Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fg_debug_log():
    grader = FormulaGrader(answers='x^2 + f(y) + z',
                           variables=['x', 'y', 'z'],
                           sample_from={'z': ComplexRectangle()},
                           blacklist=['sin', 'cos', 'tan'],
                               'f': RandomFunction(),
                               'square': lambda x: x**2
    result = grader(None, 'z + x*x + f(y)')

    message = (
        "<pre>MITx Grading Library Version {version}<br/>\n"
        "Student Response:<br/>\n"
        "z + x*x + f(y)<br/>\n"
        "FormulaGrader Debug Info<br/>\n"
        "Functions available during evaluation and allowed in answer:<br/>\n"
        "{{   'abs': <function absolute at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccos': <function arccos at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccosh': <function arccosh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccot': <function arccot at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccoth': <function arccoth at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccsc': <function arccsc at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arccsch': <function arccsch at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arcsec': <function arcsec at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arcsech': <function arcsech at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arcsin': <function arcsin at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arcsinh': <function arcsinh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arctan': <function arctan at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arctan2': <function arctan2 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'arctanh': <function arctanh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'conj': <ufunc 'conjugate'>,<br/>\n"
        "    'cosh': <function cosh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'cot': <function cot at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'coth': <function coth at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'csc': <function csc at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'csch': <function csch at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'exp': <function exp at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'f': <function f at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'fact': <function factorial at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'factorial': <function factorial at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'im': <function imag at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'kronecker': <function kronecker at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'ln': <function log at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'log10': <function log10 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'log2': <function log2 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    're': <function real at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'sec': <function sec at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'sech': <function sech at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'sinh': <function sinh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'sqrt': <function sqrt at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'square': <function <lambda> at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'tanh': <function tanh at 0x...>}}<br/>\n"
        "Functions available during evaluation and disallowed in answer:<br/>\n"
        "{{   'cos': <function cos at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'sin': <function sin at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        "    'tan': <function tan at 0x...>}}<br/>\n"
        "Evaluation Data for Sample Number 1 of 2<br/>\n"
        "{{   'e': 2.718281828459045,<br/>\n"
        "    'i': 1j,<br/>\n"
        "    'j': 1j,<br/>\n"
        "    'pi': 3.141592653589793,<br/>\n"
        "    'x': 3.195254015709299,<br/>\n"
        "    'y': 3.860757465489678,<br/>\n"
        "    'z': (2.205526752143288+2.0897663659937935j)}}<br/>\n"
        "Student Eval: (14.7111745179+2.08976636599j)<br/>\n"
        "Compare to:  [(14.711174517877566+2.0897663659937935j)]<br/>\n"
        "Comparer Function: <function equality_comparer at 0x...><br/>\n"
        "Comparison Result: {{   'grade_decimal': 1.0, 'msg': '', 'ok': True}}<br/>\n"
        "Evaluation Data for Sample Number 2 of 2<br/>\n"
        "{{   'e': 2.718281828459045,<br/>\n"
        "    'i': 1j,<br/>\n"
        "    'j': 1j,<br/>\n"
        "    'pi': 3.141592653589793,<br/>\n"
        "    'x': 2.694619197355619,<br/>\n"
        "    'y': 3.5835764522666245,<br/>\n"
        "    'z': (1.875174422525385+2.7835460015641598j)}}<br/>\n"
        "Student Eval: (11.9397106851+2.78354600156j)<br/>\n"
        "Compare to:  [(11.93971068506166+2.7835460015641598j)]<br/>\n"
        "Comparer Function: <function equality_comparer at 0x...><br/>\n"
        "Comparison Result: {{   'grade_decimal': 1.0, 'msg': '', 'ok': True}}<br/>\n"
    assert result['msg'] == message
Exemplo n.º 2
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
    """called before ``pytest_runtest_call(item)."""
    print("Resetting random.seed and numpy.random.seed for test {item}".format(
def test_fg_debug_log():
    grader = FormulaGrader(answers='x^2 + f(y) + z',
                           variables=['x', 'y', 'z'],
                           sample_from={'z': ComplexRectangle()},
                           blacklist=['sin', 'cos', 'tan'],
                               'f': RandomFunction(),
                               'square': squareit
    result = grader(None, 'z + x*x + f(y)')

    message = (
        "<pre>MITx Grading Library Version {version}<br/>\n"
        "Running on edX using python {python_version}<br/>\n"
        "Student Response:<br/>\n"
        "z + x*x + f(y)<br/>\n"
        "FormulaGrader Debug Info<br/>\n"
        "Functions available during evaluation and allowed in answer:<br/>\n"
        "{{{u}'abs': <function absolute at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccos': <function arccos at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccosh': <function arccosh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccot': <function arccot at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccoth': <function arccoth at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccsc': <function arccsc at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arccsch': <function arccsch at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arcsec': <function arcsec at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arcsech': <function arcsech at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arcsin': <function arcsin at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arcsinh': <function arcsinh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arctan': <function arctan at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arctan2': <function arctan2 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'arctanh': <function arctanh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'ceil': <function ceil at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'conj': &lt;ufunc 'conjugate'&gt;,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'cosh': <function cosh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'cot': <function cot at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'coth': <function coth at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'csc': <function csc at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'csch': <function csch at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'exp': <function exp at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'f': <function random_function at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'fact': <function factorial at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'factorial': <function factorial at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'floor': <function floor at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'im': <function imag at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'kronecker': <function kronecker at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'ln': <function log at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'log10': <function log10 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'log2': <function log2 at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'max': <function max at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'min': <function min at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'re': <function real at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'sec': <function sec at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'sech': <function sech at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'sinh': <function sinh at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'sqrt': <function sqrt at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'square': <function squareit at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'tanh': <function tanh at 0x...>}}<br/>\n"
        "Functions available during evaluation and disallowed in answer:<br/>\n"
        "{{{u}'cos': <function cos at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'sin': <function sin at 0x...>,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'tan': <function tan at 0x...>}}<br/>\n"
        "Evaluation Data for Sample Number 1 of 2<br/>\n"
        "{{{u}'e': 2.718281828459045,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'i': 1j,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'j': 1j,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'pi': 3.141592653589793,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'x': 3.195254015709299,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'y': 3.860757465489678,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'z': (2.205526752143288+2.0897663659937935j)}}<br/>\n"
        "Student Eval: (14.7111745179+2.08976636599j)<br/>\n"
        "Compare to:  [(14.711174517877566+2.0897663659937935j)]<br/>\n"
        "Evaluation Data for Sample Number 2 of 2<br/>\n"
        "{{{u}'e': 2.718281828459045,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'i': 1j,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'j': 1j,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'pi': 3.141592653589793,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'x': 2.694619197355619,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'y': 3.5835764522666245,<br/>\n"
        " {u}'z': (1.875174422525385+2.7835460015641598j)}}<br/>\n"
        "Student Eval: (11.9397106851+2.78354600156j)<br/>\n"
        "Compare to:  [(11.93971068506166+2.7835460015641598j)]<br/>\n"
        "Comparison Data for All 2 Samples<br/>\n"
        "Comparer Function: EqualityComparer({{{u}'transform': <function identity_transform at 0x...>}})<br/>\n"
        "Comparison Results:<br/>\n"
        "[{{{u}'grade_decimal': 1.0, {u}'msg': {u}'', {u}'ok': True}},<br/>\n"
        " {{{u}'grade_decimal': 1.0, {u}'msg': {u}'', {u}'ok': True}}]<br/>\n"
    message = message.replace("<func", "&lt;func").replace("...>", "...&gt;")
    expected = round_decimals_in_string(message)
    result_msg = round_decimals_in_string(result['msg']).replace(
        'test_fg_debug_log.<locals>.', '')
    assert expected == result_msg