Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_blues_scale(key="C"):
    """Returns an ordered list of the notes of the blues scale in this key. \
For example: if the key is set to 'C', this function will return \
`['C', 'D#', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'A#']`. \
This function will raise an !NoteFormatError if the key isn't recognised"""

    if not (notes.is_valid_note(key)):
        raise NoteFormatError, "Unrecognised format for key '%s'" % key

    result = []

    fifth_index = notes.fifths.index(key[0])

    result.append(notes.diminish(intervals.third(key, key)))
    result.append(intervals.third(key, key))
    result.append(intervals.fourth(key, key))
    result.append(notes.diminish(intervals.fifth(key, key)))
    result.append(intervals.fifth(key, key))
    result.append(notes.diminish(intervals.seventh(key, key)))

    # Remove redundant #'s and b's from the result
    result = map(notes.remove_redundant_accidentals, result)
    tonic = result.index(notes.remove_redundant_accidentals(key))

    result = result[tonic:] + result[:tonic]

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def seventh(note, key):
    """Return the seventh chord on note in key.

    >>> seventh('C', 'C')
    ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B']
    return triad(note, key) + [intervals.seventh(note, key)]
Exemplo n.º 3
def seventh(note, key):
    """Return the seventh chord on note in key.

    >>> seventh('C', 'C')
    ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B']
    return triad(note, key) + [intervals.seventh(note, key)]
Exemplo n.º 4
def diatonic_thirteenth(note, key):
    """Return the eleventh chord on note in key (like chords.seventh()).

    >>> diatonic_thirteenth('E', 'C')
    ['E', 'G', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A', 'C']
    <--  triad -->
                    <- seventh of 7th ->

    return triad(note, key) + seventh(intervals.seventh(note, key), key)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_note_pattern(pattern, key):
    if pattern[0] == 1 :
        note = intervals.unison(key)
    elif pattern[0] == 2 :
        note = intervals.second(key, key)
    elif pattern[0] == 3 :
        note = intervals.third(key, key)
    elif pattern[0] == 4 :
        note = intervals.fourth(key, key)
    elif pattern[0] == 5 :
        note = intervals.fifth(key, key)
    elif pattern[0] == 6 :
        note = intervals.sixth(key, key)
    elif pattern[0] == 7 :
        note = intervals.seventh(key, key)

    if pattern[3] == "bemol":
        note = notes.diminish(note)
    elif pattern[3] == "diese" :
        note = notes.augment(note)
    return note
Exemplo n.º 6
            beats = [random() > 0.5 for x in range(8)]
        t = 0
        for beat in beats:

            # Play random note

            if beat and play_solo and loop > solo_start and loop < solo_end:
                if t % 2 == 0:
                    n = Note(choice(c).name)
                elif random() > 0.5:
                    if random() < 0.46:
                        n = Note(intervals.second(choice(c).name, key))
                    elif random() < 0.46:
                        n = Note(intervals.seventh(choice(c).name, key))
                        n = Note(choice(c).name)
                    if t > 0 and t < len(beats) - 1:
                        if beats[t - 1] and not beats[t + 1]:
                            n = Note(choice(c).name)
                fluidsynth.play_Note(n, solo_channel, randrange(80, 110))
                print n

            # Repeat chord on half of the bar

            if play_chords and t != 0 and loop > chord_start and loop\
                 < chord_end:
                if swing and random() > 0.95:
                    fluidsynth.play_NoteContainer(c, chord_channel3,
                            randrange(20, 75))
Exemplo n.º 7
    noteLengths = [2, 4, 8]
    lastNote = Note()
    lastNoteLength = 4

    while leadBar.is_full() == False:
        if random() < 0.8:
            currentBeat = leadBar.current_beat
            # add a note
            # if random() < 0.5 and len(leadBar) > 0:
            #     n = Note(intervals.second(lastNote.name, key))
            #     print("second of last")
            if random() < 0.5 and currentBeat != 0.0:
                n = Note(intervals.second(choice(container).name, key))
                # print("second")
            elif random() < 0.5 and currentBeat != 0.0:
                n = Note(intervals.seventh(choice(container).name, key))
                # print("seventh")
                n = Note(choice(container).name)
                # print("in chord")

            lastNote = n
            lastNoteLength = choice(noteLengths)

            leadBar.place_notes(n, lastNoteLength)
            # add a rest
