Exemplo n.º 1

def knownPerson(robot):
    We'll call this function when we encounter an uknown person
    NOTE: The assets on your robot will probably be different.
    Be sure to check what assets are on your robot with
    /api/images GET call (Populate Image list on API Explorer)

#Connect to Misty, be sure to place your robots IP Address here
robot = mistyPy.Robot("<PUT ROBOT IP ADDRESS HERE>")

#Reset Misty's base pose and expression
robot.changeImage("Content.jpg") #Make sure your robot has this asset!

#Subscribe to Facial Recognition

#Watch for Data coming trhough Web Sockets
prevData = None
lastSentMessage = None

#This loop will run and watch for facial recognition events until 
print("\n Ctrl+C to exit loop \n")
while True:
Exemplo n.º 2
imgdata = base64.b64decode(b64data)

imgFile = open('./snapshot.jpg', 'wb')

#Announce Text
toAnnounce = ""
for text in getTextFromImage(
        "./snapshot.jpg", "PUT COGNITIVE SERVICES VISION KEY HERE"
):  #Cognitive Service Vision Service Subscription Key
    print("---------" + text)
    toAnnounce += text + " or "

if len(toAnnounce) > 4:
    audioFilePath = tts.say_this(toAnnounce[0:-4])

    contents = []
    with open(audioFilePath, 'rb') as fd:
        contents = fd.read()

    byteArrayString = str(list(contents))
    h = {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
    # body = { 'FilenameWithoutPath': 'example.wav','DataAsByteArrayString': byteArrayString, 'ImmediatelyApply': False, 'OverwriteExisting': True }
    body = '{FilenameWithoutPath: tts.wav,DataAsByteArrayString: ' + byteArrayString + ', ImmediatelyApply: false, OverwriteExisting: true }'

    response = requests.post("",
    robot = mistyPy.Robot(mistyIPAddress)
Exemplo n.º 3
Created on Sat Mar  9 20:36:49 2019
@author: Suchir
import mistyPy  # Imports misty's program
import time  # Imports time module to use the sleep command
mia = mistyPy.Robot("")  # Connect's to misty
mia.changeLED(0, 0, 255)  #Set the LED to Blue to show start of the program
time.sleep(30)  # To show we can see the program has started
mia.changeLED(0, 255, 0)  # Change the led to green to signal ready state
mia.subscribe("TimeOfFlight")  # Subsribes to time of flight
while True:  # Start a infinite loop
    incoming_data = mia.time_of_flight(
    )  # Start reading the distance from all sensor's
    print(incoming_data)  # Check the sensor's data
    distance = incoming_data["Center"]  # Get the center's time of flight data
    print(distance)  # Tell us how far the object is
    if distance < 0.080:  #If distance is less than meter-20%
        mia.changeLED(255, 0, 0)  #Change color to red as misty is blocked
        mia.unsubscribe("TimeOfFlight")  # Unsubscribe
        break  # Break from while loop
    127, 255,
    212)  # In the end set to Aquamarine color to show program completion