Exemplo n.º 1
def test_triple_vector_product_raises_error():
    # Since vector products are interpretted as dot products, they are
    # ambiguous, and we disallow them.

    variables = {
    'i': MathArray([1, 0]),
    'j': MathArray([0, 1]),

    assert equal_as_arrays(
        evaluator("(i*i)*j", variables)[0],

    match = ("Multiplying three or more vectors is ambiguous. "
             "Please place parentheses around vector multiplications.")
    with raises(CalcError, match=match):
        evaluator("i*i*j", variables)[0]

    with raises(CalcError, match=match):
        evaluator("i*2*i*3*j", variables)[0]

    # Next example should raise an operator shape error, not a triple vec error
    match='Cannot divide by a vector'
    with raises(CalcError, match=match):
        evaluator("i*j/i*i*j", variables)[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_math_arrays():
    A = MathArray([[1, 5], [4, -2]])
    v = MathArray([3, -2])
    n = 3
    x = 4.2
    z = 2 + 3j
    variables = {'A': A, 'v': v, 'n': n, 'x': x, 'z': z}

    expr = '(z*[[1, 5], [4, -2]]^n + 10*A/x)*v'
    result = evaluator(expr, variables, max_array_dim=2)[0]
    assert equal_as_arrays(result, (z * A**n + 10 * A / x) * v)
def test_orthogonal():
    # Test shape, orthogonality, determinant, python2 error, MathArray
    if six.PY2:
        with raises(NotImplementedError, match='This feature requires newer versions of '
                                               'numpy and scipy than are available.'):
            matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=False)
        with raises(NotImplementedError, match='This feature requires newer versions of '
                                               'numpy and scipy than are available.'):
            matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=True)
        # These are the doctests
        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices()
        assert matrices.gen_sample().shape == (2, 2)

        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(dimension=4)
        assert matrices.gen_sample().shape == (4, 4)

        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=True)
        assert within_tolerance(np.linalg.det(matrices.gen_sample()), 1, 1e-14)

        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=False)
        m = matrices.gen_sample()
        assert (within_tolerance(np.linalg.det(m), 1, 1e-14)
                or within_tolerance(np.linalg.det(m), -1, 1e-14))

        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=True)
        m = matrices.gen_sample()
        assert within_tolerance(m * np.conjugate(np.transpose(m)), MathArray(np.eye(2)), 1e-14)

        matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(unitdet=False)
        m = matrices.gen_sample()
        assert within_tolerance(m * np.conjugate(np.transpose(m)), MathArray(np.eye(2)), 1e-14)

        shapes = tuple(range(2, 5))
        dets = (True, False)

        # More general testing
        for shape in shapes:
            for det in dets:
                matrices = matrices = OrthogonalMatrices(dimension=shape, unitdet=det)
                m = matrices.gen_sample()
                assert m.shape == (shape, shape)
                assert np.array_equal(np.conj(m), m)
                assert within_tolerance(m * np.transpose(m), MathArray(np.eye(shape)), 1e-14)
                assert (approx(np.abs(np.linalg.det(m)), 1)
                        or approx(np.abs(np.linalg.det(m)), -1))
                if det:
                    assert approx(np.linalg.det(m), 1)
                assert isinstance(m, MathArray)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_array_input():
    """Test that vectors/matrices can be inputted into calc's evaluator"""
    result = evaluator("[1, 2, 3]", {}, {}, {}, max_array_dim=1)[0]
    assert equal_as_arrays(result, MathArray([1, 2, 3]))

    result = evaluator("[[1, 2], [3, 4]]", {}, {}, {}, max_array_dim=2)[0]
    assert equal_as_arrays(result, MathArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))

    expr = '[v, [4, 5, 6]]'
    result = evaluator(expr, {'v': MathArray([1, 2, 3])}, max_array_dim=2)[0]
    assert equal_as_arrays(result, MathArray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))

    msg = "Vector and matrix expressions have been forbidden in this entry."
    with raises(UnableToParse, match=msg):
        evaluator("[[1, 2], [3, 4]]", {}, {}, {}, max_array_dim=0)
    msg = "Matrix expressions have been forbidden in this entry."
    with raises(UnableToParse, match=msg):
        evaluator("[[1, 2], [3, 4]]", {}, {}, {}, max_array_dim=1)
    msg = "Tensor expressions have been forbidden in this entry."
    with raises(UnableToParse, match=msg):
        evaluator("[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]", {}, {}, {}, max_array_dim=2)

    # By default, this is fine
    evaluator("[[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_matharray_errors_make_it_through():
    There is some overlap between this test and the tests in test_math_array.

    Main goal here is to make sure numpy numerics are not introduced during
    evaluator(...) calls, because

    np.float64(1.0) + MathArray([1, 2, 3])

    does not throw an error.

    v = MathArray([1, 2, 3])
    variables = {'v': v}
    with raises(CalcError, match="Cannot add/subtract"):
        evaluator('v*v + v', variables)

    with raises(CalcError, match="Cannot add/subtract"):
        evaluator('v*v - v', variables)

    with raises(CalcError, match="Cannot divide"):
        evaluator('v*v/v', variables)
def test_general_matrices():
    # Test shape, real/complex, norm, triangular options, MathArray
    shapes = product(tuple(range(2, 5)), tuple(range(2, 5)))
    norms = ([2, 6], [3, 4], [4, 12], [1 - 1e-12, 1 + 1e-12])
    triangles = (None, 'upper', 'lower')

    for shape in shapes:
        for norm in norms:
            for triangle in triangles:
                matrices = RealMatrices(shape=shape, norm=norm, triangular=triangle)
                m = matrices.gen_sample()
                assert m.shape == shape
                assert norm[0] <= np.linalg.norm(m) <= norm[1]
                assert np.array_equal(np.conj(m), m)
                assert isinstance(m, MathArray)
                if triangle is None:
                    assert not within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.triu(m)), 0)
                    assert not within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.tril(m)), 0)
                elif triangle == "upper":
                    assert within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.triu(m)), 0)
                elif triangle == "lower":
                    assert within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.tril(m)), 0)

                matrices = ComplexMatrices(shape=shape, norm=norm, triangular=triangle)
                m = matrices.gen_sample()
                assert m.shape == shape
                assert norm[0] <= np.linalg.norm(m) <= norm[1]
                assert not np.array_equal(np.conj(m), m)
                assert isinstance(m, MathArray)
                if triangle is None:
                    assert not within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.triu(m)), 0)
                    assert not within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.tril(m)), 0)
                elif triangle == "upper":
                    assert within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.triu(m)), 0)
                elif triangle == "lower":
                    assert within_tolerance(m, MathArray(np.tril(m)), 0)