def run_calculations(self):
        """Collect the settings and launch the calculation."""
        statusmsg = self.statusbar.showMessage
        button_ok = self.bb_ok_cancel.button(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
        infile = str(self.le_infile.text())
        outfile = filehandle(str(self.le_outfile.text()), 'w')
        xmax = self.dsb_1.value()
        ymax = self.dsb_2.value()
        if (xmax + ymax) == 0:
            statusmsg('Input size required!')
        xtgt = self.sb_1.value()
        ytgt = self.sb_2.value()

        statusmsg('Parsing XML file...')
        spots = StatisticsSpots(infile)
        spots.set_limits(xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax)
        statusmsg('Generating bitmap...')
        bitmap = spots.gen_bitmap((xtgt, ytgt), delta=50)
        statusmsg('Writing output file...')
        savetxt(outfile, bitmap, fmt='%i')
        statusmsg('Finished writing bitmap (%i x %i).' % (xtgt, ytgt))
    def run_calculations(self):
        """Collect the settings and launch the calculation."""
        statusmsg = self.statusbar.showMessage
        button_ok = self.bb_ok_cancel.button(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok)
        in_csv = str(self.le_infile.text())
        out_csv = filehandle(str(self.le_outfile.text()), 'w')

        statusmsg('Parsing junction files...')
        junction = vp.CellJunction(in_csv)
        statusmsg('Writing output files...')
        junction.write_output(out_csv, in_csv)
        if (self.cb_option.checkState() == 2):
            statusmsg('Showing plot...')
            plot.junction(junction, True, False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def gen_stats(f_in, f_out, label=False, deltas=[1], thresh=0, verbosity=0):
    """Parse and process tracks and calculate statistics from the data."""
    # default loglevel is 30 while 20 and 10 show more details
    loglevel = (3 - verbosity) * 10

    log.warn("Infile: %s" % f_in)
    log.debug("Outfile: %s" % f_out)"Stepping width(s): %s" % deltas)"Angle threshold: %s" % thresh)

    ppr = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

    ######### tracks parsing #########

    # TODO: parsing can be done in a nicer way be reading the header lines via
    #, checking for the expected values and the number of
    # tracks and then directly reading the trackpoints into a numpy ndarray...
    mtrack2_file = filehandle(f_in, "r")
    csvreader = csv.reader(mtrack2_file, delimiter="\t")

    # parse all lines into memory
    # NOTE: this is bad if the files get too large, but we haven't seen result
    # files from MTrack2 that are bigger than a couple of MB.
    data = []
    for row in csvreader:
        data.append([parse_cell(x) for x in row])
        # data.append(row)

    # start parsing the header
    header = []
    if not header[0][0] == "Frame":
        # exit because file is broken...
        raise SystemExit("Unable to find correct header, stopping.")
    log.debug("Header:\n%s\n" % ppr.pformat(header))

    # second line is 'Tracks 1 to N', so we can read the total number there:
    trackmax = int(header[1][0].split(" ")[3])"Total number of tracks: %s" % ppr.pformat(trackmax))

    # last N lines are the stats per track
    trackstats = []
    while True:
        # pop returns the last element if no index is given
        cur = data.pop()
        if cur[0] == "Track":
            # remove one more line (empty), then we're done
            cur = data.pop()
    # as we parsed from the last element, we need to reverse the list
    log.warn("Track statistics:\n%s" % ppr.pformat(trackstats))

    # this code can help debugging problematic files:
    # for row in data:
    #     try:
    #         np.array(row, dtype='float')
    #     except ValueError:
    #         raise SystemExit(row)

    # create the ndarray from the remaining data while removing column 0
    # (indices), and every subsequent third column (flags)
    todelete = range(0, (trackmax + 1) * 3, 3)
    npdata = np.delete(data, todelete, axis=1)
    npdata_bool = npdata > 0

    ######### tracks processing (combining etc.) #########

    tracklen = [0] * trackmax
    t_overlap = npdata_bool[:, 0]
    for track in range(trackmax):
        tracklen[track] = sum(npdata_bool[:, track * 2])
        t_overlap = t_overlap * npdata_bool[:, track * 2]

    if trackmax > 1 and sum(t_overlap) > 0:
        raise SystemExit("*** WARNING: Found overlapping tracks! ***")

    t_combined = np.zeros((npdata.shape[0], 2))
    for track in range(trackmax):
        t_combined += npdata[:, track * 2 : (track + 1) * 2]

    comb_mask = np.zeros(t_combined.shape[0])
    for i, row in enumerate(t_combined):
        if (row == [0.0, 0.0]).all():
            # print 'row %i is zerooooo' % i
            comb_mask[i] = True

    t_combined =, mask=np.repeat(comb_mask, 2)))

    ######### calculations #########
    mov_v = {}
    mov_n = {}
    rot = {}
    rot_t = {}
    outdata = t_combined
    if label:
        label = "pos_x\tpos_y"
    for step in deltas:
        # calculate movement vectors (mov_v):
        mov_v[step] = movement_vectors(t_combined, step)
        # calculate vector normals (mov_n):
        mov_n[step] = np.zeros((mov_v[step].shape[0], 1))
        for pos in range(1, mov_n[step].shape[0]):
            mov_n[step][pos] = np.linalg.norm(mov_v[step][pos])
        # calculate rotation:
        rot[step] = calc_rotation(mov_v[step], mov_n[step], step)
        # for the movement vectors all values need to be written to the output,
        # but it is not necessary to repeat them for every stepping, so they
        # are only added for stepping '1':
        if step == 1:
            outdata = np.hstack((outdata, mov_v[1]))
            if label:
                label += "\tdelta_x\tdelta_y"
        outdata = np.hstack((outdata, mov_n[step], rot[step]))
        # threshold rotation angles:
        if thresh > 0:
            rot_t[step] = np.where(abs(rot[step]) > thresh, rot[step], 0)
            outdata = np.hstack((outdata, rot_t[step]))
        if label:
            label += "\tdistance_%s\tangle_%s" % (step, step)
            if thresh > 0:
                label += "\tthresholded_angle_%s" % step

    if label:"label: %s" % label)
    _save_results(f_out, outdata, label)
    log.warn("Wrote results to '%s'" % filename(f_out))