Exemplo n.º 1
 def createSimpleType(self, item):
     'Erzeugt aus einem XML Element einen einfachen Datentypen'
     t = item.getAttribute('name')
     if t == 'String':
         type = StringType()
     elif t == 'Float':
         type = FloatType()
     elif t == 'Integer':
         type = IntegerType()
     elif t == 'DateTime':
         type = DateTimeType()
     elif t == 'Boolean':
         type = BooleanType()
     elif t == 'binary':
         type = BinaryType()
         raise SchnittstellenXMLException('Unknown type: %s' % t)
     if type.identifier in self.types:
         raise SchnittstellenXMLException('Already defined: %s' % type.identifier)
     self.types[type.identifier] = type
     type.description = domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('description')[0])
     type.example = domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('example')[0])
     todo = item.getElementsByTagName('todo')
     if len(todo) > 0:
         type.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def createComplexType(self, item):
     'Erzeugt aus einem XML Element einen komplexten Datentypen'
     type = ComplexType(item.getAttribute('type'), item.getAttribute('name'))
     if type.identifier in self.types:
         raise SchnittstellenXMLException('Already defined: %s' % type.identifier)
     self.types[type.identifier] = type
     type.description = domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('description')[0])
     todo = item.getElementsByTagName('todo')
     if len(todo) > 0:
         type.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
     type.properties = self.getProperties(item)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getGroupedActions(self):
     'Erzeugt ein Dictionary mit den gruppierten Actions'
     self._groupedActions = {}
     for ag in self.dom.getElementsByTagName('group'):
         actionGroup = ActionGroup(ag.getAttribute('name'))
         actionGroup.description = domGetText(ag.getElementsByTagName('description')[0])
         todo = ag.getElementsByTagName('todo')
         if len(todo) > 0:
             actionGroup.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
         actionGroup.actions = self.getActions(actionGroup, ag)
         if actionGroup.identifier in self._groupedActions:
             raise SchnittstellenXMLException("Action group already defined: %s\n%s" % (actionGroup.identifier, item.toxml()))
         self._groupedActions[actionGroup.identifier] = actionGroup
     return self._groupedActions
Exemplo n.º 4
 def createEnumType(self, item):
     'Erzeugt aus einem XML Element einen Enum'
     type = EnumType(item.getAttribute('name'))
     if type.identifier in self.types:
         raise SchnittstellenXMLException('Already defined: %s' % type.identifier)
     self.types[type.identifier] = type
     type.description = domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('description')[0])
     type.example = domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('example')[0])
     todo = item.getElementsByTagName('todo')
     if len(todo) > 0:
         type.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
     items = item.getElementsByTagName('items')[0]
     for item in items.getElementsByTagName('item'):
         type.addValue(item.getAttribute('value'), domGetText(item.getElementsByTagName('description')[0]))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getProperty(self, item):
     'Erzeugt aus einem XML Element eine Property'
     property = Property(item.getAttribute('name'))
     property.type = self.types[item.getAttribute('type')]
     property.description = item.getAttribute('description')
     multiple = item.getAttribute('multiple')
     if multiple == "true":
         property.islist = True
     optional = item.getAttribute('optional')
     if optional == "true":
         property.isoptional = True
     example = item.getElementsByTagName('example')
     if len(example) > 0:
         property.example = domGetText(example[0])
         # Standardbeispiel des Basis-Typen nehmen
         if not isinstance(property.type, ComplexType):
             property.example = property.type.example
     todo = item.getElementsByTagName('todo')
     if len(todo) > 0:
         property.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
     return property
Exemplo n.º 6
 def getActions(self, group, item):
     'Erzeugt ein Dictionary mit den Actions, die in item definiert sind'
     actions = {}
     for actionItem in item.getElementsByTagName('action'):
         action = Action(actionItem.getAttribute('name'), group)
         action.description = domGetText(actionItem.getElementsByTagName('description')[0])
         action.inServer = actionItem.getAttribute("inServer") == "true"
         action.inClient = actionItem.getAttribute("inClient") == "true"
         action.messageType = actionItem.getAttribute("messageType")
         todo = actionItem.getElementsByTagName('todo')
         if len(todo) > 0:
             action.todo = domGetText(todo[0])
         if action.identifier in actions:
             raise SchnittstellenXMLException("Action already defined: %s\n%s" % (action.identifier, item.toxml()))
         actions[action.identifier] = action
         action.request = self.getProperties(actionItem.getElementsByTagName('request')[0])
         action.response = self.getProperties(actionItem.getElementsByTagName('response')[0])
         notification = actionItem.getElementsByTagName('notification')
         if notification:
             action.notification = self.getProperties(notification[0])
             action.notification = None
     return actions
 def addIssue(self, issueNode):
     'Creates an issue from the given node'
     issue = RedmineIssue()
     for key in ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'priority', 'author', 'assigned_to', 'category', 'fixed_version', 'parent']:
         nodes = issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)
         v = None
         if len(nodes):
             el = nodes[0]
             v = {'id': int(el.getAttribute('id')), 'name': el.getAttribute('name')}
         setattr(issue, key, v)
     for key in ['id', 'subject', 'description', 'start_date', 'due_date', 'done_ratio', 'estimated_hours', 'created_on', 'updated_on']:
         setattr(issue, key, domGetText(issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)[0]))
 def addIssue(self, issueNode):
     'Creates an issue from the given node'
     issue = RedmineIssue()
     for key in ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'priority', 'author', 'assigned_to', 'category', 'fixed_version', 'parent']:
         nodes = issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)
         v = None
         if len(nodes):
             el = nodes[0]
             v = {'id': int(el.getAttribute('id')), 'name': el.getAttribute('name')}
         setattr(issue, key, v)
     for key in ['id', 'subject', 'description', 'start_date', 'due_date', 'done_ratio', 'estimated_hours', 'created_on', 'updated_on']:
         setattr(issue, key, domGetText(issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)[0]))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, ticket, url, realm):
     m = re.match('(https?://)([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.+)', url)
     if m == None:
         raise Exception("Failed to match username and password from url")
     proto, username, password, path = m.groups()
     auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
     auth_handler.add_password(realm=realm,uri=proto + path,user=username,passwd=password)
     opener = urllib.request.build_opener(auth_handler)
     ticket_feed_xml = urllib.request.urlopen(proto + path + ("ticket/%d?format=rss" % ticket.id))
     dom = parseString(ticket_feed_xml.read())
     self._comments = []
     for item in dom.getElementsByTagName('item'):
         comment = {};
         for child in item.childNodes:
             if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
             comment[child.nodeName] = domGetText(child)
    def addIssue(self, issueNode):
        "Creates an issue from the given node"
        issue = RedmineIssue()

        for key in [
            nodes = issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)
            v = None
            if len(nodes):
                el = nodes[0]
                v = {"id": int(el.getAttribute("id")), "name": el.getAttribute("name")}
            setattr(issue, key, v)

        for key in [
            setattr(issue, key, domGetText(issueNode.getElementsByTagName(key)[0]))
