def test_doc_dir_in_site_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join
        option = config_options.SiteDir()
        docs_dir = config_options.Dir()
        # The parent dir is not the same on every system, so use the actual dir name
        parent_dir = mkdocs.__file__.split(os.sep)[-3]

        test_configs = (
            {'docs_dir': j('site', 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': '.', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': '', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': j('..', parent_dir, 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'docs'},

        for test_config in test_configs:
            test_config['config_file_path'] = j(os.path.abspath('..'), 'mkdocs.yml')

            test_config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(test_config['docs_dir'])
            test_config['site_dir'] = option.validate(test_config['site_dir'])

                              option.post_validation, test_config, 'site_dir')
    def test_site_dir_in_docs_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join

        test_configs = (
                'docs_dir': 'docs',
                'site_dir': j('docs', 'site')
                'docs_dir': '.',
                'site_dir': 'site'
                'docs_dir': '',
                'site_dir': 'site'

        for test_config in test_configs:

            docs_dir = config_options.Dir()
            option = config_options.SiteDir()

            test_config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(
            test_config['site_dir'] = option.validate(test_config['site_dir'])

            option.post_validation(test_config, 'key')
            self.assertEqual(len(option.warnings), 1)
                "The 'site_dir' should not be within the 'docs_dir'")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_doc_dir_in_site_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join

        test_configs = (
            {'docs_dir': j('site', 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': '.', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': '', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': j('..', 'mkdocs', 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'docs'},

        conf = {
            'config_file_path': j(os.path.abspath('..'), 'mkdocs.yml')

        for test_config in test_configs:

            patch = conf.copy()

            # Same as the default schema, but don't verify the docs_dir exists.
            c = config.Config(schema=(
                ('docs_dir', config_options.Dir(default='docs')),
                ('site_dir', config_options.SiteDir(default='site')),
                ('config_file_path', config_options.Type(utils.string_types))

            errors, warnings = c.validate()

            self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
            self.assertEqual(warnings, [])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_doc_dir_in_site_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join

        test_configs = (
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': j('docs', 'site')},
            {'docs_dir': j('site', 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': '.', 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': '.', 'site_dir': '.'},
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': '', 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': '', 'site_dir': ''},
            {'docs_dir': j('..', 'mkdocs', 'docs'), 'site_dir': 'docs'},

        conf = {
            'site_name': 'Example',

        for test_config in test_configs:

            patch = conf.copy()

            # Same as the default schema, but don't verify the docs_dir exists.
            c = config.Config(schema=(
                ('docs_dir', config_options.Dir(default='docs')),
                ('site_dir', config_options.SiteDir(default='site')),

            self.assertRaises(config_options.ValidationError, c.validate)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate_config(self, config):
        """ Given a config with values for site_dir and doc_dir, run site_dir post_validation. """
        site_dir = config_options.SiteDir()
        docs_dir = config_options.Dir()

        config['config_file_path'] = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('..'), 'mkdocs.yml')

        config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(config['docs_dir'])
        config['site_dir'] = site_dir.validate(config['site_dir'])
        site_dir.post_validation(config, 'site_dir')
        return True  # No errors were raised
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_doc_dir_in_site_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join
        option = config_options.SiteDir()
        docs_dir = config_options.Dir()

        test_configs = (
                'docs_dir': 'docs',
                'site_dir': j('docs', 'site')
                'docs_dir': j('site', 'docs'),
                'site_dir': 'site'
                'docs_dir': 'docs',
                'site_dir': '.'
                'docs_dir': '.',
                'site_dir': 'site'
                'docs_dir': '.',
                'site_dir': '.'
                'docs_dir': 'docs',
                'site_dir': ''
                'docs_dir': '',
                'site_dir': 'site'
                'docs_dir': '',
                'site_dir': ''
                'docs_dir': j('..', 'mkdocs', 'docs'),
                'site_dir': 'docs'

        for test_config in test_configs:

            test_config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(
            test_config['site_dir'] = option.validate(test_config['site_dir'])

                              option.post_validation, test_config, 'key')
    def test_site_dir_in_docs_dir(self):

        j = os.path.join

        test_configs = (
            {'docs_dir': 'docs', 'site_dir': j('docs', 'site')},
            {'docs_dir': '.', 'site_dir': 'site'},
            {'docs_dir': '', 'site_dir': 'site'},

        for test_config in test_configs:
            test_config['config_file_path'] = j(os.path.abspath('..'), 'mkdocs.yml')

            docs_dir = config_options.Dir()
            option = config_options.SiteDir()

            test_config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(test_config['docs_dir'])
            test_config['site_dir'] = option.validate(test_config['site_dir'])

                              option.post_validation, test_config, 'site_dir')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def validate_config(self, config):
        """ Given a config with values for site_dir and doc_dir, run site_dir post_validation. """
        site_dir = config_options.SiteDir()
        docs_dir = config_options.Dir()

        fname = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('..'), 'mkdocs.yml')

        config['docs_dir'] = docs_dir.validate(config['docs_dir'])
        config['site_dir'] = site_dir.validate(config['site_dir'])

        schema = [
            ('site_dir', site_dir),
            ('docs_dir', docs_dir),
        cfg = Config(schema, fname)
        failed, warned = cfg.validate()

        if failed:
            raise config_options.ValidationError(failed)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    # HTML meta tags.
    # The name of the keywords to add to the HTML meta tags
    ('site_keywords', config_options.Type(str)),
    # The name of the keywords to add to the HTML meta tags
    ('site_description', config_options.Type(str)),
    # The name of the author to add to the HTML meta tags
    ('site_author', config_options.Type(str)),

    # The MkDocs theme for the documentation.
    ('theme', config_options.Theme(default='mkdocs')),

    # The directory containing the documentation markdown.
    ('docs_dir', config_options.Dir(default='docs', exists=True)),

    # The directory where the site will be built to
    ('site_dir', config_options.SiteDir(default='site')),

    # A copyright notice to add to the footer of documentation.
    ('copyright', config_options.Type(str)),

    # set of values for Google analytics containing the account IO and domain,
    # this should look like, ['UA-27795084-5', '']
    ('google_analytics', config_options.Type(list, length=2)),

    # The address on which to serve the live reloading docs server.
    ('dev_addr', config_options.IpAddress(default='')),

    # If `True`, use `<page_name>/index.hmtl` style files with hyperlinks to
    # the directory.If `False`, use `<page_name>.html style file with
    # hyperlinks to the file.
    # True generates nicer URLs, but False is useful if browsing the output on
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_schema():
    return (

        # Reserved for internal use, stores the mkdocs.yml config file.
        ('config_file_path', config_options.Type(str)),

        # The title to use for the documentation
        ('site_name', config_options.Type(str, required=True)),

        # Defines the structure of the navigation.
        ('nav', config_options.Nav()),
        # TODO: remove this when the `pages` config setting is fully deprecated.
        ('pages', config_options.Nav()),

        # The full URL to where the documentation will be hosted
        ('site_url', config_options.URL(is_dir=True)),

        # A description for the documentation project that will be added to the
        # HTML meta tags.
        ('site_description', config_options.Type(str)),
        # The name of the author to add to the HTML meta tags
        ('site_author', config_options.Type(str)),

        # The MkDocs theme for the documentation.
        ('theme', config_options.Theme(default='mkdocs')),

        # The directory containing the documentation markdown.
        ('docs_dir', config_options.Dir(default='docs', exists=True)),

        # The directory where the site will be built to
        ('site_dir', config_options.SiteDir(default='site')),

        # A copyright notice to add to the footer of documentation.
        ('copyright', config_options.Type(str)),

        # set of values for Google analytics containing the account IO and domain,
        # this should look like, ['UA-27795084-5', '']
        ('google_analytics', config_options.Type(list, length=2)),

        # The address on which to serve the live reloading docs server.
        ('dev_addr', config_options.IpAddress(default='')),

        # If `True`, use `<page_name>/index.hmtl` style files with hyperlinks to
        # the directory.If `False`, use `<page_name>.html style file with
        # hyperlinks to the file.
        # True generates nicer URLs, but False is useful if browsing the output on
        # a filesystem.
        ('use_directory_urls', config_options.Type(bool, default=True)),

        # Specify a link to the project source repo to be included
        # in the documentation pages.
        ('repo_url', config_options.RepoURL()),

        # A name to use for the link to the project source repo.
        # Default, If repo_url is unset then None, otherwise
        # "GitHub", "Bitbucket" or "GitLab" for known url or Hostname
        # for unknown urls.
        ('repo_name', config_options.Type(str)),

        # Specify a URI to the docs dir in the project source repo, relative to the
        # repo_url. When set, a link directly to the page in the source repo will
        # be added to the generated HTML. If repo_url is not set also, this option
        # is ignored.
        ('edit_uri', config_options.Type(str)),

        # Specify which css or javascript files from the docs directory should be
        # additionally included in the site.
        ('extra_css', config_options.Type(list, default=[])),
        ('extra_javascript', config_options.Type(list, default=[])),

        # Similar to the above, but each template (HTML or XML) will be build with
        # Jinja2 and the global context.
        ('extra_templates', config_options.Type(list, default=[])),

        # PyMarkdown extension names.
        ('markdown_extensions', config_options.MarkdownExtensions(
            builtins=['toc', 'tables', 'fenced_code'],
            configkey='mdx_configs', default=[])),

        # PyMarkdown Extension Configs. For internal use only.
        ('mdx_configs', config_options.Private()),

        # enabling strict mode causes MkDocs to stop the build when a problem is
        # encountered rather than display an error.
        ('strict', config_options.Type(bool, default=False)),

        # the remote branch to commit to when using gh-deploy
        ('remote_branch', config_options.Type(
            str, default='gh-pages')),

        # the remote name to push to when using gh-deploy
        ('remote_name', config_options.Type(str, default='origin')),

        # extra is a mapping/dictionary of data that is passed to the template.
        # This allows template authors to require extra configuration that not
        # relevant to all themes and doesn't need to be explicitly supported by
        # MkDocs itself. A good example here would be including the current
        # project version.
        ('extra', config_options.SubConfig()),

        # a list of plugins. Each item may contain a string name or a key value pair.
        # A key value pair should be the string name (as the key) and a dict of config
        # options (as the value).
        ('plugins', config_options.Plugins(default=['search'])),