Exemplo n.º 1
def test_select_fq():
    test_schema = Schema("test")
    dummy_table = Table(test_schema, "dummy")
    columns = [Column(dummy_table, "id"), Column(dummy_table, "name")]
    query = Select(columns, from_=[dummy_table])

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT test.dummy.id, test.dummy.name FROM test.dummy")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_select_with_where_arg():
    dummy_table = Table("dummy")

    columns = [Column("id"), Column("name")]

    query = Select(columns, from_=[dummy_table], where_=Eq(Column("id"), Argument()))

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT id, name FROM dummy WHERE id = %s")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_select():
    dummy_table = Table("dummy")

    columns = [Column("id"), Column("name")]

    query = Select(columns, from_=[dummy_table])

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT id, name FROM dummy")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_select_with_alias():
    dummy_table = Table("dummy")
    table_alias = As(dummy_table, "d")

    columns = [Column(table_alias, "id"), Column(table_alias, "name")]

    query = Select(columns, from_=[table_alias])

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT d.id, d.name FROM dummy AS d")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_select_chained():
    dummy_table = Table("dummy")

    col_id = Column("id")
    col_name = Column("name")

    columns = [col_id, col_name]

    query = Select(columns).from_([dummy_table]).where_(Eq(col_name, Argument())).group_by_([col_name])

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT id, name FROM dummy WHERE name = %s GROUP BY name")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_select_with_group_by():
    dummy_table = Table("dummy")

    col_id = Column("id")
    col_name = Column("name")

    columns = [col_id, col_name]

    query = Select(columns, from_=[dummy_table], where_=Eq(col_name, Argument()), group_by_=[col_name])

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT id, name FROM dummy WHERE name = %s GROUP BY name")
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_select_with_left_join():
    dummy_table_a = Table("dummy_a")

    col_id_a = Column(dummy_table_a, "id")
    col_name = Column(dummy_table_a, "name")
    col_ref = Column(dummy_table_a, "ref_b")

    dummy_table_b = Table("dummy_b")

    col_id_b = Column(dummy_table_b, "id")
    col_amount = Column(dummy_table_b, "amount")

    columns = [col_name, col_amount]

    from_part = FromItem(dummy_table_a).left_join(dummy_table_b, Eq(col_id_a, col_id_b))

    query = Select(columns).from_(from_part)

    sql = query.render()

    eq_(sql, "SELECT dummy_a.name, dummy_b.amount FROM dummy_a LEFT JOIN dummy_b ON dummy_a.id = dummy_b.id")
Exemplo n.º 8
def retrieve(cursor, tables, columns, entities, start, end,
        subquery_filter=None, relation_table_name=None, limit=None, entitytype=None):
    Retrieve data.

    :param cursor: Minerva database cursor
    :param columns: A list of column identifiers (possibly for different
    :param entities: List of entity Ids
    :param start: The start timestamp of the range of trend values
    :param end: The end timestamp of the range of trend values
    :param subquery_filter: optional subquery for additional filtering
        by JOINing on field 'id' = entity_id
    :param relation_table_name: optional relation table name for converting entity
        ids to related ones
    all_rows = []

    if entities is not None and len(entities) == 0:
        return []

    columns = map(ensure_column, columns)

    # group tables by partition size signature to be able to JOIN them later
    tables_by_partition_signature = {}
    for table in tables:
        signature = table.name.split("_")[-1]

        tables_by_partition_signature.setdefault(signature, []).append(table)

    for tables in tables_by_partition_signature.values():
        params = []

        if start == end and start is not None and len(tables) > 1:
            cols = [As(Argument(), "timestamp"), Column("dn"),
                    As(Column("id"), "entity_id")]

            q = Select(cols,
                    from_=Table("directory", "entity"),
                    where_=Eq(Column("entitytype_id"), Value(entitytype.id)))

            with_query = WithQuery("t", query=q)

            base_timestamp_column = Column("t", "timestamp")
            base_entity_id_column = Column("t", "entity_id")

            from_item = FromItem(Table("t"))
            data_tables = tables
            with_query = None

            base_tbl = first(tables)

            base_timestamp_column = Column(base_tbl, "timestamp")
            base_entity_id_column = Column(base_tbl, "entity_id")

            from_item = FromItem(base_tbl)
            data_tables = tables[1:]

        for tbl in data_tables:
            timestamp_comparison = Eq(Column(tbl, "timestamp"), base_timestamp_column)
            entity_id_comparison = Eq(Column(tbl, "entity_id"), base_entity_id_column)
            join_condition = And(timestamp_comparison, entity_id_comparison)

            from_item = from_item.join(tbl, on=join_condition, join_type="LEFT")

        if subquery_filter:
            filter_tbl = Literal("({0}) AS filter".format(subquery_filter))
            from_item = from_item.join(filter_tbl,
                    on=Eq(Column("filter", "id"), base_entity_id_column))

        if relation_table_name:
            relation_table = Table("relation", relation_table_name)

            join_condition = Eq(Column("r", "source_id"), base_entity_id_column)

            from_item = from_item.left_join(As(relation_table, "r"), on=join_condition)

            entity_id_column = Column("r", "target_id")
            entity_id_column = base_entity_id_column

        partition_columns = [entity_id_column, base_timestamp_column] + columns

        where_parts = []

        if not with_query:
            if start == end and start is not None:
                condition = Eq(base_timestamp_column, Argument())
                if not start is None:
                    condition = Gt(base_timestamp_column, Argument())

                if not end is None:
                    condition = LtEq(base_timestamp_column, Argument())

        if not entities is None:
            condition = Literal("{0} IN ({1:s})".format(base_entity_id_column.render(),
                ",".join(str(entity_id) for entity_id in entities)))

        if where_parts:
            where_clause = ands(where_parts)
            where_clause = None

        select = Select(partition_columns, with_query=with_query, from_=from_item,
                where_=where_clause, limit=limit)

        query = select.render()

            cursor.execute(query, params)
        except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as exc:
            msg = "{} in query: {}".format(exc, cursor.mogrify(query, params))
            raise Exception(msg)

    return all_rows