Exemplo n.º 1
def remove_follow(user_id):
    '''Unfollow: json data: whom_id'''
    if not request.json:
        return make_error(
            400, "Bad Request",
            "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
    if request.method != 'DELETE':
        return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                          'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')

    data = request.json
    if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
        return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                          'Correct username and password are required.')
    if data:
        '''Check who_id and whom_id existing'''
        cur = minitwit.query_db(
            'select count(*) from follower where who_id = ? and whom_id = ?',
            [user_id, data["whom_id"]],
        if cur[0] == 0:
            return make_error(
                404, 'Not Found',
                'The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.'
        db = minitwit.get_db()
            '''delete from follower
        where who_id = ? and whom_id = ?''', [user_id, data["whom_id"]])
        print 'You are no longer following user has ', data["whom_id"]
    return jsonify(data)
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_follow(user_id):
    '''Insert follow: json data: whom_id'''
    if not request.json:
        return make_error(
            400, "Bad Request",
            "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
    if request.method != 'POST':
        return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                          'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')

    data = request.json
    if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
        return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                          'Correct username and password are required.')
    if data:
        '''Check duplicate'''
        cur = minitwit.query_db(
            'select count(*) from follower where who_id = ? and whom_id = ?',
            [user_id, data["whom_id"]],
        if cur[0] > 0:
            return make_error(422, "Unprocessable Entity", "Data duplicated")
        db = minitwit.get_db()
            '''insert into follower (who_id, whom_id)
            values (?, ?)''', [user_id, data["whom_id"]])
        print 'You are following user has user_id ', data['whom_id']
    return jsonify(data)
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_message(user_id):
    '''Insert a message into table message: json data: author_id, text'''
    if not request.json:
        return make_error(
            400, "Bad Request",
            "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
    if request.method != 'POST':
        return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                          'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')

    data = request.json
    if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
        return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                          'Correct username and password are required.')
    if data:
        username = get_username(user_id)
        if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
            return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                              'Invalid Username ad/or Password')

        db = minitwit.get_db()
            '''insert into message (author_id, text)
        values (?, ?)''', [data["author_id"], data["text"]])
        print 'Your message was successfully recorded'
    return jsonify(data)
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_follow_user(username1, username2):
    """Adds the username1 as follower of the given username2."""
    data = request.get_json()
    if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
        return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                          'Correct username and password are required.')
    who_id = minitwit.get_user_id(username1)
    whom_id = minitwit.get_user_id(username2)
    if whom_id is None:
        return make_error(
            404, 'Not Found',
            'The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.'
    cur = minitwit.query_db(
        'select count(*) from follower where who_id = ? and whom_id = ?',
        [who_id, whom_id],
    if cur[0] > 0:
        return make_error(422, "Unprocessable Entity", "Data duplicated")
    if request.method == 'POST':
        db = minitwit.get_db()
        db.execute('insert into follower (who_id, whom_id) values (?, ?)',
                   [who_id, whom_id])
        print 'You are now following %s' % username2
        return jsonify(data)
    return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                      'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')
Exemplo n.º 5
def insert_message(username):
    """Inserts a new message from current <username>"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        data = request.get_json()
        user_id = minitwit.get_user_id(username)
        if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
            return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                              'Correct username and password are required.')
        if data:
            db = minitwit.get_db()
                '''insert into message (author_id, text, pub_date)
            values (?, ?, ?)''', [user_id, data["text"],
            print 'Your message was recorded'
        return jsonify(data)
    return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                      'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')
Exemplo n.º 6
def Sign_up():
    '''User Sign up: json data: username, email, password, confirmed_password'''
    if not request.json:
        return make_error(
            400, "Bad Request",
            "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
    if request.method != 'POST':
        return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                          'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')

    data = request.json

    if data:
        if not data["username"] or not data["email"] or not data["password"] \
            or not data["confirmed_password"] or data["password"] != data["confirmed_password"]:
            return make_error(
                400, "Bad Request",
                "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
        '''check duplicate'''
        cur = minitwit.query_db('select count(*) from user where username = ?',
        cur1 = minitwit.query_db('select count(*) from user where email = ?',
        if cur[0] > 0:
            return make_error(422, "Unprocessable Entity",
                              "Duplicated Username")
        if cur1[0] > 0:
            return make_error(422, "Unprocessable Entity", "Duplicated email")
        pw = generate_password_hash(data["password"])
        db = minitwit.get_db()
            '''insert into user (username, email, pw_hash)
            values (?, ?, ?)''', [data["username"], data["email"], pw])
        print 'You were successfully registered'
    return jsonify(data)
Exemplo n.º 7
def change_email(user_id):
    '''Change email: json data: email, confirmed_email'''
    if not request.json:
        return make_error(
            400, "Bad Request",
            "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand."
    if request.method != 'PUT':
        return make_error(405, 'Method Not Allowed',
                          'The method is not allowed for the requested URL.')

    data = request.json
    if not basic_auth.check_credentials(data["username"], data["pw_hash"]):
        return make_error(401, 'Unauthorized',
                          'Correct username and password are required.')
    if data:
        '''Check user_id existing'''
        cur = minitwit.query_db('select count(*) from user where user_id = ?',
        if cur[0] == 0:
            return make_error(
                404, 'Not Found',
                'The requested URL was not found on the server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.'
        '''check password and confirmed password are equal'''
        if data["email"] != data["confirmed_email"]:
            return make_error(
                422, "Unprocessable Entity",
                "password and confirmed password not consistent")
        db = minitwit.get_db()
        email = data["email"]
            '''update user
        set email = ?
        where user_id = ?''', [email, user_id])
        print 'Your email was successfully changed'
    return jsonify(data)
Exemplo n.º 8
def populate_db():
    """Re-populates the database with test data"""
    db = minitwit.get_db()
    with app.open_resource('population.sql', mode='r') as f: