Exemplo n.º 1
def integrator_sample(scene, sampler, rays, medium, active=True):
    si = scene.ray_intersect(rays)
    active = si.is_valid() & active

    # Visible emitters
    emitter_vis = si.emitter(scene, active)
    result = ek.select(active, Emitter.eval_vec(emitter_vis, si, active), Vector3f(0.0))

    ctx = BSDFContext()
    bsdf = si.bsdf(rays)

    # Emitter sampling
    sample_emitter = active & has_flag(BSDF.flags_vec(bsdf), BSDFFlags.Smooth)
    ds, emitter_val = scene.sample_emitter_direction(si, sampler.next_2d(sample_emitter), True, sample_emitter)
    active_e = sample_emitter & ek.neq(ds.pdf, 0.0)
    wo = si.to_local(ds.d)
    bsdf_val = BSDF.eval_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, wo, active_e)
    bsdf_pdf = BSDF.pdf_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, wo, active_e)
    mis = ek.select(ds.delta, Float(1), mis_weight(ds.pdf, bsdf_pdf))
    result += ek.select(active_e, emitter_val * bsdf_val * mis, Vector3f(0))

    # BSDF sampling
    active_b = active
    bs, bsdf_val = BSDF.sample_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, sampler.next_1d(active), sampler.next_2d(active), active_b)
    si_bsdf = scene.ray_intersect(si.spawn_ray(si.to_world(bs.wo)), active_b)
    emitter = si_bsdf.emitter(scene, active_b)
    active_b &= ek.neq(emitter, 0)
    emitter_val = Emitter.eval_vec(emitter, si_bsdf, active_b)
    delta = has_flag(bs.sampled_type, BSDFFlags.Delta)
    ds = DirectionSample3f(si_bsdf, si)
    ds.object = emitter
    emitter_pdf = ek.select(delta, Float(0), scene.pdf_emitter_direction(si, ds, active_b))
    result += ek.select(active_b, bsdf_val * emitter_val * mis_weight(bs.pdf, emitter_pdf), Vector3f(0))
    return result, si.is_valid(), ek.select(si.is_valid(), si.t, Float(0.0))
Exemplo n.º 2
def render_sample(scene, sampler, rays, bdata, heightmap_pybind, bssrdf=None):
    Sample RTE
    TODO: Support multi channel sampling

        scene: Target scene object
        sampler: Sampler object for random number
        rays: Given rays for sampling
        bdata: BSSRDF Data object
        heightmap_pybind: Object for getting height map around incident position.
                          Refer src/librender/python/heightmap.cpp

        result: Sampling RTE result
        valid_rays: Mask data whether rays are valid or not
        scatter: Scatter components of Sampling RTE result
        non_scatter: Non scatter components of Sampling RTE result
        invalid_sample: Sampling RTE result with invalid sampled data by VAEBSSRDF

    eta = Float(1.0)
    emission_weight = Float(1.0)
    throughput = Spectrum(1.0)
    result = Spectrum(0.0)
    scatter = Spectrum(0.0)
    non_scatter = Spectrum(0.0)
    invalid_sample = Spectrum(0.0)
    active = True
    is_bssrdf = False

    ##### First interaction #####
    si = scene.ray_intersect(rays, active)
    active = si.is_valid() & active
    valid_rays = si.is_valid()

    emitter = si.emitter(scene, active)

    depth = 0

    # Set channel
    # At and after evaluating BSSRDF, a ray consider only this one channel
    n_channels = 3
    channel = UInt32(
        ek.min(sampler.next_1d(active) * n_channels, n_channels - 1))

    d_out_local = Vector3f().zero()
    d_out_pdf = Float(0)

    sss = Mask(False)

    while (True):
        depth += 1
        if config.aovs and depth == 2:
            sss = is_bssrdf

        ##### Interaction with emitters #####
        emission_val = emission_weight * throughput * Emitter.eval_vec(
            emitter, si, active)

        result += ek.select(active, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        invalid_sample += ek.select(active, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        scatter += ek.select(active & sss, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        non_scatter += ek.select(active & ~sss, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))

        active = active & si.is_valid()

        # Process russian roulette
        if depth > config.rr_depth:
            q = ek.min(ek.hmax(throughput) * ek.sqr(eta), 0.95)
            active = active & (sampler.next_1d(active) < q)
            throughput *= ek.rcp(q)

        # Stop if the number of bouces exceeds the given limit bounce, or
        # all rays are invalid. latter check is done only when the limit
        # bounce is infinite
        if depth >= config.max_depth:

        ##### Emitter sampling #####
        bsdf = si.bsdf(rays)
        ctx = BSDFContext()

        active_e = active & has_flag(BSDF.flags_vec(bsdf), BSDFFlags.Smooth)
        ds, emitter_val = scene.sample_emitter_direction(
            si, sampler.next_2d(active_e), True, active_e)
        active_e &= ek.neq(ds.pdf, 0.0)

        # Query the BSDF for that emitter-sampled direction
        wo = si.to_local(ds.d)
        bsdf_val = BSDF.eval_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, wo, active_e)
        # Determine density of sampling that same direction using BSDF sampling
        bsdf_pdf = BSDF.pdf_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, wo, active_e)

        mis = ek.select(ds.delta, Float(1), mis_weight(ds.pdf, bsdf_pdf))

        emission_val = mis * throughput * bsdf_val * emitter_val

        result += ek.select(active, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        invalid_sample += ek.select(active, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        scatter += ek.select(active & sss, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))
        non_scatter += ek.select(active & ~sss, emission_val, Spectrum(0.0))

        ##### BSDF sampling #####
        bs, bsdf_val = BSDF.sample_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, sampler.next_1d(active),
                                       sampler.next_2d(active), active)

        ##### BSSRDF replacing #####
        if (config.enable_bssrdf):
            # Replace bsdf samples by ones of BSSRDF
            bs.wo = ek.select(is_bssrdf, d_out_local, bs.wo)
            bs.pdf = ek.select(is_bssrdf, d_out_pdf, bs.pdf)
            bs.sampled_component = ek.select(is_bssrdf, UInt32(1),
            bs.sampled_type = ek.select(is_bssrdf,

        throughput *= ek.select(is_bssrdf, Float(1.0), bsdf_val)
        active &= ek.any(ek.neq(throughput, 0))

        eta *= bs.eta

        # Intersect the BSDF ray against the scene geometry
        rays = RayDifferential3f(si.spawn_ray(si.to_world(bs.wo)))
        si_bsdf = scene.ray_intersect(rays, active)

        ##### Checking BSSRDF #####
        if (config.enable_bssrdf):
            # Whether the BSDF is BSS   RDF or not?
            is_bssrdf = (active
                         & has_flag(BSDF.flags_vec(bsdf), BSDFFlags.BSSRDF)
                         & (Frame3f.cos_theta(bs.wo) < Float(0.0))
                         & (Frame3f.cos_theta(si.wi) > Float(0.0)))

            # Decide whether we should use 0-scattering or multiple scattering
            is_zero_scatter = utils_render.check_zero_scatter(
                sampler, si_bsdf, bs, channel, is_bssrdf)
            is_bssrdf = is_bssrdf & ~is_zero_scatter

            throughput *= ek.select(is_bssrdf, ek.sqr(bs.eta), Float(1.0))

        ###### Process for BSSRDF ######
        if (config.enable_bssrdf and not ek.none(is_bssrdf)):
            # Get projected samples from BSSRDF
            projected_si, project_suc, abs_prob = bssrdf.sample_bssrdf(
                scene, bsdf, bs, si, bdata, heightmap_pybind, channel,

            if config.visualize_invalid_sample and (depth <= 1):
                active = active & (~is_bssrdf | project_suc)
                invalid_sample += ek.select((is_bssrdf & (~project_suc)),
                                            Spectrum([100, 0, 0]),

            # Sample outgoing direction from projected position
            d_out_local, d_out_pdf = utils_render.resample_wo(
                sampler, is_bssrdf)
            # Apply absorption probability
            throughput *= ek.select(is_bssrdf,
                                    Spectrum(1) - abs_prob, Spectrum(1))
            # Replace interactions by sampled ones from BSSRDF
            si_bsdf = SurfaceInteraction3f().masked_si(si_bsdf, projected_si,

        # Determine probability of having sampled that same
        # direction using emitter sampling
        emitter = si_bsdf.emitter(scene, active)
        ds = DirectionSample3f(si_bsdf, si)
        ds.object = emitter

        delta = has_flag(bs.sampled_type, BSDFFlags.Delta)
        emitter_pdf = ek.select(delta, Float(0.0),
                                scene.pdf_emitter_direction(si, ds))
        emission_weight = mis_weight(bs.pdf, emitter_pdf)

        si = si_bsdf

    return result, valid_rays, scatter, non_scatter, invalid_sample
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sample(self, scene, sampler, ray, medium=None, active=True):
        result = Vector3f(0.0)
        si = scene.ray_intersect(ray, active)
        active = si.is_valid() & active

        # emitter = si.emitter(scene)
        # result = ek.select(active, Emitter.eval_vec(emitter, si, active), Vector3f(0.0))

        # z_axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])

        # vertex = si.p.numpy()
        # v_count = vertex.shape[0]
        # vertex = np.expand_dims(vertex, axis=1)
        # vertex = np.repeat(vertex, self.light.vertex_count(), axis=1)

        # light_vertices = self.light.vertex_positions_buffer().numpy().reshape(self.light.vertex_count(), 3)
        # light_vertices = np.expand_dims(light_vertices, axis=0)
        # light_vertices = np.repeat(light_vertices, v_count, axis=0)

        # sph_polygons = light_vertices - vertex
        # sph_polygons = sph_polygons / np.linalg.norm(sph_polygons, axis=2, keepdims=True)

        # z_axis = np.repeat( np.expand_dims(z_axis, axis=0), v_count, axis=0 )
        # result_np = np.zeros(v_count, dtype=np.double)

        # for idx in range( self.light.vertex_count() ):
        #     idx1 = (idx+1) % self.light.vertex_count()
        #     idx2 = (idx) % self.light.vertex_count()

        #     dp = np.sum( sph_polygons[:, idx1, :] * sph_polygons[:, idx2, :], axis=1 )
        #     acos = np.arccos(dp)

        #     cp = np.cross( sph_polygons[:, idx1, :], sph_polygons[:, idx2, :] )
        #     cp = cp / np.linalg.norm(cp, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        #     dp = np.sum( cp * z_axis, axis=1 )

        #     result_np += acos * dp

        # result_np *= 0.5 * 1.0/math.pi
        # result_np = np.repeat( result_np.reshape((v_count, 1)), 3, axis=1 )

        # fin = self.light_radiance * Vector3f(result_np)
        # fin[fin < 0] = 0
        # result += ek.select(active, fin, Vector3f(0.0))

        ctx = BSDFContext()
        bsdf = si.bsdf(ray)

        # bs, bsdf_val = BSDF.sample_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, sampler.next_1d(active), sampler.next_2d(active), active)
        # pdf = bs.pdf
        # wo = si.to_world(bs.wo)

        ds, emitter_val = scene.sample_emitter_direction(
            si, sampler.next_2d(active), True, active)
        pdf = ds.pdf
        active_e = active & ek.neq(ds.pdf, 0.0)
        wo = ds.d
        bsdf_val = BSDF.eval_vec(bsdf, ctx, si, wo, active_e)
        emitter_val[emitter_val > 1.0] = 1.0
        bsdf_val *= emitter_val

        # _, wi_theta, wi_phi = sph_convert(si.to_world(si.wi))
        _, wo_theta, wo_phi = sph_convert(wo)

        y_0_0_ = y_0_0(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))

        y_1_n1_ = y_1_n1(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_1_0_ = y_1_0(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_1_p1_ = y_1_p1(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))

        y_2_n2_ = y_2_n2(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_2_n1_ = y_2_n1(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_2_0_ = y_2_0(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_2_p1_ = y_2_p1(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))
        y_2_p2_ = y_2_p2(bsdf_val, wo_theta, wo_phi) / ek.select(
            pdf > 0, pdf, Float(0.01))

        return result, si.is_valid(), [ Float(y_0_0_[0]), Float(y_0_0_[1]), Float(y_0_0_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_1_n1_[0]), Float(y_1_n1_[1]), Float(y_1_n1_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_1_0_[0]), Float(y_1_0_[1]), Float(y_1_0_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_1_p1_[0]), Float(y_1_p1_[1]), Float(y_1_p1_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_2_n2_[0]), Float(y_2_n2_[1]), Float(y_2_n2_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_2_n1_[0]), Float(y_2_n1_[1]), Float(y_2_n1_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_2_0_[0]), Float(y_2_0_[1]), Float(y_2_0_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_2_p1_[0]), Float(y_2_p1_[1]), Float(y_2_p1_[2]),\
                                        Float(y_2_p2_[0]), Float(y_2_p2_[1]), Float(y_2_p2_[2]) ]