def main(): minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) content = BytesIO(b'Some Data to be stored') key_id = 'YOUR-KMS-KEY' context = {'Key1': 'Value1', 'Key2': 'Value2'} # Create an SSE-KMS object with a Valid KMS key_id and context sse_kms_obj = SSE_KMS(key_id, context) # Put object with special headers from SSE_C object which encrypt object in S3 with provided key minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, sse=sse_kms_obj) # Get decrypted object with same headers obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt') print(
def main(): content = BytesIO(b'Hello again') key = b'32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided' encryption_key = base64.b64encode(key).decode() encryption_key_md5 = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(key).digest()).decode() minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) # Put object with special headers which encrypt object in S3 with provided key minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, metadata={ 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm': 'AES256', 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key': encryption_key, 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5': encryption_key_md5 }) # Get decrypted object with same headers obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt1.txt', request_headers={ 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm': 'AES256', 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key': encryption_key, 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5': encryption_key_md5 }) print(
def process_post(store: Minio, post: CleanPost, data_dir: str) -> CleanPost: likes = post.likes comments = post.comments date = _id = rel = relevance(likes, comments) print(f"~ [{_id}]: L: {likes}, C: {comments}, D: {date}, R: {rel}") filepath = path.join(data_dir, bucket = os.getenv("S3_BUCKET", "") endpoint = os.getenv("S3_ENDPOINT", "") folder_name = os.getenv("S3_DATA_DIR_NAME", "laciudadinvisible") destination = folder_name + "/" + + ".jpg" full_filepath = filepath + ".jpg" download_pic(full_filepath, post.image_uri) post_processed_img = crop_image(full_filepath) store.fput_object(bucket, destination, post_processed_img, content_type="image/jpg", metadata={"x-amz-acl": "public-read"}) link = f"https://{bucket}.{endpoint}/{destination}" full_comments = post.comments_content p = CleanPost(,, likes=post.likes, comments=post.comments, hashtags=post.hashtags, mentions=post.mentions, relevance=rel, image_uri=link, description=post.description, comments_content=full_comments, ) return p
def main(): minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) content = BytesIO(b'Hello again') #Create an SSE_S3 object sse_s3_obj = SSE_S3() # Put object with from SSE_S3 object which encrypt object in S3 with provided key minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, sse=sse_s3_obj) # Get decrypted object with same headers obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt') print(
def main(): minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) content = BytesIO(b'Some Data to be stored') key_id = 'YOUR-KMS-KEY' context = {'Key1':'Value1', 'Key2':'Value2'} # Create an SSE-KMS object with a Valid KMS key_id and context sse_kms_obj = SSE_KMS(key_id, context) # Put object with special headers from SSE_C object which encrypt object in S3 with provided key minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, sse=sse_kms_obj) # Get decrypted object with same headers obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt') print(
def delete_objects(client: Minio, object_ids: List[str]) -> None: """ Delete objects stored in Minio :param client: Minio client :param object_ids: List of Splitgraph object IDs to delete """ # Expand the list of objects into actual files we store in Minio all_object_ids = [o + suffix for o in object_ids for suffix in ("", ".schema", ".footer")] list(client.remove_objects(S3_BUCKET, map(DeleteObject, all_object_ids)))
def main(): content = BytesIO(b'Hello again') minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) # Create an SSE-C object with a 32 byte customer_key key = b'32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided' ssec = SseCustomerKey(key) # Put object with SSE_C object passed as a param minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, sse=ssec) # Copy encrypted object on Server-Side from Source to Destination obj = minio.copy_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt_copy.txt', STORAGE_BUCKET + '/test_crypt.txt', source_sse=ssec, sse=ssec) # Get decrypted object with SSE_C object passed in as param obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt_copy.txt', sse=ssec) print(
def list_objects(client: Minio) -> List[str]: """ List objects stored in Minio :param client: Minio client :return: List of Splitgraph object IDs """ return [ o.object_name for o in client.list_objects(bucket_name=S3_BUCKET) if not o.object_name.endswith(".footer") and not o.object_name.endswith(".schema") ]
def prompt_config() -> Config: print("current config: ") old_config = get_config() show_config(old_config) print( f"{Fore.GREEN}you can leave any field empty to leave this field untouched then.{Fore.RESET}" ) api_server = input( "Please input your api server: ") or old_config.api_server s3_endpoint = input( "Please input your s3 endpoint (without http:// prefix, TLS isn't supported for now): " ) or old_config.s3_endpoint s3_access_key = input( "Please input your s3 access key: ") or old_config.s3_access_key s3_secret_key = getpass( "Please input your s3 secret access key: ") or old_config.s3_secret_key"dialing to s3 storage using the current config...") try: client = Minio(s3_endpoint, s3_access_key, s3_secret_key, secure=False) names = map(lambda b:, client.list_buckets()) print(f"Which bucket you store your workloads?") # leave empty string here for not changed. mapping it to a user-friend string workload_bucket = select( ["", *names], lambda b: b or "<not changed>") or old_config.workload_bucket except Exception as e: cont = prompt_ok( f"{Fore.RED}cannot connect to s3 ({e}){Fore.RESET}, continue?", False) if not cont: exit(1) workload_bucket = input("What bucket you store your workloads? " ) or old_config.workload_bucket return Config(api_server=api_server, s3_endpoint=s3_endpoint, s3_access_key=s3_access_key, s3_secret_key=s3_secret_key, workload_bucket=workload_bucket)
def main(): content = BytesIO(b'Hello again') minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) # Create an SSE-C object with a 32 byte customer_key key = b'32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided' sse_customer_key = SSE_C(key) # Put object with SSE_C object passed as a param minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, sse=sse_customer_key) # Create a a copy_SSE-C object to copy an object from source to destination object on the Server-Side copy_sse_customer_key = copy_SSE_C(key) #Copy encrypted object on Server-Side from Source to Destination obj = minio.copy_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt_copy.txt', STORAGE_BUCKET+'/test_crypt.txt', source_sse=copy_sse_customer_key, sse=sse_customer_key) # Get decrypted object with SSE_C object passed in as param obj = minio.get_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt_copy.txt', sse=sse_customer_key) print(
def main(): content = BytesIO(b'Hello again') key = b'32byteslongsecretkeymustprovided' encryption_key = base64.b64encode(key).decode() encryption_key_md5 = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(key).digest()).decode() minio = Minio(STORAGE_ENDPOINT, access_key=AWSAccessKeyId, secret_key=AWSSecretKey) # Put object with special headers which encrypt object in S3 with provided # key minio.put_object(STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt.txt', content, content.getbuffer().nbytes, metadata={ 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm': 'AES256', 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key': encryption_key, 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5': encryption_key_md5 }) # Get decrypted object with same headers obj = minio.get_object( STORAGE_BUCKET, 'test_crypt1.txt', request_headers={ 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm': 'AES256', 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key': encryption_key, 'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5': encryption_key_md5 }) print(
from minio.api import Minio from minio.deleteobjects import DeleteObject from splitgraph.config import CONFIG S3_HOST = CONFIG["SG_S3_HOST"] S3_PORT = CONFIG["SG_S3_PORT"] S3_SECRET_KEY = CONFIG["SG_S3_PWD"] S3_BUCKET = CONFIG["SG_S3_BUCKET"] S3_ACCESS_KEY = CONFIG["SG_S3_KEY"] S3_SECURE = CONFIG["SG_S3_SECURE"] == "true" MINIO = Minio( "%s:%s" % (S3_HOST, S3_PORT), access_key=S3_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=S3_SECRET_KEY, secure=S3_SECURE, ) _EXP = timedelta(seconds=60) def get_object_upload_urls(s3_host: str, object_ids: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]: """ Return a list of pre-signed URLs that each part of an object can be downloaded from. :param s3_host: S3 host that the objects are stored on :param object_ids: List of object IDs :return: A list of lists [(object URL, object footer URL, object schema URL)] """ # Currently s3_host is ignored: this is to future-proof for choosing between multiple
def process_post(loader: Instaloader, post: Post, store: Minio, data_dir: str) -> CleanPost: likes = post.likes comments = post.comments date = post.date_local _id = post.shortcode rel = relevance(likes, comments) print(f"\n~ [{_id}]: L: {likes}, C: {comments}, D: {date}, R: {rel}") filepath = path.join(data_dir, post.shortcode) loader.download_pic(filepath, post.url, print("") bucket = os.getenv("S3_BUCKET", "") endpoint = os.getenv("S3_ENDPOINT", "") folder_name = os.getenv("S3_DATA_DIR_NAME", "laciudadinvisible") destination = folder_name + "/" + post.shortcode + ".jpg" full_filepath = filepath + ".jpg" store.fput_object(bucket, destination, full_filepath, content_type="image/jpg", metadata={"x-amz-acl": "public-read"}) link = f"https://{bucket}.{endpoint}/{destination}" full_comments: List[str] = [] for comment in post.get_comments(): full_comments.append(comment.text) p = CleanPost( id=post.shortcode, date=str(post.date_local), likes=post.likes, comments=post.comments, hashtags=post.caption_hashtags, mentions=post.caption_mentions, relevance=rel, image_uri=link, description=post.caption, comments_content=full_comments, ) # coll_name = "Posts" # try: # db.create_collection(coll_name) # except: # print("error at execute create collection") # posts = db.collection(coll_name) # posts.insert(asdict(p)) # if path.exists(full_filepath): # os.remove(full_filepath) return p