Exemplo n.º 1
def channelAverageWithSetup (toread, out, naver, slop=DEFAULT_SLOP,
                             banner=DEFAULT_BANNER, **uvdargs):
    """Read UV data and channel average into an output dataset.

   toread: dataset handle or iterable thereof; input dataset(s)
      out: dataset handle; the output dataset to be created
    naver: int; the number of channels to average together (see task docs)
     slop: float; tolerance for partially flagged bins (see task docs)
   banner: string; a message to write into the output's history
**uvdargs: keyword arguments passed through to the uvdat subsystem
           initialization (mirtask.uvdat.setupAndRead)
  returns: None

Contrast with channelAverage, which performs no extra initialization
of the uvdat subsystem.

    if naver < 1:
        raise ValueError ('must average at least one channel (got naver=%d)' % naver)
    if slop < 0 or slop > 1:
        raise ValueError ('slop must be between 0 and 1 (got slop=%f)' % slop)

        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, UVDAT_OPTIONS, False, **uvdargs)
        args = ['vis=' + ','.join (str (x) for x in ensureiterable (toread))]
        args += ['%s=%s' % (k, uvdargs[k]) for k in sorted (uvdargs.iterkeys ())]
        _channelAverage (gen, out, naver, slop, banner, args)
    except _CreateFailedError, e:
        # Don't delete the existing dataset!
        raise e.subexc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _compute_getraras(self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        seenaps = set()
        rarawork = {}

        previnp = None
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead(toread,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            if previnp is None or inp is not previnp:
                instr = inp.getScalarItem('arfinstr', 'UNDEF')
                if instr != 'UNDEF':
                    if self.instr is None:
                        self.instr = instr
                    elif instr != self.instr:
                            'input instrument changed from "%s" to '
                            '"%s" in "%s"', self.instr, instr, inp.path())
                previnp = inp

            # the 'a' uvdat options limits us to autocorrelations,
            # but includes 1X-1Y-type autocorrelations
            bp = util.mir2bp(inp, preamble)
            if not util.bpIsInten(bp):
            ap = bp[0]
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where(flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            data = data[w]
            rara = np.sqrt((data.real**2).mean())

            ag = rarawork.get(ap)
            if ag is None:
                ag = rarawork[ap] = ArrayGrower(3)

            # We record w.size as a weight for the RARA measurement,
            # but it's essentially noise-free.
            ag.add(t, rara, w.size)

        self.saps = sorted(seenaps)
        raras = self.raras = {}
        apidxs = dict((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate(self.saps))

        for ap in rarawork.keys():
            raradata = rarawork[ap].finish().T
            apidx = apidxs[ap]
            sidx = np.argsort(raradata[0])
            raras[apidx] = raradata[:, sidx]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _compute_getraras (self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        seenaps = set ()
        rarawork = {}

        previnp = None
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, 'a3', False,
                                  nopass=True, nocal=True, nopol=True,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            if previnp is None or inp is not previnp:
                instr = inp.getScalarItem ('arfinstr', 'UNDEF')
                if instr != 'UNDEF':
                    if self.instr is None:
                        self.instr = instr
                    elif instr != self.instr:
                        util.die ('input instrument changed from "%s" to '
                                  '"%s" in "%s"', self.instr, instr,
                                  inp.path ())
                previnp = inp

            # the 'a' uvdat options limits us to autocorrelations,
            # but includes 1X-1Y-type autocorrelations
            bp = util.mir2bp (inp, preamble)
            if not util.bpIsInten (bp):
            ap = bp[0]
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where (flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            data = data[w]
            rara = np.sqrt ((data.real**2).mean ())

            seenaps.add (ap)
            ag = rarawork.get (ap)
            if ag is None:
                ag = rarawork[ap] = ArrayGrower (3)

            # We record w.size as a weight for the RARA measurement,
            # but it's essentially noise-free.
            ag.add (t, rara, w.size)

        self.saps = sorted (seenaps)
        raras = self.raras = {}
        apidxs = dict ((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate (self.saps))

        for ap in rarawork.keys ():
            raradata = rarawork[ap].finish ().T
            apidx = apidxs[ap]
            sidx = np.argsort (raradata[0])
            raras[apidx] = raradata[:,sidx]
Exemplo n.º 4
def tui_checkcal (args):
    import omega as om, scipy.stats as SS
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split ('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value
            toread.append (VisData (arg))

    if len (toread) < 1:
        util.die ('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options]')

    samples = VectorGrower ()
    gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, 'x3', False, **uvdatoptions)

    for inp, pream, data, flags in gen:
        w = np.where (flags)[0]
        if w.size == 0:

        data = data[w]
        var = 0.5 * (data.real.var (ddof=1) + data.imag.var (ddof=1))
        uvar = np.sqrt (1. / (w.size - 1)) * var # uncert in variance msmt
        thy = inp.getVariance ()
        samples.add ((var - thy) / uvar)

    samples = samples.finish ()
    n = samples.size
    m = samples.mean ()
    s = samples.std ()
    med = np.median (samples)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median (np.abs (samples - med)) # see comment below

    print '                  Number of samples:', n
    print 'Mean normalized error (should be 0):', m
    print '                             Median:', med
    print ' Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                              SMADM:', smadm
    print 'Probability that samples are normal:', SS.normaltest (samples)[1]

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist (samples, keyText='Samples', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace (-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt (2 * np.pi) * np.exp (-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY (x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound (False, False)
    p.show ()
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def tui_checkcal(args):
    import omega as om, scipy.stats as SS
    toread = []
    uvdatoptions = {}

    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            key, value = arg.split('=', 1)
            uvdatoptions[key] = value

    if len(toread) < 1:
        util.die('usage: <vis1> [... visn] [uvdat options]')

    samples = VectorGrower()
    gen = uvdat.setupAndRead(toread, 'x3', False, **uvdatoptions)

    for inp, pream, data, flags in gen:
        w = np.where(flags)[0]
        if w.size == 0:

        data = data[w]
        var = 0.5 * (data.real.var(ddof=1) + data.imag.var(ddof=1))
        uvar = np.sqrt(1. / (w.size - 1)) * var  # uncert in variance msmt
        thy = inp.getVariance()
        samples.add((var - thy) / uvar)

    samples = samples.finish()
    n = samples.size
    m = samples.mean()
    s = samples.std()
    med = np.median(samples)
    smadm = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(samples - med))  # see comment below

    print '                  Number of samples:', n
    print 'Mean normalized error (should be 0):', m
    print '                             Median:', med
    print ' Normalized std. dev. (should be 1):', s
    print '                              SMADM:', smadm
    print 'Probability that samples are normal:', SS.normaltest(samples)[1]

    bins = 50
    rng = -5, 5
    p = om.quickHist(samples, keyText='Samples', bins=bins, range=rng)
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
    area = 10. / bins * n
    y = area / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * x**2)
    p.addXY(x, y, 'Ideal')
    p.rebound(False, False)
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def readLowlevel (self, uvdOptions, saveFlags, **kwargs):
        """Directly access the visibility data.

:arg uvdOptions: options controlling the behavior of the UVDAT subsystem
:type uvdOptions: :class:`str`
:arg saveFlags: whether to save modified UV flags to the dataset
  as it is read
:type saveFlags: :class:`bool`
:arg kwargs: extra arguments to
:rtype: generator of ``(handle, preamble, data, flags)``
:returns: generates a sequence of UV information tuples. See the
  documentation of :func:`mirtask.uvdat.setupAndRead` for more

Calls :func:`mirtask.uvdat.setupAndRead` on this dataset with the
specified arguments.

        from mirtask import uvdat
        return uvdat.setupAndRead (self, uvdOptions, saveFlags, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def readLowlevel (self, uvdOptions, saveFlags, **kwargs):
        """Directly access the visibility data.

:arg uvdOptions: options controlling the behavior of the UVDAT subsystem
:type uvdOptions: :class:`str`
:arg saveFlags: whether to save modified UV flags to the dataset
  as it is read
:type saveFlags: :class:`bool`
:arg kwargs: extra arguments to
:rtype: generator of ``(handle, preamble, data, flags)``
:returns: generates a sequence of UV information tuples. See the
  documentation of :func:`mirtask.uvdat.setupAndRead` for more

Calls :func:`mirtask.uvdat.setupAndRead` on this dataset with the
specified arguments.

        from mirtask import uvdat
        return uvdat.setupAndRead (self, uvdOptions, saveFlags, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _compute_getbpvs (self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        raras = self.raras
        apidxs = dict ((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate (self.saps))

        sqbps = ArrayGrower (2, dtype=np.int)
        bpdata = ArrayGrower (5)

        nnorara = 0
        seenidxs = set ()
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead (toread, 'x3', False,
                                  nopass=False, nocal=False, nopol=False,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            bp = util.mir2bp (inp, preamble)
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where (flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            idx1, idx2 = apidxs.get (bp[0]), apidxs.get (bp[1])
            if idx1 is None or idx2 is None:
                nnorara += 1

            rdata1, rdata2 = raras[idx1], raras[idx2]

            tidx1 = rdata1[0].searchsorted (t)
            tidx2 = rdata2[0].searchsorted (t)

            if (tidx1 < 0 or tidx1 >= rdata1.shape[1] or
                tidx2 < 0 or tidx2 >= rdata2.shape[1]):
                nnorara += 1

            tr1, rara1, rwt1 = rdata1[:,tidx1]
            tr2, rara2, rwt2 = rdata2[:,tidx2]
            dt1 = np.abs (tr1 - t)
            dt2 = np.abs (tr2 - t)

            if max (dt1, dt2) > TTOL:
                nnorara += 1

            # We propagate the weight for crara but once again,
            # it's basically noiseless.
            crara = rara1 * rara2
            cwt = 1. / (rara2**2 / rwt1 + rara1**2 / rwt2)

            data = data[w]
            rvar = data.real.var (ddof=1)
            ivar = data.imag.var (ddof=1)
            var = 0.5 * (rvar + ivar)
            # The weight of the computed variance (i.e., the
            # inverse square of the maximum-likelihood variance
            # in the variance measurement) is 0.5 * (nsamp - ndof) / var**2.
            # We have 2*w.size samples and 2 degrees of freedom, so:
            wtvar = (w.size - 1) / var**2

            seenidxs.add (idx1)
            seenidxs.add (idx2)
            sqbps.add (idx1, idx2)
            bpdata.add (t, var, wtvar, crara, cwt)

        sqbps = self.sqbps = sqbps.finish ()
        self.bpdata = bpdata.finish ()
        nsamp = sqbps.shape[0]

        if nnorara > nsamp * 0.02:
            print >>sys.stderr, ('Warning: no autocorr data for %d/%d '
                                 '(%.0f%%) of samples' % (nnorara, nsamp,
                                                          100. * nnorara / nsamp))

        if len (seenidxs) == len (apidxs):

        # There exist antpols that we got autocorrelations for but
        # have no contributing baselines. This can happen if there are
        # no gains for the given antpol. To avoid running into a
        # singular matrix in the solve step, we have to eliminate
        # them. To avoid a bunch of baggage in the analysis code, we
        # rewrite our data structures, which actually isn't so bad.

        mapping = {}
        newsaps = []
        newraras = {}

        for idx in xrange (len (apidxs)):
            if idx in seenidxs:
                mapping[idx] = len (mapping)
                newsaps.append (self.saps[idx])
                newraras[mapping[idx]] = raras[idx]

        self.saps = newsaps
        self.raras = newraras

        for i in xrange (nsamp):
            sqbps[i,0] = mapping[sqbps[i,0]]
            sqbps[i,1] = mapping[sqbps[i,1]]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _compute_getbpvs(self, toread, uvdatoptions):
        raras = self.raras
        apidxs = dict((t[1], t[0]) for t in enumerate(self.saps))

        sqbps = ArrayGrower(2, dtype=np.int)
        bpdata = ArrayGrower(5)

        nnorara = 0
        seenidxs = set()
        gen = uvdat.setupAndRead(toread,

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in gen:
            bp = util.mir2bp(inp, preamble)
            t = preamble[3]

            w = np.where(flags)[0]
            if not w.size:

            idx1, idx2 = apidxs.get(bp[0]), apidxs.get(bp[1])
            if idx1 is None or idx2 is None:
                nnorara += 1

            rdata1, rdata2 = raras[idx1], raras[idx2]

            tidx1 = rdata1[0].searchsorted(t)
            tidx2 = rdata2[0].searchsorted(t)

            if (tidx1 < 0 or tidx1 >= rdata1.shape[1] or tidx2 < 0
                    or tidx2 >= rdata2.shape[1]):
                nnorara += 1

            tr1, rara1, rwt1 = rdata1[:, tidx1]
            tr2, rara2, rwt2 = rdata2[:, tidx2]
            dt1 = np.abs(tr1 - t)
            dt2 = np.abs(tr2 - t)

            if max(dt1, dt2) > TTOL:
                nnorara += 1

            # We propagate the weight for crara but once again,
            # it's basically noiseless.
            crara = rara1 * rara2
            cwt = 1. / (rara2**2 / rwt1 + rara1**2 / rwt2)

            data = data[w]
            rvar = data.real.var(ddof=1)
            ivar = data.imag.var(ddof=1)
            var = 0.5 * (rvar + ivar)
            # The weight of the computed variance (i.e., the
            # inverse square of the maximum-likelihood variance
            # in the variance measurement) is 0.5 * (nsamp - ndof) / var**2.
            # We have 2*w.size samples and 2 degrees of freedom, so:
            wtvar = (w.size - 1) / var**2

            sqbps.add(idx1, idx2)
            bpdata.add(t, var, wtvar, crara, cwt)

        sqbps = self.sqbps = sqbps.finish()
        self.bpdata = bpdata.finish()
        nsamp = sqbps.shape[0]

        if nnorara > nsamp * 0.02:
            print >> sys.stderr, ('Warning: no autocorr data for %d/%d '
                                  '(%.0f%%) of samples' %
                                  (nnorara, nsamp, 100. * nnorara / nsamp))

        if len(seenidxs) == len(apidxs):

        # There exist antpols that we got autocorrelations for but
        # have no contributing baselines. This can happen if there are
        # no gains for the given antpol. To avoid running into a
        # singular matrix in the solve step, we have to eliminate
        # them. To avoid a bunch of baggage in the analysis code, we
        # rewrite our data structures, which actually isn't so bad.

        mapping = {}
        newsaps = []
        newraras = {}

        for idx in xrange(len(apidxs)):
            if idx in seenidxs:
                mapping[idx] = len(mapping)
                newraras[mapping[idx]] = raras[idx]

        self.saps = newsaps
        self.raras = newraras

        for i in xrange(nsamp):
            sqbps[i, 0] = mapping[sqbps[i, 0]]
            sqbps[i, 1] = mapping[sqbps[i, 1]]