channel_datas = data.split('|')

        log.debug(f'creating MIDI out of "{data}"')

        for channel_index, channel_data in enumerate(channel_datas):
            await self.add_channel(midi_file, channel_index, channel_data)

        log.info('successfully created MIDI')
        return midi_file
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_midi_file(daw_state):
    num_tracks = len(daw_state['tracks'])

    channel = 0
    time = 0  # In beats
    duration = 1  # In beats
    tempo = daw_state['tempo']  # In BPM
    volume = 50  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    midi_object = MIDIFile(
    )  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created automatically)

    # The daw_state representation gives note a time state array. To write a MIDI file,
    # we'll need to transpose the mapping so that each time step maps to a set of active note numerals.

    max_time_steps = len(daw_state['tracks'][0][0]['timeStates'])
    for current_time_step in range(0, max_time_steps):
        notes_active_at_this_timestep = []

        for track_index in range(0, num_tracks):
            note_states = daw_state['tracks'][track_index]
            for note in note_states:
                if note['timeStates'][current_time_step]:
                    this_note_numeral = note_name_to_numeral(note['id'])

        # This timestep has been scanned and active notes gathered. We can write all notes to the file.
        midi_object.addTempo(track_index, time, tempo)
        for note in notes_active_at_this_timestep:
            midi_object.addNote(track_index, channel, note, current_time_step,
                                duration, volume)

    with open("midi-export.mid", "wb") as output_file:

    return ("midi-export.mid", output_file)
Exemplo n.º 3
class MidiExport:
    global midiExportFile
    midinote_l = 36
    midinote_m = 38
    midinote_h = 42
    midinote_ho = 46

    def __init__(self, generator):
        self.midiExportFile = MIDIFile(2)
        # (track, time, tempo)
        self.midiExportFile.addTempo(1000, 0, bpm)
        numerator = generator.beatPerMeasure
        denominator = int(math.log(generator.beatUnit, 2))
        clocksPerTick = int(24 * (4 / generator.beatUnit))
        self.midiExportFile.addTimeSignature(1000, 0, numerator, denominator,

    def export(self, sequence, filename):
        sixteenthNoteDuration = (60. / bpm) * .25
        for event in sequence:
            if (len(event) > 2):
                for sound in event[2:]:
                    if sound is "l":
                        pitch = self.midinote_l
                        amp = 110 if event[1] == 0 else 80
                    elif sound is "m":
                        pitch = self.midinote_m
                        amp = 110 if event[1] == 0 else 80
                    elif sound is "h":
                        pitch = self.midinote_h
                        amp = 80
                        # (track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
                    self.midiExportFile.addNote(0, 9, pitch, event[0] * .25,
                                                .25, amp)

        with open(filename + ".mid", "wb") as output_file:
def chords_wav(tempo, key, instrument):

    chords = progression(key)
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0
    duration = 2
    tempo = tempo
    volume = 90

    midi = MIDIFile(1)

    midi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    delay = randint(0, 1)

    for chord in chords:
        i = 0
        for note in chord:

            midi.addNote(track, channel, note, time + 0.05 * i * delay,
                         duration, volume)
            i += 1

        time += 2

    with open('midi/chords.mid', 'wb') as output_file:

    fs = FluidSynth(instrument)

    fs.midi_to_audio('midi/chords.mid', 'wav/chords.wav')

    lowpass('wav/chords.wav', 'wav/processed_chords.wav', 1000)

    return chords
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_track(self, notes: list, id: str):
        track = 0
        channel = 0
        time = 0
        duration = 1
        tempo = 160
        volume = 100

        COUNT = 0

        MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1)
        MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

        for note in notes:
            COUNT = (COUNT + 1) % 7
            MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, note[PITCH], time, duration, volume)
            time += note[BEATS]
            if COUNT % 7 == 0:
                time += 1

        with open(
                os.path.join(app.root_path, app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"],
                             "{}.mid".format(id)), "wb") as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def build_midi_file(self) -> MIDIFile:
        # Compress runs of the same note
        reduces_song_map: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, int]]
        reduced_song_map = [(self.song_map[0], 1)]  # [(note, duration), ...]
        for note in self.song_map[1:]:
            if note == "-":
                last = reduced_song_map[-1]
                reduced_song_map[-1] = (last[0], last[1] + 1)
                reduced_song_map.append((note, 1))

        midi = MIDIFile()
        midi.addTempo(0, 0, self.bpm)
        midi.addProgramChange(0, 0, 0, 7)

        offset = 0
        for note, count in reduced_song_map:
            if note not in (".", "—"):
                pitch = self.midi_notes[note]
                duration = count - 0.5
                midi.addNote(0, 0, pitch, offset, duration, 127)
            offset += count

        return midi
Exemplo n.º 7
    def write_midi(self):
        """writes midi file for the piece"""
        time = 0
        MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1)
        MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
        piece = self.in_notes()
        # adding notes
        for note in piece[0]:
            for pitch in note.pitch:
                MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, note.duration,
            time += note.duration

        # adding bass
        time = 0
        for note in piece[1]:
            for pitch in note.pitch:
                MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel + 1, pitch - 12, time,
                               note.duration, volume)
            time += note.duration

        with open("test.mid", "wb") as output_file:
        print('Done! Midi file saved as "test.mid"')
Exemplo n.º 8
def generate(filename):
    # generate
    upper = random.randint(0, 128)
    lower = random.randint(0, upper)

    degrees = generateNotes(
        lower, upper, random.randint(0, 501)
    )  # This is where the actual notes are stored ... ex: [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72]  # MIDI note number
    track = 0  # Literally, the track at which the notes are stored
    channel = 0  # 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
    time = 0  # When the note is played (the beat at which the note is played)
    duration = 1  # 1 = quarter note, 1/2 = eigth note
    tempo = random.randint(40, 201)  # In BPM
    volume = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(
        1)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created
    # automatically)
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    # Idea: every iteration of the for loop, you randomly generate a new number
    for i, pitch in enumerate(degrees):
        timeScalar = 1.0 / random.randint(
            1, 10)  # This has to do with note position
        durationScalar = 1.0 / random.randint(
            1, 10
        )  # This has to do with the notes duration (i.e. quarter note, half-note, etc.)
        duration = random.randint(1, 10)
            track, channel, pitch, i + timeScalar, duration * durationScalar,
            volume)  # This is where we can configure the timing of each note

# If we want to add more notes to track 0 then we can do this:
# MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 60, time + 7, duration*0.5, volume-10)

    with open(filename, "wb") as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def create_midi_file(self, file_name=None):
        track = 0
        channel = 1
        tempo = 120  # In BPM
        volume = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard
        my_midi = MIDIFile(
        )  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created automatically)
        my_midi.addTempo(track, 0, tempo)
        # my_midi.addProgramChange(0, 10, 0, 0)
        my_midi.tracks[0].addChannelPressure(0, 4, 0)

        repertory = "output/"
        if file_name is not None:
            file = file_name + ".mid"
            file = str(self.ind) + ".mid"
        for note in self.sequence:
            # print(note)
            my_midi.addNote(track, channel, note.bit.pitch + 36,
                            note.bit.timestamp, note.bit.duration, volume)

        with open(repertory + file, "wb") as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 10
def generateMidi(pitches):

    for i in range(len(pitches)):
        pitches[i] = getNum(pitches[i])
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0
    duration = 1
    tempo = 120  # default tempo for now
    volume = 100

    newMidi = MIDIFile(1)

    newMidi.adjust_origin = True

    newMidi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for i, pitch in enumerate(pitches):
        newMidi.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time + i, duration, volume)

    ts = datetime.datetime.now()
    ofp = "Twinkle{}.mid".format(ts.strftime("%H-%M-%S"))
    with open(ofp, "wb") as midi_output:
Exemplo n.º 11
def drum_wav(tempo, instrument, keys):

    notes = [keys["kick"], keys["snare"]]
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0
    duration = 1
    tempo = tempo
    volume = 127

    midi = MIDIFile(1)

    midi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for note in notes:
        midi.addNote(track, channel, note, time, duration, volume)
        time += 1

    time = 0

    hat_pattern = rhytm_generator()

    for i in range(16):
        # if hat_pattern[i] == 1:
        #     midi.addNote(track,channel,keys["hi-hat"],time,0.125,90)

        if (i) % 4 == 0 and i % 8 != 0:
            midi.addNote(track, channel, keys["op-hat"], time, 0.125, 70)
        time += 0.125

    with open('midi/drums.mid', 'wb') as output_file:

    fs = FluidSynth(instrument)

    fs.midi_to_audio('midi/drums.mid', 'wav/drums.wav')
Exemplo n.º 12
def createMIDI():
    So, I guess this generates some MIDI data?
    Depending on what the instrument type (or whatever) is, there
    doesnt even need to be pitch info, it can just be an on and off, right? And that is a signal for the sample to be written

    Would be cool to create a DSL for specifying midi patterns, and then I can just write an engine to convert that to a MIDIFile

    What might that look like?
    {"Track1" : {}}
    degrees  = [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72]  # MIDI note number
    track    = 0
    channel  = 0
    time     = 0    # In beats
    duration = 1    # In beats
    tempo    = 120   # In BPM
    volume   = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created
                           # automatically)
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for i, pitch in enumerate(degrees):
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time + i, duration, volume)

    track = 1

    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for i, pitch in enumerate(degrees):
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time + i, duration, volume)

    with open("major-scale.mid", "wb") as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 13
for xNote in range(0, 8):
    for yNote in range(0, 8):
        if Percussion == 82:
            Percussion = 35
        Drums[(xNote, yNote)] = Percussion
        Percussion += 1

track = 0  # Midi allows for multiple tracks to be written. 0 is one track, 1 is an additional track, and so on.
count = 0  # This declares where the note will be placed based on beats.
duration = 1  # How long a note will last (in beats).
tempo = 144  # Beats Per Minute (BPM)
volume = 127  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

midi = MIDIFile(1)  #Calling of the midiutil module

midi.addTempo(track, count, tempo)
    track, count, "Langton's Launch Jams."
)  #Title of the midi file (can only be viewed in notation software)
midi.addProgramChange(track, 0, count, 107)

def writeMidi(ant):  #Function to write the chords in the midi file
    x, y = (ant.curpos['x'] / 64), (
        ant.curpos['y'] / 64
    )  #Takes the ant's current x and y position and divides both values by 64,
    #this is so because the ant's position increments 64 pixels at a time.
    chord = Notes[int(x)][int(
        y)]  #finds the chord in Notes based on the x and y value of the ant
    for i in chord:
        midi.addNote(track, 0, i, ant.turns, 2,
Exemplo n.º 14
def main(argv):
    file_name = ''.join(map(str, argv))
    file_path = "./uploads/" + file_name
    model = Model()
    checkpoint = torch.load('./machine_learning/model/CNN_model.pt',
    model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=False)

    pred = []

    sr, song = wavfile.read(file_path)  # Loading your audio
    song = song / abs(max(song.min(), song.max(), key=abs))

    segs = len(song) // 4410

    for j in range(segs - 1):  #lazy
        seg = song[j * 4410:(j + 1) * 4410]
        x = seg.mean(1)  # Converting Stereo to Mono
        x = torch.tensor(
            x, device=device,
            dtype=torch.float)  # casting the array into a PyTorch Tensor
        y_pred = model(x)
        to_numpy = y_pred.cpu().detach().numpy()[0]

    pred = np.round(np.array(pred))
    pred = pred.T

    # 88 is the 🎹 🔑  (21 to 108)
    predT = pred.T
    new_notes = []
    for i in predT:
        x = np.where(i != 0)[0] + 21

    degrees = new_notes  # MIDI note number
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    time = 0.1  # In beats
    duration = 1  # In beats
    tempo = 60  # In BPM
    volume = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(
        1)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created
    # automatically)
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

    for i, pitches in enumerate(degrees):
        if pitches != []:
            for pitch in pitches:
                MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time * i, duration,

    with open("./transcribed/outputtest.midi", "wb") as output_file:

Exemplo n.º 15
    pattern = random.choice(words)()

    # Tick in first measure
    event = [track, channel, 34, time, 1, 127]

    for note in pattern.getNotes():

        event = [track, channel]
    time += note[1]  # Update time


)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created automatically)
MyMIDI.addTempo(track, 0, tempo)

for event in song:
    track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume = event
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)

with open("C:/Users/magarami/Desktop/rythmTraining.mid", "wb") as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 16
 for event in pygame.event.get():
     if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
     if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
         pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
         x, y = pos
         #If record button is pressed, make a new midi file to record the notes in,
         #set the current time as start time to keep track of note timings,
         #change the button to recording, and toggle recording and going variables so
         #the program enters the recording loop
         if 125 > x > 75 and 145 > y > 95:
             mf = MIDIFile(1)
             starttime = time.time()
             mf.addTrackName(track, 0, "Track")
             mf.addTempo(track, 0, 60)
             pygame.draw.rect(screen, bright_red, (60, 80, 80, 80))
             text_surface = my_font.render("RECORDING", True, WHITE)
             rect = text_surface.get_rect(center=(100, 120))
             screen.blit(text_surface, rect)
             RECORDING = True
             going = False
         #If play button is pressed
         if 225 > x > 175 and 145 > y > 95:
             #If it was playing, stop playing the recorded file and change the button
             #to play. Set playing to False so the music would not play again.
             if playing:
                 playing = False
                 pygame.draw.rect(screen, green, (160, 80, 80, 80))
                 text_surface = my_font.render("PLAY", True, WHITE)
Exemplo n.º 17
        offsetsMap[i] = stepValuesArray[3+18]

if rhythm[0][21] < 0:
track    = 0
channel  = 0
duration = 1/4    # In beats
volume   = 127  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard
pitch = 46

MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created
                      # automatically)
MyMIDI.addTempo(track, 0, bpm)

for i, offset in offsetsMap.items():
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, (i + offset)/4, duration, volume)

with open("output.mid", "wb") as output_file:

fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.plot(AAsignal, label='signal')
ax0.set_xlabel("Original signal")

fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.plot(AAabssignal, label='envelope')
Exemplo n.º 18
import sys

bpm = 60
vartrack = 2
toadd = [
    1, (60, 1, 2), (62, 1, 25), (64, 1, 64), (65, 1, 53), (67, 1, 32),
    (69, 1, 14), (71, 1, 87), (72, 1, 69), 2
toadd1 = [
    1, (60, 1, 5), (62, 1, 55), (64, 1, 31), (65, 1, 45), (67, 1, 115),
    (69, 1, 54), (71, 1, 87), (72, 1, 69), 2
midi = MIDIFile(
)  #it takes the number of tracks as a parameter, I haven't played with it.
midi.addTempo(0, 0, bpm)
time = toadd[
    0]  #if there's initial silence it's the first parameter, for aditional silence please pass the note 0
temp = 1
currtrack = 1

def addnotes(toadd):
    global temp
    global time
    global instrument
    global currtrack

    negativeError = ValueError("Start time should be positive")
    if toadd[0] < 0:
        raise negativeError

if MIDIsafe == "Y":
    #MIDI file write
    degrees = sound1list  # MIDI note number
    track = 0
    channel = 9
    timer = 0  # In beats
    tempo = BPM  # In BPM
    volume = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

    MyMIDI = MIDIFile(
    )  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track automatically created)
    MyMIDI.addTempo(track, timer, tempo)

    for volume in degrees:
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 36, timer, 0.25, volume * 100)
        timer = timer + 0.25

    degrees = sound2list
    timer = 0
    for volume in degrees:
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 38, timer, 0.25, volume * 100)
        timer = timer + 0.25

    degrees = sound3list
    timer = 0
    for volume in degrees:
        MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, 42, timer, 0.25, volume * 100)
Exemplo n.º 20
    cv2.imwrite("res.png", img)

    for note_group in note_groups:
        print([note.note + " " + note.sym for note in note_group])

    midi = MIDIFile(1)

    track = 0
    time = 0
    channel = 0
    volume = 100

    midi.addTrackName(track, time, "Track")
    midi.addTempo(track, time, 140)

    for note_group in note_groups:
        duration = None
        for note in note_group:
            note_type = note.sym
            if note_type == "1":
                duration = 4
            elif note_type == "2":
                duration = 2
            elif note_type == "4,8":
                duration = 1 if len(note_group) == 1 else 0.5
            pitch = note.pitch
            midi.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)
            time += duration
Exemplo n.º 21
from midiutil import MIDIFile
from math import sqrt

midi_file = MIDIFile(1)  # Create MIDI file with one track.
midi_file.addTempo(0, 0,
                   160)  # set the tempo to 120 BPM on track 0, at time 0.

def get_fibonacci_number(n):
    PHI = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
    return round(pow(PHI, n) / sqrt(5))

N = 20

# generate note mapping
notes = {}
for i in range(10):
    # i semitones from D5-Sharp (75)
    notes[i] = 75 + i

# N is some positive integer greater than one.
for i in range(N):
    # get_fibonacci_number(n) returns the n-th fibonacci number (one-based)
    note = notes[get_fibonacci_number(i + 1) % 10]
    midi_file.addNote(0, 0, note, i, 1, 100)

def save_midi(midi_handle, filename):
    with open(f'{filename}.mid', 'wb') as output_file:
Exemplo n.º 22
    result = open('tmp').read()

    onsets = result.split("\n")

    # midi parameters
    pitch = 60
    track = 0
    channel = 0
    duration = 0.25
    inS = open('tempos.txt').read()
    # tempo detection done through essentia
    bpm = int(tempo_detection.detect(filename))
    volume = 100

    midi = MIDIFile(1)
    midi.addTempo(track, 0, bpm)

    # extract the times from the aubio output as a list, normalized by bpm
    times = []
    for onset in onsets:
        if onset != "":
            sec = float(onset.strip())
            time = (sec / 60) * bpm


    assert (len(times) > 0)

    # shift back so that the first onset starts from 0
    shifted_times = []
    for time in times:
Exemplo n.º 23
def generate_melody(with_chords, repetitions=1):
    use_custom_scale = pyip.inputYesNo(
        prompt="Do you want to use a custom scale? (y/n) ")
    possible_chords = []
    if use_custom_scale == "yes":
        scale_input = input(
            """Insert the notes from the scale separated by a space, do not use flats, only sharps.
        \t\tExample: C D E F# A\n""")
        chosen_scale = scale_input.upper().split()

        for x in range(len(chosen_scale) + 1):
            combinations_object = combinations(chosen_scale, x)
            combinations_list = list(combinations_object)
            possible_chords += combinations_list

        for _ in range(len(chosen_scale) + 1):
            del possible_chords[0]

        get_random_scale = False
        use_custom_scale = True
        get_random_scale = True
        use_custom_scale = False

        determined_scale = scales.determine(chosen_scale)[0]
        determined_scale = ""

    amount_of_notes = pyip.inputInt(
        prompt="How many notes do you want for this melody? ", min=1)
    if with_chords:
        chords_each_x = pyip.inputInt(
            prompt="How many notes you want between chords? ", min=1)
        chord_in_note = [x for x in range(0, amount_of_notes, chords_each_x)]

    for _ in range(repetitions):
        melody_name = generate_random_name()
        melody_path = f"Melodies/{melody_name}"

        track = 0
        channel = 0
        time = 0
        duration = 1
        tempo = 120
        volume = 100
        midi_melody = MIDIFile(1)
        midi_melody.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

        if get_random_scale:
            chosen_scale = choice(scales_content["scales"])
            possible_chords = chosen_scale["chords"]
            chosen_scale = chosen_scale["scale"]

        ly_string = r'''\version "2.20.0"
\header{title = "PLACEHOLDER_NAME" subtitle = "PLACEHOLDER_SUBTITLE" tagline = ##f}

\score {        
        ly_string = ly_string.replace("PLACEHOLDER_NAME", melody_name)
        ly_string = ly_string.replace(
            f"{str(chosen_scale)} - {determined_scale}")

            f"\nGenerating melody with scale: {chosen_scale} - {determined_scale}\n"

        all_parts = []
        for i in range(amount_of_notes):
            if with_chords:
                if i in chord_in_note:
                    if i != 0:
                        time += duration

                    chosen_chord = choice(possible_chords)
                    chosen_chord = chosen_chord[:3]

                        determined_chord = chords.determine(
                        determined_chord = ""

                    ly_string += "\n< "
                    for note in chosen_chord:
                        ly_string += f"{note_to_ly(note)}' "
                        note_midi_value = int(Note(note)) + 12
                        midi_melody.addNote(track, channel, note_midi_value,
                                            time, duration, volume)
                    ly_string += ">\n\n"

                        f"\n\t{chosen_chord} - {determined_chord}\n")

            chosen_note = choice(chosen_scale)

            ly_string += f"{note_to_ly(chosen_note)}4' "

            note_midi_value = int(Note(chosen_note)) + 12
            midi_melody.addNote(track, channel, note_midi_value,
                                time + duration, duration, volume)
            time += duration


        ly_string += """}
\layout { }
\midi { }

        with open(f"{melody_path}/{melody_name}.txt", "w") as f:
            for part in all_parts:

        with open(f"{melody_path}/{melody_name}_pond.ly", "w") as f:

        with open(f"{melody_path}/{melody_name}.mid", "wb") as f:
Exemplo n.º 24
def track_preprocessing(tempo=160, channel=0, tracks=6, time=0):
    midi = MIDIFile(tracks, deinterleave=False)
    for track in range(tracks):
        midi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    return midi, channel, tracks
Exemplo n.º 25
import copy

bpm = 60 #to be defined by user
vartrack = 2 #to be defined by user
longest = 0

toadd = [[1,10,15,25,36],[(64,0.5,2,3),(62,0.25,25,4)],1]
toadd2 = [[1,10,15,25,36],[(64,0.5,2,3),(62,0.25,25,4)]]
toadd3 = [(64,0.5,2,3),(62,0.25,25,4)]
toadd4 = [[0], [(56, 0.5, 1, 0), (-37, 0.5, 1, 0.5), (61, 0.5, 1, 1.0), (-37, 0.5, 1, 1.5), (68, 1.2, 1, 2.0), (68, 1.2, 1, 3.2), (68, 0.8, 1, 4.4), (64, 0.5, 1, 5.2), (-37, 0.5, 1, 5.7), (69, 0.5, 1, 6.2), (-37, 0.5, 1, 6.7), (63, 1.2, 1, 7.2), (63, 1.2, 1, 8.4), (63, 0.8, 1, 9.6)], 4]

midi = MIDIFile(numTracks=1500, file_format=1) #it takes the number of tracks as a parameter
midi.addTempo(0,0,bpm) #adding tempo
currtrack = 999 #what track are we writting on

def addnotes(notes):
    time = notes[0] #When the sequence will start time wise
    temp = 1 #default instrument
    global currtrack #we want the global scope of this variable

    repeat_times = (int)(notes[len(notes)-1])
    for x in range(len(time)):
        initialTime = time[x] - duration(notes[1])
Exemplo n.º 26
                        #turn off the while loop to go to the next step
                    running = False

BPM = askUserBPM()
midiFile = MIDIFile(1)
track = 0
time = 0
channel = 0
duration = 1
volume = 100
midiFile.addTrackName(track, time, "eindopdracht")
midiFile.addTempo(track, time, BPM)

def retrievePitch(event):
    return event['midiNote']

def retrieveTime(event, sixteenthStep):
    return (int(event['timestamp'] / sixteenthStep) / 4)

def addMidiNote(pitch, time):
    midiFile.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, volume)

Exemplo n.º 27
# Demo program for asking user for some note(s), then write them to
#  a MIDI file using midiutil
#   https://pypi.org/project/MIDIUtil

from midiutil import MIDIFile

note = int(input("Enter a note: "))
velocity = int(input("Velocity: "))

mf = MIDIFile(1)
track = 0

time = 0
mf.addTrackName(track, time, "Beat Sample Track")
mf.addTempo(track, time, 120)

# Format:
# mf.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time, duration, velocity)

mf.addNote(0, 0, note, 2, 1, velocity)

with open("symphony.midi", 'wb') as outf:
Exemplo n.º 28
def create_midi(path_midi, protein, midi_keys, tempo, instrus, aa_phy_chi,
                logger, debug=False):
    Creates the MIDI file from the protein data.
    :param str path_midi: the path to the MIDI file.
    :param dict protein: the dictionary descri the protein.
    :param dict midi_keys: the dictionary of the keys
    :param list initial_keys: the list of the initial keys
    :param int tempo: the tempo in BPM
    :param list instrus: the list of the MIDI instrument numbers
    :param dict aa_phy_chi: dictionary of the physico-chemical attributes of the amino acids
    :param logger logger: the logger
    :param boolean debug: the enable debug mode
    :return: the list of keys durations
    :rtype: list of floats

    # octaves DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI. 2 octaves and 1 more SOL,
    # the remaining 7 keys are altérations (#)
    KEYS_OCTAVE_ALTERATIONS = [48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67,
                               69, 71, 72, 54, 66, 49, 61, 56, 68, 51]

    with open(path_midi, 'wb') as  midiFile:

        track = 0
        time = 0   # In beats

        # a channel is defined by an instrument nbr and
        # a volume (0-127, as per the MIDI standard,
        # see: http://www.pjb.com.au/muscript/gm.html)
        # channel 9 is for percussions
        # (see https://pjb.com.au/muscript/gm.html#perc)
        channels = {0: {'instrument': instrus[0], 'vol': 100},
                    1: {'instrument': instrus[1], 'vol': 40},
                    2: {'instrument': instrus[2], 'vol': 60}}

        if debug:
            logger.info('Instrument number by channel, see: http://www.pjb.com.au/muscript/gm.html for instruments number correspondance:')
            for channel_nb in channels:
                logger.info('\tchannel {}: instrument {}'.format(channel_nb,

        MyMIDI = MIDIFile(numTracks=1, adjust_origin=False) # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track automatically created)
        MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
        # add the channels (1 per instrument)
        for channel_nbr in channels:
            MyMIDI.addProgramChange(track, channel=channel_nbr,

        sequence_length = len(protein['seq'])

        durations_list = []

        for i in range(0, sequence_length):
            AA = protein['seq'][i]
            pitch_list = [midi_keys[AA]]

            if i == 0:
                prev_AA = protein['seq'][sequence_length - 1]
                next_AA = protein['seq'][i + 1]
            elif i == sequence_length - 1:
                prev_AA = protein['seq'][i - 1]
                next_AA = protein['seq'][0]
                prev_AA = protein['seq'][i - 1]
                next_AA = protein['seq'][i + 1]

            # set the duration of the key (current AA) depending on the number
            # of shared properties with the next AA
            if AA == 'X' or next_AA == 'X': # non determined AA
                shared_properties_current_next = 0
                shared_properties_current_next = len(set.intersection(aa_phy_chi[AA],

            if shared_properties_current_next == 0:
                duration = 1
            elif shared_properties_current_next == 1:
                duration = 1.5
            elif shared_properties_current_next == 2:
                duration = 2
                duration = 4
            # add each duration adjusted with the tempo
            durations_list.append(float(duration) * (60 / tempo))

            # set the chords depending on number of shared properties between
            # current AA and the previous AA
            if AA == 'X' or prev_AA == 'X': # non determined AA
                shared_properties_current_previous = 0
                shared_properties_current_previous = len(set.intersection(aa_phy_chi[AA],

            if shared_properties_current_previous == 2:
                # 2 keys chord
                keys_in_chord = 2
                idx_key = KEYS_OCTAVE_ALTERATIONS.index(midi_keys[AA])
                pitch_list = create_chord(pitch_list, keys_in_chord, idx_key,
            elif shared_properties_current_previous == 3:
                # 3 keys chord
                keys_in_chord = 3
                idx_key = KEYS_OCTAVE_ALTERATIONS.index(midi_keys[AA])
                pitch_list = create_chord(pitch_list, keys_in_chord, idx_key,
            elif shared_properties_current_previous >= 4:
                # 4 keys chord
                keys_in_chord = 4
                idx_key = KEYS_OCTAVE_ALTERATIONS.index(midi_keys[AA])
                pitch_list = create_chord(pitch_list, keys_in_chord, idx_key,

            # change the volume of each instrument depending on the structure
            if 'structure' in protein.keys():
                if i in protein['structure'].keys():
                    logger.debug('{}: {}'.format(protein['structure'][i], i))
                    if protein['structure'][i] == 'HELIX':
                        channels[0]['vol'] = 40
                        channels[1]['vol'] = 100
                        channels[2]['vol'] = 60
                    elif protein['structure'][i] == 'STRAND':
                        channels[0]['vol'] = 60
                        channels[1]['vol'] = 40
                        channels[2]['vol'] = 100
                    elif protein['structure'][i] == 'TURN':
                        channels[0]['vol'] = 100
                        channels[1]['vol'] = 40
                        channels[2]['vol'] = 60
                        channels[0]['vol'] = 100
                        channels[1]['vol'] = 60
                        channels[2]['vol'] = 40

            if debug:
                logger.debug('position: {}'.format(i))
                logger.debug('AA: {}'.format(AA))
                logger.debug('pitch: {}'.format(pitch_list))
                logger.debug('time: {}'.format(time))
                logger.debug('duration: {}'.format(duration))
            for channel_nbr in channels:
                for pitch in pitch_list:

            time = time + duration

    return durations_list
Exemplo n.º 29
from midiutil import MIDIFile
import struct
short_list = list()

with open("../../../test.lmg", "rb") as f:
    byte_start = f.read(8)
    byte_end = f.read(8)
    while byte_start:
        unpacked_start = struct.unpack("d", byte_start)[0]
        unpacked_end = struct.unpack("d", byte_end)[0]
        short_list.append([unpacked_start, unpacked_end])
        byte_start = f.read(8)
        byte_end = f.read(8)


file = MIDIFile(1)
file.addTempo(0, 0, 120)

time = 0

for time in short_list:
    file.addNote(0, 0, 69, time[0], time[1] - time[0], 127)

with open("myfile.mid", "wb") as open_file:
Exemplo n.º 30
midis_dir = path.realpath('../midis')
track = 0
channel = 0
time = 0  # In beats
duration = 1  # In beats
tempo = 72  # In BPM
volume = 127  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard
major_scale_formula = [0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1]
major_scale_formula_desc = [0, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2]
major_chord_formula = [0, 4, 3]

# For C4 (degree 60) to C5 (degree 72), generate 1 midi file with 1 note each
for degree in range(60, 73):
    my_midi = MIDIFile(1)
    my_midi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    my_midi.addNote(track, channel, degree, time, duration, volume)
    with open("%s/%s.mid" % (midis_dir, degree), "wb") as output_file:

# Generate all notes of the D major scale
degree = 62
for i, degree_change in enumerate(major_scale_formula):
    degree += degree_change
    my_midi = MIDIFile(1)
    my_midi.addTempo(track, time, tempo)
    my_midi.addNote(track, channel, degree, time, duration, volume)
    with open("%s/%s.mid" % (midis_dir, degree), "wb") as output_file:

# Generate all notes of the G major scale
Exemplo n.º 31
print(f"\nHEIGHTS: {HEIGHTS}")

STEPS = []

for i, pitch in enumerate(TONES_MAP):
    nearest = (np.abs(pitch - HEIGHTS)).argmin()

print(f"\nSTEPS: {STEPS}")

# Verifying if there is the same amount of tempos and tones
assert len(TONES_MAP) == len(TEMPO_MAP), "Different amount of tempos and notes"

# Creating MIDI file from mapped data
midi = MIDIFile(numTracks=1)
midi.addTempo(track=0, time=0, tempo=80)

# Hash for tempos and tones
hsh_tempo = {2: 0.5, 3: 1.5, 4: 1., 5: 2.}

c4_to_b4 = np.array([60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71])
c5_to_b5 = c4_to_b4 + 12

c4_to_b4_map = {i: c4_to_b4[i] for i in range(np.size(c4_to_b4))}
c5_to_b5_map = {i + 7: c5_to_b5[i] for i in range(np.size(c5_to_b5))}
c4_to_b5_map = {**c4_to_b4_map, **c5_to_b5_map}

# Inserting midi data into midi file
time = 0
for i, tone in enumerate(TONES_MAP):