class CPTVTrackExtractor(CPTVFileProcessor):
    Handles extracting tracks from CPTV files.
    Maintains a database recording which files have already been processed, and some statistics parameters used
    during processing.

    def __init__(self, config, tracker_config):

        CPTVFileProcessor.__init__(self, config, tracker_config)

        self.hints = {}
        self.enable_track_output = True
        self.compression = (
            blosc_zstd if self.config.extract.enable_compression else None

        self.previewer = Previewer.create_if_required(config, config.extract.preview)

        # normally poor quality tracks are filtered out, enabling this will let them through.
        self.disable_track_filters = False
        # disables background subtraction
        self.disable_background_subtraction = False

        os.makedirs(self.config.tracks_folder, mode=0o775, exist_ok=True)
        self.database = TrackDatabase(
            os.path.join(self.config.tracks_folder, "dataset.hdf5")

        # load hints.  Hints are a way to give extra information to the tracker when necessary.
        # if os.path.exists(config.extract.hints_file):
        if config.extract.hints_file:

    def load_hints(self, filename):
        """ Read in hints file from given path.  If file is not found an empty hints dictionary set."""

        self.hints = {}

        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            logging.warning("Failed to load hints file: %s", filename)

        f = open(filename)
        for line_number, line in enumerate(f):
            line = line.strip()
            # comments
            if line == "" or line[0] == "#":
                (filename, file_max_tracks) = line.split()[:2]
                raise Exception("Error on line {0}: {1}".format(line_number, line))
            self.hints[filename] = int(file_max_tracks)

    def process_all(self, root):
        if root is None:
            root = self.config.source_folder

        previous_filter_setting = self.disable_track_filters
        previous_background_setting = self.disable_background_subtraction
        for folder_root, folders, _ in os.walk(root):

            for folder in folders:
                if folder not in self.config.excluded_folders:
                    if folder.lower() == "false-positive":
                        self.disable_track_filters = True
                        self.disable_background_subtraction = True
              "Turning Track filters OFF.")

                        os.path.join(folder_root, folder), tag=folder.lower()

                    if folder.lower() == "false-positive":
              "Restoring Track filters.")
                        self.disable_track_filters = previous_filter_setting
                        self.disable_background_subtraction = (

    def clean_tag(self, tag):
        Removes all clips with given tag.
        :param tag: label to remove
        """"removing tag: %s", tag)

        ids = self.database.get_all_track_ids()
        for (clip_id, track_number) in ids:
            if not self.database.has_clip(clip_id):
            meta = self.database.get_track_meta(clip_id, track_number)
            if meta["tag"] == tag:
      "removing: %s", clip_id)

    def clean_all(self):
        Checks if there are any clips in the database that are on the banned list.  Also makes sure no track has more
        tracks than specified in hints file.

        for clip_id, max_tracks in self.hints.items():
            if self.database.has_clip(clip_id):
                if max_tracks == 0:
          " - removing banned clip %s", clip_id)
                    meta = self.database.get_clip_meta(clip_id)
                    if meta["tracks"] > max_tracks:
              " - removing out of date clip: %s", clip_id)

    def process_file(self, full_path, **kwargs):
        Extract tracks from specific file, and assign given tag.
        :param full_path: path: path to CPTV file to be processed
        :param tag: the tag to assign all tracks from this CPTV files
        :returns the tracker object

        tag = kwargs["tag"]

        base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(full_path)[1])[0]
        cptv_filename = base_filename + ".cptv""processing %s", cptv_filename)

        destination_folder = os.path.join(self.config.tracks_folder, tag.lower())
        os.makedirs(destination_folder, mode=0o775, exist_ok=True)
        # delete any previous files
        tools.purge(destination_folder, base_filename + "*.mp4")

        # read additional information from hints file
        if cptv_filename in self.hints:
            max_tracks = self.hints[cptv_filename]
            if max_tracks == 0:
            max_tracks = self.config.tracking.max_tracks

        # load the track
        tracker = TrackExtractor(self.tracker_config)
        tracker.max_tracks = max_tracks
        tracker.tag = tag

        # by default we don't want to process the moving background images as it's too hard to get good tracks
        # without false-positives.
        tracker.reject_non_static_clips = True

        if self.disable_track_filters:
            tracker.track_min_delta = 0.0
            tracker.track_min_mass = 0.0
            tracker.track_min_offset = 0.0
            tracker.reject_non_static_clips = False

        if self.disable_background_subtraction:
            tracker.disable_background_subtraction = True

        # read metadata
        meta_data_filename = os.path.splitext(full_path)[0] + ".txt"
        if os.path.exists(meta_data_filename):

            meta_data = tools.load_clip_metadata(meta_data_filename)

            tags = set(
                    for tag in meta_data["Tags"]
                    if "automatic" not in tag or not tag["automatic"]

            # we can only handle one tagged animal at a time here.
            if len(tags) == 0:
                logging.warning(" - no tags in cptv files, ignoring.")

            if len(tags) >= 2:
                # make sure all tags are the same
                logging.warning(" - mixed tags, can not process: %s", tags)

            tracker.stats["confidence"] = meta_data["Tags"][0].get("confidence", 0.0)
            tracker.stats["trap"] = meta_data["Tags"][0].get("trap", "none")
            tracker.stats["event"] = meta_data["Tags"][0].get("event", "none")

            # clips tagged with false-positive sometimes come through with a null confidence rating
            # so we set it to 0.8 here.
            if (
                tracker.stats["event"] in ["false-positive", "false positive"]
                and tracker.stats["confidence"] is None
                tracker.stats["confidence"] = 0.8

            tracker.stats["cptv_metadata"] = meta_data
                " - Warning: no tag metadata found for file - cannot use for machine learning."

        start = time.time()

        # save some additional stats
        tracker.stats["version"] = TrackExtractor.VERSION


        if not tracker.extract_tracks():
            # this happens if the tracker rejected the video for some reason (i.e. too hot, or not static background).
            # we still need to make a record that we looked at it though.
            self.database.create_clip(os.path.basename(full_path), tracker)
            logging.warning(" - skipped (%s)", tracker.reject_reason)
            return tracker

        # assign each track the correct tag
        for track in tracker.tracks:
            track.tag = tag

        if self.enable_track_output:
            self.export_tracks(full_path, tracker, self.database)

        # write a preview
        if self.previewer:
            preview_filename = base_filename + "-preview" + ".mp4"
            preview_filename = os.path.join(destination_folder, preview_filename)
            self.previewer.create_individual_track_previews(preview_filename, tracker)
            self.previewer.export_clip_preview(preview_filename, tracker)

        if self.tracker_config.verbose:
            num_frames = len(tracker.frame_buffer.thermal)
            ms_per_frame = (time.time() - start) * 1000 / max(1, num_frames)
                "Tracks {}.  Frames: {}, Took {:.1f}ms per frame".format(
                    len(tracker.tracks), num_frames, ms_per_frame

        return tracker

    def export_tracks(
        self, full_path, tracks, tracker: TrackExtractor, database: TrackDatabase
        Writes tracks to a track database.
        :param database: database to write track to.

        clip_id = os.path.basename(full_path)

        # overwrite any old clips.
        # Note: we do this even if there are no tracks so there there will be a blank clip entry as a record
        # that we have processed it.
        database.create_clip(clip_id, tracker)

        if len(tracker.tracks) == 0:


        # get track data
        for track_number, track in enumerate(tracker.tracks):
            track_data = []
            for i in range(len(track)):
                channels = tracker.get_track_channels(track, i)

                # zero out the filtered channel
                if not self.config.extract.include_filtered_channel:
                    channels[TrackChannels.filtered] = 0
            track_id = track_number + 1
            start_time, end_time = tracker.start_and_end_time_absolute(track)

    def needs_processing(self, source_filename):
        Returns if given source file needs processing or not
        :param source_filename:

        clip_id = os.path.basename(source_filename)

        if self.config.reprocess:
            return True

        return not self.database.has_clip(clip_id)

    def run_test(self, source_folder, test: TrackerTestCase):
        """ Runs a specific test case. """

        def are_similar(value, expected, relative_error=0.2, abs_error=2.0):
            """ Checks of value is similar to expected value. An expected value of 0 will always return true. """
            if expected == 0:
                return True
            return ((abs(value - expected) / expected) <= relative_error) or (
                abs(value - expected) <= abs_error

        # find the file.  We looking in all the tag folder to make life simpler when creating the test file.
        source_file = tools.find_file(source_folder, test.source)

        # make sure we don't write to database
        self.enable_track_output = False

        if source_file is None:
                "Could not find %s in root folder %s", test.source, source_folder
        tracker = self.process_file(source_file, tag="test")

        # read in stats files and see how we did
        if len(tracker.tracks) != len(test.tracks):
                "%s Incorrect number of tracks, expected %s found %s",

        for test_result, (expected_duration, expected_movement) in zip(
            tracker.tracks, test.tracks

            track_stats = test_result.get_stats()

            if not are_similar(
                test_result.duration, expected_duration
            ) or not are_similar(track_stats.max_offset, expected_movement):
                    "%s Track too dissimilar expected %s but found %s",
                    (expected_duration, expected_movement),
                    (test_result.duration, track_stats.max_offset),
      "%s passed", test.source)

    def run_tests(self, source_folder, tests_file):
        """ Processes file in test file and compares results to expected output. """

        # disable hints for tests
        self.hints = []

        tests = []
        test = None

        # # we need to make sure all tests are redone every time.
        # self.overwrite_mode = self.OM_ALL

        # load in the test data
        for line in open(tests_file, "r"):
            line = line.strip()
            if line == "":
            if line[0] == "#":

            if line.split()[0].lower() == "track":
                if test == None:
                    raise Exception("Can not have track before source file.")
                expected_length, expected_movement = [int(x) for x in line.split()[1:]]
                test.tracks.append((expected_length, expected_movement))
                test = TrackerTestCase()
                test.source = line
                tests.append(test)"Found %d test cases", len(tests))

        for test in tests:
            self.run_test(source_folder, test)
Exemplo n.º 2
class CPTVTrackExtractor(CPTVFileProcessor):
    Handles extracting tracks from CPTV files.
    Maintains a database recording which files have already been processed, and some statistics parameters used
    during processing.

    # version number.  Recorded into stats file when a clip is processed.
    VERSION = 6

    def __init__(self, out_folder):


        self.hints = {}
        self.colormap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
        self.verbose = False
        self.out_folder = out_folder
        self.overwrite_mode = CPTVTrackExtractor.OM_NONE
        self.enable_previews = False
        self.enable_track_output = True

        # normally poor quality tracks are filtered out, enabling this will let them through.
        self.disable_track_filters = False
        # disables background subtraction
        self.disable_background_subtraction = False

        self.high_quality_optical_flow = False

        self.database = TrackDatabase(os.path.join(self.out_folder, 'dataset.hdf5'))

        self.worker_pool_init = init_workers

    def load_hints(self, filename):
        """ Read in hints file from given path.  If file is not found an empty hints dictionary set."""

        self.hints = {}

        if not os.path.exists(filename):

        f = open(filename)
        for line_number, line in enumerate(f):
            line = line.strip()
            # comments
            if line == '' or line[0] == '#':
                (filename, file_max_tracks) = line.split()[:2]
                raise Exception("Error on line {0}: {1}".format(line_number, line))
            self.hints[filename] = int(file_max_tracks)

    def process_all(self, root):

        previous_filter_setting = self.disable_track_filters
        previous_background_setting = self.disable_background_subtraction

        for root, folders, files in os.walk(root):
            for folder in folders:
                if folder not in EXCLUDED_FOLDERS:
                    if folder.lower() == "false-positive":
                        self.disable_track_filters = True
                        self.disable_background_subtraction = True
                        print("Turning Track filters OFF.")
                    self.process_folder(os.path.join(root, folder), tag=folder.lower(), worker_pool_args=(trackdatabase.hdf5_lock,))
                    if folder.lower() == "false-positive":
                        print("Restoring Track filters.")
                        self.disable_track_filters = previous_filter_setting
                        self.disable_background_subtraction = previous_background_setting

    def clean_tag(self, tag):
        Removes all clips with given tag.
        :param tag: label to remove
        print("removing tag {}".format(tag))

        ids = self.database.get_all_track_ids()
        for (clip_id, track_number) in ids:
            if not self.database.has_clip(clip_id):
            meta = self.database.get_track_meta(clip_id, track_number)
            if meta['tag'] == tag:
                print("removing", clip_id)

    def clean_all(self):
        Checks if there are any clips in the database that are on the banned list.  Also makes sure no track has more
        tracks than specified in hints file.

        for clip_id, max_tracks in self.hints.items( ):
            if self.database.has_clip(clip_id):
                if max_tracks == 0:
                    print(" - removing banned clip {}".format(clip_id))
                    meta = self.database.get_clip_meta(clip_id)
                    if meta['tracks'] > max_tracks:
                        print(" - removing out of date clip {}".format(clip_id))

    def process_file(self, full_path, **kwargs):
        Extract tracks from specific file, and assign given tag.
        :param full_path: path: path to CPTV file to be processed
        :param tag: the tag to assign all tracks from this CPTV files
        :param create_preview_file: if enabled creates an MPEG preview file showing the tracking working.  This
            process can be quite time consuming.
        :returns the tracker object

        tag = kwargs['tag']

        base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(full_path)[1])[0]
        cptv_filename = base_filename + '.cptv'
        preview_filename = base_filename + '-preview' + '.mp4'
        stats_filename = base_filename + '.txt'

        destination_folder = os.path.join(self.out_folder, tag.lower())

        stats_path_and_filename = os.path.join(destination_folder, stats_filename)

        # read additional information from hints file
        if cptv_filename in self.hints:
            max_tracks = self.hints[cptv_filename]
            if max_tracks == 0:
            max_tracks = 10

        # make destination folder if required
            self.log_message(" Making path " + destination_folder)

        # check if we have already processed this file
        if self.needs_processing(stats_path_and_filename):
            print("Processing {0} [{1}]".format(cptv_filename, tag))

        # delete any previous files
        tools.purge(destination_folder, base_filename + "*.mp4")

        # load the track
        tracker = TrackExtractor()
        tracker.max_tracks = max_tracks
        tracker.tag = tag
        tracker.verbose = self.verbose >= 2
        tracker.high_quality_optical_flow = self.high_quality_optical_flow

        # by default we don't want to process the moving background images as it's too hard to get good tracks
        # without false-positives.
        tracker.reject_non_static_clips = True

        if self.disable_track_filters:
            tracker.track_min_delta = 0.0
            tracker.track_min_mass = 0.0
            tracker.track_min_offset = 0.0
            tracker.reject_non_static_clips = False

        if self.disable_background_subtraction:
            tracker.disable_background_subtraction = True

        # read metadata
        meta_data_filename = os.path.splitext(full_path)[0] + ".txt"
        if os.path.exists(meta_data_filename):

            meta_data = tools.load_clip_metadata(meta_data_filename)

            tags = set([tag['animal'] for tag in meta_data['Tags'] if 'automatic' not in tag or not tag['automatic']])

            # we can only handle one tagged animal at a time here.
            if len(tags) == 0:
                print(" - Warning, no tags in cptv files, ignoring.")

            if len(tags)>= 2:
                # make sure all tags are the same
                print(" - Warning, mixed tags, can not process.",tags)

            tracker.stats['confidence'] = meta_data['Tags'][0].get('confidence',0.0)
            tracker.stats['trap'] = meta_data['Tags'][0].get('trap','none')
            tracker.stats['event'] = meta_data['Tags'][0].get('event','none')

            # clips tagged with false-positive sometimes come through with a null confidence rating
            # so we set it to 0.8 here.
            if tracker.stats['event'] in ['false-positive', 'false positive'] and tracker.stats['confidence'] is None:
                tracker.stats['confidence'] = 0.8

            tracker.stats['cptv_metadata'] = meta_data
            self.log_warning(" - Warning: no metadata found for file.")

        start = time.time()

        # save some additional stats
        tracker.stats['version'] = CPTVTrackExtractor.VERSION


        if not tracker.extract_tracks():
            # this happens if the tracker rejected the video for some reason (i.e. too hot, or not static background).
            # we still need to make a record that we looked at it though.
            self.database.create_clip(os.path.basename(full_path), tracker)
            print(" - skipped ({})".format(tracker.reject_reason))
            return tracker

        # assign each track the correct tag
        for track in tracker.tracks:
            track.tag = tag

        if self.enable_track_output:

        # write a preview
        if self.enable_previews:
            self.export_mpeg_preview(os.path.join(destination_folder, preview_filename), tracker)

        time_per_frame = (time.time() - start) / len(tracker.frame_buffer)

        # time_stats = tracker.stats['time_per_frame']
        self.log_message(" -tracks: {} {:.1f}sec - Time per frame: {:.1f}ms".format(
             sum(track.duration for track in tracker.tracks),
             time_per_frame * 1000

        return tracker

    def needs_processing(self, source_filename):
        Returns if given source file needs processing or not
        :param source_filename:

        clip_id = os.path.basename(source_filename)

        if self.overwrite_mode == self.OM_ALL:
            return True

        return not self.database.has_clip(clip_id)

    def run_test(self, source_folder, test: TrackerTestCase):
        """ Runs a specific test case. """

        def are_similar(value, expected, relative_error = 0.2, abs_error = 2.0):
            """ Checks of value is similar to expected value. An expected value of 0 will always return true. """
            if expected == 0:
                return True
            return ((abs(value - expected) / expected) <= relative_error) or (abs(value - expected) <= abs_error)

        # find the file.  We looking in all the tag folder to make life simpler when creating the test file.
        source_file = tools.find_file(source_folder, test.source)

        # make sure we don't write to database
        self.enable_track_output = False

        if source_file is None:
            print("Could not find {0} in root folder {1}".format(test.source, source_folder))

        tracker = self.process_file(source_file, tag='test')

        # read in stats files and see how we did
        if len(tracker.tracks) != len(test.tracks):
            print("[Fail] {0} Incorrect number of tracks, expected {1} found {2}".format(test.source, len(test.tracks), len(tracker.tracks)))

        for test_result, (expected_duration, expected_movement) in zip(tracker.tracks, test.tracks):

            track_stats = test_result.get_stats()

            if not are_similar(test_result.duration, expected_duration) or not are_similar(track_stats.max_offset, expected_movement):
                print("[Fail] {0} Track too dissimilar expected {1} but found {2}".format(
                    (expected_duration, expected_movement),
                    (test_result.duration, track_stats.max_offset)))
                print("[PASS] {0}".format(test.source))

    def export_track_mpeg_previews(self, filename_base, tracker: TrackExtractor):
        Exports preview MPEG for a specific track
        :param filename_base:
        :param tracker:
        :param track:

        # resolution of video file.
        # videos look much better scaled up
        FRAME_SIZE = 4*48

        frame_width, frame_height = FRAME_SIZE, FRAME_SIZE
        frame_width =  frame_width // 4 * 4
        frame_height = frame_height // 4 * 4

        for id, track in enumerate(tracker.tracks):
            video_frames = []
            for frame_number in range(len(track.bounds_history)):
                channels = tracker.get_track_channels(track, frame_number)
                img = tools.convert_heat_to_img(channels[1], self.colormap, 0, 350)
                img = img.resize((frame_width, frame_height), Image.NEAREST)

            tools.write_mpeg(filename_base+"-"+str(id+1)+".mp4", video_frames)

    def export_mpeg_preview(self, filename, tracker: TrackExtractor):
        Exports tracking information preview to MPEG file.

        self.export_track_mpeg_previews(os.path.splitext(filename)[0], tracker)

        MPEGStreamer = MPEGPreviewStreamer(tracker, self.colormap)

        tools.stream_mpeg(filename, MPEGStreamer)

    def run_tests(self, source_folder, tests_file):
        """ Processes file in test file and compares results to expected output. """

        # disable hints for tests
        self.hints = []

        tests = []
        test = None

        # we need to make sure all tests are redone every time.
        self.overwrite_mode = CPTVTrackExtractor.OM_ALL

        # load in the test data
        for line in open(tests_file, 'r'):
            line = line.strip()
            if line == '':
            if line[0] == '#':

            if line.split()[0].lower() == 'track':
                if test == None:
                    raise Exception("Can not have track before source file.")
                expected_length, expected_movement = [int(x) for x in line.split()[1:]]
                test.tracks.append((expected_length, expected_movement))
                test = TrackerTestCase()
                test.source = line

        print("Found {0} test cases".format(len(tests)))

        for test in tests:
            self.run_test(source_folder, test)