def getBayesModel(G, p, mixPrior=None): """ Constructs a PWM CSI BayesMixtureModel. @param G: number of components @param p: number of positions of the binding site @return: BayesMixtureModel object """ if not mixPrior: piPrior = mixture.DirichletPrior(G, [1.0] * G) compPrior = [] for i in range(p): compPrior.append( mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [1.02, 1.02, 1.02, 1.02])) # arbitrary values of struct and comp parameters. Values should be # reset by user using the structPriorHeuristic method. mixPrior = mixture.MixtureModelPrior(0.05, 0.05, piPrior, compPrior) DNA = mixture.Alphabet(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']) comps = [] for i in range(G): dlist = [] for j in range(p): phi = mixture.random_vector(4) dlist.append(mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, phi, DNA)) comps.append(mixture.ProductDistribution(dlist)) pi = mixture.random_vector(G) m = mixture.BayesMixtureModel(G, pi, comps, mixPrior, struct=1) return m
def readUCSCPrior(filename): """ Reads files in the UCSC Dirichlet Mixture prior (DMP) format ( and converts them into PyMix DirichletMixturePrior objects. Note that the alphabet in the UCSC priors does not contain the gap symbol. For the output DirichletMixturePrior the gap symbol is introduced with a parameter value of 0.01 in all components. @param filename: file in UCSC DMP format @return: DirichletMixturePrior object """ f = open(filename,'r') ex1 = re.compile('Mixture=\s(\d+.\d+)') ex2 = re.compile('Order\s*=\s+([A-Z\s]+)') ex3 = re.compile('Alpha=\s+([\d+.\d+\s+,\d+e-]+)') pi = [] sigma = None dComp = [] alpha_mat = [] for l in f: l = mixture.chomp(l) m1 = ex1.match(l) if m1: pi.append( float(m1.groups(1)[0])) m2 = ex2.match(l) if m2: s = m2.groups(1)[0] sigma = s.split(' ') m3 = ex3.match(l) if m3: s = m3.groups(1)[0] alpha = s.split(' ') alpha = map(float,alpha) as = alpha.pop(0) # first entry is the sum of the others -> remove alpha_mat.append(alpha) # intergrate gap character '-' into the alphabet sigma.append('-') alphabet = mixture.Alphabet(sigma) for i in range(len(alpha_mat)): alpha_mat[i].append(0.01) # add hyper paramerter for '-' dComp.append( mixture.DirichletPrior(21,alpha_mat[i]) ) prior = mixture.DirichletMixturePrior(len(dComp),21,pi,dComp) return alphabet,prior
def scanSequence(mix, bg, seq,scoring='mix'): """ Scores all positions of a sequence with the given model and background. @param mix: MixtureModel object @param bg: background MixtureModel object @param seq: sequence as list of nucleotides @param scoring: flag to determine the scoring scheme used for the mixtures. 'compmax' means maximum density over the components, 'mix' means true mixture density @return: list of position-wise log-odd scores """ # convert sequence to internal representation, alphabet of seq must be DNA alph = mixture.Alphabet(['A','C','G','T']) f = lambda x: alph.internal(x) seq=map(f,seq) dnr = mix.components[0].dist_nr # init with dummy value at first position s = numarray.array([[-1]+ seq[0:dnr-1]]) score = [] for i in range(dnr-1,len(seq),1): # shift query sequence by one position s[0] = numarray.concatenate( [s[0][1:],numarray.array([seq[i]])],0) if scoring == 'compmax': # score as maximum over components c_m_l = numarray.zeros(mix.G,numarray.Float) for i in range(mix.G): c_m_l[i] = mix.components[i].pdf(s)[0] m_l = c_m_l.max() elif scoring == 'mix': m_l = mix.pdf(s)[0] bg_l = bg.pdf(s)[0] score.append(m_l-bg_l) return score
def getModel(G, p): """ Constructs a PWM MixtureModel. @param G: number of components @param p: number of positions of the binding site @return: MixtureModel object """ DNA = mixture.Alphabet(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']) comps = [] for i in range(G): dlist = [] for j in range(p): phi = mixture.random_vector(4) dlist.append(mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, phi, DNA)) comps.append(mixture.ProductDistribution(dlist)) pi = mixture.random_vector(G) m = mixture.MixtureModel(G, pi, comps) return m
def setUp(self): # building generating models self.DIAG = mixture.Alphabet(['.', '0', '8', '1']) A = [[0.3, 0.6, 0.1], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.4, 0.2, 0.4]] B = [[0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2], [0.5, 0.4, 0.05, 0.05], [0.8, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05]] pi = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.h1 = mixtureHMM.getHMM( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4), mixtureHMM.ghmm.DiscreteDistribution( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4)), A, B, pi) A2 = [[0.5, 0.4, 0.1], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]] B2 = [[0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4], [0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5], [0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3]] pi2 = [0.6, 0.4, 0.0] self.h2 = mixtureHMM.getHMM( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4), mixtureHMM.ghmm.DiscreteDistribution( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4)), A2, B2, pi2) n1 = mixture.NormalDistribution(2.5, 0.5) n2 = mixture.NormalDistribution(6.0, 0.8) mult1 = mixture.MultinomialDistribution(3, 4, [0.23, 0.26, 0.26, 0.25], alphabet=self.DIAG) mult2 = mixture.MultinomialDistribution(3, 4, [0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], alphabet=self.DIAG) c1 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n1, mult1, self.h1]) c2 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n2, mult2, self.h2]) mpi = [0.4, 0.6] self.m = mixture.MixtureModel(2, mpi, [c1, c2]) # mixture for sampling gc1 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n1, mult1]) gc2 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n2, mult2]) self.gen = mixture.MixtureModel(2, mpi, [gc1, gc2])
def getBackgroundModel(p, dist=None): """ Construct background model @param p: number of positions of the binding site @param dist: background nucleotide frequencies, uniform is default @return: MixtureModel representing the background """ DNA = mixture.Alphabet(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']) dlist = [] if dist == None: phi = [0.25] * 4 else: phi = dist for j in range(p): dlist.append(mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, phi, DNA)) comps = [mixture.ProductDistribution(dlist)] m = mixture.MixtureModel(1, [1.0], comps) return m
import mixture import random VNTR = mixture.Alphabet([ '.', '2/4', '2/7', '3/4', '3/7', '4/4', '4/6', '4/7', '4/8', '4/9', '7/7' ]) DIAG = mixture.Alphabet(['.', '0', '8', '1']) data = mixture.DataSet() # iq.txt = iq and achievement test fields from pheno.txt # drd4_len.txt = drd4 vntr types, only number of repeats data.fromFiles(["filt_WISC_WIAT_DISC_134.txt"]) # ,"DRD4_134_len.txt" m = mixture.readMixture('') print "Without deterministic anealing:" m.randMaxEM(data, 100, 30, 0.1, tilt=0, silent=0) print "\nWith deterministic annealing:" m.randMaxEM(data, 100, 30, 0.1, tilt=1, silent=0)
import mixture import numpy import random import mixtureHMM # building generating models DIAG = mixture.Alphabet(['.', '0', '8', '1']) A = [[0.3, 0.6, 0.1], [0.0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.4, 0.2, 0.4]] B = [[0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2], [0.5, 0.4, 0.05, 0.05], [0.8, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05]] pi = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] h1 = mixtureHMM.getHMM( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4), mixtureHMM.ghmm.DiscreteDistribution(mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4)), A, B, pi) #seq = h1.hmm.sample(10,50) #print seq A2 = [[0.5, 0.4, 0.1], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]] B2 = [[0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4], [0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5], [0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3]] pi2 = [0.6, 0.4, 0.0] h2 = mixtureHMM.getHMM( mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4), mixtureHMM.ghmm.DiscreteDistribution(mixtureHMM.ghmm.IntegerRange(0, 4)), A2, B2, pi2) n1 = mixture.NormalDistribution(2.5, 0.5) n2 = mixture.NormalDistribution(6.0, 0.8) mult1 = mixture.MultinomialDistribution(3,
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G = 3 p = 4 # Bayesian Mixture with three components and four discrete features piPrior = mixture.DirichletDistribution(G,[1.0]*G) compPrior= [] for i in range(2): compPrior.append( mixture.DirichletDistribution(4,[1.02,1.02,1.02,1.02]) ) for i in range(2): compPrior.append( mixture.NormalGammaDistribution( 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0 ) ) mixPrior = mixture.MixturePrior(0.7,0.7,piPrior, compPrior) DNA = mixture.Alphabet(['A','C','G','T']) comps = [] for i in range(G): dlist = [] for j in range(2): phi = mixture.random_vector(4) dlist.append( mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4,phi,DNA)) for j in range(2): mu = j+1.0 sigma = j+0.5 dlist.append( mixture.NormalDistribution(mu,sigma)) comps.append(mixture.ProductDistribution(dlist)) pi = mixture.random_vector(G)
def main(): logger.debug('App started') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Key processing tool') parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', dest='threads', type=int, default=None, help='Number of threads to use for cert download') parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_const', const=True, help='enables debug mode') parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_const', const=True, help='enables verbose mode') parser.add_argument('--dump-json', dest='dump_json', action='store_const', const=True, help='dumps JSON of the filtered certificates') parser.add_argument('--dump-cert', dest='dump_cert', action='store_const', const=True, help='dumps PEM of the filtered certificates') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--filter-org', dest='filter_org', help='Filter out certificates issued with given organization - regex') parser.add_argument( '--filter-domain', dest='filter_domain', help='Filter out certificates issued for the given domain - regex') parser.add_argument('--pubs', dest='pubs', nargs=argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE, help='File with public keys (PEM)') parser.add_argument('--certs', dest='certs', nargs=argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE, help='File with certificates (PEM)') parser.add_argument('--ossl', dest='ossl', type=int, default=None, help='OpenSSL generator') parser.add_argument('--per-key-stat', dest='per_key_stat', action='store_const', const=True, help='Print prob matching for each key') parser.add_argument('--subs', dest='subs', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plot random subgroups charts') parser.add_argument('--subs-k', dest='subs_k', type=int, default=5, help='Size of the subset') parser.add_argument('--subs-n', dest='subs_n', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of subsets to sample') parser.add_argument('--pca-src', dest='pca_src', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plot PCA sampled distribution vs collected one') parser.add_argument( '--pca-src-n', dest='pca_src_n', type=int, default=10000, help='Number of subsets to sample from source distributions') parser.add_argument('--pca-src-k', dest='pca_src_k', type=int, default=3, help='Size of the subset from the source distribution') parser.add_argument('--pca-grp', dest='pca_grp', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plot PCA on the input keys (groups)') parser.add_argument('--mixture', dest='mixture', action='store_const', const=True, help='Mixture distribution on masks - sources') parser.add_argument('--distrib', dest='distrib', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plot distributions - to the PDF') parser.add_argument('--distrib-mix', dest='distribmix', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plot distributions groups mixed with sources') parser.add_argument('--key-dist', dest='plot_key_dist', action='store_const', const=True, help='Plots key mask distribution') parser.add_argument('files', nargs=argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE, default=[], help='file with ssl-dump json output') args = parser.parse_args() last_src_id = 0 src_names = [] masks_db = [] masks_src = [] cert_db = [] keys_db = [] # Input = ssl-dump output if len(args.files) > 0: # Cert Organization Filtering re_org = None if args.filter_org is None else re.compile( args.filter_org, re.IGNORECASE) # Domain filtering re_dom = None if args.filter_domain is None else re.compile( args.filter_domain, re.IGNORECASE) # Process files for fl in args.files: with open(fl, mode='r') as fh: data = # Parse json out if '-----BEGIN JSON-----' in data: if '-----END JSON-----' not in data: raise ValueError('BEGIN JSON present but END JSON not') match = r'-----BEGIN JSON-----(.+?)-----END JSON-----', data, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: raise ValueError('Could not extract JSON') data = json_data = json.loads(data) for cert in json_data: org = cert['org'] if org is None: org = '' if re_org is not None and re_org.match(org) is None: if args.verbose: print('Organization filtered out %s' % org) continue if re_dom is not None: dom_match = re_dom.match(cert['cn']) is not None for alt in cert['alts']: dom_match |= re_dom.match(alt) is not None if not dom_match: if args.verbose: print('Domain filtered out %s' % cert['cn']) continue cert_db.append(cert) masks_db.append(cert['pubkey']['mask']) masks_src.append(last_src_id) src_names.append(fl) last_src_id += 1 if args.verbose: print('Certificate database size %d' % len(cert_db)) if args.dump_json: print(json.dumps(cert_db)) if args.dump_cert: for cert in cert_db: print cert['cert'] # public key list processing if args.pubs is not None: for pubf in args.pubs: with open(pubf, mode='r') as fh: data = keys = [] for match in re.finditer( r'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----(.+?)-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', data, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL): key = keys.append(key) print('File %s keys num: %d' % (pubf, len(keys))) # pubkey -> mask for key in keys: pub = serialization.load_pem_public_key( key, utils.get_backend()) mask = keys_basic.compute_key_mask(pub.public_numbers().n) keys_db.append(pub) masks_db.append(mask) masks_src.append(last_src_id) src_names.append(pubf) last_src_id += 1 # extract public key from certificate if args.certs is not None: for certf in args.certs: with open(certf, mode='r') as fh: data = certs = [] for match in re.finditer( r'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(.+?)-----END CERTIFICATE-----', data, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL): cert = certs.append(cert) # cert -> mask for cert in certs: x509 = utils.load_x509(str(cert)) pub = x509.public_key() mask = keys_basic.compute_key_mask(pub.public_numbers().n) keys_db.append(pub) masks_db.append(mask) masks_src.append(last_src_id) src_names.append(certf) last_src_id += 1 # generate openssl keys on the fly if args.ossl is not None: for i in range(0, args.ossl): print('Generating RSA1024 key %03d' % i) key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024) key_pem = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) priv = serialization.load_pem_private_key(key_pem, None, utils.get_backend()) mask = keys_basic.compute_key_mask( priv.public_key().public_numbers().n) keys_db.append(priv.public_key()) masks_db.append(mask) masks_src.append(last_src_id) src_names.append('ossl-%d' % args.ossl) last_src_id += 1 # Load statistics st = key_stats.KeyStats() st.load_tables() if args.verbose: print('Source stats: ') for src in st.sources_cn: print(' %30s: %08d' % (src, st.sources_cn[src])) print('Group stats:') for grp in st.groups: print(' %30s: %02d' % (grp, st.get_group_size(grp))) # mask indices mask_map, mask_max, mask_map_x, mask_map_y, mask_map_last_x, mask_map_last_y = keys_basic.generate_pubkey_mask_indices( ) print('Max mask 1D config: [%d]' % mask_max) print('Max mask 2D config: [%d, %d]' % (mask_map_last_x, mask_map_last_y)) # masks processing part if len(masks_db) == 0: return # Simple match if args.per_key_stat: print('Per-key matching: ') for idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): print('Key %02d, mask: %s' % (idx, mask)) res = [] for src in st.table_prob: val = st.table_prob[src][mask] res.append((src, val if val is not None else 0)) print_res(res, st) # Total key matching use_loglikelihood = True print('Fit for all keys in one distribution:') total_weights = src_total_match = comp_total_match_dict( masks_db, st, loglikelihood=use_loglikelihood) res = key_val_to_list(src_total_match) print_res(res, st, loglikelihood=use_loglikelihood) res = st.res_src_to_group(res) # bar_chart(res=res, title='Fit for all keys') # Avg + mean print('Avg + mean:') src_total_match = {} # source -> [p1, p2, p3, p4, ..., p_keynum] for src in st.table_prob: src_total_match[src] = [] for idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): val = keys_basic.aggregate_mask(st.sources_masks_prob[src], mask) if use_loglikelihood: if total_weights[src] is not None: src_total_match[src].append(val + total_weights[src]) else: src_total_match[src].append(-9999.9) else: src_total_match[src].append(val * total_weights[src]) pass pass res = [] devs = [] for src in st.sources: m = np.mean(src_total_match[src]) s = np.std(src_total_match[src]) res.append((src, m)) devs.append(s) # Total output print_res(res, st, error=devs, loglikelihood=use_loglikelihood) # bar_chart(res=res, error=devs, title='Avg for all keys + error') # PCA on the keys - groups keys_grp_vec = [] for idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): keys_grp_vec.append([]) for src in st.groups: keys_grp_vec[idx].append(0) for idxs, src in enumerate(st.sources): grp = st.src_to_group(src) prob = st.table_prob[src][mask] keys_grp_vec[idx][st.get_group_idx(grp)] += prob if args.pca_grp: X = np.array(keys_grp_vec) pca = PCA(n_components=2) X_transformed = pca.transform(X) print('PCA mean: %s, components: ' % pca.mean_) print(pca.components_) masks_src_np = np.array(masks_src) plt.rcdefaults() colors =, 1, last_src_id)) for src_id in range(0, last_src_id): plt.scatter(X_transformed[masks_src_np == src_id, 0], X_transformed[masks_src_np == src_id, 1], label=src_names[src_id], color=colors[src_id], alpha=0.25, marker=',') plt.legend(loc="best", shadow=False, scatterpoints=1) # Random subset if args.subs: masks_db_tup = [] for idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): masks_db_tup.append((idx, mask, masks_src[idx])) # Many random subsets, top groups subs_size = args.subs_k subs_count = args.subs_n groups_cnt = {} subs_data = [] subs_data_mark = [] dsrc_num = last_src_id + 1 # Take subs_count samples fro the input masks_db, evaluate it, prepare for PCA for i in range(0, subs_count): masks = random_subset(masks_db_tup, subs_size) src_total_match = comp_total_match_dict([x[1] for x in masks], st) res = key_val_to_list(src_total_match) total = 0.0 for tup in res: total += tup[1] # data vectors for PCA tmp_data = [] for idx, tmp_src in enumerate(st.sources): val = src_total_match[tmp_src] val = long(math.floor(val * (1000.0 / total))) tmp_data.append(val) # PCA on groups. # if want PCA on sources, use subs_data.append(tmp_data) subs_data.append(tmp_data) # res_grp_val = st.res_src_to_group(zip(st.sources, tmp_data)) # subs_data.append([x[1] for x in res_grp_val]) subs_dsources = {} max_dsrc = (0, 0) for dsrc in [x[2] for x in masks]: if dsrc not in subs_dsources: subs_dsources[dsrc] = 0 subs_dsources[dsrc] += 1 for dsrc in subs_dsources: if subs_dsources[dsrc] > max_dsrc[1]: max_dsrc = (dsrc, subs_dsources[dsrc]) tmp_mark = max_dsrc[0] if max_dsrc[1] == subs_size: tmp_mark = max_dsrc[0] else: tmp_mark = last_src_id subs_data_mark.append(tmp_mark) for tup in res: src = tup[0] score = long(math.floor(tup[1] * (1000.0 / total))) if score == 0: continue grp = st.src_to_group(src) if grp not in groups_cnt: groups_cnt[grp] = score else: groups_cnt[grp] += score if src not in groups_cnt: groups_cnt[src] = score else: groups_cnt[src] += score # Equalize group sizes for grp in st.groups: grp = grp.lower() if grp in groups_cnt: groups_cnt[grp] /= float(st.get_group_size(grp)) # best group only # best_src = res[0][0] # best_grp = st.src_to_group(best_src) # if best_grp not in groups_cnt: # groups_cnt[best_grp] = 1 # else: # groups_cnt[best_grp] += 1 print('Combinations: (N, k)=(%d, %d) = %d' % (subs_count, subs_size, scipy.misc.comb(subs_count, subs_size))) sources = st.groups values = [] for source in sources: val = groups_cnt[source] if source in groups_cnt else 0 values.append(val) bar_chart(sources, values, xlabel='# of occurrences as top group (best fit)', title='Groups vs. %d random %d-subsets' % (subs_count, subs_size)) # PCA stuff X = np.array(subs_data) pca = PCA(n_components=2) pU, pS, pV = pca._fit(X) X_transformed = pca.transform(X) subs_data_mark_pca = np.array(subs_data_mark) print('Sources: ') print(st.sources) print('PCA input data shape %d x %d' % (len(subs_data), len(subs_data[0]))) print('PCA mean: \n%s \nPCA components: \n' % pca.mean_) print(pca.components_) print('PCA components x: ') for x in pca.components_[0]: print x print('\nPCA components y: ') for y in pca.components_[1]: print y # print('\nPCA U,S,V') # print(pU) # print(pS) # print(pV) colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'gray', 'yellow'] plt.rcdefaults() for src_id in range(0, dsrc_num): plt.scatter(X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_id, 0], X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_id, 1], color=colors[src_id], alpha=0.5 if src_id < dsrc_num - 1 else 0.2) plt.legend(loc="best", shadow=False, scatterpoints=1) # plt.scatter([x[0] for x in X_transformed], # [x[1] for x in X_transformed], # alpha=0.5) # PCA against defined sources with known distributions? # Creates "background distribution" we want to match to if args.pca_src: # Four axes, returned as a 2-d array plt.rcdefaults() #f, axarr = plt.subplots(len(st.sources), 1) src_k = args.pca_src_k src_n = args.pca_src_n # prepare PDF ppdf = PdfPages('test.pdf') # todo-filenae-from-set sources_to_test = st.sources[20:25] + [ x for x in st.sources if 'micro' in x.lower() ] # compute for each source src_mark_idx = len(subs_data_mark) subs_data_src = subs_data subs_data_mark_src = subs_data_mark for src_idx, source in enumerate(sources_to_test): # cur_plot = axarr[src_idx] cur_plot = plt print('Plotting PCA source %s %d/%d' % (source, src_idx + 1, len(sources_to_test))) # Extend subs_data_src with draws from the source distribution for i in range(0, src_n): masks = [] for tmpk in range(0, src_k): masks.append(st.sample_source_distrib(source)) src_total_match = comp_total_match_dict(masks, st) res = key_val_to_list(src_total_match) total = 0.0 for tup in res: total += tup[1] # data vectors for PCA tmp_data = [] for idx, tmp_src in enumerate(st.sources): val = src_total_match[tmp_src] val = long(math.floor(val * (1000.0 / total))) tmp_data.append(val) # PCA on groups. # if want PCA on sources, use subs_data.append(tmp_data) subs_data_src.append(tmp_data) subs_data_mark_src.append(src_mark_idx) # PCA stuff X = np.array(subs_data_src) pca = PCA(n_components=2) pU, pS, pV = pca._fit(X) X_transformed = pca.transform(X) subs_data_mark_pca = np.array(subs_data_mark_src) colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'gray', 'yellow'] # plot input sources for src_id in range(0, dsrc_num): cur_plot.scatter( X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_id, 0], X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_id, 1], color=colors[src_id], alpha=0.5 if src_id < dsrc_num - 1 else 0.2) # plot the source stuff cur_plot.scatter( X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_mark_idx, 0], X_transformed[subs_data_mark_pca == src_mark_idx, 1], color='gray', marker='+', alpha=0.05) cur_plot.legend(loc="best", shadow=False, scatterpoints=1) cur_plot.title('Src [%s] input: %s' % (source, (', '.join(src_names)))) cur_plot.savefig(ppdf, format='pdf') cur_plot.clf() print('Finalizing PDF...') # plt.savefig(ppdf, format='pdf') ppdf.close() pass if args.distrib: # Plotting distributions for groups, to the PDF plt.rcdefaults() ppdf = PdfPages('groups_distrib.pdf') # Compute for each source range_ = st.masks range_idx = np.arange(len(st.masks)) for grp_idx, grp in enumerate(st.groups): cur_data = st.groups_masks_prob[grp] raw_data = [cur_data[x] for x in st.masks] cur_plot = plt logger.debug('Plotting distribution %02d/%02d : %s ' % (grp_idx + 1, len(st.groups), grp)) axes = cur_plot.gca() axes.set_xlim([0, len(st.masks)]), raw_data, linewidth=0, width=0.4) cur_plot.title('%s (%s)' % (grp, get_group_desc(grp, st))) cur_plot.savefig(ppdf, format='pdf') cur_plot.clf() # Print input data - per source max_src = max(masks_src) bars = [] for src_id in range(max_src + 1): axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([0, len(st.masks)]) map_data = {} for mask in st.masks: map_data[mask] = 0.0 for mask_idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): if masks_src[mask_idx] == src_id: map_data[mask] += 1 raw_data = [] for mask in st.masks: raw_data.append(map_data[mask]) b1 =, raw_data, linewidth=0, width=0.4) bars.append(b1) plt.title('Source %d' % src_id) plt.savefig(ppdf, format='pdf') plt.clf() # Group distribution + source: if args.distribmix: width = 0.25 range_idx = np.arange(len(st.masks)) # One source to the graph max_src = max(masks_src) cur_plot = plt for src_id in range(max_src + 1): bars = [] logger.debug('Plotting mix distribution src %d ' % src_id) map_data = {} for mask in st.masks: map_data[mask] = 0.0 for mask_idx, mask in enumerate(masks_db): if masks_src[mask_idx] == src_id: map_data[mask] += 1 raw_data = [] for mask in st.masks: raw_data.append(map_data[mask]) raw_data = np.array(raw_data) raw_data /= float(sum(raw_data)) for grp_idx, grp in enumerate(st.groups): logger.debug( ' - Plotting mix distribution %02d/%02d : %s ' % (grp_idx + 1, len(st.groups), grp)) # Source fig, ax = plt.subplots() b1 = + width, raw_data, linewidth=0, width=width, color='r') bars.append(b1) # Group cur_data2 = st.groups_masks_prob[grp] raw_data2 = [cur_data2[x] for x in st.masks] bar1 =, raw_data2, linewidth=0, width=width, color='b') bars.append(bar1) ax.legend(tuple([x[0] for x in bars]), tuple(['Src %d' % src_id, grp])) ax.set_xlim([0, len(st.masks)]) cur_plot.title('%s + source %d' % (grp, src_id)) cur_plot.savefig(ppdf, format='pdf') cur_plot.clf()'Finishing PDF') ppdf.close() pass if args.mixture: # # 1. Create mixture model = add discrete distributions to the package dists = [] alphabet = mixture.Alphabet(st.masks) taken_src = [] for src in st.sources: if 'openssl 1.0.2g' == src or 'microsoft .net' == src: pass else: continue print(' - Source: %s' % src) taken_src.append(src) probs = [] for m in st.masks: probs.append(st.sources_masks_prob[src][m]) d = mixture.DiscreteDistribution(len(alphabet), probs, alphabet=alphabet) dists.append(d) # 2. Create the model, for now, with even distribution among components. comp_weights = [1.0 / len(dists)] * len(dists) mmodel = mixture.MixtureModel(len(dists), comp_weights, dists) print '-' * 80 print mmodel print '-' * 80 # dump mixtures to the file mixture.writeMixture(mmodel, 'src.mix') # 3. Input data - array of input masks masks_data = [[x] for x in masks_db] data = mixture.DataSet() data.fromList(masks_data) data.internalInit(mmodel) print masks_data print data print '---------' # 4. Compute EM # if there is a distribution in the input data which has zero matching inputs, # an exception will be thrown. Later - discard such source from the input... print mmodel.modelInitialization(data, 1) print('EM start: ') ress = [] for r in range(10): mmodel.modelInitialization(data, 1) emres = mmodel.EM(data, 1000, 0.00000000000000001) ress.append(emres) emres = max(ress, key=lambda x: x[1]) # print mmodel.randMaxEM(data, 10, 40, 0.1) print emres # Plot plt.rcdefaults() # plt.plot(range(0, len(emres[0][3])), [2.71828**x for x in emres[0][3]], 'o') # plt.plot(range(0, len(emres[0][3])), emres[0][3], 'k') # for i in range(0, 5): print('-------') for idx, src in enumerate(emres[0]): print('- i:%02d src: %02d, val: %s' % (i, idx, src[i])) colors =, 1, len(taken_src))) range_ = range(0, len(emres[0][0])) bars = [] for idx, src in enumerate(emres[0]): b1 =, [2.71828**x for x in src], color=colors[idx]) bars.append(b1) plt.legend(tuple(bars), tuple(taken_src)) plt.grid(True) # for src in emres[0]: # plt.plot(range(0, len(src)), [2.71828**x for x in src], 'o') # # plt.grid(True) # # # # # plt.scatter(mask_map_last_x, mask_map_last_y, c='red', s=scale, alpha=0.3) # # plt.legend() # plt.grid(True) # # Chisquare for source in st.sources_masks: cn = st.sources_cn[source] # chi = chisquare() # gen = keys_basic.generate_pubkey_mask() # 2D Key plot if args.plot_key_dist: plot_key_mask_dist(masks_db, st)
def clustering(k, feature_cols, feature_domains, header, table, seeds, result_file): best_loglike = None best_model = None # Giant random seeding loop, data = mx.DataSet() data.fromArray(table) for r in range(1): # weights = np.random.random_sample(k) # weights_norm = weights / sum(weights) weights_norm = [1.0 / k] * k components = [] for i in range(k): products = [] for j in range(table.shape[1]): col_type = prep.get_col_type(feature_cols[j], header) col_id = feature_cols[j] if col_type == 'cat': vals = feature_domains[col_id].keys() cnt_vals = len(vals) rand_dist = np.random.random_sample(cnt_vals) dist = mx.DiscreteDistribution(cnt_vals, rand_dist / sum(rand_dist), mx.Alphabet(vals)) elif col_type == 'num': min_val = feature_domains[col_id]['min'] max_val = feature_domains[col_id]['max'] # mean = random.uniform(min_val, max_val) mean = seeds[header[col_id][0]][i] stdev = (max_val - min_val) / 2.0 / k dist = mx.NormalDistribution(mean, stdev) else: sys.exit(1) products.append(dist) comp = mx.ProductDistribution(products) components.append(comp) mix_table = mx.MixtureModel(k, weights_norm, components) print mix_table #loglike = mix_table.randMaxEM(data,1,50,50) #print loglike #print mix_table if not best_loglike or loglike > best_loglike: # best_loglike = loglike best_model = copy.copy(mix_table) #data.internalInit(mix) # mix_table.modelInitialization(data) # print best_loglike # print best_model labels = best_model.classify(data, None, None, 1) ## output clustering results # count cluster sizes on sampled data f = open(result_file + '.stats', 'w') cnt = {} for l in labels: cnt[l] = 1 if l not in cnt else cnt[l] + 1 for l in cnt: f.write('%s %d %f%%\n' % (l, cnt[l], cnt[l] * 100.0 / sum(cnt.values()))) f.close() mx.writeMixture(best_model, result_file + '.model') return best_model