def checkFirstSvtPage(firstPage, verbose): haltOnError = True if verbose: printInfo2("Parsing page...") soup = BeautifulSoup(firstPage) items = soup.findAll(attrs={'data-json-href' : True}) try: firstLink = items[0]['data-json-href'] except: xmlCode = "Error" return xmlCode if verbose: printInfo1("Found first link:") print firstLink else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() linkOK, linkError = checkLink(firstLink, haltOnError, verbose) if not linkOK: onError(55,linkError) else: if verbose: printInfo1("Link OK") xmlCode = checkSecondSvtPage(firstLink, verbose) return xmlCode
def rtmpdumpDownloadCommand(line, verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Composing download command...") if resolveHost: url = domainToIPno(line['address'], verbose) else: url = line['address'] part1 = url.partition(' playpath=') part2 = part1[2].partition(' swfVfy=1 swfUrl=') if "kanal5play" in part2[2]: if verbose: printInfo1("This is from kanal5play\nAdding --live option to download command") rtmpdumpOptions = "--realtime" else: rtmpdumpOptions = "" cmd = ( "rtmpdump -o '%s.%s'" " -r %s" " -y %s" " -W %s" " %s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'], part1[0], part2[0], part2[2], rtmpdumpOptions) ) if verbose: printInfo1("rtmpdump command: %s" % cmd) return cmd
def parseXML(xmlRoot, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose): vidBitRate = 0 vidWidth = 0 currentQuality = 0 lastQuality = 0 downloads = [] if name == "null": trys = 0 printInfo2("Getting page title to use as file name...") while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) try: html = urllib2.urlopen(url) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(35, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(36, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except:
def handleXML(xmlRoot, verbose): for xmlChild in xmlRoot: if verbose: print "%s: %s" % (xmlChild.tag, xmlChild.text) if 'language' in xmlChild.tag.lower(): language = xmlChild.text printInfo1("\nLanguage: %s" % language) if 'font' in xmlChild.tag.lower(): print "Here comes the subs" print xmlChild for line in xmlChild: if 'subtitle' in line.tag.lower(): print line.attrib['SpotNumber'] print "%s --> %s" % (line.attrib['TimeIn'], line.attrib['TimeOut']) for text in line: if 'text' in text.tag.lower(): print text.text print
def retrievePiratePlayXML(apiBaseUrl, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose): xmlCode = "" trys = 0 if verbose: printInfo1("Using %s as source for getting XML" % apiBaseUrl) if verbose: printInfo2("Parsing the response from API...") parseUrl = "%s/%s%s" % (apiBaseUrl, getStreamsXML, url) printInfo2("\nGetting streams for %s ..." % parseUrl) printScores() while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) break if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) try: piratePlayXML = urllib2.urlopen(parseUrl) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(35, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(36, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime)
def internalXMLGenerator(url, verbose): haltOnError = True linkOK, linkError = checkLink(url, haltOnError, verbose) if not linkOK: onError(58,linkError) else: if verbose: printInfo1("Link OK") firstPage = getWebPage(url, verbose) if firstPage: if "svtplay" in url.lower(): xmlCode = svtPlayXML(firstPage, verbose) if xmlCode == "Error": onError(66, "Not able to find link with internal XML-generator") xmlCode = "" else: xmlCode = '\n'.join(xmlCode) if verbose: printInfo1("XML code:") print xmlCode return xmlCode else: onError(64, "Not able to run local python XML generator on this address") xmlCode = "" else: onError(59, "Could not download webpage") if not verbose: print "\n" return xmlCode
def parseURL(url, name, verbose): printInfo1("\nSearching for '%s' in %s ..." % (videoText, url)) videos = getPages(url, verbose) if videos: makeList(videos, name, verbose) else: onError(19, "Could not find videos")
def getInfo(line, argument, verbose): cmd = "mediainfo %s '%s.%s'" % (argument, line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']) if verbose: printInfo1("Command: %s" % cmd) args = shlex.split(cmd) process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() if verbose: printInfo1(output.rstrip()) return output.rstrip()
def ffmpegDownloadCommand(line, verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Composing download command...") ffmpeg = getffmpegPath(verbose) if resolveHost: url = domainToIPno(line['address'], verbose) else: url = line['address'] if ffmpeg == ffmpegPath: if verbose: cmd = ( "%s -i %s" " -loglevel verbose -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc -timeout 1000" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, url, line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']) ) else: cmd = ( "%s -i %s" " -stats -loglevel fatal -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc -timeout 1000" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, url, line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']) ) elif ffmpeg == avconvPath: if verbose: cmd = ( "%s -i %s" " -loglevel verbose -acodec copy -vcodec copy" # -absf aac_adtstoasc" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, url, line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']) ) else: cmd = ( "%s -i %s" " -acodec copy -vcodec copy" # -absf aac_adtstoasc" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, url, line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']) ) else: onError(16, "You do not have either ffmpeg or avconv on the paths set in your config") if verbose: printInfo1("ffmpeg command: %s" % cmd) return cmd
def readXML(xmlCode, verbose): print try: xmlRoot = ET.fromstring(xmlCode) except: onError(6, "Not a valid XML") else: printInfo1("XML is valid") handleXML(xmlRoot, verbose)
def makeList(videos, name, verbose): printInfo1("\nCreating %s.%s..." % (name, listSuffix)) if continueWithProcess(name, listSuffix, True, False, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): listFile ="%s.%s" % (name, listSuffix), "w", 'utf-8') for video in videos: if verbose: printInfo1("\nURL: %s" % video['url']) printInfo1("Season: %s" % video['season']) printInfo1("Episode title: %s" % video['episodeTitle']) listFile.write("%s\n" % video['url']) listFile.write("%s.%s.%s\n\n" % (name, video['season'], video['episodeTitle'])) listFile.close()
def getPages(url, verbose): gotAnswer = False sourceCode = "" pageNo = 1 videos = [] parsed_uri = urlparse( url ) domain = '{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/'.format(uri=parsed_uri) if verbose: printInfo1("Domain is: %s" % domain) while True: printInfo1("\nGetting page %s..." % pageNo) printInfo1("URL: %s" % "%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo)) responseCode = getResponseCode("%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo), verbose) #if pageNo == 2: # responseCode = 404 if responseCode != 404: trys = 0 while True: trys += 1 if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) try: source = urllib2.urlopen("%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo)) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(23, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(24, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except:
def compareDurations(expectedDuration, actualDuration, verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Comparing durations...") printInfo1("Expected duration: %s s" % expectedDuration) printInfo1("Actual duration: %s s" % actualDuration) if expectedDuration == 0: durationsMatch = True printWarning("Expected duration was 0\nSkipping checking...") else: if actualDuration + 2 > expectedDuration and actualDuration - 2 < expectedDuration: durationsMatch = True else: durationsMatch = False return durationsMatch
def getSubSize(subAddress, checkDuration, verbose): subSize = "0" trys = 0 gotAnswer = False if checkDuration: if verbose: printInfo2("Probing for size of subtitle file...") while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(26, "Giving up after %s trys" % (trys - 1)) printWarning("Setting subtitle size to %s" % subSize) gotAnswer = True break try: sub = urllib2.urlopen(subAddress) except: printInfo2("Could not get subtitle size") onError(41, "Undefined error") printInfo2("Trying again...") else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got an answer") meta = if meta.getheaders: subSize = meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0] else: onError(21, "Could not get headers") printWarning("Setting subsize to %s", subSize) gotAnswer = True break if gotAnswer: break else: printWarning("Subsize check disabled") printWarning("Setting subsize to %s" % subSize) printInfo1("Sub size: %s B" % subSize) return subSize
def composeXML(videos, subtitleLink, verbose): xmlCode = [] if verbose: printInfo2("Generating XML...") printInfo1("Adding %s streams" % len(videos)) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() xmlCode.append("<streams>") for index in range(0, len(videos)): if verbose: printInfo2("Adding video stream #%s..." % index) print "Bitrate: %s" % videos[index]['reportedBitrate'] print "Video link: %s" % videos[index]['videoLink'] if subtitleLink: print "Subtitle link: %s" % subtitleLink print "Suffix hint: %s" % videos[index]['suffixHint'] else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if subtitleLink: xmlCode.append(('<stream quality="%s kbps" subtitles="%s" suffix-hint="%s" required-player-version="0">') % (videos[index]['reportedBitrate'], subtitleLink, videos[index]['suffixHint']) ) else: xmlCode.append(('<stream quality="%s kbps" suffix-hint="%s" required-player-version="0">') % (videos[index]['reportedBitrate'], videos[index]['suffixHint']) ) xmlCode.append(videos[index]['videoLink']) xmlCode.append('</stream>') xmlCode.append('</streams>') return xmlCode
def wgetDownloadCommand(line, verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Composing download command...") if resolveHost: url = domainToIPno(line['subs'], verbose) else: url = line['subs'] cmd = ( "wget -O ''" " %s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), url) ) if verbose: printInfo1("wget command: %s" % cmd) return cmd
def convertVideo(videoInFile, convertTo, reEncode, verbose): keepOld = False reDownload = False fileAccepted = False fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(videoInFile) fileExtension = fileExtension.lstrip(".") if verbose: printInfo1("File name: %s" % fileName) printInfo1("File extension: %s" % fileExtension) for extension in videoExtensions: if extension == fileExtension.lower(): fileAccepted = True if not fileAccepted: onError(15, "%s is probably not a video file" % videoInFile) if fileExtension.lower() == convertTo: printWarning("Same out format chosen as existing\nWill not convert") else: if verbose: printInfo2("Converting %s to %s format" % (videoInFile, convertTo)) printInfo2("Renaming %s to %s.bak" % (videoInFile, videoInFile)) os.rename(videoInFile, "%s.bak" % videoInFile) if fileExtension.lower() == "flv" and convertTo == "mp4": ffmpeg = getffmpegPath(verbose) if reEncode: if verbose: printInfo2("Reencoding video...") cmd = ("%s" " -i %s" " -qscale 0 -ar 22050 -vcodec %s" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, "%s.bak" % videoInFile, videoCodec, fileName, convertTo) ) else: cmd = ("%s" " -i %s -vcodec copy -acodec copy" " '%s.%s'" % (ffmpeg, "%s.bak" % videoInFile, fileName, convertTo) ) while True: printInfo1("Will convert") if continueWithProcess(fileName, fileExtension, keepOld, reDownload, "Will re convert\n", "Keeping old file\nNo converting\n", verbose): process = runProcess(cmd, verbose)
def checkFileSize(line, verbose): printScores() expectedFileSize = int(line['subSize']) downloadedFileSize = os.path.getsize("" % line['name'].rstrip()) printInfo1("Expected file size: %d B" % (expectedFileSize)) printInfo1("Downloaded file size: %d B" % (downloadedFileSize)) if expectedFileSize == 0: FileSizesMatch = True printWarning("Expected file size was 0\nSkipping checking...") else: if downloadedFileSize + 2 > expectedFileSize and downloadedFileSize - 2 < expectedFileSize: FileSizesMatch = True if verbose: printInfo1("File sizes match") else: FileSizesMatch = False if verbose: printWarning("File sizes does not match") return FileSizesMatch
def getDownloadCommands(line, verbose): subCmd = "" if verbose: printInfo2("Composing download commands for line...") print line if line['address'].startswith("http"): if verbose: printInfo1("This should be downloaded with ffmpeg") videoCmd = ffmpegDownloadCommand(line, verbose) elif line['address'].startswith("rtmp"): printInfo1("This should be downloaded with rtmpdump") videoCmd = rtmpdumpDownloadCommand(line, verbose) if line['subs']: if verbose: printInfo1("This should be downloaded with wget") subCmd = wgetDownloadCommand(line, verbose) return videoCmd, subCmd
def checkDurations(line, verbose): printScores() expectedDuration = round(float(line['duration']), 2) downloadedDuration = float(getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%Duration%"', verbose)) / 1000 printInfo1("Expected duration: %d s (%s)" % (expectedDuration, str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=expectedDuration)))) printInfo1("Downloaded duration: %d s (%s)" % (downloadedDuration, str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=downloadedDuration)))) if expectedDuration == 0: durationsMatch = True printWarning("Expected duration was 0\nSkipping checking...") else: if downloadedDuration + 2 > expectedDuration and downloadedDuration - 2 < expectedDuration: durationsMatch = True if verbose: printInfo1("Durations match") else: durationsMatch = False if verbose: printWarning("Durations does not match") return durationsMatch
def getResponseCode(url, verbose): trys = 0 responseCode = "" if verbose: printInfo1("Getting response code...") while True: trys += 1 if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) if trys > maxTrys: onError(22, "Tried %s times" % (trys - 1)) try: r = requests.head(url) except requests.ConnectionError: onError(20, "Failed to connect\nTrying again...") else: responseCode = r.status_code if verbose: printInfo1("Response: %s" % responseCode) break return responseCode
def checkVideoLink(videoLink, verbose): index = 0 linkOK = False checkQuality = True haltOnError = False videos = [] resolution = "0 x 0" bitrate = 0 correctLinkSuffix = "/manifest.f4m" oldPattern = "/z/" newPattern = "/i/" reportedBitrates = findReportedBitrates(videoLink, verbose) if verbose: printInfo2("Checking video link...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if videoLink.endswith(correctLinkSuffix): LinkOK = True if verbose: printInfo1("Link ending OK") printInfo2("Stripping off suffix %s" % correctLinkSuffix) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() videoLink = videoLink.rstrip(correctLinkSuffix) if verbose: printInfo1("New link:") print videoLink else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: onError(61, "Link did not end with %s" % correctLinkSuffix) if verbose: printInfo2("Looking for valid video links...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() while True: testLink = videoLink.replace(oldPattern, newPattern) testLink = "%s/index_%s_av.m3u8?null=0" % (testLink, index) if verbose: printInfo2("Checking video link #%s..." % index) print "%s/index_%s_av.m3u8?null=0" % (testLink, index) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() linkOK , linkError = checkLink(testLink, haltOnError, verbose) if not linkOK: if verbose: printWarning("Did not get an answer for link #%s" % index) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() break else: if checkQuality: resolution, bitrate, codecLongName = findQuality(testLink, verbose) if "mpeg-4" in codecLongName.lower() or "h.264" in codecLongName.lower(): suffixHint = "mp4" else: suffixHint = "unknown_suffix" if verbose: printInfo1("Resolution:") print resolution printInfo1("Bit rate: ") print bitrate printInfo1("Codec long name: ") print codecLongName printInfo1("Suffix hint: ") print suffixHint else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: printWarning("Not checking quality") if verbose: printInfo2("Adding video...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() videos.append({"videoLink" : testLink, "resolution" : resolution, "bitrate" : bitrate, "reportedBitrate" : reportedBitrates[index], "codecLongName" : codecLongName, "suffixHint": suffixHint}) index += 1 return videos
def findQuality(url, verbose): width = 0 height = 0 bitrate = 0 codecLongName = "" trys = 0 noFFmpeg = False ffprobe = getffprobePath(verbose) if verbose: printInfo2("Looking up quality for stream with %s..." % ffprobe) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if ffprobe == ffprobePath: if verbose: printInfo1("Using %s to get video information" % ffprobePath) cmd = "%s -loglevel error -show_format -show_streams %s -print_format xml" % (ffprobe, url) if verbose: printInfo1("Command: %s\n" % cmd) args = shlex.split(cmd) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(38, "Giving up after %s trys" % (trys - 1)) printWarning("Setting bitrate to %s" % bitrate) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True break while True: try: process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as e: onError(39, "%s\nYou are probably missing ffmpeg" % e) noFFmpeg = True break else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got an answer") output, error = process.communicate() gotAnswer = True break if not noFFmpeg: try: xmlRoot = ET.fromstring(output) except: onError(43, "Did not receive a valid XML") printInfo2("Trying again...") else: if verbose: printInfo1("Downloaded a valid XML:") print output for xmlChild in xmlRoot: if 'bit_rate' in xmlChild.attrib: bitrate = xmlChild.attrib['bit_rate'] for innerChild in xmlChild: if 'codec_long_name' in innerChild.attrib and not codecLongName: codecLongName = innerChild.attrib['codec_long_name'] if 'width' in innerChild.attrib and not width: width = innerChild.attrib['width'] if 'height' in innerChild.attrib and not height: height = innerChild.attrib['height'] gotXML = True else: onError(40, "Can not detect duration") printWarning("Setting bitrate to %s" % bitrate) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True if gotAnswer and gotXML: break else: if verbose: printInfo1("Using %s to get video information" % avprobePath) cmd = "%s -loglevel error -show_format -show_streams %s -of json" % (ffprobe, url) args = shlex.split(cmd) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(38, "Giving up after % trys" % (trys - 1)) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True break while True: try: process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as e: onError(39, "%s\nYou are probably missing ffmpeg" % e) noFFmpeg = True break else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got an answer") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() output, error = process.communicate() gotAnswer = True break if gotAnswer: break if gotAnswer: jsonString = json.loads(output) if verbose: print "Full json: %s" % json.dumps(jsonString, sort_keys=True, indent=2) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['width']): width = json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['width']) if verbose: print "Width: %s" % width else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['height']): height = json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['height']) if verbose: print "Height: %s" % height else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if json.dumps(jsonString['format']['bit_rate']): bitrate = json.dumps(jsonString['format']['bit_rate']) if verbose: print "Bitrate: %s" % bitrate else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['codec_long_name']): codecLongName = json.dumps(jsonString['streams'][0]['codec_long_name']) if verbose: print "Codec long name: %s" % codecLongName else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if width and height: if verbose: printInfo1("Found both width and height") print "%s x %s" % (width, height) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: if verbose: printWarning("Could not find width and height") else: printWarning("\nCould not find width and height") if bitrate: if verbose: printInfo1("Found bitrate") print bitrate else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: if verbose: printWarning("Could not find bitrate") else: printWarning("\nCould not find bitrate") if codecLongName: if verbose: printInfo1("Found codec long name") print codecLongName else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: if verbose: printWarning("Could not find codec long name") else: printWarning("\nCould not codec long name") return ("%s x %s" % (width, height), bitrate, codecLongName)
def findVideos(domain, sourceCode, videos, verbose): gotSeason = False gotURL = False printInfo1("\nSearching for links in code with the word '%s' in the url..." % videoText) soup = BeautifulSoup(sourceCode) for item in soup.fetch(['h2', 'a']): if verbose: printInfo1("\nParsing line: %s\n..." % item) if item.contents: if == "h2" and seasonText in item.contents[0]: season = HTMLParser().unescape(item.contents[0]) if verbose: printInfo2("Found season text") printInfo1("Season: %s" % season) gotSeason = True if == "a" and videoText in item['href']: episodeTitle = HTMLParser().unescape(item['title']) url = item['href'] if verbose: printInfo2("Found link to video") printInfo1("Episode title: %s" % episodeTitle) printInfo1("URL: %s" % url) gotURL = True if not gotSeason and not gotURL: if verbose: printInfo2("No valuable info in this item") if gotURL: if not gotSeason: season = "None" url = urljoin(domain, url) if verbose: printInfo1("Adding...") printInfo1("URL: %s" % url) printInfo1("Season: %s" % season) printInfo1("Episode title: %s" % episodeTitle) videos.append({'url': url, 'season': season, 'episodeTitle': episodeTitle}) gotSeason = False gotURL = False printInfo1("Found %s videos" % len(videos)) return videos
if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) try: source = urllib2.urlopen("%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo)) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(23, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(24, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except: onError(25, "Error\n Trying again...\n") sleep(waitTime) else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got answer") gotAnswer = True break pageNo += 1 if gotAnswer: sourceCode = videos = findVideos(url, sourceCode, videos, verbose) else: printInfo1("\nNo more videos") break return videos def findVideos(domain, sourceCode, videos, verbose): gotSeason = False gotURL = False
def generateDownloads(url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose): xmlCode = "" xmlRoot = "" if name != name.replace("'", "").replace('"', '').replace(":", ""): name = name.replace("'", "").replace('"', '').replace(":", "") if verbose: printWarning("Removed quotes , double quotes and colons in out file name") if verbose: printInfo2("Getting XML...") s = 0 printInfo2("Trying these sources one by one:") for xmlSource in xmlPriorityOrder: s += 1 print "%s: %s" % (s, xmlSource) for xmlSource in xmlPriorityOrder: ##### try internal XML generator ##### if xmlSource == "internal": if verbose: printInfo2("Getting XML from this programs python xml generator...") xmlCode = internalXMLGenerator(url, verbose) if xmlCode: break ##### try local pirateplay's API ##### elif xmlSource == "localPiratePlay": printInfo2("Getting XML from local pirateplay's API...") xmlCode = retrievePiratePlayXML(apiBaseUrlLocal, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose) if xmlCode: break ##### try pirateplay's API ##### elif xmlSource == "piratePlay": printInfo2("Getting XML from's API...") xmlCode = retrievePiratePlayXML(apiBaseUrlPiratePlay, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose) if xmlCode: break ##### try svtplay-dl ##### elif xmlSource == "svtPlayDl": printInfo2("Getting XML from svtplay-dl...") xmlCode = svtplaydlXML(url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose) if xmlCode: break ##### giving up if no XML ##### if not xmlCode: onError(69, "Could not find any way to get XML\nGiving up\nExiting!") if verbose: printInfo1("XML code:") print xmlCode try: xmlRoot = ET.fromstring(xmlCode) except: onError(42, "Did not receive a valid XML") #printInfo2("Trying again...") else: if verbose: printInfo1("Downloaded a valid XML") downloads = parseXML(xmlRoot, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose) if len(downloads) == 0: onError(67, "Did not find any suitable streams")# \nTrying another method...") sys.exit() return downloads
def checkSecondSvtPage(url, verbose): secondTag = "" secondPage = getWebPage(url, verbose) if verbose: printInfo2("Parsing page...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() soup = BeautifulSoup(secondPage) items = soup.findAll("embed", attrs={'attr' : True}) secondTag = items[0]['attr'] if secondTag: if verbose: printInfo1("Found second tag:") print secondTag printInfo2("Decoding...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() secondTag = urllib.unquote(secondTag.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8') if verbose: printInfo1("Decoded tag:") print secondTag secondTag = secondTag.split('=', 1)[-1] else: printError("Did not find second tag") if verbose: printInfo2("Converting to json...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() jsonString = json.loads(secondTag) if verbose: printInfo1("JSON string:") print json.dumps(jsonString['video'], sort_keys=True, indent=2) printInfo2("Extracting video link...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() videoLink = jsonString['video']['videoReferences'][0]['url'] if verbose: printInfo1("Found video link:") print videoLink else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() videos = checkVideoLink(videoLink, verbose) if verbose: printInfo2("Extracting subtitle link...") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() if "url" in jsonString['video']['subtitleReferences'][0]: subtitleLink = jsonString['video']['subtitleReferences'][0]['url'] checkSubtitleLink(subtitleLink, verbose) if verbose: printInfo1("Found subtitle link:") print subtitleLink else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: if verbose: printWarning("No subtitles found") else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() subtitleLink = "" if verbose: printInfo1("Found videos:") for video in videos: print video else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() xmlCode = composeXML(videos, subtitleLink, verbose) return xmlCode
if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) try: html = urllib2.urlopen(url) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(35, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(36, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except: onError(37, "Error\n Trying again...\n") sleep(waitTime) else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got answer") soup = BeautifulSoup(html) name = soup.title.string.encode('utf-8') if verbose: printInfo1("Setting name to %s" % name) break for xmlChild in xmlRoot: if 'quality' in xmlChild.attrib: quality = xmlChild.attrib['quality'] printInfo1("\nQuality: %s" % quality) else: quality = "null" currentQuality = 1 printWarning("No quality stated: %s" % quality)
def finish(downloads, keepOld, reDownload, checkDuration, listOnly, convertTo, bashOutFile, verbose): shouldBeDeleted = [] if not listOnly: if downloads: infoDownloaded = getVideos(downloads, keepOld, reDownload, checkDuration, verbose) if convertTo: if verbose: printInfo2("Converting downloads...") convertDownloads(downloads, convertTo, verbose) else: infoDownloaded = "" onError(17, "Could not find any streams to download") else: infoDownloaded = "" printInfo1("\nListing only") printScores() if bashOutFile: if continueWithProcess(bashOutFile, bashSuffix, True, False, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): bashFile = open("%s.%s" % (bashOutFile, bashSuffix), "w") bashFile.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n") if downloads: printInfo1("These files would have been downloaded:") for line in downloads: # print line printInfo1("\nVideo name: %s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'])) printInfo1("Video quality: %s" % line['quality']) printInfo1("Video address: %s" % line['address']) if line['subs']: printInfo1("Subtitles name:" % line['name'].rstrip()) printInfo1("Subtitles address: %s" % line['subs']) else: printInfo1("No subtitles found") print "Duration: %s s" % line['duration'] if bashOutFile: if line['address'].startswith("http"): cmd = ffmpegDownloadCommand(line, verbose) bashFile.write("%s\n\n" % cmd) elif line['address'].startswith("rtmp"): cmd = rtmpdumpDownloadCommand(line, verbose) bashFile.write("%s\n\n" % cmd) if line['subs']: cmd = wgetDownloadCommand(line, verbose) bashFile.write("%s\n\n" % cmd) if bashOutFile: bashFile.close() st = os.stat("" % bashOutFile) os.chmod("" % bashOutFile, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) else: printWarning("Could not find anything that would have been downloaded") for line in infoDownloaded: printInfo1("\nVideo: %s" % line['videoName']) printScores() if line['expectedDuration'] != "0.000": printInfo1("Expected duration: %s" % (str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(float(line['expectedDuration']), 2))))) if verbose: printInfo1("Duration: %s ms" % line['duration']) printInfo1("Duration: %s" % line['durationFormatted']) if line['videoDlComment'] == dlCommentError: printError(line['videoDlComment']) shouldBeDeleted.append(line['videoName']) else: printInfo2(line['videoDlComment']) if verbose: printInfo1("Expected duration: %s s" % line['expectedDuration']) printInfo1("Actual duration: %s s" % line['duration']) if not compareDurations(float(line['expectedDuration']), float(line['duration']) / 1000, verbose): printError("Durations does not match") shouldBeDeleted.append(line['videoName']) if verbose: printInfo1("File size: %s b" % line['fileSize']) printInfo1("File size: %s" % line['fileSizeMeasure']) if verbose: printInfo1("Overall bit rate: %s bps" % line['overallBitRate']) printInfo1("Overall bit rate: %s" % line['overallBitRateMeasure']) print if verbose: printInfo1("Video format: %s" % line['videoFormat']) printInfo1("Video codec ID: %s" % line['videoCodecId']) printInfo1("Video bit rate: %s bps" % line['videoBitRate']) printInfo1("Video bit rate: %s" % line['videoBitRateMeasure']) printInfo1("Width: %s px" % line['width']) printInfo1("Height: %s px" % line['height']) printInfo1("Frame rate: %s fps" % line['frameRate']) if verbose: printInfo1("Frame count: %s" % line['frameCount']) print printInfo1("Audio format: %s" % line['audioFormat']) printInfo1("Audio codec ID: %s" % line['audioCodecId']) printInfo1("Audio bit rate: %s bps" % line['audioBitRate']) printInfo1("Audio bit rate: %s" % line['audioBitRateMeasure']) if line['subLines'] != 'na': printInfo1("\nSubtitles: %s" % line['subName']) printScores() if line['subDlComment'] == dlCommentError: printError(line['subDlComment']) shouldBeDeleted.append(line['subName']) else: printInfo2(line['subDlComment']) if line['expectedSubSize'] != "0": printInfo1("Expected file size: %s B" % line['expectedSubSize']) printInfo1("File size: %s B" % line['subSize']) printInfo1("Number of lines: %s" % line['subLines']) else: printWarning("\nNo subtitles downloaded") if shouldBeDeleted: print printError("\nThese files should be deleted and re downloaded") printScores() for line in shouldBeDeleted: printWarning(line) print
def getDuration(stream, checkDuration, verbose): duration = "0.000" gotAnswer = False gotXML = False noFFmpeg = False trys = 0 ffprobe = getffprobePath(verbose) if not ffprobe: if verbose: printWarning("Disabling checking of duration") checkDuration = False if checkDuration: if verbose: printScores() printInfo2("Probing for duration of stream...") if ffprobe == ffprobePath: if verbose: printInfo2("Using ffprope to determin duration...") cmd = "%s -loglevel error -show_format -show_streams %s -print_format xml" % (ffprobe, stream) if verbose: printInfo1("Command: %s\n" % cmd) args = shlex.split(cmd) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(38, "Giving up after %s trys" % (trys - 1)) printWarning("Setting duration to %s" % duration) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True break while True: try: process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as e: onError(39, "%s\nYou are probably missing ffmpeg" % e) noFFmpeg = True break else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got an answer") output, error = process.communicate() gotAnswer = True break if not noFFmpeg: try: xmlRoot = ET.fromstring(output) except: onError(43, "Did not receive a valid XML") printInfo2("Trying again...") else: if verbose: printInfo1("Downloaded a valid XML") print output for xmlChild in xmlRoot: if 'duration' in xmlChild.attrib: duration = xmlChild.attrib['duration'] if verbose: printInfo1("Found duration in XML: %s" % duration) gotXML = True if not duration and verbose: printWarning("Could not find duration in XML") else: onError(40, "Can not detect duration") printWarning("Setting duration to %s" % duration) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True if gotAnswer and gotXML: break if verbose: printScores() else: printInfo2("Using avprobe to determine duration...") cmd = "%s -loglevel error -show_format -show_streams %s -of json" % (ffprobe, stream) if verbose: printInfo1("Command: %s\n" % cmd) args = shlex.split(cmd) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(38, "Giving up after % trys" % (trys - 1)) gotAnswer = True gotXML = True break while True: try: process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as e: onError(39, "%s\nYou are probably missing ffmpeg" % e) noFFmpeg = True break else: if verbose: printInfo1("Got an answer") output, error = process.communicate() gotAnswer = True break if gotAnswer: break if gotAnswer: jsonString = json.loads(output) if json.dumps(jsonString['format']['duration']): duration = (json.dumps(jsonString['format']['duration']).strip('"')) if verbose: print "Duration: %s" % duration else: printWarning("Duration check disabled") printWarning("Setting duration to %s" % duration) printInfo1("Duration: %s s (%s)" % (duration.rstrip("0").rstrip("."), str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(float(duration), 2)))) ) return duration
def usage(exitCode): printInfo1("\nUsage:") printScores() printInfo1("%s -u <url>" % sys.argv[0]) printInfo1(" Parse <url> for streamed video")
def getVideos(downloads, keepOld, reDownload, checkDuration, verbose): oldReDownload = reDownload printInfo2("\nStarting downloads") for line in downloads: trys = 0 videoCmd, subCmd = getDownloadCommands(line, verbose) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(29, "Tried to download video %s times\nSkipping..." % (trys - 1)) videoComment = dlCommentError break print printInfo2("Downloading stream to %s.%s ..." % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'])) expectedDuration = round(float(line['duration']), 2) printInfo1("Expected duration: %s" % str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=expectedDuration))) printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) printScores() if continueWithProcess(line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'], keepOld, reDownload, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Executing download command...") print videoCmd exitCode = runProcess(videoCmd, verbose) if exitCode != 0: printScores() onError(30, "Failed. Process exited on %s" % exitCode) printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: if checkDuration and float(line['duration']) > 0: durationOK = checkDurations(line, verbose) else: if verbose: printWarning("Not checking duration") durationOK = True if os.path.isfile("%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'])) and durationOK: printScores() printInfo1("Finished downloading video") setPerms("%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']), verbose) reDownload = oldReDownload videoComment = dlCommentSuccess break else: printScores() if not durationOK: onError(46, "Durations does not match") printInfo2("Trying again") else: onError(31, "Failed. Video file does not exist") printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: videoComment = dlCommentExist break if subCmd: trys = 0 oldReDownload = reDownload while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(32, "Tried to download subtitles %s times\nSkipping..." % (trys - 1)) subComment = dlCommentError break print printInfo2("Downloading subtitles ..." % line['name'].rstrip()) if verbose: printInfo1("from %s" % line['subs']) printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) printScores() if continueWithProcess(line['name'].rstrip(), "srt", keepOld, reDownload, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Downloading file...") print line['subs'] print videoCmd result = downloadFile(line['subs'], "%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), "srt"), verbose) if not result: printScores() onError(33, "Failed to download subtitles") printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: fileSizeOK = checkFileSize(line, verbose) if os.path.isfile("" % line['name'].rstrip()) and fileSizeOK: printScores() printInfo1("Finished downloading subtitles") setPerms("" % line['name'].rstrip(), verbose) reDownload = oldReDownload subComment = dlCommentSuccess break else: printScores() if not fileSizeOK: onError(47, "Failed. File sizes does not match") printInfo2("Trying again") else: onError(34, "Failed. Subtitle file does not exist") printInfo2("Trying again") reDownload = True else: subComment = dlCommentExist break else: subComment = dlCommentNoSub printInfo2("\nGetting file info...") fileSize = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%FileSize%"', verbose) fileSizeMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%FileSize/String%"', verbose) duration = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%Duration%"', verbose) durationFormatted = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%Duration/String3%"', verbose) overallBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%OverallBitRate%"', verbose) overallBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%OverallBitRate/String%"', verbose) videoFormat = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Format%"', verbose) videoCodecId = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%CodecID%"', verbose) videoBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%BitRate%"', verbose) videoBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%BitRate/String%"', verbose) width = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Width%"', verbose) height = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Height%"', verbose) frameRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%FrameRate%"', verbose) frameCount = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%FrameCount%"', verbose) audioFormat = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%Format%"', verbose) audioCodecId = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%CodecID%"', verbose) audioBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%BitRate%"', verbose) audioBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%BitRate/String%"', verbose) if line['subs']: subSize = os.path.getsize("" % line['name'].rstrip()) with open("" % line['name'].rstrip()) as myfile: subLines = sum(1 for line in myfile) # number of lines in file myfile.close() # close file else: subSize = "na" subLines = "na" infoDownloaded.append({'videoName': "%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']), 'expectedDuration': line['duration'], 'videoDlComment': videoComment, 'fileSize': fileSize, 'fileSizeMeasure': fileSizeMeasure, 'duration': duration, 'durationFormatted': durationFormatted, 'overallBitRate': overallBitRate, 'overallBitRateMeasure': overallBitRateMeasure, 'videoFormat': videoFormat, 'videoCodecId': videoCodecId, 'videoBitRate': videoBitRate, 'videoBitRateMeasure': videoBitRateMeasure, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'frameRate': frameRate, 'frameCount': frameCount, 'audioFormat': audioFormat, 'audioCodecId': audioCodecId, 'audioBitRate': audioBitRate, 'audioBitRateMeasure': audioBitRateMeasure, 'subName': "" % line['name'].rstrip(), 'expectedSubSize': line['subSize'], 'subDlComment': subComment, 'subSize': subSize, 'subLines': subLines}) printScores() print return infoDownloaded