Exemplo n.º 1
def plant(x1,z1,x2,z2,y1, item): # 'wheat',  
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    res.append(mc_fill(x1,y1-2,z1,x2,y1+3,z2,'minecraft:air'))  # clear area vertically
    res.append(mc_fill(x1,y1-2,z1,x2,y1,z2,'minecraft:planks 0'))  # put dirt underneath to hold water
    # lay fence in lines 
    res.append(mc_fill(x1,y1+1,z1,x1,y1+1,z2,'minecraft:fence 0 '))
    res.append(mc_fill(x2,y1+1,z1,x2,y1+1,z2,'minecraft:fence 0 '))
    res.append(mc_fill(x1,y1+1,z1,x2,y1+1,z1,'minecraft:fence 0 '))
    res.append(mc_fill(x1,y1+1,z2,x2,y1+1,z2,'minecraft:fence 0 '))

    res.append(mc_fill(x1+1,y1,z1+1,x2-1,y1,z2-1,'minecraft:farmland 7'))
    #fill_area(x1,y1-1,z1,x2,y2-1,z2, item)
    for z in range(z1+1, z2):
        for x in range(x1+1, x2):
            if x % 4 == 0 and z % 4 == 0:
                if x % 8 == 0:
                    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y1+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + 'fence') 
                    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y1+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + 'torch 0') 
                    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + 'water') 
                res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y1+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + item) 

Exemplo n.º 2
def wipe_all(x,y,z,w,h,d):
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    res.append('/say hello from server, just clearing the area')
    for n in range(x, x + w, 1):
        res.append(mcb.mc_fill(n, y, z, n+1, y+h, z+d, 'minecraft:air 0'))
Exemplo n.º 3
def stairs_NS(x, z, width, y_base, y_top, step='minecraft:stone 4', bannister='minecraft:air', step_spacing=1):
    make a staircase to join floor to roof
    res = []
    res = stairs_as_list(x, z, width, y_base, y_top, step, bannister, step_spacing)
Exemplo n.º 4
def set_block(x,y,z,item):
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + str(item)) 
Exemplo n.º 5
def tile_block(start_x, y, start_z, end_x, end_z, spacing, block):
    used for lighting, puts a block (torch or glowstone) every 'spacing'
    blocks on a floor or roof
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    for z in range(start_z, end_z, spacing):
        for x in range(start_x, end_x, spacing):
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ' ' + str(z) + ' ' + block)
Exemplo n.º 6
def gate(x, y, z, width=5, height=5, length=7, style=style_gate1): 
    make a gate on the main wall
      FRONT                SIDE                TOP
       ####              #########        -----######------
      ##  ##             |       |             ######      
      #    #             |       |             ######      
      #    #             |       |             ######      
   ___#    #____      ___|       |___          ######      
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    # clear area
    #res.append(mc_fill(x,y-1,z-4,x+width,y+height+9,z+length+4, 'minecraft:air'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-3,y,z-2,x+width+2,y+height,z+length+1, 'minecraft:air'))

    # gradient walls up and over the gate - style_stone
    res.append(mc_fill(x-3,y,z+1,x+width+2,y+height-4,z+length-1, 'minecraft:' + style_stone['side']))

    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y,z+1,x+width+2,y+height-3,z+length-1, 'minecraft:' + style_stone['side']))
    res.append(mc_fill(x,y,z+1,x+width+0,y+height-2,z+length-1, 'minecraft:' + style_stone['side']))
    res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y,z+1,x+width-2,y+height-1,z+length-1, 'minecraft:' + style_stone['side']))
    # basic outline of stone
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y,z+1,x+width-1,y+height-3,z+length-1, 'minecraft:' + style_gate1['base'] + ' hollow'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y,z-0,x+width-2,y+height-4,z+length+0, 'minecraft:air'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y,z+2,x+width-2,y+height-4,z+length-2, 'minecraft:' + style_gate1['base'] + ' hollow'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x+3,y,z-1,x+width-3,y+height-5,z+length+1, 'minecraft:air'))

    # make a gate, shown open via iron bars on top of walkway
    #res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+2) + ' ' + str(y-5) + ' ' + str(z) + ' iron_bars 0') 
    res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y+3,z+1,x+width-2,y+height-4,z+1, 'minecraft:iron_bars'))

    # put a glowstone in the underside of the roof of the walkway
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+(width/2)) + ' ' + str(y+4) + ' ' + str(z+3) + ' glowstone 0') 
    # torches on outside of gate
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+width-1) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+width-1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
Exemplo n.º 7
def make_castle_walls(start_x, start_y, start_z, width, height, length, wall_width):
    touchups = []
    with open('last_build.log', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Building Castle - \n')
        f.write('start_x = ' + str(start_x)  + ', start_y = ' +  str(start_y)  + ', start_z = ' +  str(start_z)  + '\n' )
        f.write('width   = ' + str(width)    + ', height = ' +  str(height)  + ', length = ' +  str(length)  + '\n' )
    # build outer walls
    mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x,start_y,start_z,North, width,height, style_stone, wall_width)) # TOK
    mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x,start_y,start_z,East,  length,height, style_stone, wall_width)) # TOK
    mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x,start_y,start_z+length-wall_width,North, width ,height, style_stone, wall_width))
    mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x+width-wall_width,start_y,start_z, East, length, height, style_stone, wall_width))
    #mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x+wall_width,start_y,start_z+length,North, width ,height, style_wool))
    #mcb.make_from_list(castle_wall(start_x+width,start_y,start_z+wall_width, East, length, height, style_wood))
Exemplo n.º 8
def fill_area(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, item):
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')

Exemplo n.º 9
def main_door(x=90, y=64, z=75):
    Makes a fancy main door at the entrance of the castle building
    coords for door are bottom centre - ornate stuff built out from there    
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')

    # outer frame
    res.append(mc_fill(x-5,y,z-2,x+5,y+7,z+1, 'minecraft:air'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-4,y,z-2,x+4,y+7,z+1, 'minecraft:stone 6'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-5,y,z-1,x+5,y+6,z+1, 'minecraft:stone 6'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-3,y,z-2,x+3,y+6,z+1, 'minecraft:air'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-3,y,z-1,x+3,y+6,z+1, 'minecraft:stone 6'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y,z-2,x+2,y+5,z+1, 'minecraft:air'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y,z-0,x+2,y+5,z+0, 'minecraft:stone 4'))

    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+1,z-5,x+1,y+3,z+1, 'minecraft:air'))
    # fix for lower ground floor
    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y,z-4,x+2,y,z+1, 'minecraft:stone 4'))
    # door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 4')  # Door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 8')  # Door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 4')  # Door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 8')  # Door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 4')  # Door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z) + ' acacia_door 8')  # Door
    # corners for aesthetics 
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-2) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z-1) + ' minecraft:stone 6')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+2) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z-1) + ' minecraft:stone 6')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-3) + ' ' + str(y+6) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' minecraft:stone 6')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+3) + ' ' + str(y+6) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' minecraft:stone 6')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-4) + ' ' + str(y+7) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' minecraft:air')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+4) + ' ' + str(y+7) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' minecraft:air')

    # lighting
    #res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+4) + ' ' + str(z-1) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    #res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+4) + ' ' + str(z-1) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z) + ' glowstone 0')  # 

    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-2) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+2) + ' ' + str(y+5) + ' ' + str(z-2) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall

    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-3) + ' ' + str(y+6) + ' ' + str(z-3) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+3) + ' ' + str(y+6) + ' ' + str(z-3) + ' torch 4')  # torch on outer wall

    # inside of door
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+4) + ' ' + str(z+1) + ' torch 3')  # torch on inner wall
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+4) + ' ' + str(z+1) + ' torch 3')  # torch on inner wall
Exemplo n.º 10
def catapult(x,y, z):
    makes a catapult with small footprint to fit on tower or walls
    x = centre, y = base, z = front centre
    Bits    Values
    0x1  0x2    A two-bit field storing a value of 0 to 3 specifying the type of wood:
        0:  Oak Wood   (oak up/dn = 0, oak EW = 4, oak NS = 8
        1:  Spruce Wood
        2:  Birch Wood
        3:  Jungle Wood
    0x4 0x8 A two-bit field storing a value of 0 to 3 specifying the orientation of the wood:
        0:  Facing Up/Down
        1:  Facing East/West
        2:  Facing North/South
        3:  Only bark    
    height = 8
    arm_fr = 3
    arm_bk = 8
    #fill_area(x-3,y,z-10,x+3,y+height+5,z+10, 'minecraft:air')
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y,z,x-2,y+height-1,z, 'minecraft:log 0'))  # LHS post
    res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y,z,x+2,y+height-1,z, 'minecraft:log 0'))  # RHS post
    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y+height,z,x+2,y+height,z, 'minecraft:log 4'))  # main support beam
    res.append(mc_fill(x,y+height+1,z-arm_fr,x,y+height+1,z+arm_bk, 'minecraft:iron_block'))  # catapult arm - log 9
    res.append(mc_fill(x,y+height+2,z,x,y+height+2,z, 'minecraft:rail 1'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height+1,z,x-1,y+height+1,z, 'minecraft:rail 2'))
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y+height+1,z,x+1,y+height+1,z, 'minecraft:rail 3'))

    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y,z+2,x-1,y+2,z+4, 'minecraft:stone 0'))  # support base to hold winder
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y,z+2,x+1,y+2,z+4, 'minecraft:stone 0'))  # support base to hold winder
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+2,z+2,x+1,y+2,z+2, 'minecraft:air'))  # make corners nice
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+2,z+4,x+1,y+2,z+4, 'minecraft:air'))  # make corners nice
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y+2,z+2,x+1,y+2,z+2, 'minecraft:air'))  # make corners nice
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y+2,z+4,x+1,y+2,z+4, 'minecraft:air'))  # make corners nice

    res.append(mc_fill(x-2,y+1,z+3,x+2,y+1,z+3, 'minecraft:iron_block'))  # beam to support winding - log 4
    res.append(mc_fill(x+3,y,z+3,x+3,y+2,z+3, 'minecraft:fence'))  # handle to wind down beam
    res.append(mc_fill(x,y+2,z+3,x,y+height,z+3, 'minecraft:fence'))  # rope to top catapult arm
    # counterweight
    # simple rope res.append(mc_fill(x,y+height-1,z-3,x,y+height,z-3, 'minecraft:fence'))  # rope to hold counterweight
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height,z-3,x-1,y+height+1,z-3, 'minecraft:nether_brick_fence'))  # rope to hold counterweight
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y+height,z-3,x+1,y+height+1,z-3, 'minecraft:nether_brick_fence'))  # rope to hold counterweight
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height-2,z-2,x+1,y+height-1,z-4, 'minecraft:cobblestone 0'))  # stone mass as counterweight
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height-3,z-2,x+1,y+height-3,z-4, 'minecraft:planks 3'))  # wood base for counterweight
    # lighting
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+3) + ' ' + str(z+3) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+3) + ' ' + str(z+3) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z+2) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z+2) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z+4) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+2) + ' ' + str(z+4) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-2) + ' ' + str(y+height+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+2) + ' ' + str(y+height+1) + ' ' + str(z) + ' torch 0')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+height+2) + ' ' + str(z-3) + ' torch 0')  # torch on counterweight
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+height) + ' ' + str(z-3) + ' torch 0')  # torch on counterweight

    # payload 
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height,z+arm_bk-1,x+1,y+height,z+arm_bk+2, 'minecraft:stone_slab 8'))  # catapult tray
    res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y+height+1,z+arm_bk,x+1,y+height+1,z+arm_bk+1, 'minecraft:netherrack 1'))  # payload to launch
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x-1) + ' ' + str(y+height+2) + ' ' + str(z+arm_bk+1) + ' fire')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+1) + ' ' + str(y+height+2) + ' ' + str(z+arm_bk+1) + ' fire')
    res.append('/setblock ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y+height+2) + ' ' + str(z+arm_bk) + ' fire')
Exemplo n.º 11
def tower_building(x, y, z, width, height, length, butt_height, style=style_stone): 
    make a tower building with some multi width blocks to give 
    some detail
    res = []
    res.append('@Minecraft Server')
    # ground floor
    res.append(mc_fill(x,y,z,x+width,y+butt_height,z+length, 'minecraft:' + style['side'] + ' hollow'))
    # top floor - remaining height
    res.append(mc_fill(x+1,y+butt_height,z+1,x+width-2,y + height,z+length-2, 'minecraft:' + style['corner'] + ' hollow'))
    # windows
    torch_name = ' wool ' # ' torch '   # to switch between floating wool colours and torchs (painful to set)
    if width < 15:  # simple window with torch on normal towers (across vert axis)
        x_pos = x + (width/2)
        z_pos = z + (length/2)
        floor_height = 0
        for y_pos in range(y+2, y+height-2, 5):
            # floor
            if floor_height == 0:
                floor_height = y_pos-y+2  # take the first iteration as floor height of tower
            res.append(mc_fill(x+2,y_pos-2,z+2,x+width-3,y_pos-2,z+length-3, 'minecraft:planks 1'))    

            # windows
            res.append(mc_fill(x-1,y_pos-1,z_pos,x+length+1,y_pos,z_pos, 'minecraft:air'))  # windows right through
            res.append(mc_fill(x_pos,y_pos-1,z-1,x_pos,y_pos,z+width+1, 'minecraft:air'))
            # torches
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x)        + ' ' + str(y_pos+1) + ' ' + str(z_pos)    + ' torch 2')
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+length) + ' ' + str(y_pos+1) + ' ' + str(z_pos)    + ' torch 1')
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x_pos)    + ' ' + str(y_pos+1) + ' ' + str(z)        + ' torch 4')
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x_pos)    + ' ' + str(y_pos+1) + ' ' + str(z+length) + ' torch 3')

        # now loop through floors AGAIN, and put in the stairs
        for y_pos in range(y+2, y+height-2, 5):
            # stairs
            #res.append(tower_stairs_as_list(x+3, z+2, width=1, y_base=y_pos-2, y_top=y_pos+2, step='minecraft:stone 0', bannister='minecraft:air', step_spacing=1))
            step_num = 0
            for stair_y in range(y_pos-1, y_pos+floor_height):
                res.append(mc_fill(x+2,stair_y,z+2+step_num,x+2,stair_y+4,z+2+step_num, 'minecraft:air')) # clear headroom
                res.append(mc_fill(x+2,stair_y,z+2+step_num,x+2,stair_y,z+2+step_num, 'minecraft:oak_stairs 2')) # planks 1
                step_num +=1     
            #torches and bed on each floor
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+5) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+3) + ' bed 3')  # bed
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+6) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+3) + ' bed 11') # bed head
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+5) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+5) + ' bed 3')  # bed
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+6) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+5) + ' bed 11') # bed head
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+3) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+4) + ' torch 0') # torch
            res.append('/setblock ' + str(x+6) + ' ' + str(y_pos-1) + ' ' + str(z+4) + ' torch 0') # torch
    else:   # larger ornate glass windows for main building (across horiz axis)
        if butt_height > 5: 
            for x_pos in range(x+2, x+width-3, 8):  
                res.extend(window_NS(x_pos,y+2,z,       width=2,height=3)) # front Windows
                res.extend(window_NS(x_pos,y+3,z+length,width=1,height=2)) # Back wall windows  
            for z_pos in range(z+3, z+length-4, 6):  
                res.extend(window_EW(x+width,y+2,z_pos,width=1,height=3)) # LHS Windows
                res.extend(window_EW(x,      y+2,z_pos,width=1,height=3)) # RHS windows  
        else:   # Top master tower - LOTS of glass
            for x_pos in range(x+2, x+width-2, 6):
                res.extend(window_NS(x_pos,y+butt_height+2,z+1,       width=4,height=12)) # front Windows
                res.extend(window_NS(x_pos,y+butt_height+2,z+length-2,width=3,height=12)) # back Windows