def run(self, context): self.ts_run_start = time.time() if not self.skipRun: # TODO: replace input with self.rrInput # if self.rrInput: # pass klog.d(varfmt(self)) # klog.d(varfmt(context)) klog.d(">>> Run action") res = self.orgRun(context) klog.d("<<< Run action") klog.d(varfmt(res)) try: _input = todict(self) except: _input = None try: _output = todict(res) except: _output = None kfk_trace.log(kfk_etypes.TASK_ACTION, self.atom, "RUNNING", self.workflow_name, self.workflow_execution_id, self.task_id, self.task_name, _input, _output, None) else: klog.d(" skipped") # TODO: replace output with self.rrOutput if self.rrOutput: pass self.ts_run_end = time.time() klog.d("TIME: Init total: ", self.ts_init_end - self.ts_init_start) klog.d("TIME: Run total: ", self.ts_run_end - self.ts_run_start) klog.d("TIME: Action Total: ", self.ts_run_end - self.ts_init_start) if self.ts_ses_end: klog.d("TIME: Session Total: ", self.ts_ses_end - self.ts_ses_start) return res
def __init__(self, action_context, cmd, psid=None, sid=None): actx = action_context klog.d(" ACTX : " + str(varfmt(actx))) klog.d(" CMD : " + str(cmd)) klog.d(" PSID : " + str(psid)) klog.d(" SID : " + str(sid)) self.cmd = cmd self.actx = actx self.psid = psid self.sid = sid
def run(self, context): klog.d("CMD: ", self.cmd) klog.d(varfmt(context)) if self.cmd == "create": # Get content information # action_execution_id = self.actx.get("action_execution_id") # task_id = self.actx.get("task_id") # task_name = self.actx.get("task_name") workflow_execution_id = self.actx.get("workflow_execution_id") # workflow_name = self.actx.get("workflow_name") sid = self.psid or workflow_execution_id # sesCreate return a session ID. res = { "content": ses.sesCreate(sid, workflow_execution_id) } if self.cmd == "rollback": res = ses.sesRollback(self.sid) klog.d(varfmt(res)) return res
def getQuestion(achor): href = achor.get("href") dic = db.aoshu.find_one({"q.Url": href}) if dic and dic.get("Content"): klog.d("Already saved: ", href) return dic = DotDict() qUrl = href aUrl = "" Q = [] A = [] klog.d("Geting %s ..." % href) r = requests.get(href) content = r.text.encode('ISO-8859-1').decode("utf-8") soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") title = soup.title.text mainContent = soup.find("div", {"class": "mainContent"}) pList = mainContent.find_all("p") for p in pList: if p.text.find("导语:") >= 0: continue if p.text.find("点击下一页") >= 0: break t = p.text.strip() if t: Q.append(t) # GetAnswer aUrl = href[:-5] + "_2.html" aList = mainContent.find_all("a") for a in aList: if a["href"] == aUrl: if "下一页" in a.text: A = getAnswer(aUrl) dic.a.Url = aUrl dic.q.Url = qUrl dic.q.Content = Q dic.a.Content = A dic.title = title if aUrl and qUrl and Q and A and title: db.aoshu.replace_one({"_id": dic.title}, dic.todic(), True) print(varfmt(dic, title, True)) else: db.badurl.insert_one({"qUrl": qUrl, "aUrl": aUrl})
def sesRollback(sid): # Call all the rollback of saved action klog.d("SID: ", sid) def gen_rollback_url(url, sid): urlp = urlparse.urlparse(url) if urlp.query: return "%s&rollback=true&sid=%s" % (url, sid) else: return "%s?rollback=true&sid=%s" % (url, sid) try: client = mgoclient.client() tab = client.yeehaw.session res = tab.find_one({"_id": sid}) if not res: klog.e("BAD SID:", sid) return False klog.d(varfmt(res)) info = res.get("info") kfkMessagePush( etype=kfk_etypes.EXECUTION_ROLLBACK_START, # etype exId=info.get("wfexid"), # exId ) for n in res.get("actions"): try: # construct the rollback url url = gen_rollback_url(n.get("url"), sid) klog.d(url) method = n.get("method") body = n.get("body") headers = n.get("headers") params = n.get("params") actx = n.get("actx") cookies = n.get("cookies") auth = n.get("auth") allow_redirects = n.get("allow_redirects") proxies = n.get("proxies") verify = n.get("verify") # Convert body if isinstance(body, dict): body = json.dumps(body, ensure_ascii=False) if body: body = body.encode("utf-8") r = requests.request(method, url, params=params, data=body, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, auth=auth, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, proxies=proxies, verify=verify) klog.d("RB: code: ", r.status_code, ", reason: ", r.reason) wf_ex_id = actx.get("workflow_execution_id") workflow_id = actx.get("workflow_name") task_id = actx.get("task_id") kfkMessagePush( kfk_etypes.TASK_ROLLBACK, # etype None, # atomId None, # status workflow_id, # wfId wf_ex_id, # exId task_id, # taskId None, # taskName n, # Input { "status_code": r.status_code, "reason": r.reason }, # Output None # triggered_by ) except: klog.e("RB: NG\n", traceback.format_exc()) retval = True except: klog.e(traceback.format_exc()) klog.d("push NG") retval = False finally: # Drop this table klog.d("drop session information for ", sid) tab.remove({"_id": sid}) klog.d("drop session information for ", sid, " done.") client = mgoclient.client() tab = client.yeehaw.sessionDone tab.insert_one(res) kfkMessagePush( etype=kfk_etypes.EXECUTION_ROLLBACK_END, # etype exId=info.get("wfexid"), # exId ) return retval
def __init__(self, action_context, url, method="GET", params=None, body=None, atom=None, session=None, headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=None, proxies=None, verify=None): self.ts_init_start = time.time() klog.d("INTO YIHE.SYNC") actx = action_context # 1. Strip the session info klog.d(" URL : " + str(url)) klog.d("METHOD : " + str(method)) klog.d(" BODY : " + str(body)) klog.d(" HDRS : " + str(headers)) klog.d(" PARAM : " + str(params)) klog.d(" ACTX : " + str(varfmt(actx))) # FIXME: how to process the atomID self.atom = atom self.session = session sesEna = conf.SES_ENA and session hookEna = conf.HOOK # klog.d("Session or NOT:", sesEna, " In config:", conf.SES_ENA, " Session Id:", session) self.skipRun = False # Get content information self.action_execution_id = actx.get("action_execution_id") self.task_id = actx.get("task_id") self.task_name = actx.get("task_name") self.workflow_execution_id = actx.get("workflow_execution_id") self.workflow_name = actx.get("workflow_name") if hookEna: # FIXME: Provide a chance to modify the input and output. pass ''' exid = actx.get("action_execution_id") hookInfo = db_get_hook_info(exid) if hookInfo: self.skipRun = hookInfo.skipRun self.input = hookInfo.input # Only once db_mark_used(exid) # # Overwrite All the parameters and DO NOT overwrite key # parameters # url = _url or url body = _body or body ''' # Overwrite the rerun input and/or output self.rrInput = self.rrOutput = None self.ts_ses_start = self.ts_ses_end = 0 if sesEna: klog.d("Process session") self.ts_ses_start = time.time() dic = { "x__sid": session, "url": url, "method": method, "body": body, "headers": headers, "params": params, "actx": actx, "cookies": cookies, "auth": auth, "allow_redirects": allow_redirects, "proxies": proxies, "verify": verify, } ses.sesPush(session, dic) self.ts_ses_end = time.time() self.orgInit( url, method, params, body, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, verify, ) klog.d() self.ts_init_end = time.time()