Exemplo n.º 1
def train_rbm(tcfg, print_cost=False):
    """Trains and returns an RBM using the specified 
    # seed RNGs

    # Build RBM
    rbm = RestrictedBoltzmannMachine(tcfg.batch_size, 

    # initialize momentums
    weights_update = 0
    bias_vis_update = 0
    bias_hid_update = 0

    # train
    for epoch in range(tcfg.epochs):
        seen_epoch_samples = 0

        if print_cost:
            pl_bit = 0
            pl_sum = 0
            rc_sum = 0

        for x in draw_slices(tcfg.X, tcfg.batch_size, kind='sequential', 
                             samples_are='rows', stop=True):
            #print >>stderr, "%d / %d (epoch: %d / %d)\r" % (seen_epoch_samples, 
            #                                                tcfg.X.shape[0], 
            #                                                epoch, tcfg.epochs),

            # binaraize x
            if tcfg.binarize_data:
                x = sample_binomial(x)

            # perform weight update
            if tcfg.use_pcd:
                weights_step, bias_vis_step, bias_hid_step = ml.rbm.pcd_update(x)
                weights_step, bias_vis_step, bias_hid_step = ml.rbm.cd_update(x)

            if epoch >= tcfg.use_final_momentum_from_epoch:
                momentum = tcfg.final_momentum
                momentum = tcfg.initial_momentum
            weights_update = momentum * weights_update + \
                tcfg.step_rate * (weights_step - tcfg.weight_cost * ml.rbm.weights)
            bias_vis_update = momentum * bias_vis_update + tcfg.step_rate * bias_vis_step
            bias_hid_update = momentum * bias_hid_update + tcfg.step_rate * bias_hid_step
            ml.rbm.weights += weights_update
            ml.rbm.bias_vis += bias_vis_update
            ml.rbm.bias_hid += bias_hid_update

            seen_epoch_samples += tcfg.batch_size

            if print_cost:
                # calculate part of pseudo-likelihood
                pl_sum += gp.sum(rbm.pseudo_likelihood_for_bit(x > 0.5, pl_bit))
                pl_bit = (pl_bit + 1) % tcfg.X.shape[1]

                # calculate part of reconstruction cost
                rc_sum += gp.sum(rbm.reconstruction_cross_entropy(x > 0.5))

        # end of batch

        # save parameters
        save_parameters(rbm, epoch)

        # plot weights and current state of PCD chains
        plot_weights(rbm, epoch)
        if tcfg.use_pcd:
            plot_pcd_chains(rbm, epoch)

        if print_cost:
            # calculate pseudo likelihood and reconstruction cost
            pl = pl_sum / seen_epoch_samples * tcfg.X.shape[1]
            rc = rc_sum / seen_epoch_samples
            print "Epoch %02d: reconstruction cost=%f, pseudo likelihood=%f" % \
                (epoch, rc, pl)

    return rbm
Exemplo n.º 2
rbmutil.enter_rbm_plot_directory("mnist", cfg.n_hid, cfg.use_pcd, cfg.n_gibbs_steps,

# Build RBM
rbm = RestrictedBoltzmannMachine(0, cfg.n_vis, cfg.n_hid, 0) 
rbmutil.load_parameters(rbm, "weights-%02i.npz" % epoch)
#epoch = 99

# calculate statistics
seen_epoch_samples = 0
pl_bit = 0
pl_sum = 0
rc_sum = 0

for x in util.draw_slices(X, cfg.batch_size, kind='sequential', 
                          samples_are='rows', stop=True):
    print "%d / %d   \r" % (seen_epoch_samples, X.shape[0]),
    seen_epoch_samples += cfg.batch_size

    # calculate part of pseudo-likelihood
    pl_sum += gp.sum(rbm.pseudo_likelihood_for_bit(x > 0.5, pl_bit))
    pl_bit = (pl_bit + 1) % X.shape[1]

    # calculate part of reconstruction cost
    rc_sum += gp.sum(rbm.reconstruction_cross_entropy(x > 0.5))

# end of batch: evaluate performance of model

# plot weights
rbmutil.plot_weights(rbm, epoch)