def parse_args(self): """Parses arguments.""" result = None _name = sys.argv[0] _err_msg = '{}: error: argument'.format(_name) if len(sys.argv) == 1: self.parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) result = self.parser.parse_args() # Manual argument checks that can't be done by argparse. if result.apfs_dmg: _arg = '--APFS' if not result.build_dmg: self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) _msg = '{} {}: --APFS: not allowed with argument -b/--build-dmg'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) # Check that at least on of the three apps is provided for download flag '-a/--apps' if result.apps == 'allpkgs': result.apps = config.ALL_LATEST_APPS elif result.apps: _arg = '-a/--apps' _apps = [_app for _app, _value in config.APPS.items()] _apps.extend(['allpkgs']) _apps.sort() _choices = ', '.join(["'{}'".format(_app) for _app in _apps]) if not any([app in result.apps for app in _apps]): self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) _msg = '{} {}: expected one argument: (choose from {})'.format( _err_msg, _arg, _choices) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) # Handle plist argument exceptions if result.plists: _arg = '-p/--plists' # Make sure all items passed end with plist _supported = config.SUPPORTED_PLISTS.keys() _choices = ["'{}'".format(_plist) for _plist in _supported] _choices.sort() _choices = ', '.join(_choices) _choices = '\'allpkgs\', {}'.format(_choices) if result.plists == 'allpkgs': result.plists = [ config.SUPPORTED_PLISTS.get(_plist) for _plist in config.ALL_LATEST_PLISTS ] elif not any([_plist in _supported for _plist in result.plists]): _msg = '{} {}: excpected one argument: (choose from {})'.format( _err_msg, _arg, _choices) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) else: result.plists = [ config.SUPPORTED_PLISTS.get(_plist) for _plist in result.plists ] if not (result.mandatory or result.optional): self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) _msg = '{} {}: must provide at least -m/--mandatory or -o/--optional or both'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) if result.deployment or result.force_deployment: self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) _msg = '{}: {}: not allowed with argument --deploy/--force-deploy'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) if not (result.build_dmg or or result.force_download): self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) _msg = ( '{}: {}: not allowed without argument -b/--build-dmg or -d/--destination ' 'or -f/--force-destination'.format(_err_msg, _arg)) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) # Test if user is root for deploy/force deploy modes if not result.dry_run: if result.deployment: _arg = '--deploy' elif result.force_deployment: _arg = '--force-deploy' if not misc.is_root() and (result.deployment or result.force_deployment): _msg = '{} {}: you must be root to install packages'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) # Handle some checking for more specific circumstances. if ( or result.force_download or result.deployment or result.force_deployment): if _arg = '-d/--destination' if result.force_download: _arg = '-f/--force-destination' if result.deployment: _arg = '--deploy' if result.force_deployment: _arg = '--force-deploy' if not (result.mandatory or result.optional): _msg = '{} {}: must provide at least -m/--mandatory or -o/--optional or both'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) if result.cache_server: _arg = '--cache-server' _cs = result.cache_server[0] _url = urlparse(_cs) if _url.scheme not in self._valid_url_schemes or not r'(?::\d+)', _url.netloc): # and _url.path is not None: _msg = '{} {}: cache server url format expected is'.format( _err_msg, _arg) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) if result.pkg_server: _arg = '--pkg-server' _ps = result.pkg_server[0] _url = urlparse(_ps) if _url.scheme not in self._valid_url_schemes or not _url.path: _msg = ( '{} {}: mirror server url format expected is<path> ' 'or'.format(_err_msg, _arg)) print(_msg) sys.exit(1) if result.show_plists: supported.show_supported_plists() if compare.differences([0],[1]) # Set "globals" here rather than in '' if not result.plists: config.APPS_TO_PROCESS = result.apps if result.apps else misc.find_installed_apps( ) if not result.apps: config.PLISTS_TO_PROCESS = result.plists config.ALLOW_INSECURE_CURL = result.insecure config.ALLOW_UNSECURE_PKGS = result.unsecure config.APFS_DMG = result.apfs_dmg config.CACHING_SERVER = result.cache_server[0].rstrip( '/') if result.cache_server else None config.DEBUG = getattr(logging, result.log_level, None) config.DEPLOY_PKGS = result.deployment config.FORCED_DEPLOYMENT = result.force_deployment config.DMG_FILE = result.build_dmg[0] if result.build_dmg else None config.DRY_RUN = result.dry_run config.LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER = result.pkg_server[0].rstrip( '/') if result.pkg_server else None config.MANDATORY = result.mandatory config.OPTIONAL = result.optional config.QUIET = result.quiet config.SILENT = result.silent config.TARGET = result.install_target[ 0] if result.install_target else '/' # Handle if or result.force_download: if config.DESTINATION_PATH =[0] elif result.force_download: config.FORCE_DOWNLOAD = True config.DESTINATION_PATH = result.force_download[0] else: config.DESTINATION_PATH = config.DEFAULT_DEST if config.DEPLOY_PKGS or config.FORCED_DEPLOYMENT: config.DESTINATION_PATH = config.DEFAULT_DEST # Handle HTTP based DMG if config.LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER: if config.LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER.endswith('.dmg'): config.HTTP_DMG = True config.HTTP_DMG_PATH = result.pkg_server[0] config.LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER = None # Handle building a DMG if result.build_dmg: _dmg_path = os.path.splitext(config.DMG_FILE)[0] config.DESTINATION_PATH = '{}.sparseimage'.format(_dmg_path) # Set a psuedo 'config.DMG_VOLUME_MOUNTPATH' for dry-run use. if config.DRY_RUN: config.DMG_VOLUME_MOUNTPATH = '/Volumes/appleloops' return result
DRY_RUN = False # HTTP Status's that are OK HTTP_OK_STATUS = [200, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308] # When set via command line, should be in the form of '' # Best practice is to use the relevant argument to mirror the folder paths from Apple. LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER = None # Log level LOGGER_NAME = 'appleloops' LOG_FILE = 'appleloops.log' LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' # If the user is root, change the log path so not to blat on user log folder. if misc.is_root(): LOG_PATH = '/var/log' else: LOG_PATH = path.expanduser(path.expandvars('~/Library/Logs')) LOG_FILE_PATH = path.join(LOG_PATH, LOG_FILE) # Default 'path' is '2016'. Use '.replace()' when '2013' is required. LP10_MS3_CONTENT = 'lp10_ms3_content_2016' # Used to determine if processing mandatory packages MANDATORY = False # Used for overall name of app based on '__name__' NAME = None